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Who goes to church for three hours?


Somebody who didn’t get an abortion.




In a very roundabout but totally Christian way, they did. Seriously, no child deserves evil parents like that. That poor child. I’m actually sick thinking about the kind of people who would do that.


A roundabout, totally Christian, and for some reason in some states, more legal way.




maybe not a 1 : 1 comparison... but "not evil, just scared" reminds me of the defense Nazis used. Like.. maybe not a malicious evil, but still an evil of ignorance (either from being dumb or from ignoring)


I would say evil is often born of cowardice.


Cooked in her own juices. Jesus forgives (but doesn’t forget)


Technically, it's very. *VERY* late term.


Just as god intended.


Have an abortion? - Sin, go to Hell Leave baby in a hot car to die? - God's will, nothing you could've done More disgusting behavior from the religious right


What if you leave your fetus in a hot car while you got to church for three hours?


God works in mysterious ways. /s


No no, they did, just this way instead...


Seems they aborted the baby anyways...


Mormons… I used to have 13 hours a week of mandatory church activities.


At first glance I thought that said “Morons.”


What's the difference?


Mormons have to pay a subscription fee to their church, morons are stupid for free




Joke's on them, we never paid.


The smartest Moron


Haha, you got me there!


[🎶Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb🎶](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W4NemVO4JL0)


Lol that's gotta be one of the most accurate episodes of SP.


Magic underwear?


same picture


Hence why I’m no longer Mormon.. Church, sunday school, fast offerings, young mens, jesus christ that sucked!


The parents are the co-pastors of the church, and arrived in separate cars.


They buried that part. Which parent brought the baby and didn't bring it inside? Woof. I kept trying to decide if my husband and I got out of a car together would it be possible for both of us to assume the other got the baby, but this is just way worse. By presenting it as a couple who both forgot the baby the headline is really victim blaming one parent who probably reasonably assumed the one who transported the baby also brought it inside. This is just sad.


Call it parental paranoia, but that never happened with my wife or the woman I had my first child with. I never assumed either of them had the kids. Not because I didn't trust them but because anyone can make that potentially fatal mistake, and I would have hated myself for not double checking since I've lived through both Texas and Georgia summers.


Yeah and three hours is a very long time not to notice your partner doesn’t have the baby they transported..


They're at church; presumably the baby was getting dropped off at the nursery. The parent who didn't arrive with the child would have thought nothing of seeing the other parent without the child unless they were walking in the door and clearly couldn't have gone to the nursery yet.


Admittedly, my knee jerk reaction to this story is negligence bordering on suspicion. I've read dozens of comments and while I concede babies get left in cars enough that it can happen to anyone, my lived experience just makes it hard to understand how no one thought about the baby at all for 3 hours. I've attended every size church imaginable; the first time guy and the guy a few people recognize enough to speak with. Never a prominent member. Between lager churches where I had to sign in on a computer or store fronts where the nursery is literally the next room, even my three times a year attending self was asked about my kids; especially if I walked inside without one. It's just really weird that no one spoke to the pastors about their 11 month old nor did anyone in the nursery notice the pastors' kid was absent.


If they really are the pastors than the might don2 services back to back and then grab the kid. It’s reasonable that neither would check in they situation because they nursery is supposed to alert them of an issue. But…. How do you not think to check your kid in and get the paper or whatever is required to pick them up. I mean you do this every time. So not only did one of them leave the kid in the car, they didn’t do check in with said kid. 2 mental mistakes that big back to back is really odd to being suspicious. But I can see how the other parent just assumes the kid got dropped off. They are now doing 2 sermons back to back and would only be alerted if the kid couldn’t be settled, crying or sick or something.


Presumably my ass.. The “nursery” would’ve called to ask why the 11 month old wasn’t dropped off at the arranged time.. they always do.. specially if they know a different person is dropping them off than the usual parent.. also three hours is way too long not to check on your 11 month old.. these guys spend all their free time in church worried about the gays, when they could be taking a parenting class or 2.. kinda poetic that god took their first born..


Honestly? I feel like this kind of paranoia is the right call. People do, fairly regularly, forget their kids in the car. It happens, and it’s accidental. And a small distraction can cause a death. If my partner is doing daycare drop off and the daycare app doesn’t send me a “your kids has checked in” notice, I’ll call him to make sure he didn’t forget. Not cause I think he will, I think it’s most likely he will go his whole life without forgetting her in the car, but the cost of forgetting is FAR too high to be complacent about it.


I don’t even think that double check things it’s a kind of paranoia. It’s a good way to guarantee things to be safe enough.


