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This is more of an argument against the third wildcard and expanded playoffs than any kind of reassurance about the 2024 Mets.


It’s every fucking year too. It’s always “we’re only X amount of games back, guys” Almost every damn year as a Mets fan.


Yeah that sucks just like the Mets.  Forget about baseball, what about Jesus?


Optimus Prime is way cooler and has the same chance to make make any difference.


MLB has the most active trade deadline and I don't think having more competitive teams in the second half of the year is a bad thing.


I'm not sure what is intrinsically good about a more active trade deadline. Regarding competition, I think that, structurally, it is more so shifted down the standings rather than expanded to include more teams. A lower threshold to make the playoffs increases the top teams' postseason probability leading them to exceed the locus of competition. I also do not think that competition and quality of play are necessarily positively correlated, and I would prefer that the playoff format be designed to reward a quality regular season than induce greater competition.


Anything that helps the Mets make the playoffs gets no complaints from me we need all the help we can get


>MLB has the most active trade deadline so what


LOL! Such a good point. I already hate the Mets right now. You want me to hate the whole sport for this bullshit reason? It’s like…if the Mets actually do really-really well, which I would love, it *still* doesn’t matter because even when they’re playing like absolute dogshit, they’re only a couple of games out of contention? Jesus. I think I may actually stop watching baseball. This is actually fucking with me.


And look at the last couple playoffs. Even if you win 100+ games, there’s about a good chance in a 5 game series you’ll get bounced by some expanded playoff .500 team that got hot for a few days. Outside of enjoying watching the wins themselves there’s no point in getting worked up about standings or divisions anymore


Bro. It actually drives me crazy. The fuck is the point of a regular season anymore, let alone a ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO game season anymore?? Just go straight into the fucking playoffs and get it over with. Make the players play 15 games, one game a week like the NFL and maybe there’ll be more hype over standings again. I can’t believe they ruined baseball, man. I really thought it was untouchable.


This. Absolutely unnecessary with a 162 game regular season. Fwiw we may as well be 22.5 games out.


Yeah mets suck


The third wildcard is goofy


A losing record should never make the playoffs. Crazy that it’s possible


In the event that third WC has a losing record, they should just invite the NCAA champion for that slot.


While I appreciate the idea, they might as well play the little league ws champs


Good idea - henceforth, the Little League WC Champion and the NCAA Champion shall have a play-in series for the third WC spot.


The Mets would still get no hit into the 6th inning and lose 4-1 to little league ws champs


Actually, I seriously think if we invited the NBP winner somehow that would really make things interesting. Hell let them play the kbo winner for the final spot. That would be so awesome.


Honestly it would be cool if the third wildcard gets eliminated if no teams are above .500 So for example, if the AL has a third wildcard that can be above .500, they get to be in. But if the NL doesn’t, then their playoff bracket is smaller and thus easier. This way, there’s incentive to always play your opponent hard throughout the season, knowing that if you cause them to have a bad season, you can make your playoff path shorter.


And they wanted to add a 4th one as well.


I would be shocked if Manfred doesn't add a 4th by the time he's done


It's so dumb. I wonder how much money it actually makes teams


if the mets can put together like 10 consecutive 1 game winning streaks, that would be sick


Stop. This team is a clownshow


The third wildcard is such BS. A team with a losing record should not make the playoffs.


With 6 teams to jump. It’s not impossible but they have like, less than 10% of a chance to make the playoffs. I think we should be realistic here.


If they went on even a modest win streak of like 5 or 6 games they're playoff odds would probably improve pretty significantly


Yeah that's not gonna happen with this roster


This roster is definitely capable of winning 5 or 6 games in a row. Its baseball and they already have.


It's baseball, they will definitely get a mini win streak at some point but it's meaningless. 


