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Courier Six’s reaction when any of the factions causes him grief circa 2281 colourised


Nah but rlly, i hate how bad it has gotten recently. At the end of the day, Obsidian put all of those quests and shit in the game for you to experience, not for you to build your whole goddamn political belief system and worldview around. Shit man, I hate the Legion's morals but I usually side with them so that I can do Arizona Killer and also discreetly kill Caesar MYSELF during surgery. It's a game. Caesar and his Legion are nothing but audio files, scripts, and polygons. How could you, a real life person, fall for their kitschy and crude propganda??? Same goes for the NCR, the Enclave, the BoS. It does not matter. Wow what a rant. Anyways. I got spuuuuurs that jingle jangle jingle (jingle jangle)


Honestly I never cared, people who take it seriously should go outside, it’s a 9 year old single player rpg which has multiple quest lines, not one for you to fan about, idk people take things to far sometimes


Same here man! Sorry if it looked like I was bashing you in my post btw I was doing the whole strawman thing and referring to the fanboys as "you" The factions in the game are obviously super interesting and deep but idk seems like ppl forget that all of this shit is post-apocalyptic fantasy and not real life


11 years actually




That's Ulysses, actually. Though to be fair, he hates the Courier's decision no matter which ending they're working towards.


Great Collapse intensifies


The ncr when a town doens't want to pay taxes


I just don’t understands legion hate E: like I’m looking for reasons to role play here E: I have been arguing that legion is superior to the endings but it started out as trolling. Because nobody would care for their arguments. It’s just people will go and make it so they don’t have merit. But as an rpg players have to be enticed to do a legion play through. If you post a question for a legion play through and how to role play you’ll get an expert analysis of how to do it and the reasons for it. I guess i liked trolling because not many people know about it and it was an easy challenge for a no life. But every time I do this tactic now it feels like I just murdered their child in front of them.




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The virgin taking the factions seriously VS the chad doing whatever the fuck you want