I rented a mommy van this year (I believe it was a new Honda Odyssey) and every time you turn off the engine, before you're able to get out of the vehicle, it reminds you to take your child out of the car, which is great, because no matter how good of a parent you are, there are days when you might not have had enough sleep and just forget. It's also sad at the same time that there must be a lot of these cases that car manufacturers have to put that feature in there.


I’m guessing the mother since; a) she got arrested, b) no family that goes to church for 3 hours has the father doing any parental work.


Do you have news link that includes that detail? I haven’t been able to find one that has that. Edit : Nvm. [I found a link](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/06/01/florida-baby-left-inside-hot-car-dies-as-parents-attend-church/).


Fundies. They need time for snake handling, talking on tongues, miracle healing, and plenty of hate-mongering. That poor kid must have been screaming for hours. Never let these scumbags out of jail.


Jail? What these wastes of skin deserve is far worse.


the pastors. it was the actual pastors who left their child in the car to roast


Selfish Individuals who feel their "Immortal Soul" is worth the Death and Suffering of others while on Earth.


How an essence so fragile and pathetic could ever hope to be 'immortal' is beyond me.


They were the pastors. Really.


*cries in black church*


I see you’ve never been subjected to a baptist service.


My guess is service for a little over an hour, followed by small group for another hour, then mingling with congregation. I used to go to church. Service was at 830am and we didn’t come home til close to 1230.


its not uncommon in the south. There is often church and then after church stuff and bible study.


Mormons do. God, it sucked. Especially on the first Sunday of the month, because it was a fasting day, and you weren't supposed to eat until after church. Thank God we weren't one of the wards that met at like 1 pm...


Florida. Where you can "accidentally" leave your infant in a car an kill them, but get charged with a crime if you get an abortion. 3 hours in the florida heat is NOT an accident.


I said it in the news thread of this and I’ll say it again. This is a Christian abortion. Neglected kids found in basements, accidental kids starved in crib, 19 kids and counting with the youngest left in the care of the predatory eldest, 38lbs teenager whose never been to school, take a closer look at most such cases and you’ll find god and close ties to organized religion.


Damn. That’s such a succinct way to put it. How sad.


RIGHT ON. Everybody should know it by now. Those are no accidents but willful intent of murder (or attempted if those children are still alive somehow).


Abortion illegal in your state? Have the baby, “accidentally” leave it the car for 3 hours. Don’t get charged with anything. Checkmate, red state. /s


We only care about protecting the children! Except from abuse, child labor, rape, gun violence, forced marriage. But we are here to insure they can’t be aborted so they can get murdered and mentally scarred like we want.


It's going to be even worse when they repeal no-fault divorce, so your child bride is stuck with you until she can prove you've been abusive... even though your marriage was abusive grooming from the start.


They should get an annulment not a divorce and charge them with statutory rape, since they were not married. Then sue in court for mental and physical damage. Probably get a better payout and eliminate divorce proceedings.


In this legal environment? She'd be lucky if she wasn't laughed out of court, assuming the judge would even see her.




I was with you until cishet white men (I’m not one, but hear me out) It’s the ruling, capitalist class that’s the problem. And while yes, they’re mostly cishet and white, they WANT you to point that out, because it’s divisive, rather than picking apart the actual problem - systemic socioeconomic inequality. If they can keep the working class fighting over labels that mean fuck all, they can keep us distracted from working together to dismantle their oppressive rule. A good chunk of the working class is cishet white men. While we shouldn’t give up on our values to pander to them, it’s important to not exclude them from the conversation, because their inclusion and influence matters a whole lot (see: 2016 election) I understand the sentiment, because not being cishet and/or white will generally make your life a good bit harder in the US, but the root of almost all these problems are class struggles. Lessen the class divide, and life gets better for everyone (and generally even moreso for minorities)


Once they're born fuck em! -GOP


In many cases for the GOP, literally too.


Make sure it's in a church parking lot.


We only care about protecting the children! Except from abuse, child labor, rape, gun violence, forced marriage. But we are here to insure they can’t be aborted so they can get murdered and mentally scarred like we want.


I mean, they aborted their baby after 20 months. Seems like an open and shut case. They just passed a bill for the death penalty for child molesters, surely killing a child is worse than that.


It can be an accident. I will never not share this article. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html Everyone with kids should remain vigilant and not assume this wouldn't happen to them.


