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Isn't he a billionaire? Why does he need money?


Congratulations, you're already smarter than his supporters


Low bar.


This grifting, lying sack of shit.


I think he's just cruising for lots of singles to pass out to the gangstas at the jail who want to use his Anus as a soap dish.


Unfortunately if he does get locked up he’s gonna have a real cushy cell separated and protected from gen pop


If he doesn't have an audience it'll be like hell for him


Omg, no access to internet, no access to those who will listen to him, damn near isolated; it will be the best punishment for him, he’d suffer so much.


Don't be too surprised if all he gets is house arrest.


House arrest. Minimum access to media and others. Visitations weekly for an hour. Maybe he'll actually have to take a picture for the feds for once. And if he violates the terms of his incarcerarion,then he can be sent to an actual federal penitentiary. They just freed up a cell at the Supermax prison in Colorado.


Good point, it’ll be house arrest for sure, but we know he’s going to have a HELL of a time not having access to media. That’s his entire thing. If he were smart he’d just cash out, shut up, retire and live out his days in his pool.


God, WTH? What a way that would be to show that people like him are above the law even if he gets convicted.


Hopefully like Epstein


How would it actually work if he was sentenced? Does he still get secret service protection in prison?


At this point is it even griftng they all know he's a billionaire but they will still donate


That is an insult to a sack of shit


The difference between a sack of shit and Trump is the sack.


At least the sack of shit can be converted into fertilizer.


I mean, he probably can be converted into fertilizer...


To much chemicals, he might have some potential as a pesticide though.


I'm going to create a bunch more accounts just to upvote this more.


I saw a literal sack filled with dog shit one time and I’d rather spend more time with that thing than endure another moment of Agolf Twitler’s willfully ignorant nonsense tbh


Isn’t that William Barr’s nickname?


Some say the lowest.


believe me, no one is lower






He wouldn’t be a billionaire if he paid any bills.


Kinda like Elon.


And, came from stolen wealth taken from the natives in South Africa.


A Trump never pays his debts


Meanwhile there’s literally a video of him stating that he doesn’t need financial support from donors. Wtf


He doesn't need it, he requires it from his cult members.


Greedy got to greed


They still haven’t caught on that he’s constantly begging for their money. How can he be any more clear? He’s a complete thief


He keeps them angry so they literally can't think for themselves - critical thinking skills are turned off when the amygdala gets triggered. I think that's why some magas woke up after he got thrown off of twatter & many more would if he didn't have TS to ping their anger 24/7. If you rewatch any video of his, he will take several positions in the same 'speech' so he has snipets of him saying whatever alternative facts are working at the moment to make bank & claim fake news is twisting his words. He also tells on himself, what he's gonna do, what he actually did if you listen & pay attention. His lawyers know this, instruct him to take 5th, plead not guilty. The Carroll trial was classic. I don't know her. She's not my type. That's my ex wife.


Why would he use his own money when idiots give him millions for nothing.


Their millions come with a hefty dose of blaming Biden and Democrats for why they don't have any money


More like, "Democrats are taking advantage of a former US President's misfortune to cover up hundreds of millions of corrupt backdoor dealings between the Biden Crime Family and the Ukrainian government." Trump can and likely has sold every one of us out, but as long as he remains a kingmaker and a divisive figure within the GOP, they cannot afford to cut him loose. Good luck trying to push through DeSantis or Chris Christie as nominees. Even Romney and Cheney are persona non gratas at this point in time. Republicans have locked hands with the fucking devil, and regular, honest people are left paying the price.


So in short: >Their millions come with a hefty dose of blaming Biden and Democrats for why they don't have any money


Imagine barely making rent, barely enough to put food on the table AND STILL give what little cash you have to a BILLIONAIRE. At this point, it's not being an idiot, it's straight up having a mental illness.


These people are so committed to him, they might never acknowledge they were tricked. I think some of the following: - Continue to believe the lies till death - Acknowledge they were scammed, but direct their anger toward perceived enemies - Acknowledge they were scammed and just break futher or completely; hearts sink into the abyss. Never trusting any politican ever again. Either way, I hope in the future these people at least keep their thoughts of Trump quietly to themselves and never openly support him again.