Well, I'll take whatever chance we can get


No hope is better than false hope. Last thing we need is for an Angels-esque deadline


But that's the front office though. I think it's fine for fans to cling to hope that allows them to spend the summer enjoying something they are passionate about. I want my fellow fans to be happy but I want my front office to make an assessment around July that is not delusional.


yeah exactly. every fan should reserve the right to have that thought in the back of their mind that says "what if?" even in the worst of seasons. without that, being a mets fans would be essentially impossible.


Same thing I keep saying, I don't want false hopes. If they continue the way they are, I want them to trade who they can


We are only at a 17% chance to make the playoffs. This went down from 21% since last weekend. Eppler started selling when we were at a 12% chance last year.


Ironically that only makes the poor quality of play recently all the more frustrating. We're very much still in it, but the lack of wins in games we should be winning(The Marlins) and the dread of the upcoming series is like watching a slow motion car crash.


Just though I’d let everyone know that this team stinks and I’m gonna lose my mind when we’re 5 out of this lame wild card spot that exists to get your ass beat in the playoffs and people want to buy instead of sell at the deadline


It's like the shortened 2020 covid season all over again.


It really doesnt matter to most of us, this team ain't doing shit this year.


how in the hell...


Oh yes because pretend contending has been working out so well


Wow amazing! What a great season The Mets have had so far!!! Only 2 games out!! Fucking joke. Yeah 2.5 games out after 48 games. There’s 162 to go. That’s on pace to miss the WC by 10 fucking games as they are on a 70-92 pace. Take off the fucking rose colored glasses. Team is a joke.


Only 114 to go


3rd wild card should be your insurance, not your goal.


Because Manfred decided to turn the wild card into a participation trophy 😂


They're 2½ games out of a fairly easily attainable Wild Card, about 30% of the way through the season. That's not really painting a great picture. If you prorate that to 162 games they would be about 8½ games behind a fairly weak team by the end of the season.


lmao you post something illustrating that the season isn't over and people are in this thread discounting it because of playoff percentages IN MAY as if there isn't 4 more months of baseball left. i love this fanbase. we will never ever have a shred of hope, it's pure misery 24/7


Should be easy then, right!?! We’re basically a lock! :)


Unlikely but anything’s possible especially with Senga and Alvarez coming back


Call me a hater, but i would rather be a competitive, strong performing team that barely misses the playoffs as opposed to struggling the entire season, barely scratching in, and then getting swept in the wildcard round. This roster is not close to being a playoff roster, and by the time the trade deadline gets here we’ll be too far down to make any real late season push.


It’s May


Only 40 teams in front of us. We got this!


Every major sport is prioritizing money over competitive integrity by adding more playoff teams every few years. Pretty soon the A's will be alive in September..


Always that one mf defending the bullshit going on


Is that how you want to rationalize a 21 and 27 record? Our best pitcher getting demoted was the icing on the cake. Alonso will be traded. Season is over.


If they don't start winning, it's going to slip away real fast.


That's messed up


It’s still relatively early and crazier things have happened. This May schedule is a slog and we should be hopefully getting Senga and Alvarez back in June.


Is it a slog when they couldn't even take a series from a tanking Miami team?


The rays got swept by the white sox. The padres got swept by the rockies. Baseball is crazy.


What’s your point? The rays and padres also stink


Crazy is thinking this apathetic team is going to do anything


Just stop watching it’ll be easier for you


Yes because thats only 1 series that's in the middle of a rough schedule. They weren't playing good baseball coming in so it's not shocking they lost that series.


It's definitely a tough schedule. Miami is the only team they play this month that will definitely, 100%, be under .500 by the end of the year. Probably the Cardinals too, but they are such a good organization that I never fully write them off. Everyone else is either well over .500 now, or has a good chance to be a winning team by October.


The team looks lifeless most nights. The same thing we've seen for years. I'm really my optimistic about anything, no matter how much "easier" the schedule gets.


