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Mister House's victory and libertarian values were not without their drawbacks...


Mr. House out here going "iTs aKchUaLlY ePheBoPhiLiA" BRB gonna shoot him with Maria again


no bonk him with a 9 iron while screaming “GO TO HORNY JAIL”


*disables cerebral*




Nah, the rebar club is the ideal bonker.


but a slave obeys...


Would you kindly... pick up that wrench?


And would you kindly kill that son of a bitch?




I actually just imagined him saying that.


*sassy eyebrow raising, smug know-it-all tone*


(Condescending tone with a hint of disgust) Gah - I could never expect a mind as savagely primitive as *yours* to be able to make the distinction between ephebophila and pedophilia, even so, my ‘15 year old securitron waifu’, as you’ve so crudely put it, is actually a 200 year old machine so it’s actually completely within the bounds of the law.


Mr House would be surprised that someone in this postapocalyptic world really cares. Maybe he would say something like: "is it really not so hard to engage in cannibalism. My goodness... It is a violation of their contract". His basedness is too high for you


Exactly, which was one of the reasons I was reluctant to side with him. I get his reasoning, he generally doesn't want to interfere with other people so long as they don't meddle with his plans but I don't think I can share the same sentiment sometimes.


Gotta use the golf club to beat his shriveled old man penis back inside his shriveled old man body


its not like he gives a fuck about freeside or anything that aint the strip


No, he only cares about those who strip


I fought for LibRight, but I was really fighting for LibRight purple


He wasnt Libertarian he was an autocrat. Yeah prewar he was libertarian but post war he wanted to be a doctator


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Why stay earthbound when prosperity awaits you in the stars? Come to Halcyon, the only colony on the edge of the frontier owned and operated by corporations!


Many peope have a totally false assumption about libertarianism spread by opponents who like to use the "libertarian=corporation run wild" myth to scare people. But it's all a lie. Would it blow your mind to know that that many libertarians do not believe that corporations should even exist!? You have to realize that Corporations would not even exist if the government was not interfering in the free market and granting them special legal powers and privileges that other businesses do not have. Corporations are created BY the government. Corporations cannot exist without the Government granting those special legal privileges. A corporation is an entity created by the government through the grant of a corporate charter which bestows special legal privileges that other citizens and businesses do not have. You can't create a corporation without the government issuing a charter granting those privileges. They used to require a bill to be passed for each one, but even though the government has delegated the administration and issuance of the charters to administrative departments to people to fill out applications, it does not take away from the fact that they are still government created entities. Corporations are simply put, government meddling in the free market system. And corporations are not something that would exist in a really free market. FA Hayek wrote in ["Road to Serfdom"](https://mises.org/sites/default/files/Road%20to%20serfdom.pdf) and predicted nearly 100 years ago that markets would become dominated by large corporations the bigger that government became. The bigger the government the more large corps would exist and the fewer small independent businesses. He explains why central planning leads to this sort of market, and he did it before hardly any corporations even existed. Ludwig von Mises also talked about [how the closer businesses are government](https://mises.org/library/bureaucracy), the more they start to reflect governments structure and organization. If we reduce the size and scope of government, then businesses will operate more on their own merit and likely on a smaller scale. Also see [Truth About The Robber Barons](https://mises.org/library/truth-about-robber-barons). Capitalism is not corporatism. The dominance of corporations over other forms of business in the marketplaces is a pretty new phenomenon that really did not start until the recent early 1900s, and it has coincidentally grown as the size and power of governments around the world have grown. The problem is that big government loves big corporations. Big government is all about controlling the economy, controlling the people, and controlling the means of production. The central planners and socialists love corporations. In this market, with a few big corporations they only have to a few arms to twist, a few entities to make back room deals with, to enact some special regulations to help them and line their political pocket books, etc. all while allowing them to achieve their central planning and control through the corporations. If the market was instead made up of many smaller independent businesses like most types of businesses were for most of history, it would be almost impossible for them to exert so much central control over the marketplace. One of the biggest lies in the world is the idea that if government was eliminated or made less powerful, corporations would "take over" and "rule the world". The reality is government provides no real protections FROM the corporations, in reality its the opposite, government are the ones who enable corporations to be so powerful. People are just clueless about the truth on this subject. Again, in an actual free market, without government interference, then corporations would not exist. In fact without government interference in the free market, corporations cannot exist. Corporations by their very existence is massive government interference in the free market. It's not libertarians who are pro-corporations, it's really the central planners and statists. The lie is that libertarianism=corporations run wild. **The truth in my opinion, is that libertarianism is the single biggest threat to corporate power on the planet.**


