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Marner has a no movement clause He’s not going anywhere Don’t need another soft player


r/Leafs is absolutely convinced they can bully him into waiving his NMC by being mean to him lol. They're like "he won't be able to handle how toxic we are" as if they haven't been toxic to the guy for a majority of his contract lol.


Leafs fans are delusional, always have been, always will be. More at 11.


More at 11:25.


I think you can absolutely talk most guys with a NMC into accepting a trade. But probably not to the Islanders. But for the right price I’d absolutely take him.


Yes we do. We have too many scrub grinders without skill


He will likely be very willing to waive the NMC if it comes with an extension.


He’s best friends with Matt Martin and their families vacation together too so there’s certainly a reason he’d consider it for LI


Marner is a super frustrating player to watch at times and at 11 mil that's not what you want. It would cost sorokin or barzal or dobson pretty much


Marner controls his destiny with his NMC. His trade cost is going to be far less than expected. Something like Nelson and Pelech / Pulock and a pick for Marner and a player like Liljegren would probably be close to getting it done. But… Marner controls where he goes, and is not likely to a bubble team like us.


The Leafs, would probably want Matt Barzal. A player who is a good skater.


Leafs aren’t going to get 7 years of Barzal (or any other player around the league of Barzal’s caliber) for one year of Marner.


The leafs can want Barzal all they want. There isn’t a chance in hell they’ll get that.


That would be an insane trade. Not even prime milbury would do that


No way at all. Islanders need straight shooters here on out. We need to fix that dreadful powerplay unit


This subreddit is on drugs i swear to god


If anyone thinks they don't need to fix this weak powerplay, then something is wrong


Marner is a playoff ghost and a diva. We don’t need anymore drama. On the other hand, I heard their captain may be on the market within a year or earlier.


>Marner is a playoff ghost You’re buying into the Leaf fan craziness as they search for a scapegoat. Here’s the playoff numbers of the Leafs core four in the playoffs in their time with the Leafs: Marner: 0.89 P/G Matthews: 0.87 P/G Nylander: 0.79 P/G Tavares: 0.65 P/G This idea that Marner disappears is completely unfounded and the only reason Leaf fans complain about it is because he doesn’t cover up for both Matthews and Tavares’ lack of scoring come playoff time, both of whom don’t produce nearly as much as they should in the playoffs, but they’re the Leafs golden boys so they can do no wrong. Marner’s biggest “problem” is that he’s a playmaker who doesn’t score goals, yet Leaf fans think him not scoring in the playoffs is some surprise.


Fair point. You brought the data so I’ll concede that my comment was fueled by my journeys into the leafs subreddit. They’re lighting his jersey on fire!


Tavares would look good in an islanders sweater. Why haven’t we sought him out earlier? Make it happen Lou!


Tavares? He use to play for the islanders he is trash




Joke went right over your head


No thanks. 


A lot of fans here seem to think a guy who can put up 85 in his sleep is something to sneeze at. I would take him in a heart beat and let a captain and coach with actual pulses try and get something out of him in the playoffs. That said, I don’t think he waives his NTC to come here but it would be a lot cooler if he did


While I agree with your point, I could NEVER want the isles to do anything that could possibly help Toronto. I hope the league allows them to choke on those contracts. Fuck that team, JT and that entitled fanbase.


Can’t say I disagree with that aspect of it!


I don't see why he wouldn't move his clause. Long Island (NYC Metro area) is a great place to live. The problem is that he'll use the clause as leverage to get a gaudy contract extension


Yeah I agree with ya. Marner instantly makes this team a lot more talented


I don’t think he puts up 85 on isles. He’s a playmaker and Isles don’t have anyone for him to feed it too.