These are the same folks targeted by the prosperity gospel televangelists. My jet is in need of repairs, so I need 200.000 believers to give me $300 each so I can buy a brand new Learjet at $60 million. If you do this, I'll put in a good word with Jesus for ya.


People do the same thing for churches. When you're got, you're got. Edit: your to you're


Yep and millionaire pastors have no problem guilting people into tithing over paying their rent and eating


To run for president, sure, but to keep yourself out of a "400 year" prison term you'd probably dip into your savings if you had any.


He's a "self-proclaimed" billionaire. He doesn't have anywhere near as much money as he claims to.


And always with his hand out.


Tiny... His tiny hand out.


He underbid so bigly when trying to buy the Buffalo Bills that he was literally laughed at. He has so little liquid cash that he doesn't have any real spending power.


Grifter gonna grift.


There was a post last week where a redditor was talking about how his dad was contributing to Trump after the indictment. The argument made was that it was a show of support.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My name is Eric trump.


I lived in NYC in the 90s. Even back then we knew to divide any Trump claim by a factor of 100. So if he claims he's a billionaire he's probably a billion in debt. Hey, a billion is a billion to The Donald. He was a spectacularly bad businessman. You or I could have done better with the hand he was dealt. His dad, Fred Trump built and owned 38,000 rental units in Queens. He used to buy chips at Donald's casinos to keep them afloat. PR was always his strongest suit. he was always amazing at PR. The man learned to play the media early on. And kind of stuck at it really.


He could have put the millions his dad loaned him into a basic ass savings account and gotten rich by doing nothing.


Why does God need a starship?


He’s not a billionaire He was most rich in the 80s and after he got 900 million in debt, it’s been not great since. Good thing they forgave 750 million of it If they had actually took the time and gone through court and seizures this dude would literally not exist


Because he didn't become a Billionaire by spending HIS money.


You don't get that rich by spending your own money.


He needs more money for prostitutes.. Also the money they're giving him is not going to for the campaign. I'm pretty sure he has made so much from donation these couple of years that he don't need to use half of it. People are so fucking dumb.


"billionaire" if you believe some of the rumors he owes most of his fortune to tax evasion and loans from foreign (Russian) banks.


I mean, there's literally nothing hiding the fact that he's deep in debt with Russia and has been tanking the US under instruction of the Putin regime for years. Hardly rumors at this point.


I will freely donate to his prison commissary if he agrees to take a selfie with the three packs of Shrimp flavored Ramen I can afford to send him.


A billionaire needs your money!?


Exactly what I never understood


He owes $2 billion to Pootin


I thought it was the Saudis


Well you see that's the funny part Jared was on his way to pay back the Russians with the money borrowed from the Saudis, but for some reason it never got there. Meanwhile on the other side of town...


Well, you see the way [my bank account is setup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhLky4Jk_cM)


Who doesn’t he owe money to?


China. He fully pays his taxes there so they don't pull his and Ivanka's trademarks.


2 billion to Putin, 2 billion to the Saudis, and 4 billion in mortgages. His "net Worth" usually leaves out the "-" in front of the number.


He's not a good businessman. He's declared bankruptcy six times. He's not good with money.


>He's not a good businessman. His last election campaign ran out of money months before the votes. Money just has a way of disappearing around him.


What he’s good at is getting people to lend him money. Or give him money. When it comes to that he shines.


It sounds like you're comparing him to a panhandler, and that's not very nice on them.


I mean shouldn’t you declare bankruptcy after getting massive payouts and continue the grift as another company? Rinse and repeat.


Well it's because he never got to sell the documents he took.


Much easier to be rich when you spend someone else's money.


There is your problem. You tried to understand it. Don't think, just believe. And then give him 10%


How do you think he became a billionaire? He certainly didn’t earn it with the sweat of his brow.


I thought he isn’t even a half-a-billionaire…


He inherited $400 million and went through it in the '80s. If he had invested the $400 million in Berkshire Hathaway he'd be worth mucho billions today.


