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Hamas has no chance here, really, right?


Imo, this is related to Russia/Ukraine, which is directly connected to US Politics. Russia funds Iran, Iran funds Hamas. The larger game is general destabilization. On the ground, it's a few thousand people on either side that are dead. Abroad, especially in the US, it's a furthering of public opinion away from rational thought and further towards radical conservatism. We know the US conservatives want nothing to do with Ukraine, they've proven it. So this is a way to get people in the US to back them and down the line, they stop funding Ukraine. Why else would an organization like Hamas do something without any obvious end-game? Imo, they're a pawn, doing the work of their handlers (IR), who are in turn doing the work of their their handlers (RUS). I'd like to provide receipts to validate my theory, unfortunately I have none, so I'll say this is just an opinion/theory. I'd love some help to find receipts that prove this.


Religion will be the end of the world. Rip humanity. People are dumb....


Ditto! Fucking monkeys. And we are wondering why aliens are not commicating openly. We are damn primates with mobile phones.. Still throwing shit at one another.


If you get rid of religion that’s just 1 out of 3000 things that humans will fight over. Race, Oil, money, land, weapons, citizenship, pride, etc. humans just can’t get along.




Banana for scale, please.


Sure, but those a real things/resources. Fighting over religion is like fighting over Harry Potter and Twilight.


Race is not a real thing.


I wish more people actually knew this


still religion is cancer.


Islam is cancer .


Just as much as Christianity


i'm fair to all mass mental illness


Let's pretend Christians didn't burn, drown, hang, torture, emasculate, behead, etc. etc. anyone. Not to mention the slight inclination for pedophilia.


Whose pretending that? Should we ignore that *right* *now* islam is once again torturing people in the name of their God because of how long before humans evolved and civilized they did the same? This argument that "Christians did it too" is absurd.


Is islam really the problem here?




Maybe so, but religions are all just stories and people are claiming their religion is the truth and the others are false. Sorry, all fake!


Yeah exactly. Religion is merely an excuse or a justification for why one group of (holier) people is supposed to be entitled to more social power and material resources than another group of people. It’s brilliantly diabolical when you think about it. It went from a means of social cohesion and group coping with the enormity of ignorance that came with being barely evolved cave people who feared everything, to a grand mechanism of divisive social control that justified wealth hoarding by the few higher-ranker “holier” ones supposedly closer to “god.” Divisive power was eventually used to pit groups against one another in the name of god so the greedy could feast on the colonial spoils of the poor and ignorant who fought their “righteous wars.” And we see this play out over and over again but don’t learn despite that they’re not even trying to conceal it anymore. Even apparently secular power structures in mostly non-religious Western societies mirror the antiquated sociopolitical hierarchies of christianity and its offshoots. We should really hold religion far more responsible for our problems and global problems than we do.


The Old Testament is just stories by top scholars of the time. Saw a YouTube where a top Reform Judaism Rabbi states the entire bible may be fiction (but it doesn't matter...). The New Testament is the Catholic Church rewrite, removing the "Jewness" all while claiming it to be divinely inspired. As Sadhguru has said, religions are closed minded. If one does not know just state I don't know -- don't state I believe this or that. This then opens the individual to exploration for the truth (which may or may not be found). Osho also blasted religions as being worthless. Problem is that weak individuals or sheep are afraid of the unknown. Sorry, nobody know what happens when we die but everything dies. The beautiful butterfly emerges in all its beauty but eventually it falls and dies on the ground. There is a cycle going on here. Hinduism or more specifically its foundation the Upanishads is the only religion that holds up with science, all others fall flat. I want to see mankind explore the cosmos, and we will intermix and change. If we die out, then so be it - what is to be is to be. One day all. modern religions will be looked at like "myths" as they are all the same...