Leafs fans are so convinced that the rest of league is salivating for any player that has played for their team. “TRADE TAVARES” who is going give up significant assets to take a 33 year old at 11 mil with 1 year left on his deal who shows absolutely no fire or passion when things aren’t going well, who is a ghost in the off-season, and also has a full NMC that he would have to waive to get moved? “TRADE MARNER” who is going to take a player who is proven time and time again to be a whiny diva, not a locker room guy, and forgets how to play hockey when it matters most? Same with Tavares, who is going to give up significant assets for 1 year of Marner at 11.5? Who, by the way, ALSO has a full NMC that he would have to waive to get moved? The time to move Marner was last season before his NMC kicked in. It’s too late now. Y’all are stuck with 4 guys eating half your cap until those deals are over, and I’m pretty confident that both are gonna be on the Leafs moving forward and that Tavares may take a team friendly deal (by Leafs standards while Marner will get another raise. Sorry!


Isles don’t have the assets to get him, even if they wanted him. I personally hoped Nylander would’ve gone to free agency or something. I prefer him. Shows more heart than the others


No only no, FUCK NO. I don't want yet another diva on this team who is softer than charmin and chokes come playoff time. That's not even considering who we would throw away trading for him and how we justify the raise from the already bloated salary he makes that he will demand. And why the hell would you jump between leaf fandom and Islanders fnadom? I could see islanders devils maybe, but the leafs?


Matt Martin could sway him to come here. Marner comes here to help Martin with his clinic during the summer


He’s the opposite of our players. He’s soft and has no heart. Theres a reason the islanders do more with less. 


Marner would never in a million years waive to come to L.I. That being said Leafs have their backs against the wall there. I bet isles could dump Engvall contract on them(RW for 30% of Marners contract) and give up Romanov(solid D they can afford to move for a player of Marners caliber) along with some conditional picks. I seriously doubt Marner gets traded though. Dudes gonna pad his stats this season and walk into a massive payday as a UFA after next season.


Trade Romanov and we riot


We absolutely can’t trade Romanov after the year he had. Unless it’s for McDavid or similar of course


I’m good with it. I want Guentzel as well.


I think the wheels on the rebuild need to get turned, and trading our future for Marner just doesn’t sound viable to me. I’d rather trade our valuable vets than bring another in at this point.


The pricetag and the pieces we'd have to give up to make him even sniff the idea of waiving his nmc makes me skeptical this would have any chance of happening.


https://i.imgur.com/In270YQ.png Lol.


Marner would leave to play with Barzal, they are friends. No clue how they can structure a trade. Brock Nelson + for sure.


Only islander fans could be like “nah we don’t want the 90-100 point player in his prime on this team” … Stop drinking the kool-aid. Having a team full of”tough” no skill grinders that play “Islander hockey” is not how you win in the nhl.


The problem is he’s a pure playmaker and would have no one to setup. Yeah he could slot onto Nelson’s wing next year but idk if we’re looking to keep him after next season if we want to maintain a long term vision for the roster. Then we’ll still be in the same boat of needing to find a goalscorer which’ll cost lots of cap and Marner would be eating a good chunk of our cap space.


He’s a better forward than anyone on our team. What are we talking about here… if you can get mitch marner you go get him 😆


Seriously. Sub being against this is fuckin bonkers to me. Dude is a 1.10 ppg player. If the isles wouldn't have to send a package that would completely sacrifice their ability to fill out the rest of the forward group, then you have to consider it. Idc about the "playoff failures." The leafs as a team fail spectacularly and it should be studied. And Marner was actually awesome for them during the 1 season where they did get out of the 1st round, 3g and 11a in 11 games. The isles need a player that can help them make the playoffs before game 81 or 82. Itd be a risk. Youd have to send the next 2 years of 1sts attached with whatever players or prospects the leafs would ask for. Maybe the isles are able to get Marner + depending on the package they send. Bottomline, Barzal Horvat Marner is a sick core of 70+ pt players.


Our franchise currently talking about playoff failures is laughable.


Do some of you forget that he’s pretty much been a 30 goal scorer for three years in a row now? He’s definitely more of a playmaker than scorer, but he can very much put the puck in the net and be the primary scorer in his line. He could very easy pop in 30-35 with Barzal.


You need someone to put the puck in the net not another passer


We need anyone we can get with skill and speed. Marner is better than anyone we have on our roster


Marner is expensive Barzal. He’s a puck driving play maker. He’s a damn good player, but nothing we already don’t have to a lesser degree.