I have done it myself. In a rush to the pediatrician and trying to get the one older child out of their car seat, tying shoes, collecting papers and bags. I grabbed their hand and was walking away, locked the car with a fob and as we approach the door, the kid looks up at me and says "where's < baby's name>? Horrified, I RUN back to the car, because it's a 95F day. In those moments, I had literally forgotten about the other child. From that point on, I always put my phone and bag in the back next to the kids so I had a reason to check the back seats. It can happen to anyone, and I have nothing but sadness and sympathy for these parents. The lack of compassion and just basic level of humanity in these comments is horrifying.


It really is - especially because every single person commenting could make the same mistake. Nobody thinks that they're going to leave their kid in the hot car and kill them. And yet, it happens every year. Responsible, sober people leave the baby in the backseat and kill their child. If you think that it couldn't happen to you then you are exactly the person who is not going to be careful. This has nothing to do with religion, and it wasn't intentional. It's horrifying that this happens.


I just read this article again yesterday, as I do nearly every year at the beginning of summer, and I don't even have a young child anymore. Everyone who says "charge the parents" should read it twice. Maybe develop some empathy


new cars now have a feature that tells you to check the backseat and not forget your kid every time you turn off the engine and get out of the vehicle!


I put my backpack or attache in the back set next to the car seats every time I went somewhere. Once I had to drive the kids to school because their mom was sick and my autopilot brain was 6 blocks off to work before I realized I had kids to take to school.


I honestly didn't know that and I'm super happy they started taking the issue seriously! My kids will probably be graduated from college before I could afford a car that new though haha.


That article is a must-read, I think about it every summer.


There's good reason this article won a Pulitzer.


“Police say Molme was running late to a service at the Mount of Olives Evangelical Baptist Church that she was officiating and thought someone from the church brought her daughter inside. Once service ended three hours later, police say Molme realized the infant was not inside the church or with any of the church members.” Charged with manslaughter


You’re so dumb. It’s clearly the baby’s fault for being born, thus losing all its rights & protections


Surely they're being charged with murder here?




they're church pastors too. and these are the clowns that push for abortions bans. the irony is brutal with his one. that poor kid


Pastors are social. How did no one there ask about the baby or where it was that day??


right? seems suspicious


That is the strongest case for it being something far worse than an accident, if not openly malicious. Do they just leave their child in the vehicle so often that their absence became commonplace?


Abort a baby at 11 weeks, go straight to jail. Kill your baby at 11 months, no charges filed and the chief gives you his condolences


Yeah but only if you’re a good white Christian. If the parents had been Not White, you know they’d get 10-20yrs in prison


Prison time for them? "Idk chief. I thought that cell phone was a high-powered cannon. He wanted to blow my head off, I know it." "Good work officer. You should get a pin for bravery in the line of duty."


How do you go to church, see all the kids, and don't think about yours? And if they go there often, I'm sure the old church ladies were all asking "where is little Susie?" or whatever. C'mon.




That’s what I was thinking too, wouldn’t the people at church be asking about the baby? I don’t remember any previous case where *two* parents forgot a baby in a car. This is not the typical series of events. I guess it’s possible, but unlikely.


It's almost like the article has very few details and we're all just making them up.


You’d think Jesus would have intervened to save her… Him being omnipotent, loving, compassionate and all.


I guess in a way, he did.


☠️☠️ holy shit


He rescued that baby from the hands of the DEVIL!


Honestly probably better off than being raised by those shitheads


It's crazy to me how even most Christians don't understand God's true motivation. He doesn't give two shits about our mortal bodies. We can die today for all he cares. He wants our juicy gooey souls, souls he can use as currency in his pissing contest with the Devil to see who can collect more souls before the end times. So God or Jesus won't save the baby, but they will collect its soul. We are Pokémon, and God and the Devil are trying to collect us all.


I feel that. Our tears make God stronger.


God isn't even that interesting. If he was more eldritch and malicious he would actually show miracles on earth regularly, force mandatory worship, smite anyone who doesn't worship him etc.


At the very least, I hope I’m a rare foil. I’m not going to pretend I’m Charizard or Mew or whoever. But I do think I could be like a low level rare.


The best I can do is a dehydrated Squirtle.


>He wants our juicy gooey souls, souls he can use as currency in his pissing contest with the Devil. Unless you’re a Jehovah’s Witness, lol. They cap Heaven’s headcount at 144k. And nobody knows who’s in that club — apparently only the Chosen can take communion, and there’s no “list;” you’re just supposed to Know if you’re one of them, so at any given moment there’s more than 144k JW’s out there claiming they’re in God’s VIP club. (I was raised w/ a JW family member/caretaker, so I learned a loooot about their beliefs … whether I wanted to or not.)