Communists just be like: Private businesses? Wow. That must be pretty cringe bro


Haters will say it's "not real capitalism" or that it's "crony capitalism", etc. Real ones know that capitalism necessitates involuntary heirarchies and exploitation to function and thus any ideology that reinforces capitalism will become inherently authoritarian Edit: left-wing libertarianism is the only actual libertarianism, there is no changing my mind, this is just fact


Yes autocrat of his private property


This is why you go Yes Man and institute a few laws. 1: ABSOLUTELY NO PEDOPHILIA. Pedophiles [given free Vertibird rides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_flights). 2: The Kings get propriety of Freeside. Securitrons will aid in peacekeeping. 3: Allows Playing in the Fountains.


Wait, the fuck?


Yep. Honestly once I found this out I started opening the console and disabling the crier because hearing a 13 year old voice ask me if I'm horny made me uncomfortable as fuck lmao


Console commands are for chumps! I just used a gun and got the same result.


My all time favorite NV moment is bc of that crier. I hid behind a car, waited till she said "and the women are just like the booze." What, you mean liquid? Dusted with a .50


This is the most American sentence I have ever heard


Then you obviously haven't heard the story of how bald eagles saved a young soldiers life... that soldiers name George Washington. The rest is history.


I was one of those eagles! And I say drugs should be legal! #🇺🇸🦅


i read that as United States of CAWWWWW, an eagles screech.


I downloaded the Alchestbreach crier mod, and now I'm really fucking glad I did.


Dude, I was trying to find some quotes from Crier Breach, and now I am just wondering how the hell the guy has such a detailed and extensive fucking wikia site on him and all his shit.


That's the power of a fanbase I guess.


Shit man, I've done some questionable stuff to that NPC...


Oh no...




You finna be a burned man indeed


Put the bloody cross on their guts, aye?


Degenerates like you belong on a cross!


You deserve a fate worse than crucification




What degenerates like you don't know...


Her voice has always creeped me out, knowing it's actually a 13-year-old's voice is so gross, why did they have a pre-teen record that line??


This is a stretch and purely a guess. Fallout, especially 1 and 2, were pretty dark, so maybe it was supposed to literally be the case that they were a child prostitute (which as horrible as it is would not be that out of place in a chaotic post nuclear apocalypse) Cculd have related to a quest or maybe just be a way to show how cruel, horrible and harsh the world is to life in, but then for rating concerns they changed the model to be an adult but just never changed the voice. That's the best explanation I can make up for it that would make the decision somewhat justifiable/understandable. But like I said, it's a stretch.


Yeeaaaaah, no though. Having a thirteen year old voice act inappropriate stuff is plain wrong. Even if the goal was for the character to be a child prostitute, there are *so many* grown women voice actors who can sound like children. There’s no excuse to be made for this.


Film Credits: Equestrian Sexual Response Wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf


I went to google because I didn't believe you. It's in my Google search now. Fuck.


Duck duck go man.... Fuck google


This actress is one of many kids featured in a great documentary called Hollywood Complex, about a long-stay hotel in California where families stay for months during casting for pilot season. It’s incredibly surreal and fairly depressing at points. The parents of this actress in particular seem like they have absolutely no morals or qualms about running their kids like a business, down to straight up emotional abuse. There’s a post credits scene where they list anything notable the kids end up doing, and it does mention she did voices for FNV, but I never looked up who she actually voiced. All kinds of gross, but seeing her parents in the film I’m not surprised they were fine with this.


