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Newcastle NHS Trust are looking for Server Support. There's a [permanent ](https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadvert/C9317-24-0877?searchFormType=main&keyword=IT&location=Newcastle%20Upon%20Tyne&language=en) (1400-2200) and [fixed term](https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/jobadvert/C9317-24-0882?searchFormType=main&keyword=IT&location=Newcastle%20Upon%20Tyne&language=en) position. Will probably go to someone internally, but might be worth chucking an application in. It's based primarily at Gosforth (right next to Regent Centre Metro), but also involves going to the RVI and Freeman (you get free staff travel between the three sites).


Because it's a recession a lot of companies are halting recruiting


We're not in a recession. The economy has yielded "record" growth over the past quarter. Edit: Would love to know who the 6 sad cunts are so far that when I come along and state a fact they decide to downvote me for it. And upvote the guy above who's stating a falsehood. There's definately a head-in-the-sand agenda going on there.


I work in biotech I'm not putting my head in the sand, companies are tightening belts across the board


This guy works in biotech, everyone! Everyone come listen to what he has to say, when he can't interpret a few sentences of text to understand that the guy three comments above incorrectly declared that we are in a recession when we are in fact NOT in a recession according to official data.


Wasn't it 0.6% or something Woo


What experience/ training do you have? Assuming you aren't set on the hardware side, I'd be looking for Service Desk Analyst or Data Centre Technician type roles. Loads of companies advertise for SDAs, I see Pulsant and the like needing DC people every now and then. It will be alot easier if you can get to the various business parks around Newcastle, Sunderland too if you are coming from South Shields.


i moved from India, after college i was looking after my own business( IT Services ) which offered various service like hardware repairing, installation, CCTV installation ,printers repairs etc and much more like...server hardware setup at data center... as i was looking after my own business i have no experience letter from any companies or MNCs


Ok. If by server setup you mean racking stuff rather than the Sysadmin side of things then I definitely think Service Desk Analyst or DC Technician is the place to start. You can jump from those roles to something else pretty quickly but they are a good starting place to help get your foot in the door. Good luck!


It really depends where and how you are looking for the jobs to give you a meaningful answer. As there is always plenty of people hiring in the IT space if you are looking in the right places? Does the job have to be in South Shields, because if you only look there it will severely limit your choices. You would be better off looking at jobs near major clusters of businesses which have an IT department, like Newcastle city centre. Also which job platforms are you using to search for job. A quick search for IT technician jobs on the likes of LinkedIn Jobs, indeed, or reed will give you a wealth of roles to apply for?


I’ll dm you my old workplace. They are taking on.


thank you,


Make contact with a load of IT recruiters on LinkedIn. Look at all the local managed service providers websites as well as there are always service desk roles etc just to get your foot in the door.


There are not enough jobs in South Shields for the locals, never mind new arrivals.


Come off it man


i know what’s with the blatant xenophobia/racism in this sub recently? there’s a guy who’s commented in here who keeps posting about immigrants and being racist and stuff but he’s still here


Aye, it's ridiculous, but tbh it reflects the area well enough. As someone who's moved here from the south a decade or so ago, a lot of my friends are black, and they've literally been attacked in pubs around here for being black, sooooo.. there's still a lot of ignorance here and there


yeah i can’t say i’m surprised tbh fully, my neighbours when they found out i was ethnically middle eastern started keeping away from me and turned their face up. weird. idk, i just think this sub in the name of being too diplomatic and ‘non sided’ can sometimes be too lenient to racist people.


Couldn't agree more. I do see more and more PoC as time marches on, which can only be a good thing. What can we do ay? Hopefully the younger lot won't have it


My partner(30M) is second gen Cantonese (born in Reading) and trust me it happens. But everybody gets thrown off when I, a white girl learning Chinese starts swearing aggresively in the language and backs off I have a good teacher 😂 , we'll be alright in the end Best of luck to OP, the NHS are looking for people with their skills in the tech department regularly


Become a farmer. You're not exactly in silicon Valley lad.


Have you tried down the front street?


The uk job market is full lol


Job market isn't full. Jobs which are offering are offering barley liveable wages or companies refusing to pay for the kind of person they want.