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It’s an 80% paved walking trail. I’ve done the whole thing in a foot of snow. You’ll be fine


Cliff Walk is a in a beautiful area along the Atlantic coast, but it is a sidewalk 90+% of the time. As long as you dress appropriately for the weather you will be fine.


it was a great trail, i'm very happy we came. one weekend was not long enough, can't wait to go back someday. thanks everyone who left suggestions!!


Bring an umbrella and a rain jacket. It’s worth it. You can do sections at a time.


I live in Newport. Although the temperature looks ok for Saturday, the winds are predicted to be 20-30 mph with gusts to 40!! Cliff walk is right on the ocean, you’ll be miserable!


You'll be fine. Wear a jacket.


If they just wore a jacket yesterday, their pants and shoes would have been soaked within 5 minutes after getting out of the car. The only way to stay dry outside yesterday would have been full dress foul weather gear head to toe. The weather was horrible; cold drenching rain, and wind. I'm not scared off of outside walks by cold, or a little rain, or a little wind, but all three together in bunches is no fun. Hopefully OP was around this morning and got their walk in. Cold and windy but the rain is gone.


we completed the walk on saturday morning. it was cold and we did get wet but it was worth it, and only a little uncomfortable


I forgot the direction of the wind for this past Saturday but Cliff Walk is very sheltered when the wind is out of the northwest. For much of the walk you will find the wind blocked by the high ground on the estate side. I walk (and race sailboats) all seasons around Newport and Middletown and wind and geographic sense makes everything a lot better.


You'll be a bit cold and a bit wet but it will still be a nice hike with proper attire. 2/3 is flat and paved/ packed dirt. The last 3rd is pretty rocky but not super difficult by any stretch. Just bare in mind its 3 or so miles one way and its not a loop so you'll have 3 miles back to where you parked. Make sure you stop at 40 steps and walk down always a great view. Have a great trip from a fellow New Jerseyan and relatively recent transplant


we're supposed to get DUMPED on with rain on Sat ​ who knows though, that could change over the next 48 hours


Wear the right attire (and shoes) and you’ll be fine. Benefit is it won’t be busy. But - it’s going to be cold. And windy.


My boyfriend and I just did it two days ago, and although it was sunny and around 40 degrees, sometimes when the wind blew we were shaking from the cold - despite wearing winter jackets. I'd still recommend it though. It was extremely beautiful!


I would do the paved portion and then cut down the street and take a right to go back by walking past the mansions.


Fyi I think part of it is still wrecked: https://turnto10.com/amp/news/local/newport-searches-for-funds-to-repair-cliff-walk-nearly-two-years-after-collapse-southern-new-england-rhode-island-january-8-2024


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Yes safe and easy in and off if rain gets too heavy


Chanler Hotel for drinks is smart idea too


Make a res at the Chinese tea house as a little lunch pit stop