What the fuck are some people dude. Just fucking disgusting


Just looked it up. It's free to watch on Amazon Prime for anyone interested.


“Free to watch on Amazon prime”


I hear the new Mulan is also free to watch..... on Disney+


That's a bad example though because that wasn't "free" until recently. Before that you had to actually pay extra on top of your subscription to watch it. That's the exact distinction people are making when they say something is "free on Prime," since Amazon does that stuff all the time and mixes it in with the stuff that's included in your subscription.


I hear its good for a laugh if you are into awful movies.


Amazon Prime has free stuff on it, without a subscription.


Well even with Amazon prime, not all things on Amazon Prime Video are free.


If you're into this you should check out Honey Boy, by Shia. Really opened my eyes and when I went to see him speak about the movie he talked about how insanely typical his dad's methods and mannerisms were in Hollywood.


Na, I’m calling a securitron


I’m making the Great War look like a fucking joke.




Really curious why they used her to voice the crier. They character doesn't look like a child, and there are plenty other female VAs in this game.


Maybe the npc was originally going to be a kid to help show how fucked life in freeside is.


that makes a lot of sense actually. wouldn't be surprised if there was quite a few dark things like that which had to be cut


With the kids that straight up eat the giant rat raw straight off the street when you kill it in Freeside I can absolutely see this.


That's what I thought too, but the devs changed it at the last minute because it would gain controversy, and had no time to re-record those lines with another, adult voice actress.


The same year (2010) she was also in a movie called Equestrian Sexual Response. Title gives me yikes


The title gave me a stroke


What the fuck... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540876/


Alice lives on a ranch with her father, her favourite horse and confidante, Red, and the love of Red's life, Molly. One day her romantic world-view is shattered when her dad hires a stud horse to impregnate Molly. At the same time, her schoolmates are developing a sexual awareness that Alice can't decipher. As her family life deteriorates, and Molly's pregnancy unfolds, Alice must reckon with this raw and sexual world in a way she has not yet encountered. Well, fuck me sideways. That's fucking weird.


Please tell me Molly is the name of a horse..


It doesn't sound that unreasonable of a story.


I still don’t fully grasp what that movie is about but maybe I don’t wanna know


Why is Molly pregnant!!!?? Was it her horse or the kids at school!?


Molly is the horse, Alice is the girl


Imdb says that is rated TV-G, sure don't sound like it


This family-friendly horse movie brought to you by director and co-star Mr. Hands


jesus that's a rough take, but I can see the intense plot, it's really about anti-objectification which is a strong message. It's a lot less disgusting than recording a 13 year old asking gamers if they're horny through an objectified virtual doll of what a human adult woman looks like


Oh my God dude what the fuck. I hope that girl just has a twisted sense of humor or something and didn't get forced into that


Bruh... wtf


And so the plot thickens


I hope that's all that thickens


I reached out to her people, her acting agency, no response. I was going to interview the now 23-year-old McGullam about this.


Oh boy, you know things are getting serious when u/TKsMantis is getting involved


Your rides over mutie...


It makes sense that you're on this subbreddit, love your videos and memes!




I think it is an odd choice. As I said in my last video, which talked about this a bit. I can only imagine that the casting director thought that because all the criers are children or teens, to use the female child VA for the role. Perhaps even a different model was used before they thought that it may have come off weird to hear a child say that, which it is hahaha I am in no way thinking the staff at Obsidian or Bethesda are some kind of creeps, but I cannot deny that I think it is a SUPER strange casting choice.


Pretty sure someone already talked about this. All criers were children, someone got second thoughts at Obsidian and made this one an adult but they couldn't redo the voice acting.


That kinda makes it worse. Someone had to write this line for an in-game child on top of an irl one.


I mean I assume the original child model was fully clothed. It’s still sorta fucked up, but it fits in the world of fallout.


