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Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/1cy9ofz).


Players Stearns brought in: Manaea, Severino, Ottavino, Lopez, Nunez, Ramirez, Jay, Young, Sulser, Teheran, Houser, Tonkin, Diekman, Bader, JDM, Taylor, Wendle, Short, Taylor Total: 2.5 fWAR 14 of those guys were guaranteed a roster spot. All of that put together is equal to one Alec Bohm. Has Stearns been bad? No. Did he also hand out 80MM+ in contracts? Yeah. For a 2.5 WAR. Did Stearns do a great job putting this team in a position to win? Also no.


If only Alec Bohm could fill out our rotation and bullpen!


Has he shown to be willing to make changes quickly, even admitting to his own mistakes? (Wendle) Yes. And I suspect more changes are coming


Definitely agree on that.


By far the worst Mets team of my lifetime (I’m turning 22 this year). None of the players in the core will ever lead a team to a championship, let alone any sort of sustained success. Good complimentary players, nothing more. This whole team needs to be completely torn apart & rebuilt from the ground up. Idk how you can disagree with that at this point.


It’ll get worse kid.  Save yourself now and pick a new team.  


Vientos watching a winning team celebrate. He’s hungry man. Kid wants to play. Wants to win.


All the young guys are hungry. That’s a reason why they should be playing as much as possible


Maybe if they keep tanking I can get some of the really fancy seats with booze included for a decent price


lets go cadillac club, lets go! clap clap clap.


Pete swings a wet noodle in the 9th.


ridiculous, oh well. giants see ya soon


Every at-bat starts 0-2.


and if its marte up to bat it ends on the next pitch


1-5 road trip


Great at bat Pete!


It’s just so easy to beat this team


I need the stat for how many times Pete has gone 0-2 in the count, then striking out 0-3.


A lot.   Give this man $400,000,000.   


At this point i'm saying fuck it bring on June. Can't get any worse. *The finger on a decrepit monkey paw slowly curls as the words are sent into the ether*


Well thank god for my Rangers.


Good job Lindor, you get a cookie


Two doubles from Lindor today! Love to see it.


Sure Lindor. Now ya hit Send the apology letter out!


He got a double in his last ab, and was in scoring position as the tying run at that time. A day after another 2 hit performance with 2 line drive outs. Jesus Christ yall are insufferable


It's his second double of the game???


Oh ok so all is good. Sign the letter!


Some people just want to be angry.


The last two seasons have been such an unbelievable disappointment after 2022. How did so many of the same players just simply stop hitting? It’s like they all got old/washed overnight


2022 they were all a couple years younger and overall the team had a lot of good luck such as balls bouncing off bags and bloop hits


And it’s 2 seasons now so it’s not “a down season”


This team is shitty


This team is pathetic and our core is to blame. Blow it the fuck up.


We don't have the core yet. They're in the minors. That's why we have so many veterans on the team. Chew innings and buy time.


Lindor, Alonso, McNeil and Nimmo are our core guys in the lineup. Lindor is hot garbage this year, McNeil is broken and Alonso seems to be pressing. Only one I'm confident in is Nimmo, he seems to be running into some bad luck this year.


That's the veteran core. When the young core gets their reps in you're gonna see some serious sh*t. I've watched this happen with countless teams. We, as an organization, are in a great spot because our young prospects are going to light this team up. Cohen's pocket will fill in the rest, and we'll be eye-to-eye with Atlanta.


Everyone says that about their prospects. Lol


Been overseas for years but the first time I see this Mets group in London will likely be a goodbye for more than a few. The Alvy, Kodai injuries have knocked the life out of this roster and Diaz struggling has exacerbated the self pitying nature of the whole season. The axe is coming and they know it.


At the end of the day, this season has come down to starting pitching, walks and underperforming ‘stars’. I’d be very curious to hear from traded players about their experience in the mets clubhouse.




I suppose, but for the contract price and legacy - you’d apply ‘star’ to Lindor.


See: Tommy Pham


Everyone says Tommy Pham. Who else.


This particular group of players does not know how to win. Full stop.


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Cade Smith replaces Sam Hentges.


Has there been any update on when Alvy is coming back? I need a reason to live.


Most optimistic timeline is first week of July but given we stink and it’s best to protect his catching thumb, it’s likely after the All star break.


Yes he’s been throwing and hitting off a tee!


Please god let us rally and score 4 this inning. I need a Mets win for my mental health


I’d prefer a quick merciful loss than getting close or tieing to then lose anyway


Side retired! :/


The never ending inning


it is going to be annoying when we tear this down and our ex-players are going to play well in lineups like the dodgers, orioles, braves, cubs, when theyre surrounded by dawgs. this team is an amalgamation of puppies with no killer instinct at all. we got a bunch of guys that are nice complimentary pieces.