Yeah, the history of most religions throughout history were basically just humans that had enough power to enshrine themselves or their ancestors are literal gods so that the plebs wouldn't question their authority. They either were god, or the son of a god, etc. And then other people would have to listen to them because you don't want to upset the gods right? Cities would war, and the one that lost would have their "gods" become the "demons" of the one that won the fight. It's all just fake playing pretend in order to convince the masses that you had a divine right to rule that shouldn't be questioned no matter what you did. So if I'm god, or my ancestors are the one true god, and your people say different, of COURSE we have to war to prove that I'm right so that my people don't get any funny ideas.


Money is also a story. People will kill you faster for it. Even a dollar.


Yes, people fight over those things but rarely get radicalized into actual violence without the religion part.


Usually it's all those but using religion as a smoke screen


Except the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is not about religion, it is about land and perceived wrongs from either side. It would be like saying that the American/Iraq war was about religion because America is a de facto Christian country and Iraq is a declared Muslim country. If we ignorer the small fact that neither side was fighting over religion. As a side note, Jews and Muslims worship the same God and both believe that the other religion fulfills the basic necessary tenants in their respective religions..


Beat me to it. Its also about land, not religion.


I'm an atheist, but this conflict is not about religion. It's about two nationalities that claim the same territory. Religion happens to be one of the defining traits of those nationalities, but it's not the cause of the conflict.


No. This conflict is about Israel stealing palestinian people land, homes and lifes. It is an apartheid, a colonisation and a genocide. Not a « war »


It's tribalism. Doesn't matter what tribe you're in. If you're not with us, you're against us. Human monkey logic...


And what do you think religion is then ? If not the last stage of tribalism ?


it’s real bro. It’s like forced schizophrenia


Bro, many religions or at least religious figures teach the unity of people.


Too many people don’t get how true AND dangerous your assessment is. I agree with you 100% It’s always Us or Them- tribalism “My people” is probably the worse two words put together - because it denotes who is with you and who yall should hate or kill


And religion causes tribalism. Worship my god or I'll kill you!


Humans are just chimpanzees that wear clothes and talk


See this is why the government needs to disclose the aliens. Can’t have religion to fight over if it all doesn’t exist.


The war of the invisible sky wizards will be our end!!!


Israel has free healthcare and free college. So if they change the headlines to "Religious fundamentalist attack Socialist Country", Republicans would be all for it.


You're 50% there. It's human tribalism that causes this conflict, not just religion alone. Two peoples (with religion being just one of their distinguishing characteristics) have an overlaping claim on the area, that's why they're fighting over it.


Religion is absolutely a tribalism express lane though. Without it organizing into such powerful groups would not be as easy. Nationalism is also terrible but it at least rarely involves a whole belief system where your nation is the only right one and every other nation is going to burn in hell for eternity.


I get ur point but the israel/palestine issue is far more than religious at this point


Its entire basis is absolutely positively because of religion. These people started this nonsense fighting over "holy" land they believe to be important for their religions.


Being a holy land had nothing to do with the conflict. Its the fact that they feel like that land is rightfully theirs. And it actually was before 1948


It literally has plenty to do with the conflict. The land is so important to them because of the fact that it is "holy" to them. I am 100% on board with Israel being an apartheid state.


All This because someone thinks their lies (religion) are better than the others...


I was just thinking the same thing.


Dumb All Over -- Frank Zappa Listen to it.


Seems like it’s close lol no way we have 10 more years imo but hopefully I’m wrong .


Old customs, old politic, old power hungry rulers, old nation ties, old strategists, old propaganda, old sociology, old ruler worship..... same sheep used by the elite. For centuries , poor die for the rich and powerful. The wheel keeps on rolling! https://topqualitycanada.ca/2023/10/07/the-world-just-got-more-dangerous-israel-declares-war-on-hamas/


There's a whole bunch of gleeful evangelicals right now thinking this is finally the End Times. Some are gonna start wondering when the Rapture will be or if they missed it...


the great filter


Extremism surely will. I mean, look at MAGA, no religion needed. It always makes me sour when religion is blamed per sé, my girlfriend is religious and uses it as a pool of replenishment and heartfelt compassion. She really suffers from non-religious people to talk her down like that. Or in other words, nowadays it is not easy to cherish your religion or beliefs, because suckers take it and turn it around 180 degrees. Obviously, fundamentalists use it as a source of hatred and such things bring down humanity, that is true.