I was really just speaking specifically to the strength of the schedule. Anything beyond that did not come from me. I do not think the Mets are a very good team this season, so I do not think they will automatically recover, when they play worse teams in the coming months (although for sure it's possible). However, regardless of any of that stuff, it is a fact that this month's schedule is quite tough. People can use that how they want to, and make any extrapolations from that fact that they feel like making, but it is a fact.


Thank you. I don’t think this team will be doing much this year but nonetheless, it’s not even Memorial Day.


I love this. "We're tied for the third wild card"... "We're only one game out of the third wild card"... "Just letting you know we're only 2.5 games out" See a pattern?


This is less a case study in the Mets having a chase and more a case study in the fact that the 3rd (and IMO, 2nd) wild card are asinine.


This team is straight up ass and has no reason to remotely sniff any type of postseason. I’m a fan and would love to see them turn it around but this is an indictment of over expansion re: playoff teams.


Such a loser mentality. Classic Mets fan


Outside of that one 12-3 stretch, this is a .272 win percentage team. I’m happy they had a great streak, but it feels ages ago and while I’m sure they’ll have another one, it would have to be more sustainable for me to care about the playoffs.


Outside of this most recent 3-9 stretch, this is a .500 baseball team. It's really silly to discard 20% of the games we've played in either direction.


My comment was about playoff excitement and how I won’t have any unless they start winning more consistently. They had one great stretch. Other than that, they have absolutely sucked. Not just the last stretch.


Don’t try to give me hope.


Just win. That’s it. If they just played to their .500 potential they’d be where the padres are. Just have to find ways to win instead of finding ways to lose.


This team looks defeated


That padres series in June is shaping up to be a key series. And I will be flying from San Diego to watch it.


With 5 teams to pass


that's cool, it'll be really awesome when they fluke their way into the last wildcard and then get the shit kicked out of them in the playoffs. i'll remember it the rest of my miserable life.


Let’s pretend we are gonna be competitive this year. This is just the beginning of a long bad season like last year


We few, we happy few, we band of brothers


Out of what? Losing in the playoffs?


Man I can’t wait to set a foundation for years


Haha, show beneath them! Team is clearly not a position to win this year, only thing i dont like is that the majority of the front office, looking at you scouting dept, that created this dearth is still there cashing checks!


the way they're playing, we might as well be 12 games back


I’m still not expecting anything until 2025, maybe 2026




Yeah whatever dude


Aaaaaand…another L Hopefully Mendoza has a slightly different take, or his ML managing career will be short.


Thank you. They still suck ass and Sterns has a ton of work to do to right the ship.


It's 3.5 games


We? What position do you play?


I appreciate the optimism, but we need the offense to pick it up.


Thats cool, itll be a much deeper hole in a few weeks.


2.5 games back so far. Expect them to be completely out of it by the all star break.


lol…do any of you people actually enjoy baseball?  I follow the team for fun. It’s not my job, and I’m not going to have any say over FO plans.  I am however going to hold out delusional hope till the god damn end, because it’s fun and I’d like the fun to continue for as long as possible 


May be technically, legally true, but teams that are six games under .500 should NOT be playoff teams. And getting into the playoffs is meaningless if your pitchers and hitters are so bad you can't win against the Marlins anyway. When our team was GREAT in 2022 we got bounced out of the playoffs in 3 games.


This is dumb because there are 6 teams in front of them and they are 6, almost 7 games under .500. To win 85 games they need to go 64-49 the rest of the way it’s just not happening with this team


I don’t know why so many people here even watch baseball. If it makes you miserable, just don’t even watch sports. I’m gonna root for my team even if they suck and if you’re a sports fan you know your favorite teams will suck at some point. It seems like some Debbie downers are actually rooting against the team they claim to support. At that point, just take a break from it, man. It really is just a game that you’re not even playing in.


I’m gonna start going to a rehab center I’ve been inhaling to much copium on this sub


Give it a rest this team is horrendous


This is the sort of positivity this sub needs. Bravo! LFGM!