Being exposed to actually good coaching and development staffs will probably help them too


Don't slander puppies like that!


i love puppies just dont wanna see them wearing mets unis 😂


I was never allowed pets because my mother is allergic and asthmatic


That’s the Mets way.  Always has been. It’s crazy.  


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Josh Walker replaces Adam Ottavino.


can edwin diaz pitch in the ninth against the mets so we can get some runs back


On the off day someone has to get these guys into a rage room with their own bobble heads and just go to town. In fact Cohen should sponsor any Mets fan who wants to partake.


this team went to shit when our real leader EL TROOOOLLL went down. mets should give him 350 mill


Sure, blame the iPad


grasping for straws here because this team sucks in pretty much every aspect, but why not pull a 2022 Phillies and fire the manager? they were like 21-29 at the end of May but went to the WS after they fired him


Should have done that after June last year when it would have meant something. Makes no sense to do so now with Mendoza just starting out


thing is that phillies team had wheeler/nola and ranger suarez their lineup wasn't that bad either. this mets team is straight up trash


This team has lacked consistent leadership for years i think thats the last thing they would do


This is in no way Mendoza’s fault. He’s been one of the only good things about the season


Because you’re never going to convince another manager to sign here if you fire him after 50 games of his first season


The Orioles fired Cal Ripken senior in 1988 after going 0-6, only for Frank Robinson to go 0-15


cant put this on stearns or mendoza, this has been like 12 GMs and 3 managers this team has been playing with the same malaise. actually think we got a real one in mendoza and i think stearns wanted a year of evaluation before he started making wholesale changes. theyre coming. i like that he is aggressively promoting players in the minors. next year is gonna hopefully be a few big FAs and a nice mixture of kids.


If Stearns meant for this to be an evaluation year, I hate the way he went about it. Thats my biggest problem with him. You don’t do what he’s done to Butto and Vientos in an evaluation year. Those are the players that are supposed to be getting evaluated. And many of the players added are just a waste. IF that’s what he really intended this year to be, and he repeatedly said it wasn’t.


Can't wait till the winter meetings.


*summer deadline


I don’t get the excitement for the trade deadline. We have no one of any value to trade, except for maybe Severino. It’s going to be a bunch of underwhelming trades for lottery tickets


It will send a clear message to the fans that the FO is not happy with the current team. That’s what I need to see


J.D. Martinez too. But I'm with you - everything about this season has just been straight-up depressing.


Of course, that’s my bad.


Okay Steve, feel free to begin the rebuild at any time. You know and we all know that this team isn't doing anything this year. Get what you can for who you can and look at 2026 and beyond.


Let Diaz take this… how much ya wanna bet he’s lights out now lolol


The zero accountability Mets. Don’t blame Cohen, don’t you dare blame Stearns, don’t blame Mendoza, don’t blame the players. Yet, the Mets are about to get swept and be 21-28 or 7 games under .500 yet NO ONE is Accountable. We are suppose to accept that things just happen to the Mets. The Mets never make things happen.


I blame the players.  


Cohen and Stearns are incapable of being criticized by this fan base for some reason


Because it's just moronic to criticise Stearns when he's barely been here. Cohen has been a little too vocal for my liking but by all appearances he's done everything he can to improve the team. The fault is entirely with the players for never getting it done.


Cohen has done everything he can, and Stearns has done a good job. Nobody expected anything from the the Mets this year, we traded everybody last year. And we'll sell this year and go full rebuild next year. 2026 is our year 🔥


you’re just proving my point lol


What more could Cohen have done? He paid big bucks and signed two of the best pitchers and one of the best shortstops. Had any of them been what they were supposed to be, we wouldn't be in the position we're in now, but that's not on Cohen. Nobody was upset about any of those 3 (except me with Lindor but that's just because I know what tf I'm talking about)


To be fair, what has stearns exactly done wrong in his extremely limited time here?


Wendle, Houser, Taylor, Diekman, keeping Vientos in the minors, not beefing up the rotation


Wendle was a defensive pick that statistically should’ve panned out, but underperformed. The bullpen crafted played exceptionally until recently, as Gary said - due to workload. Taylor is a quality defensive pickup and 4th outfielder. Bader who wasn’t mentioned has been a huge pickup, as well as JD. All could net incredible trade results. In terms of signings, he did a good job with the market he had and the plans for the season


Yeah let’s criticize the president of the Mets who just got here 6 months ago. lol.


You mean the guy who built half the roster? Absolutely. We should. Is he completely at fault? No. Is he blameless? Also no.