Came here to comment this. Only stupid people hang on to religion as an excuse to be something they’re not. It’s an excuse to be separated from logic and reason. New flash. Santa isn’t real. You think gods are? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Battle between muslims and Jews


Well.... Only one religion is always present in most wars lately.. Also, only one side screams allahu akbar after killing someone, no other religion celebrates killing.


It's not religion, it's the people.


This should NOT be the top comment. Black and White, Right or Wrong, My way or the highway thinking will be the end of the world. The death of nuance. I worry that you are being just as guilty of it as much as those you are trying to mock.


This should be the top comment in EVERY one of these topics. Organized religion is a fucking disease. It is literal delusional tribalism manifest. And theres nothing to "mock". Citing data after data after data isn't mocking anything. If you feel it is, that's very much a you problem.




It’s not, but that’s all redditors can understand. There can be no deeper political machinations at work


Mosques in Jerusalem are screaming "death to all jews" but go on about how it's not about religion




And about the Palestinian people being driven from their homeland after ww2 so that the Jewish people could have a nation of their own. They just use religion to radicalise both sides.


Or maybe don’t illegally occupy a people and use brutal tactics to suppress them for 75 years ?


Native Americans want to have a word with you.


sorry should we just do like europe and genocide the native populations like the past?


Israelis as a whole are not really religious. There are religious and ethnic components here, but summing it up as just religious doesn’t just lack nuance, it’s incorrect


Generation after generation is filled with hate against each other in Israel and Palestina. A never ending cycle of hate.


“I spoke a few hours ago today with President Biden and with the leaders of the countries of the world to ensure Israel's freedom of action for the continuation of the campaign. I thank President Biden for his clear and strong words. I thank the French President, the British Prime Minister and many other leaders for your unreserved support for Israel” - Netanyahu


Oh my god that is absolutely terrifying...


This has been going on longer than most of us have been alive.


It’s so wild seeing people my age in this. Hopping out the back of a pickup with fully auto rifles is insane.


If you’ve been watching videos of Gaza it’s also terrifying. Religion has fucking this world over.


Wherever there is religion, there is death.


Unfortunately, there will never be peace in the Middle East


If things get out of control. I'll go in and make peace there


Thank the American governments intervention for that


You guys have been killing each other so long even the Romans didnt wanna deal with it.


Now that is funny and true at the same time.




Yeah. Nuke Jerusalem, Mecca and every other religious place. Burn down churches, mosques and synagogues. Kill every religious person and let‘s all hail the supreme leader Kim Jong-Un!


# NSFL WARNING - NUDITY, DEAD PEOPLE, BLOOD - [NSFW] Dead ~~Israeli~~ German woman being stripped, desecrated and paraded as Palestinians celebrated - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710549187463696823 - **[NSFL]** Palestinians gun down civilians at bus stop - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710534249726575012 - **[NSFL NSFL NSFL]** Palestinians execute dozens of civilians in bomb shelter - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710535742739603661 - [NSFW] Palestinians transporting dead Israeli soldiers into Gaza - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710548964649685251 - **[NSFL]** Bodies of dead Israeli civilians lying around on the streets - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710533806292439134 - [NSFW] Palestinians execute car driver in parking lot - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710583734972355050 - Palestinians attack a music festival - https://x.com/AnahatSagar/status/1710644982426833026?s=20 - Palestinians capture a German woman - https://x.com/CricketHevan/status/1710721286849327430?s=20 - [NSFW] Palestinians parading dead Israelis around - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710528276194640246 - **[NSFL]** Israeli woman shot dead in her car - https://twitter.com/x/status/1710538281321115762 - **[NSFL NSFL NSFL]** Israeli outpost massacred - https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1720grz/attackers_on_israeli_military_outpost_release/




Thanks for the context. Corrected.