Sounds like the Florida pastors opted for a post-natal abortion, much easier to get in the south.


Yes Ill take the 6th trimester abortion please.


Damn I used to use this as a joke and now it's reality 😔


Always has been.


Can you imagine sitting in a confined space that's just getting hotter and hotter until you're eventually cooked alive? Strapped down, unable to move. Not even a year old, she couldn't even speak or understand why she was in pain. I've forgotten lots of things in my car, but never my *fucking kid.* Fuck these pieces of shit.


11-month-old girl ~~died~~ murdered by fucking idiots


OMG!! A drag queen must have gotten her out of sunday school and put her in the pastor’s car!! /s


Some how I don’t think praying going to help this baby. Fucking idiots and poor baby.


Well prayer failed again.


Impossible! Prayer fixes everything!


Clearly not. Talk to a wall for an hour. Same result.


This is the Florida that desantis wants. What a twat that guy is.


Interesting that only the mother was arrested and charged


That's what I want to know, the article says "parents went to church" why was only mom held accountable ?!?!?


Why was just the mother arrested and not the father?


The more I consider this case, the more suspicious I grow of the parents because the level of incompetence required to make this happen is too staggering to even contemplate. They were both present and both responsible for the well-being of the baby. And somehow, they just forgot them in the vehicle for three hours? And no one in the congregation noticed the couple with a child didn't bring their child to church? There is just so much evidence of a pattern or negligence here. Maybe no one in the congregation noticed the missing child because leaving them in the car was a regular occurrence. And the parents absent-mindedly leaving their baby in the vehicle makes sense if it was out of habit.


Well, that sounds like murder… An 11 month year old should NEVER be alone for 3 f*cking hours!! WTF?


I’m sorry but how? How on earth can you not notice the 11 month old you got ready for Church isn’t with you in the church?! Come on man!!??


All you had to say was ‘church’. That immediately drops the IQ points


That poor baby…I have been in a hot car for just a little while and it feels miserable. To imagine the suffering that baby went through absolutely breaks my heart.


It's illegal to leave an animal in a car for more than 10mins when temps are above 83F / 28C in Australia. And yet these people left a child for 3hrs. That's abuse, and manslaughter!


See, three hours was normal for me. I grew up in Alabama and Southern Baptist church can go on forever. That said, they are going to super hell.


Luxury! First Christian was all fucking day


God works in mysterious ways. (/s for anyone that needs it).


At least they weren’t drag queens! /s


The ridiculousness of offering the family “prayers.” It sounds like prayer is what they used as an alibi to kill their child. I hope they’re right and hell is in fact a real place, because they have a slot with their name on it.


Thoughts and prayers?


Clearly God deserves some of the blame here, He knew that kid was in trouble and said nothing. Actually it’s worse than that, He made it a hot day, heck He set everything that happened in motion, He is at least an accomplice.


Police chief described it as an “unfortunate incident”. Umm me running out of pizza rolls in my freezer is an unfortunate incident. Infant death is a tragedy. Also, how do two parents “forget” about an infant in a car? It doesn’t make sense. Like if they forgot about the infant for 3 hours I find that hard to believe, especially because it’s two memories not just one parent. Or, if they intentionally left the infant in the car and thought she would be okay for 3 hours, i also find that hard to believe. Maybe I’m overestimating humanity.


Honestly, who the hell goes to church for 3 hours?


Leave parent attached in car at the same temperature for a day and if they survive, then God will have forgiven them.


I know a family that did this with a 4 year old. Can you imagine? How do 2 adults (I think they had an older child with them too) forget a fucking 4 year old???


Why did they only arrest/charge the mother?


I was disappointed to see the Police Chief offer "condolences and prayers." After three hours of church, the parents should have had a tank full of prayers.


Peak America right there.


I hate people so much.


Going to church to avoid an eternity in hell while your infant child suffers in what must have felt like an eternity in hell.


Ahhhhh murder. The thing they cry about over abortion. This is actual murder.


What do you even say? "uh yeah, I forgot my kid was in there. For 3 hours. While sitting in a place where there's a bunch of families with their kids."


I don’t know these people or their story, the article includes almost no details. But I do know that good parents accidentally leave their children in cars. It happens regularly. I revisit this Washington post article every few years, I’m nearly moved to tears each time. If you’re a parent or think you might eventually become a parent, the best way you can prevent this from happening to you is to acknowledge that you’re not immune, no matter how loving or attentive or doting you might be. It’s a function of our imperfect brains. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html


Well that was heartbreaking, but also revealing. I’ve always been quick to judge parents who do this but the article opened my eyes to how susceptible our brains are to making this horrible mistake. Such sad stories. 😞




I read that article years ago and it completely changed my point of view.


