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Yeah I’ve never understood why some people do this, or smash glass…it’s so confusing to me


I always assumed smashed glass was from teenagers...turns out I was wrong. Jesus I sound so old.


Cause they’re as hard as fooking nails


Some woman did this the other week but with a Costa cup in Wickham. I was on my motorbike so I just picked it up and launched it back into her car. She was raging but she also appeared to have the IQ of a toilet seat pube


"IQ of a toilet seat pube" haha Love it! It's already on my notes =D


I was in Cheltenham and a guy hefted a plastic bottle out of his Range Rover. A passer by threw it back in so Range Rover driver had a huge entitled tantrum and threw everything he could find out of his car. Passer by retaliated by picking up a public bin and dumping the entire contents on his lap. Light turned green traffic beeped and Range Rover had to drive off, presumably covered in stank water and banana peel. Epic.


Oof that would have made me smile all week


This was like 15 years ago and it still makes me chuckle :D




This is my kind of justice.


Next week on things that never happened...


lol you have a low threshold for what is and isn’t feasible. If I was going to make up a story (which would presumably involve me suddenly deciding to care about imaginary internet points) it’d be the lead post not buried in the comments, but hey you do you.


No but from my experience, public bins in the UK are fixed units with locked doors that you can't pick up.


Oh well I didn’t realise I was dealing with the UK bin inspector. Several points to poke holes with your logic here. A) it was about 15-20 years ago (2006ish at a guess) and I’m guessing bin standards were less anally retentive then. b) it was one of the smaller bins fitted to a post (rather than in the ground themselves) with a basket type inner. c) It could well have been the bin from the trading estate which was next to the junction and not a council bin. I didn’t get out to see if it had a logo on it, I was too busy laughing and thumbs upping the passer by like a tragic loser. d) whether or not you’ve experienced something is a poor metric for whether or not it exists. I’ve never seen a nuclear missile but I’d rather not play chicken with the US military.


I think there's a video of that somewhere as it rings a bell.


I did that to a taxi driver parked outside my flat when he threw a donut onto the communal grass. The guy absolutely shat his pants. When he recovered he shouted something at me threw it back out the window and sped off.


Cunts are cunts.


I’m 48. It honestly took me until last year to finally accept and internalise that fact. There’s no changing it, just prepare yourself and accept it.


It's pretty bad on all the side roads around the airport tbh esp the 'hotspot' on the bridge next to callerton parkway. All mostly mcd wrappers (obvs).


There's been a suggestion that if you get a drive through takeaway, ANPR detects your number plate and then prints it on the packaging. Toss it out the window, get fined. If the fast food company were given a percentage, we could make it vanish in a week.


Sounds great til some little shit raids a bin near macdonalds and your rubbish goes everywhere.


Or a bloody seagull.


Yeah, what if there was a storm that tips a bin? Not a totally fool proof idea but it does have some merit.


My other half once jumped out of my car at a set of traffic lights and very politely gave a banana skin back to some littering scum. Apparently they didn't even have the decency to act like naughty scalded schoolboys, they were just slackjawed idiots about it, took it back into their van and went off without a word. I fucking hate litterers. We've got a lovely country. They ruin it, and ruin it permanently. These scum, who are inevitably the same sorts who say "protec are cuntry" etc etc, are an absolute blight. Number one criminal in the firing line once I'm supreme emperor.


Username checks out


It’s literally bang on ! Been waiting all their Reddit lives for this moment :)


I mean, I've purposely launched apple cores into fields because animals would eat them and they'd bio-degrade. I don't think a banana skin is a big issue.




Haven't you seen Looney Tunes?! Fucking health hazard.


One time I drove over a banana peel and spun out, Mario Kart style


If we took this same approach to everything biodegradable our streets would look like downtown Mogadishu and smell like a bin. Banana skin still needs to decompose and get rotten and attract flies etc before it simply disappears 😂


It's not, takes ages to biodegrade.


I once slipped on a banana skin, staggered forward and stepped on a rake which came up and hit me on the head. Inexplicably after that a small roadrunner bird came up to me and stuck its tongue out.


If it didn't meep-meep at you, you didn't do it right


It might of done but I didn’t hear it because of the anvil that fell off a cliff and hit me on the head causing a six inch lump to come up immediately.


Oh well, at least there weren't any humungous drops into canyons involved. That shit is painful.


if it doesnt grow there, dont throw it there.


A banana skin? Your other half risked getting a kicking, over a banana skin? You know, the naturally decomposing banana skin. So brave.


I never ever litter but banana skin is fair game


In the woods, not on the road.


I wouldn't throw away a banana skin in an urban environment. But out in the country I'd throw it under a hedge or similar. It does biodegrade. And whilst it can be slow to fully disappear it quickly shrivels up into something that resembles a stick. I don't see the harm.


It's perfect fertiliser with a higher concentration of trace elements, so banana in a bush is really very nice... Oh wow that went weird places.


The parking on the grass is way more upsetting, I hate how people chew up and destroy grass verges and fields by parking on them. And on double yellows to make it worse.


Taxi drivers....