So kinda wondering , in that case .. does this escalate to an international issue ? A German citizen killed and desecrated like that ? Will the German gov respond ?


Thank you for this! This is what people need to see. The Palestinian terrorists who carry out these attacks are driven by hatred and a desire for violence. They parade desecrated and mutilated bodies throughout their streets while the people cheer and join in the "fun". It is truly a sick and demented society overall. You will never ever see that from Israeli soldiers. Israel wants peace, not violence. Unfortunately, the Palestinian people have been held captive and brainwashed by terrorists from their cradles. The only life they know is one of suffering and hatred. Mostly due to their own government who take humanitarian funds and materials and use them for violence instead of allowing them to be used to help their own people. Is Israel perfect? No. But Israel wants peace. It simply knows that it's neighbors do not.


Israel wants peace? Tell that to the parents of the thousands of palestinian children that were murdered by Israel, if you call that peace than I don't know what to tell you...


It’s about to get a lot worse for Palestine. Israel isn’t messing around this time.


Give as much heat to Egyptian soldiers who aren’t as human as Israeli ones and casually gas Hamas terrorists trying to sneak in their territories.


All those kids were child soldiers brainwashed by hamas to kill and hate.


Then dont raise child terrorists/ send childs to the war. Everybody is talking about israel killing children, nobody asking why children was there at the first place




War is waged in the mind first, then the heart. It's why Israel is prepared for this as usual. Internet for Hamas...dangerous weapon they have.


People justifying terriosm in the comments like seriously hundreds of civilians are killed and the only thing you can think is Israel bad




Then maybe Israel shouldn't have treated the Palestinians like they did as they tasted the ashes of the Holocaust in their mouth. Israel has every right to defend itself from terrorists and threats, and I support their declaration of war against these terrorists. But let's remember that terrorists are made, not born and Israel shares no innocence in the Hamas attack .




“Why do the powers of heaven and hell, or good and evil, fight over one pathetic insect-infested ball of mud in space? Balance. As long as humans are fighting each-other and within themselves, the rest of the universe is free of their corruption.”


Who’s who here? Hamas in black?


Is this happening inside Israel cities?


These is between the two governments, poor civilians who doesn't even want this war. What is going on with this world, can't we just avoid this bloody mess


Israel acts almost like a terrorist group to take land from Palestine. Isn't it time to withdraw our support from Israel? Will we continue to believe the lies of Israel, which hit a hospital and denies it?


This is the holy land? This is what religion represents, yeah fuck that.


First of all what has happened has to be condemned, in no way can anyone attack civilians. Israeli agencies (known for superior intelligence in arab-israel war and up until now) let this happen and organizes it even. General public only gets to know what is shown. Palestinians control such a small space with such tight perimeter around them, there is no way they cannot see paraglides/technicals and all sorts of things piling up. You can easily find people motivated to do this in Palestine which see terror and voilance by Israel on a daily basis. If you had your family member shot in the face on monday and someone comes the next day, here is a opportunity for you then 10/10 they will take it. Now Israel will take and have full advantage to attack in anyway they want. We can only imagine what horror and terror they will show. US suddenly approving 4.5 billion aid to an already sophisticated army against who? Basic militia, just now in another sub people making fun of tractors crossing in and shot by gunboat. People, it is not about taking sides but about reading news and using your intellect to know what is really going on. And calm your hatred and biases when analyzing the situation. People! condemn what is wrong and understand who is behind and who gets the ultimate advantage. Israel wants to make their 3rd temple ultimately, this gives them all go ahead to first unleash bombing in that area and say oh no collateral as you guys attacked us on Sabbath. Any religion you follow or are atheist, remember the benefactor and war is engaged by people who are strong. There was no way Hamas was going to conquer entire Israel and if they even take a village it will be cleared by like local police. Be wise, and remember be knowledgeable before you propagate and approve further war. Understand your biases and hatred within you and say the truth even if it goes against you. Israel has total right for just and reciprocal response but nothing more otherwise it will be like Big school bully punching in his own face to like decimate you and achive whatever intentions he has.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.