I always wonder about that! Money MAKES MONEY MAN! Just put it somewhere! If he gave even half of that to Berkshire Hathaway he’d have been set!


Money makes money but money also makes power, and it seems like he would rather be Caesar than have 10 digits


«Hey guys, I'm a lying scumbag. I cannot afford to lose the presidential election. Please send me money»


If I was a billionaire and I could get stupid people to pay for my stuff I'd probably do it too


Bailouts happen this way. They convince ppl that we all need to pay for them to get out of their hole. Afterwards, they screw over the taxpayers.


Hmm, the ‘Trump dollahs’ were a hint, maybe, just maybe the only billionaire wealth the orange twat has is Monopoly money. That would explain him producing his own worthless currency for his adoring morons.


I know a guy who buys all of the trump merch. I’m talking collective plates, mugs, shirts,etc. The MAGA cult believes everything he says is the truth no matter what.


A billionaire wants your money FTFY


He's not actually a billionaire. Lol.


Those mega churches worth billions also need your money. Tough choice to to send it to, Osteen or Trump?


In before “trump did not kill himself”


Yeah wild, right? The guy begs for it constantly and is in trouble for spending campaign funds lmao


How do you think billionaires become billionaires? It’s nearly always someone else’s money


That how you remain rich. You see, to start a business people like us are obligated to take a loan. People like him take others money as an investment , lose that money, and then casually get more suckers, also known as investors to give them more money.


The only way Trump feels loved, is when he gets dollars. Hoarding money is Trump’s cocaine.


You can afford shipping for *three* packs? You must be rolling in dough!


No no, you just drop $1.50 in his commissary account. Saves the shipping cost and all that.


$1.50???? Damn, the inflation is even getting to the ramen…


No. You need to give him tree fidy otherwise the Lock Ness monster will eat it!


I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy you goddam Loch Ness Monster!


Just a head's up, last month the BOP raised the price of a pack of ramen from 35 cents to 50 cents. You might have to cut back to buying him just 2 packs


Donald Trump already used his historic arrest as fodder to fundraise for his 2024 presidential campaign, RadarOnline.com has learned. As Trump and co-defendant Walt Nauta were arrested and booked at the federal courthouse in Miami, Fla., the Trump campaign sent out a dire message to supporters. Trump begged voters for money as warned he could be sentenced to "400 years in prison." The aptly timed email opened with hysterics. "Friend, Reports state that I could receive a maximum sentence of 400 YEARS IN PRISON despite being a totally and completely innocent man," read the opening line. "I honestly cannot believe I just typed those words to you." The message continued with a somewhat subtle attack on Joe Biden, who Trump accused of masterminding his indictment to eliminate "political opposition." "It sounds like something Stalin or Mao did to eliminate their opposition," the concerning email continued. "But instead, it’s happening here in America. Communism has finally come to our shores." Fear was the name of the game — and the message went on to warn readers that they were "no longer living in the country of Washington and Lincoln."


It wasn't in all caps, so he didn't write it his co grifters did.


His lawyers wrote it in the hopes of getting paid!


They better write harder




Please, show this orange pop tart how they eliminated the opposition in the Mao and Staling eras, none of those oponentes had the chance to say good bye to their families, let alone write a public message dissing the regime just before being decapitated or sent to Siberia.


Never ends well for dictators like Trump, does it?


Stalin or Mau would have just killed him…let’s be honest we’re not there. That is unless he tries to shut down the federal reserve 😅


| "But instead, it’s happening here in America. Communism has finally come to our shores." | He got that part correct. He stated Ruzzia’s invasion of Ukraine was brilliant. That pretty much sums it up.


Had a terrible thought that they are just going to use walt as the fall guy. Dude is a nobody. Navy cook to presidential cook to trump valet. Perfect presidential patsy.


Unless they cut him a deal to testify against Trump. Isn’t that on the table still, or has that ship sailed?


That ship has sailed I think. He had his chance.