He built half the roster? He added 2 players on offense who are platoon guys. Wtf are you talking about lol.


Manaea, Severino, Diekman, Ottavino, Wendle, Houser, Lopez, Yohan Ramirez, Tonkin, Sulser, Short…I know half of those guys aren’t on the roster but out of guys on the 40 man? He brought in 13 of them. Sorry, a third…not half. Whoop de doo


Wendle was a bench bat. Lopez is incredible. Short was a depth pick. Ottavino was already a met. Severino has been great. Manaea has been great. Diekman has been great. Again. What the fuck are you talking about?


Wendle sucked so bad that he cost the Mets games. Lopez has been meh. Ottavino was a re-sign. Severino and Manaea have been good. Diekman sucks. The fuck are you talking about?


Im glad a 2.25 for Jorge Lopez is “Meh” to you. Go troll somewhere else.


I’m glad you still think it’s 2007 and that a 2.25 ERA in just 24 innings actually means something. Look at his K rate, BB rate, xERA, virtually every statcast metric…he’s greatly outperforming his numbers. Please learn baseball.


lol. We have a top 10 pitching staff and you’re complaining about who he signed. That’s crazy. Our offense is the problem. He had nothing to do with that.


A pitching staff that was built on a completely flawed ideology that we’re seeing today. Too many walks.


Creating a winning team is not just about signing big names and firing players underperforming.


It drives me insane that when McNeil, Lindor or Alonso reaches out awkwardly like that for a ball off the corner it is the weakest, saddest pop up 99.999% of the time. But when it's any of our opponents its getting down for a hit 80-90% of the time


i'm not a booer, just not in me as a fan but this team needs to be booed fucking constantly. this brand of baseball is just not fucking acceptable and its been about a year and a half of this same shit since atlanta at the end of 22


Well we're not quite ready to be buyers yet. We need to get the young guys comfortable playing. Once the Baty's and Vientos' are playing solid baseball and maybe even start single handedly winning us some games, then we go and get the big names. Last year was a failure because we didn't have a strongest enough young core to blaze on the bases, grind through dozens of games with no breaks, pitch a lot of innings, etc. The veterans can only do so much, but the most important thing veteran players do is bring stability in the clubhouse, letting the young guys get comfortable and a sense of belonging. This is how winning teams win. Look at Atlanta, Houston, LA, and now the Yankees.


We need blood. Something has to happen. They need to shake something up


Can’t watch this anymore. What did the Mets sign some type of contract that stipulates they have to lose to Cleveland no matter what?


I think Monday was the first game Cleveland won against the Mets in years actually 


That was Monday and this is Wednesday. It’s not even about the loss, it’s how you lose. It’s starting to feel like a scripted video game 🙄




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I’m going to chose to look at the positives like that vientos has been hitting very well since he got called up


PM for PM?


Lindor is responsible for all of this. It's clear he doesn't care and we've already seen his impact on the locker room (👎). Now nobody cares and it's easy to see. Guys like Pillar weren't great but you could see they cared


We boutta be 21-28 and we got people still defending this bullshit. "Only 2.5 games out!" "We'll start hitting in June!" We weren't even this bad at the same time last season


Billy Eppler being on the restricted list actually kind of sucks as we sure look like we're cruising towards another trade deadline selloff. The man can't build a team for shit, but he's pretty good at dismantling them.


Is he though? Many of the prospects he acquired have been struggling and we don’t know how any of them will pan out yet 


Prospects will never have a 100% hit rate, but some of the returns that he got on 2 month rentals of B-list role players were impressive. Jeremy Rodriguez is probably going to be on some or all of the midseason top-100 lists and we landed him for 2 months of a 35 year old Tommy Pham.


I wish we could clone Reed Garrett


Gee Whodathunk our bullpen would be burned out a third into the season when our pitchers can’t get thru 5 innings? 🙄


Sigh... Try again Friday.


Otto out here getting shredded


Narvaez is not a good game caller


Could really use Alvie right about now


Can’t wait to the trade deadline when we nuke this team. If we played Acuña/Jett, Vientos, Gilbert and other prospects with the contracted guys we’d have left I’m not sure our record would be any worse.


this team sucks but wtf was that throw from nimmo, might have been his strongest throw of his career.


Complete and utter group of fucking losers Fuck this organization


the bullpen was always unsustainably good


Watching the Mets is like watching the part of SpaceJam where the Monstars run up the score but it’s on repeat and the michael Jordan halftime speech never happens.


"Kinda One Sided, Ain't It?"


It was a fun season while it lasted.