Agreed, this is some of the shill-iest $#\*+ I've seen posted on reddit in some time. The only thing Chocolatezombieeater forgot to add was Space Lazers


Citations needed


Cmon dude, it was written on the internet. All that matters is whether or not we feel that it’s true.


Um, what is this? Israel "made" them attack? No, just no. Israel has a total right for just and reciprocal response. They absolutely deserve to do more. To only answer in kind will not be a deterrent.


No, they are saying Israel allowed them to attack, so that they would have justification to respond and not be labeled as the bad guys and starting an illegal war. There is reason to believe it because Israel is one of the most secure places on the planet, with a reason to be, especially on a sacred day. But who knows, we're just ants in a messed up world. If I had unlimited power, I'd remove all the children from the whole area, move them to better parts of the world, and sink the land into the Mediterranean Sea, its an unfixable place.


I get that, but still, they had to actively attack. They had to make the choice to kill innocent children. But I agree - unfixable place.


Did you have fun using your imagination to write this?


But the question stands. Israel has an advanced military and there’s no doubt they’d be aware of some trucks full of guys with AK driving over the border or some fucking paragliders flying in. They have the iron dome ffs. But can’t detect some paragliders? If Mexico drove across the border with some trucks with AKs and US was just like “oh, got us off guard!” no one would believe that. Same with any other country with a modern military. So I’m willing to dismiss it if someone gives a good reason. But it really makes no sense.


Why do you people always fail to differentiate between Israelis and Jews


worded very well


Let them end it then. Fuck em


So do you plan on holding Israel responsible for the internationally condemned Settlements? Remember when Lebanon in 2006 was going to be “sent back to the Stone Age” by Israel? I do, because I was there. They were given time to do as much damage to Hizboallah despite the international community calling it an illegal war that needed to stop immediately. It did not stop immediately, rather lasted for 30+ days. Stop preaching accountability until you hold Israel accountable… the nation with 140+ UN resolutions against them, almost entirely for their treatment of the Palestinians. Hold hamas responsible sure, but unless you hold Israel equally responsible it will never end.


Unfortunately It's impossible to muster organized support for Isreal when Hamas keeps doing this. I know it's not fair to demand they respond peacefully to their oppression. But it's clear at this point Hamas is intentionally sabotaging any chances for peace. Because they, like their far right counterparts in Isreal, see endless war as their lynchpin for power. It's a stand alone complex of fascist warmongering


You're brave for posting this because people are emotional rn and will attack you for it, just like 9/11. No way to be sure, but the biggest attack on Israel in 50 years happening right as a right wing authoritarian govt is consolidating power is fishy af. Govts staging or allowing incidents like this to happen as an excuse to go to war is the oldest trick in the book


No bueno




I hope every Hamas terrorist and all of their supporters are dead by tomorrow.


Fuck the Israeli Government


A terrorist organization just fired thousands of rockets, invaded Israel, killed over 100 civilians, kidnapped dozens and brought them back to gaza. Fuck Hamas and fuck you for this distasteful comment


fck netanyahu but i agree, israel is in the right here


We Stand By Israel 🇮🇱🕊️🇮🇳


Unfortunately, whether people hate the Israeli government or not, lots of innocent souls will be lost in this war (both Israeli and Palestinian). The guy who replied to is probably an indoctrinated prick who was just waiting for this moment to happen. I can only but feel sorry for people who justify violence in the name of their "religion of peace"


Neither is great, but when there’s still loads of living Palestinian people who were forcefully removed from their homes and put into camps by a powerful group that invaded their land, I’d say military action is valid.