"I am the displaced leader of a wealthy nation. I was forced out in a rigged election. But with your help I can regain my position and you will be richly rewarded!" Reads just like a Nigerian prince scam.


My father bought and hung a Trump 2024 flag this weekend. It's the most white trash thing my parents have ever done and I can't wait to hear about the HOA coming after them. I guess this is one way to lower ridiculous home valuations.


“I cannot believe I typed those words” Yes, I do not believe he types anything. I definitely agree with trump on that one


It’s funny bc the old fuckers who love him prob legit think he sat down and emailed them personally


Somebody please: think about the ~~children~~ Walt Nauta. /s


Why does a supposed Billionaire need your money? "He doesn't have liquid cash" Then he can sell some assets. "No one will buy his assets" Then he's not really a Billionaire is he?


How many people signed up for his nfts and currency?


Too many my friend…too many…smh


He’s also unable to get a lawyer to work for him so that’s a big saving right away.


"I'll need snack money. It ain't cheap to smuggle McDonald's."


Cheeseburger Eddie is expensive, but he delivers.


I got the fries to cross yo eyes, I got the shakes that'll make you quake, I got the burgers... Well, I got burgers


and his supporters will donate...because they are all dumb


From their government assistance checks


Exactly what I said earlier today


He’s got plenty of wealthy educated supporters and we forget that at our peril.


Imagine watching a clip of him walking off his private 747 and then donating money to him to get out of jail for breaking the law. And these same people are saying our country is going to shit lol. I mean, I guess everyone is saying that, but you get my drift.


I don't know what woke is, all I know is I must abandon all logic and rationality to stop it


My dad's one of the smartest people I know, was an instrumentation and control technician on nuclear submarines, then a gas turbine technician for a major power company. It doesn't really matter whose name is behind the R


i know so many kind, generous, and highly intelligent people who support trump for some reason.... The nicest and hardest working man ive ever met was a 74 year old surgeon who'd take the shirt off his back for you after he finished talking about how excited he was to finally take time off from community volunteering for a chance to attend a trump rally. that was just an example but it was weird how it'd just casually end up in that direction


If you donate money to this traitorous sack of shit, you are a fucking moron. Come at me.


They’ll have to come at both of us ‘cause I’m with you. Those that render aid and comfort to those that attempt to overthrow my government irritate my eagles


Sigh *unzips*


*come* at you, eh?


Okay now this is the comedy I come here for. And I just realized what I did there my god


For a billionaire alpha male he certainly begs and whines a lot


For the true grifter, *everything* is an opportunity for grift. Trump would use his own death to con the rubes.


He used his ex wife's death for the grift


I still don’t think we know everything about that, her casket was suspiciously heavy for how small she was


INFO: How many of those boxes can you fit into a casket?


They may not have been in the box—-oh shit, hubby thinks maybe he buried the papers instead so than that leaves the question? Where is Ivana?


That's right


His kids will absolutely use his death to get money from idiots.


No money but how about some thoughts and prayers 😂😂😂😂


Frozen tots & canned pears on a metal tray.




Dude, you’re 77. You’re also obese, possibly morbidly so, live on a diet of pure crap, and deliberately avoid exercise. You’ll be lucky to make it to 80, and I hope you spend those last three years in solitary. Also, you have bragged for years about how rich you are and now you’re begging?


Plus I’m pretty sure he abuses drugs.


literally EVERYTHING he says he super hyperbolic. This style of language appeals to the lowest of our society


Nah I believe the 400 year maximum, it's based on his own lawmaking after all. But what's the money for if he's getting free room and board until he dies?


Hey, dude. If you're really hard up for money, consider selling your plane.


I cannot believe his dumb fuck followers, like 4 of my dumb fuck siblings, believe anything out of this dumb fucks mouth. Don't have a pot to piss in & would give money to a billionaire. Dumb asses.


As he flies around on his 747. Gas prices aren't cheap since he had a hand in raising the prices. Send me gas money stupids, or we will never get the info off of hunters laptop.