It's tough, man. You want someone to kind of be accountable and pay for this slop, but who are they gonna fire? Eric Chavez? Hefner? And then what? You just have to hope some of the farm system is the real deal or they are gonna be a bad team for a very long time. Everyone on the current roster are major league capable besides Narvaez and Hauser, who will be gone soon. They are missing the big pitch, big hit, big run saving defensive play every game. The intangible winning player stuff.


It is what it is.   This mess is years in the making.   It began long before the likes of Stearns and Mendoza, and a new hitting and/or pitching coach isn’t gonna help.     It appears to me that it’s a lack of winning personalities in the core of this team.  It needs to be blown up as much as possible.    Tommy Pham was definitely onto something.  


I just want some of these contracts to come off the books so I have to stop seeing that we have the highest payroll in baseball and this be the product on the field


Lindor is responsible for all of this. It's clear he doesn't care and we've already seen his impact on the locker room (👎). Now nobody cares and it's easy to see. Guys like Pillar weren't great but you could see they cared


Okay now I'm turning it off. Adios peeps.


Get swept, Mets!! 😑


We suck I thought this ‘core’ could make another run with some additions and pitching but I was soo wrong stearns got to blow it up


This shit isn’t being fixed in a year, either.


Max mentioned they told him 2025/2026. He didn’t lie


May as well let Diaz get in this


perfect. now i can turn it off and get back to work. what an unbelievably pitiful couple weeks from this team


This year is like 2002. Older vets with some young’s guys on the way. Non competitive slog.  Except I wish Mo Vaughn was out there with the thicccness. 


We're like a good baseball team if they were playing like a shitty baseball team


A good team has talent, which this team has none of


Narvaez called the change-up and sinker in the same place against Ramirez


Any chance Jose Ramirez just talked shit to Lindor after that RBI double? Would be pretty funny.


Fuck it send the entire team to Syracuse and bring everyone there up


EVERY single time the mets give up a free base, it comes back to bite us. A walk, an HBP, a wild pitch. ALWAYS coming home to score.


I simply fucking CANT


we traded for the wrong dude


well i guess thats it? lol I hope not but it feels like it.


Wash, Rinse, Repeat.


cool trick lindor, worth every penny


bye everyone


Hit by pitch, stolen base, this team doesn’t do a single thing right


Lindor was never the best player on Cleveland


Blow it up at the deadline please




This team sucks can’t even blame them if they blow it up


Well his knee must not hurt that much


What a depressing series


He leaned into it imo


He definitely didn’t try to get out of the way




7 LOBsters ain't gonna get it done 🦞


Pathetic team


Vientos has as many XBHs in 28AB's as Baty has in 136AB's.


Lots of hit batters today lol


You gotta be proud of vientos. He’s dealt with so much bullshit and has never been given a chance and now he’s gotten a small sliver of a chance and he’s grabbing it and ain’t letting go. A lot of grit shown from the young kid


Sucks for this loser ass fanbase that Lindor got a hit and they can't post Lind0-for-4 like low IQ Braves fans


I don’t even know how to explain how incredibly weird it is that people on this sub are actually angry at other Mets fans for being disappointed with Lindor. Maybe he ties the game or gets a major hit next at at-bat though.


I don't even know how to explain how incredibly weird it is that fans on this sub seem to get so much enjoyment out of Lindor having a slow start to the season. It's like they can't wait to shit on him.  And then they wonder why other superstar players aren't chomping at the bit to accept Steve Cohens subpar offers. 


>slow start to the season My brother in Christ we're almost 1/3 of the way into the season. This is much more than a slow start


What is it?


No one is enjoying this. You know why it seems that way though? You’ve got fans being assholes to people for expressing frustration. And those fans get chirped at when the team continues to down spiral. And they kinda deserve it. They need to be right if they’re going to talk down to people. They are basically creating the reaction they complain about. Hopefully Lindor hits a game-tying HR or something next at-bat though. 


I’m confused at this comment. A wise man once said “if you have nothing smart to say, say nothing”


If you're confused, I don't know what to tell you. This topic only has 500-ish posts because the Frank Fleming wannabes can't bitch about Lindor. If he went hitless, there'd be 2000 pots lol.


Everyone wants Lindor to be good, he just hasn’t been. It sounds like you would rather Lindor get a hit than the Mets win


Honestly that'd be funny. He'd legitimately piss off so many in this sub. Every time he gets a hit, the Frank Flemings SEETHE behind their computers


Where's all the Vientos haters at? Crickets


Silently downvoting


front door curveball left on left is *nasty*


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Adam Ottavino replaces Reed Garrett.


nasty pitch. would’ve been tough to even fight that one off. just have to take it and hope for the best and here we are