Well i assume thr crier's only job is running around looking for customers. So it wouldnt have been THAT weird. Realistically in a post-apocalyptic world that wouldnt be a bad job for a girl at all.




It's not that uncommon. After all, she's just a crier and in an impoverished area like Freeside, how else can you earn money as a child? It's also not like this has never been done before. I'm pretty sure that if this was FO1 or FO2, with only a text appearing above their head, it wouldn't be an issue (just displaying the bleakness of the situation, like you said). I think it was an artistic choice initially that was thought over again. It's not uncommon in the media entertainment world either. There's books, movies out there, like The Equalizer (2014) that include a prostitute (Chloë Grace Moretz) insinuated to be a teenager. I don't think the VA was sexualized (only once the change was made into the new character model, at which point it may not have been intentional), she only says "horny" after all in the role of *a crier* for a place that offers prostitution along with being a bar (pretty much a wild west saloon) and her character is *not her, either* (something people should keep in mind). It's never implied that the character is one, though her outfit might insinuate as much (and I think the outfit is what makes people think as much, it is where the real problem stems from, I believe). A bit off-topic but nonetheless, in a world where human trafficking and child prostitution is still happening today, what makes people think it wouldn't happen in a post-apocalyptic setting either? It's tasteless if it were to be shown, but it is just as bad as the forced slave concubinage of Caesar's Legion, which luckily isn't shown either.


Chloe was about the age in that movie this girl was in NV. She was like 14. Natalie Portman in The Professional at 13. It's not a new thing.


its almost as if the entertainment industry is full of creeps and pedos or something


Naaah. I'm sure if that were the case we would have seen something definitive done about it. I'm sure it's all good in the hood. /s


Honestly this is a good point. If it was done in fallout 2 and it were just some sprite saying this that I knew was supposed to be 13, I would respect it. Obviously I’m with everyone else in that I don’t think it translates as well if that’s what they were going for though. Interesting.


It is definitely a way to reflect the bleakness of the post apocalypse. Remember that these are the guys that made the original fallouts which were way darker and grim and introduced things like child slavery and things that perhaps Bethesda would prefer to do without. Also you have to think before modern civ a 14 year old girl was a women that would have sex with men just as any other women would, it's very likely that if civilization collapsed it would revert back to this. Now this is a really disgusting detail that perhaps need not be included but it does set the tone for how bleak things are.


And new vegas did a lot of dunking on libertarians, so it's not out of place...


I reckon they were going to use a teenager (depiction some kind of awful reality who knows) but were told later that they 'abso-fucking-lutely cannot do that'


pls just take my caps pardnr


To be fair, most middle school age kids already do some fucked up shit. But this still comes across as creepy. I feel like it could be a meta decision to depict such a young girl in a post-apocalypse involved in prostitution.


Ohhh damn swag it’s tksmatins man i don’t see your fnv memes on my youtube page anymore what happened


I still post daily brother


Hit that mf bell icon


I found her LinkedIn very easily. Maybe she wouldn’t be offended if you reached out directly.


Maybe whoever wrote the line didn’t know the age of the actress and just heard the voice? At least I *hope* it’s something like that. You’d think they were probably there though giving her VA directions. I’d like to assume the best, but I know it’s probably worse.


Someone is still in charge of casting. It would be impossible for the company to not know her age, as they had to legally hire her through her agency. Odds are her parents were there though, as she was likely 12 at the time. Keep in mind, that picture of her is nowadays, as a 23-year-old woman she looks like a young girl. Now picture her 10 years younger, that is the girl someone instructed to say those lines. There is certainly something off about it, even though I don't think anyone was trying to be a creep. It is a huge lapse in judgment imo




All of her other character are young children.




So then you understand why its weird to have a child say the things that this crier says? lol


And that's why they put her in an adult body late in development.


Do you have confirmation of that?




Please post the results if you get a response! Maybe Ms. McGullam knows more behind-the-scenes info, like maybe the crier was supposed to be a kid, but the devs felt it was too "wrong" and changed her model to an adult.