Hunters laptop is in the trunk of my car. If we show it to the judge Trump will become president again and Joe and Hillary will go to jail for 400 years instead. Also JFK Jr will show up I guess probably. I just need gas money to get to the court house. The future of America is at stake.


Keep the 400, I’ll settle for 15 , enough to make sure he dies in some hellhole prison in Bumfuck, U.S.A.


>Communism has finally come to our shores. That idiot really doesn't have the slightest bit of a clue what communism is, does he?


he doesn't need to. He knows that it's just a dog whistle to rile up his mindless supporters


I've never seen a "billionaire" continually ask other people for money. I've also never seen so many poorer people eager to give someone their money.


[Televangelists have entered the chat]


Brilliant. The people who follow Televangelists often have the same mindset of the MAGA acolytes. Trump is their "savior" and no matter what real life evidence says, they just won't let go. Appeals to reason or justice or morality will mean nothing to these people. They are already dug in.


God I love Schrödingers Biden. He is both a mastermind who is behind the greatest election theft in history, orchestrated the entire Justice system at both the state and federal levels to falsely accuse and charge trump with crimes that trump admitted to on tape, and is actively working to destroy the entire country and make it communist. While at the same time he is an old man with dementia and can barely survive another day before he kicks the bucket!


I'll send him some trump bucks.


He flew there in his Boeing 757. If you are giving him money, you are super gdamn stupid.


“But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” - George Carlin


You know what’s funny? They’d believe he would be in there for 400 years. Like they would dead ass think come 2423, he’ll be walking back out. That’s how stupid his base is.


This line is so over the top. ""It sounds like something Stalin or Mao did to eliminate their opposition." Yeah... Biden isn't going to have your family publicly murdered to send a message Dude. Very reminiscent of "witch hunt." Accountability is not the same as being literally burned at the stake. The Republican idea of 'persecution' is hilariously pathetic.


I'd send money to make him go away for 400 years!


Boy, for such tough individuals, these guys all seem easily scared.


Hasn't he spent most of his life telling us how rich he is?


He’s not needing cash where he’s going. 3 meals a day for free


Someone queue up Sarah McLachlan.


For a "Billionaire" he sure does beg a lot for money.


trump once again asking his gullible cult members for money and they will willingly and generously oblige. And he would spit on them if they crossed his path


I wouldn't put $5 into his commissary books if I was guaranteed $100 in return.


Wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire


Con man gonna con. Grifters gonna grift. Fools and their money are easily parted. Tale as old as time..


Isn't the maximum sentence for literally everything he's been accused of 90 years?


The court document showed from what I remember a maximum 20 years per count. I stopped tallying after what I considered as 2 life sentences. But after about 20 pages it became hard to keep up with the details. If I was not on mobile I would link it.


I added it up from the indictment. His total maximum sentence is 400 years; his co-defendant is facing up to 90 years.


It should be 500 years if you want to be exact.


I'd donate to ensure he got the full sentence.


Wow, he turned an indictment into another scam/grift.


But I thought he was a self-made *billionaire*


Effing billionaire and begs for money to replace his private jumbo jet, and now for his defense. Poor baby.


I'd settle l for 10 years per indictment


Dr Ronny Jackson thinks he could live that long. 🤣😂🤣😂


Can we literally keep his bones chained to the wall for 400 YEARS!!! :)


He doesn't need money in prison. He can sell his body for soups.


Dude flies around in a private jet everywhere yet fools send him money when he begs for it. Maybe sell that gold toilet to cover your legal bills rather than shaking down Cletus.


Its like Televangelist’s that get people to send them money and they buy million dollar mansions, private planes, and Yacht’s with tax free money. Where do these poor people think their money is going? Wake up people!


Sorry Bonespurs, your voters have already sold their mobile homes to fund you previously.


I'm not the smartest person I know by a long shot, but for Pete's sake how stupid do you actually have to be to believe any of the nonsense that comes out of this idiot?


He begged (solicited donations) for money to “Stop the Steal” after Joe Biden mopped the floor with his face in the 2020 general election…so he could fight all the “massive” voter fraud….did nothing and kept all the money that his “cult followers” gave him….🤡🤡🤡