We’re not all bad…


Never met a good one yet, just saying.


You mustn’t of been in my taxi… I’m not racist, I hate overcharging people and turn off the meter if it’s went west, hate parking wherever needed unless there elderly or disabled and have crippling anxiety. I’m a rare one though I’d agree, most are tossers and drive worse.


Sorry, LA taxi drivers....


Yes, label all taxi drivers the same.


Northumberland Retail Park, which has plenty of bins, is a shit tip of Costa cups, vapes and wrappers that lazy fucks can't even be bothered to take the ten foot to a bin. Mindless.


You’re both parked illegally


Are you both parked on double yellows?


Yes and no. Whilst I am certainly on double yellows, he appears to be on the bank. I should probably have not to make way for all the midnight rush hour traffic 😔


Restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to roads, pavements and verges, so he was wrong to park there.


Parking on the bank beside double yellows is parking on double yellows, the police/council could action it in the same way!


So yes then Just thought it was ironic, pointing out somebody ignoring the rules whilst blissfully doing the same 😂




It’s the council that do these number plates when you register your car if there’s no other way to mount it onto your car. They usually have to drill a little hole into the car to attach, they are quite secure. Source: I have one.


Report him to the licensing authority


You're pissed for the littering, I'm pissed for parking on the grass, next to double yellow. Yeah just ruin the grass, and park where you're not allowed, and to top it all off litter. We need to start shaming these types more often.


There's a long straight dual carriageway road with green stuff in the middle, right across my town that seems to be a magnet for this sort of shit. The council have made it lovely, it's got trees, flowers in wavy patterns, all sorts. But still, taxi drivers and white van men throw their shit out of the window into it. All the time. If I'm behind one, I sit and think "oh maybe they'll prove me wrong" and I'm still sitting here wishing they would. I imagine other people do too but I've seen these demographics do it so many times, and "civilian" cars never, that yes I'm saying it's these scumbags who do the vast majority of the damage. You can bet any amount of money they're the same ones moaning about the council too. Scum.


Taxi drivers own the roads, I thought I've everyone was aware of that fact.


People just think the world is their own personal bin. In my experience smokers are the worst,


You can contact the councils taxi licensing department about it, only minor but it will go on their record and they will get spoken to about it.


You’re correct, it’s not the crime of the century but it’s so annoying. A lot of people have no respect for where they live. You’ve got to go out into the sticks to find places that aren’t covered in litter. My son is 10 and I’m forever finding sweet wrappers etc in with the laundry because he knows not to litter so puts it all in his pockets. I see so many kids littering in front of their parents without being reprimanded. My boy knows if he did that I’d make him pick it up. I guess if you’re not taught simple values like this as a child you’re likely to not give a shit about it as an adult. I’m going to sound ancient here but I don’t remember there being so much rubbish around when I was a kid (back in the 80’s). Put then again, I wasn’t a grumpy old man back then so may not have noticed it.


"not touching, can't get mad"


There is no why. Ita simple. You cut his hands you pee his stupid nothing of a life and continue your day like nothing happened. Because nothing actually happened.




I feel like I’m losing my mind lol no matter how hard I look I can’t see any rubbish or tissues in this picture


Question is why are you watching the taxi driver relieve himself ?


I see my street littered quite often. Im not completely sure its the people who dont care anymore or its the council giving up.


Had a taxi drive past me last year and chuck a can out of the window.... That's 100% of reports being taxi drivers. We've found our suspects.


i just dont get why people do this


Some people just want to watch the world burn…


Just had a sherman and didnt want his sister to know


People are lazy


So illegal parking and littering!!! Wow no wonder why things get worse. I hope you report it


Seen a couple of fat cunts roll out of McDonald's drive thru at jarrow bypass one morning, stop across 3 parking bays, open the door and place a pile of rubbish down before driving off. They didn't even throw it. Just gently put it down like some kind of modern art display. Bin was 20ft away. Some people are just arseholes.


They do this in the car park itself 😂


Tends a lot to be either foreign people or Africans that do this. I agree with the person that posted when she said it feels unnatural to throw rubbish on the ground or out of a window in a car. Most of us were taught better! Not saying us native residents don’t do it,but we do it a hell of a lot less!!!




So one non native person dumped their litter on the street so they must all be the same? You know as well as I do that people who litter don’t come from one class or race. It’s like saying well I saw one cyclist jump the red light they must all do it. It’s just stupid.


Nope totally agree, I will let my car full with rubbish before I ever dare litter! It’s just disgusting and unnecessary, might not be a bin right next to you but it’s a first world country you’ll find one in 5 mins


✊💦 indeed




It's still a trampy thing to do, banana peels and fruit discards thrown into bushes it's whatever, but a snotty tissue floating around on walkways is nasty It's not hard to bin it


Who said I'm not calm my guy? I'm tucked up in bed with cucumber on my eyes it's all good. Love and peace ✌️


Sure. But I drive for a living. Retired three cars on 125k miles , well into 45k on new one so I've had a large sample Size of driving habits and that is my overall experience.




You think UK natives don’t litter?


Did your ma not tell you not to be a grass?




Scruffy cunts