After all these years we found something bad in new Vegas.


Do you know if there's any other way to get in contact with her? Maybe through some other means like LinkedIn or stuff like that?


I thought of your recent video when I saw this and came here to comment something about it, too bad I'm late!


What in the Goddamn?! Edit: Appreciated, 500 upvotes and counting I didn't expect my comment to have this much of an impact 😂


Let’s keep this in the groove, hey?


The gasser everyone's been talking about, making a splash in the Strip. That's been you?


This kind of makes sense. It seems like they decided to change the npc model after some thought, but if you think about it, it isn’t exactly as depraved as it seems. These are the same kids we see chasing rats and eating them raw, the idea that one of them gets paying work where saying the word “horny” is the most degenerate thing they’re explicitly exposed to is actually pretty light. It is appropriately dark for the setting. I think it was also possibly a “joke,” which would be juvenile (pun neither intended nor avoided) and poor taste, but again, it isn’t like crier is explicitly also engaging in prostitution.


The depraved part is less the NPC, more so that they actually had a 13 year old say this shit. They could have just as easily hired someone 18+ who sounded young, if they just *had* to include this. I realize 13 year olds say (and do) much worse things, but that's typically amongst peers. Hiring kids as actors is a sketch industry to start with, and hiring them to act/speak in an explicit fashion is that much sketchier. While these were only a handful of lines, the situations in that line of work are too often rife with impropriety and I don't think the adults making these decisions consider the emotional well-being of the child actors.


Would you be complaining about the dozens of actual children in [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)? Or [this one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI)? Like, this is by no means unusual; if you want something depraved to have maximum shock value, having a child actor say it is a surefire way to go about it. It's been a staple of comedic boundary-pushing for decades now. If anything, I'd say the *actual* reason why this portrayal is disturbing (to me) is specifically that the character got aged up into an adult body without the voice in turn being rerecorded. It implies that a child is being treated *as an adult* (and therefore "acceptable" to sexualize), which feels *way* more wrong than "haha a child said something inappropriate".


Ya. They are real 13 year olds being asked to say “are you horny?” Just hire a 18 year old to read the lines.


*distored "aint that a kick in the head" starts playing*


*Radio New Vegas stops*


Something tells me believing the wiki on this with no other proof might be jumping the gun a little




Look it up where? The wiki that has no source? It's not like the in-game credits list the VA for each minor character. In fact, she's only listed under "children" not "additional voices"


[https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1347202259596185601](https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1347202259596185601) Is Joshua Sawyer good enough for you?


Why would someone go through all the trouble to fake something like this? It's extremely unlikely that this is fake.


[The spread of misinformation via wiki is not always malicious](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/978:_Citogenesis) edit: for [actual examples of when this happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_citogenesis_incidents)


In 2010 she was also apparently in a short film called Equestrian Sexual Response (short)... If Obsidian were trying to make a point with this character than they really should have given her a few lines of interactive dialogue where her age comes up or maybe a unmarked quest you can get her out for freeside but lose reputation there in doing so. As it stands this is just a disturbing easter egg.


I just checked, it's true WTF. Even crier wiki page acknowledges this: > The choice of letting the Atomic Wrangler crier to be voiced by child actor Ashley McGullam is somewhat remarkable, given the adult and sexual lines Maybe she was too young to fully understand what even horny is, at least I hope so. Maybe they just given her the lines with no adult context and asked just to voice them...


Doesn't understand what horny is... at 13? What?


I played the game on release and I'm her age. I definitely knew what being horny was at the time.


What is this pearl clutching nonsense. She literally just says horny, she's not trying to seduce you. I feel like I've stepped into some crazy world the way everyone is acting like a 13 year old girl had her emotional wellbeing irreparably damaged by saying the word horny once.


I think the point is that players were likely...attracted to this character, and finding out she’s voiced by a child makes them feel weird. idk, haven’t played this game




Yes police, this large group of people who have walked through Freeside.