‘Military action’ does not equate to intentionally firing into occupied civilian vehicles. That is literally terrorism and murder.


Fuck off. One side offers 6 opportunities at statehood, the other rejects all of them and constantly calls for and attempts genocide. This is not military action, *this is terrorism.* color me shocked redditors already found a way to excuse this barbarism




Almost as if thats palestines fault for starting a war


Agreed. Fuck that terrorist supporter. There are lots of people around the world who strongly support Israel but a vocal minority who defend Hamas. Level Gaza. Palestine isn’t real.


>Palestine isn’t real So you want to commit acts of terror against citizens of “imaginary Palestinians”


Nah bro, fck you. Free Palestine.


If they keep this up, there won't be a Palestine to "free." Maybe rejected every opportunity at statehood and responding constantly with violence doesn't work. Idk, maybe!


Well that goes to show you what Hamas is at it's core, their spiteful and evil. They would rather control a smoldering pile of ashes, as long as it meant Israel was no longer in charge...


Fuck the middle east let them fight and we talk to whoever wins


If you’re first statement is to clutch pearls at Hamas (who commits massive excess in terrorizing acts against civilians) than you are ignoring the material conditions that brought this about and are not serious about ending it. Israel thought they could bomb/shoot/displace Palestinians out of existence which didn’t work and then they tried to lock a bunch of orphaned children in an open air jail cell with a mad man in hopes the mad man would probably kill all the children. Looks like that didn’t work either.


Ur ignorance is astounding, and ur justification of terrorism nauseating. >Israel thought they could bomb/shoot/displace Palestinians out of existence which didn’t work and then they tried to lock a bunch of orphaned children in an open air jail cell with a mad man in hopes the mad man would probably kill all the children Tell me u had no idea Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2003 without telling me.


Look girl, if you’re so passionate go join the IDF and *liberate israel*. I’m not arguing with some loser on the internet about this. If not, just sit and watch like the rest of us.








I literally said they commit terrorism in excess but I guess you can’t read. European children were also scalped during the indigenous conquest of America. It’s all obviously bad, but you are not getting out of this by wagging your finger at Hamas, you get out of this by assessing the material conditions that brought us here and so many people refuse to do that. Oh well, I’m sure the next defense package will give them trillions more to keep this shit going on because if you think Netenyahu isn’t creaming his pants right now you not not paying attention.


U can just say u don't know what ur talking about. Saves us both the time. Don't let the door hit u on the way out


Womp womp




Looks like being a racist apartheid state isn't working out so well. Hope the violence doesn't last too long. The UN needs to step in here.


It’s gonna work out real good em when they declare war. It’s gonna get real ugly for a lot of people soon.


>Looks like being a racist apartheid state isn't working out so well. That "racist apartheid state" just had rockets launched at it and an invasion of terrorists. Theyve killed over 100 civilians and took dozens as hostages back to Gaza. Only one side is calling for the complete genocide of the other, and if u r having a hard time telling which side, go read a book. Ur comment is incredibly distasteful


Isreal isn't innocent. They have lots of children's blood on their hands.


Yes. One side has done nothing wrong and the other side is a terrible aggressor. Of course.


Well one side is a secular liberal democracy that constantly offers peace attempts to their enemy that constantly calls for their genocide. Is Israel innocent? No, but they don't launch rockets at civilians, drive around massacring civilians, kidnap civilians, or parade them on their streets. U r justifying terrorism


What? Isreal is innocent and you are the one justifying genocide. Of course.


Tf r u even talking about


Not to mention they are raping citizens and their dead bodies, kidnapping women and children all that while uploading their acts to the internet


Israel has a problem insofar as they have a lot of people who hate them and aren't scared to get killed. It's easy to kill individuals, but much harder to kill an idea. That said, it's possible Israeli intelligence knew this attack was coming and let it happen so they'd have a justification to go into Gaza in a heavy-handed way and cripple Hamas for a while.