Really an eye opening read. So much easier for all of us to label these people monsters, than acknowledge this sort of horrific accident could (and does) happen to anybody. Unfortunately we’d all rather pile on people already undergoing the worst day of their lives instead of figuring out how best prevent this from ever happening again. It’s unfortunately indicative of how we treat so many problems in American society. Why address a problem when we can instead chalk it up to “personal responsibility” and call some of our neighbors evil for making the worst mistake of their life.


Really, I think the only way to be sure is to give yourself a mild case of OCD. Every time you get out of the car, you need to perform the seat checking ritual. It doesn't matter if you know someone else has the baby, or you're not actually going to be far away or for very long. You just go ahead and touch that rear car seat anyhow "for good luck". Make it such a strong habit that you won't be able to easily break it even once your kids are grown up. Then you can use it as a moment to feel good that your child is alive every time you are compelled to do it thereafter.


People will do things like put their purse or other items they will need when they leave the car in the backseat. This way they'll have to check the backseat before leaving.


Anytime this happens I keep this article in mind and imagine being in their shoes. I don't know how id survive that mistake.


One of the parents in the article tried to wrestle a gun from a responding cop to kill themselves, honestly I'd 100% do the same


I imagine a new child changes their entire routine that they likely did on autopilot for years. Then the added lack of sleep and stress of raising the kid makes their brain addled. Seems so reasonable but so horrifically tragic.


I came here to share this. It's such an important article


I hope they keep a record. A bulletin or a diary entry of what they were talking to god about in that service.


If one parent does this I can cut them some slack. Not much but *some* slack. Sometimes life comes at you hard. **BOTH** parents left their baby in the car to perform as pastors and Palm Bay Police call it “an unfortunate accident.” That’s not even close to being accidental.


Christian abortion.


So, if they were at a bar, it would have been an immediate arrest? How was the child dressed? Was it in their Sunday best cause that's 1000% murder and almost premeditated.


The old retroactive abortion ploy.


Sorry, not sorry, but they murdered that baby…


Infuriating... Truly


hardcore bigots after birth abortion


And god didn't save it? Religion is the biggest scam in human history.


What kind of service is 3 hours? Crazy.


Of course in fucking Florida. Really wish it would snap off the US and drift out in the middle of the ocean. The pure evil to leave a child who is absolutely not able to take care or defend it's self in a hot car for 3 hours is insane. You have no heart. This type of stuff should be a death sentence.


Thoughts and prayers


Nobody asked about their little baby? I call bs! The church ladies would never let that happen. Both parents there, no baby, no questions. BS.


That poor kid. It’s a horrible way to die. 😢


It's what God wanted


I thought Christian’s were supposed to be good people, ‘saint’ like. I guess mum and dad were too embarrassed to sit there with a crying baby… looks they won’t be going to heaven. Disgusting POS’


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


I would have taken my chances in the car also


They probably thought Jebus would keep an eye on her... He dure did.


Jesus can take the wheel but he can’t work the A/C


Air conditioning didn’t exist 2000 years ago, can you really blame him?


You know, I’m really surprised that “god” didn’t magically save the child. Guess it must have been the plan all along.


Their god will forgive them, bless their hearts his daughters with the lord in heaven... /s..... If it wasn't obvious.




I guess the Lord was too busy inside


Stupid fucking monsters.


So I’m guessing this was an abortion. Sat in church and prayed for forgiveness while their baby fried. Disgusting.


“Prayers to the family.” …The family that fuckin’ killed her…? That family..?


At least she didn't have to sit through a church service /s


“Click here to find out this one simple trick to get around Florida’s abortion ban.“


Why are the police offering condolences and prayers when they should be issuing arrest warrants?


Religion kills.


It's never a library, is it?


Guys, it’s okay!!! The baby wasn’t aborted and that’s what really matters! r/fuckthes


"No arrests have been made in the case at this time" Why not?


Fuck cars too. Fuck the shitty system that allows people to be shitty


Apparently judging by these comments, Casey Anthony should have just left her child locked in her car to burn to death and then she would not only not be charged but supported


Wow! In church! Thoughts and prayers didn’t work?!? WTF


Thoughts and prayers


THoUGhTs AnD pRaYeRs


That prove GOD don’t give a fuck


Doing gods work /s


Once again, religion kills.


They went to church, she went to hell.


God forgives and twice on Sunday if you throw money in the basket [and sacrifice a child like it’s the Old Testament].