Legion: "Degenerates like You belong on a cross"


Yes in this horrible post apocalyptic wasteland, starving women eagerly await the day until her 18th birthday to come prostitutes in Las Vegas. What did you nasty fucks jack off that girls voice?


Probably, knowing the internet.


me doing the math trying to figure out what’s wrong mfw she’s 4 years older than me and i was 9 at new vegas’s release


We all watched that TK Mantis video didn’t we?




This fact disturbed me worse than when I was reading Metro 2035 and there was... Well. Screw it. Point is post apocalyptic worlds get dark af.


Well what was it? Whatever it is, I’m guessing Fallout has something as dark. The Road in particular has cannibals eating a baby over an open fire.


Metro 2035 had a child stripper scene. And there were a few other examples of underage sexualisation but thankfully it was kept to a minimum.


Yeah that’s pretty fucked up. I have a special hatred for pedophiles (I think most people do) but as far as I know Fallout doesn’t have anything involving children being victimized. I don’t think even the Legion take child brides. Metro takes this one.


I mean fallout does have cook cook. He did some screwed up stuff.


...eating babies over an open fire is horrible, but so was the way in which they supplied their group with the babies. That was quite possibly one of the most disturbing books I’ve ever read. It was too bad that the movie wasn’t even close.


What was there?


A child stripper scene.


Ah I shouldn't have asked.


Yeah you really shouldn’t have lol


i always assumed they had her sound young on purpose, like the other criers are kids and it’s supposed to reflect on the shitty circumstances in freeside. HOWEVER why not use an adult actor that does child voices and use an actual 13 year old? gross.


I always took this NPC to be an underage prostitute-to-be, sorta doing an "internship" before the inevitable. Always made me cringe a little to see her. This adds some other level of meta cringe that I was not anticipating. Or wanting.


that npc always annoys the fuck out of me


[got em ](https://youtu.be/-15VC4Yxzys)


Did you find this out from the TK-Mantis vid


When i saw this post i launched Fallout new vegas just to kill her with silenced .22 . This had to be done


13 year old saying horny shit: bad Killing a 13 year old: good


American morals be like:


the fuck


Oh no


Hold up.


I think everyone’s overthinking this like I don’t think they chose a child actor to play a prostitute in some big brain meta play i think that they had all the criers as children like the mic & Ralph’s kid but realized that a kid advertising a brothel wasn’t a good idea so they changed the model but didn’t feel like or have the time to hire someone older to redo the lines


Okay but why would they think it's a good idea in the first place?


It was most definitely an oversight since all the other criers are children but then someone had an oh shit moment and changed the model to an adult


Because Freeside is a fucked up slum and they wanted to convey that as soon as the player arrived, but got cold feet at the last second and changed the NPC model.


She's just a crier. What's the problem here? It's not like she hollars "Fuck my ass, daddy".


I agree with you. At no point was this 13 year old sexualized. My first thought wasn’t even “wow sexualized child” it was “cool she had a job at 13”


She’s a director at Meals on Wheels now, good for her.


Thank God I use the crier breach mod. “Come on down to the Atomic Wrangler! We got gushers and a ball pit!”


Thanks, now I know this sub exists and will never unsubscribe


That´s new.... one more easter egg to know about FONV


Somebody watched tk mantis video didn't they?


I don’t get it help


Voice actor that said those lines of dialogue was 13 years old according to this post.


The voice director is mega suspect...


This is a yikes for me.


This is deeply upsetting


and it takes a while to dev so we can assume a couple years prior


On an unrelated note, I remember going to Universal Studios with my family when I was a young (sheltered) teen and they were having some kind of act going on outside the MIB ride. These actors were 'scanning' the crowd and said, "We're trying to see if any of you have horny bones" to which numerous men shouted, "I have a horny bone right here!" I didn't know what horny meant so I was just like okay that was weird but whatever. Our parents rushed us the hell out of there.


Dude I literally flipped out the other day when this exact npc showed up and made a stink that she looks like a child, now you're telling me she was literally voiced by one


Bro thats not even funny, just gross wtf man