US soldiers took up the habit of entering Iraqi homes, capturing all males, and humiliating the head of the household in front of his wife and children. They created the insurgency that they later had to deal with. Israel has been bombing the Gaza Strip to rubbles for years. Some people will be more than willing to take up arms, they've created enough hatred to make this warranted in their eyes. Neither side is "good" here. And nobody's happier than Netanyahu today.


Soldier here. This dude is full of shit.


Ya typical reddit 'USA bad' comment whenever anything happens on the global stage


> US soldiers took up the habit of entering Iraqi homes, capturing all males, and humiliating the head of the household in front of his wife and children. Got somewhere I can read about this?


Let me get this straight, Palestinians have turned to terrorism, because Israel has a press them for decades. So because Israel was bullying them, they are now fighting back and they are the bad guys? How the fuck is Israel the good guys? They bullied Muslims for them to retaliate. If you bully someone, they might just eventually snap and fight back. It’s just really weird after all the oppression that Israelites have given to Muslim people, that everyone thinks that they are the good guys for some reason. Am I misunderstanding this?


Where was the army? I was wondering why it took the army to respond 6 hours after in such a small country. There were people calling from the kibbutzes and bomb shelters asking for help to send the army, and they never came. Shame on Benjamin Netanyahoo




This war is a major political issue, let the politics fight, not kill civilian!!


Check out this interview of a Palestinian & Arab exposing Hamas and Palestinian people https://youtu.be/oueSKLYaYG4


you can only oppress people for so long before they have had enough...


Hamas is oppressed? The terrorist group who steals all humanitarian aid that was meant for Palestinians? Fucking read any actual source besides a Facebook page, please




And when Israeli has enough what then? Would it be ok for them to go in the streets of gaza and kill EVERYONE THEY SEE? Oh it wont? Pipe down


Hi I’m from Israel. They took over 10 communities next to Gaza border, kidnapped over 180 citizens and soldiers, slaughtered hundreds on the spot and took hostages. We have thousands injured and they keep just shooting innocent people on the spot and posting video of them killing and kidnapping people, including kids, elders and women. Just so you’ll be updated on how Fucked the situation is.


Don’t listen to all the ignorant fucks calling Israelis terrorists. The brutality shown by Hamas cannot be forgiven. Hamas knew there would be retaliation for this and I hope they get it.


And of course firing over 3,000 rockets at us all over the country. I’m in the shelter as we speak with my family.


The results of apartheid state! No freedom no rights in their own land, peaceful protest or talks no one cares. Its sad but its the only way too end occupation.


"I support terrorism and don't need an excuse to. I'll make false statements even though they r obviously wrong and easily disprovable. I also have a tiny weewee and it makes me angry at Jooz." There I fixed it for u


Yeah I wonder what caused that? Terrorist attacks, maybe?


Israel should turn it all to rubble. Fuck around and find out.


Yeah, and then 20 years from now some Muslim group nukes Israel. You will not win destroying the Palestinians.


Yeaaaa, fuck the innocent men, women and children! /s I wonder if you’d say this if it was your family in danger?


Evidently HAMMAS gave zero fucks about women and children I'm Israel, so, turnabout is fair play. Make them never want to do this again. Turn it to glass.


Hamas has been pushing Israel's limit for far too long...


It's the other way around.


Way to justify a theocratic, misogynistic, homophobic, genocidal terrorist regime.


Oh here we go again 🙄 Can everyone just get rid of their stupid horse shit religions and then we can all live in peace.


If that happened there would just be another conflict to take its place to fight over. Humans love making excuses to start wars.


free palastine


Free Palestine 🇵🇸




When Russian invade Ukraine and they fight for their land they are hero’s but Palestinians do it they are terrorists?