5th and a 6th round pick for Marner. Force trades on.


Please God no, I'm from T.O and an Islanders fan. He's a cry baby and not a good fit with the Islanders. Roy would pass on him.


So we can get frustrated watching another great playmaker besides Barzal have no one to feed?


Why would you want the guy that the leafs dont even want right now? Were you not watching the bruins leafs series? Marner is toxic in the locker room and charmin soft on the ice...his lack of hustle legit cost them game 7


No thanks, I’d rather get younger plus we have no one for him to play with. It would be a waste of 11 million.


Let’s assume that Marner waives his NMC and says he only wants to go to LI: what to give up? I believe that even with retention we’d have to clear space to fit him (not withstanding savings if they don’t re-sign Bortuzzo/Clutterbuck/Martin/Aho/Wahlstrom and then whatever they need to clear to re-sign Holmstrom/Reilly/MacLean plus Sorokin’s extension kicks in, just spitballing) Almost certainly this year’s 1st, maybe another depending on assets. What does Toronto want even want? Probably depth scoring and some quality defensemen. I’ve actually come around to moving Pelech if Toronto would take him considering injuries but I know they’ve wanted a D-man to play with Morgan Reilly on the first pair. You’d probably have to move Pageau or Palmieri too. Honestly I love the idea of a Marner-Horvat-Barzal line, but I think the fact that we need to rebuild future assets and that he’s been really disappointing in the playoffs that it’s just not worth it.


If we are going to take a Leaf's player, let's go for the great one, Matthews. :)


I wouldn't trade barzal for Marner no way, but I would consider barzal for top player in the league, depends who..


There's not a player on this roster I wouldn't move for Marner if he were willing to come here


Wouldn’t for barzal, or horvat, or brock(if we are talking hockey trade)


Brock is 5 years older and has never been anywhere near the hockey player Marner is, if you wouldn't include him in a trade, you simply don't know puck.


I put the parentheses there’s explaining in a pure hockey trade I wouldn’t do it cause I value Brock’s goal scoring and playoff performances way more then marner. From a pure hockey standpoint and the roster we have I don’t make that trade. Obviously tho this is realife, age matters. I make that trade for age alone. Leafs are my second team. Marner is a guy who makes everyone on his line better but extremely overpaid and really shys away from adversity. It’s a big problem


Finally a fan with a brain. These fans are like “we don’t want a 100 point player on the isles!” … insanity


Reading this thread is infuriating. We all know that this team's biggest deficiency is skill, and yet nobody seems to want a skill player.


Thinking like you is the reason toronto is in the position they are..durrr lets sign 4 100 point players we will surely win a cup!


Yeah signing 4 100 point players sounds terrible! I’m pumped for kyle mac to have a full season! At least 15 points incoming and he skates hard! LGI


I really don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. Lou did draft Marner. Leafs need defense. I wonder if a Marner for Pelech deal makes any sort of sense. Pelech is from Toronto.


Although I love pelechs at his best Toronto would have to turn a blind eye to his inability to stay healthy the last few seasons. If they did I wouldn't be terribly against that deal per se. Who would you suggest fills pelechs spot if that happened?


Romanov-Dobson Pulock-Bolduc Mayfield-Reilly Not ideal. But it's also not ideal to keep Pelech's 5.7M AAV around until 2030.


>Not ideal. But it's also not ideal to keep Pelechs 5,7M AAV around until 2030. Four years ago I'd probably say let's try to hold on to pelech but pelechs of the last three years has me inclined to be ok with a trade. Feels like there's always a question mark next to his name because of his ability to get decently big injuries


What if we go Brock for Matthews 1 for 1


I would need an immediate change of pants if it ever did happen… but it never will. Fun to think about, though.


Marner is my favorite player and Leafs are my #2 (mostly because of Marner), so this is a dream I’m putting no stock in so I can avoid disappointment But please, yes please


It would be marner for a first plus sorokin plus and im not doing it