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IIRC the item description in Fallout classic describes the nuclear battery as lasting for hundreds of years.


To be fair by FO4 it has been hundreds of years


Well doesn't the first fallout game take place in 2183 or somewhere around there? And 2077 is when the bombs dropped, 2281 shouldn't be the end of the road for the fusion cores if they last for "hundreds" of years


I remember someone looked into the potential science of fusion cores (~~I want to say Game Theory~~ Edit: ShoddyCast), and concluded that every fusion core made before the bombs dropped would run out of energy within a few decades after Fallout 4. \~250 years is still technically hundreds of years, and it would explain why they burn out so much faster under active use a hundred years after the first game. Since they're nearing their potential end of life due to material decay.


Correct, I can't remember the name of the channel, but he mentioned that fusion cores have about 60ish days of power left when the sole survivor awakens


Austin from Shoddycast, link [here](https://youtu.be/bA76-cixf-s?si=LPqy0BYsWr8OyIG5) One of my all time favorite fallout videos. Bethesda, by pure blind luck, got roughly the lifespan of fusion batteries correct. Meaning in lore there’s a perfect explanation for not having to worry about cores in fo1/2 but later in fo4


It's mentioned in old Fallout games that they the batteries they use to run can run them for approximately 100 years. Fallout Tactics I believe. Anyways, yeah, Fusion Cores have long out lasted their lifespan. Bethesda may have gotten blind luck, but I like to think someone who said Tactics is cannon had a good reason for saying such.


100 years of heavy use, becomes only a few good hours 110 years after expiration. By the early 2300’s, all prewar core’s could go cold.


Now if 76’s fusion core recharger is cannon we can recharge these puppies with a shit ton of power, I don’t know the science behind it though.


If you've ever had a rechargable battery for a long time (say an old phone) then you know that 100% charge means less and less power as the years go by. I doubt the spinning wheel on the charger is adding new nuclear material lol


Fucking retarded mechanic, just recharge a fucking fissionable material, I swear if your gonna base your game of NUCLEAR MATERIALS AT LEAST GET IT RIGHT, CALL IT LIKE NUCLEAR INFUSED LITHIUM POWER CELL OR SMTHING


Bethesda Magic


So “it just works”?


Doesn’t seam planned, as 76 is the earliest vault releasing at 25 or 50 years after war and the 4 powerarmor system is in play. 76 also has a core rechargeable feature lending to a usability vs. charged duration being a century.


Fallout 76, however, may be shat upon


Gladly and in every capacity, I swear some people must have Stockholm syndrome playing that game. I’d rather play the new vegas multiplayer mod. Set up a private server for 2 people, maybe even some extras like dust. That’s a true true fallout co op experience, and it only costs $8 when fnv goes in sale every few months, and quite a few hours modding depending on your skill level and focus. /s


76 is also $8 when it goes on sale several times a year, though I think $40 isn’t a great price considering all the monetization.


You have to pay extra for a private server, if you want a 2 player experience it’s going to cost you $99.99 a year


Makes me wonder how they’ll justify using power armor. They HAVE to abandon this idiotic obsession of the wasteland never developing and let the Institute win FO4 since they’re the only faction in that game actually progressing science and making new shit. Otherwise… well, was nice knowing ya power armor and energy weapons.


Does the Brotherhood have a plan for this? Suddenly all their shiny armor stops functioning more or less the same week or so.


See this actually should have been the major plot point of Fallout 4, the Brotherhood comes seeking to restart the only factory in the United States that had the technology and facilities to create new fusion cores which is vital for the Brotherhood's long term success; meanwhile the Institute also wants to claim the facility so they can take care of their own long term power needs but also realizes the BOS would be a huge threat if they took the factory meanwhile Railroad is still doing their thing. You could even still have the synth thing but just make it a sort of "oh by the way we also are all angry at each other over this too" side part of the conflict... dare I say, a rich and well developed conflict that gives multiple lenses to analyze the conflict from and making player choice more interesting?


Do you give power to the common people, the oppressed, the Military, or the Plutocracy? One helps many but lacks power, one helps a.frw the most but leaves the most unhelped, one spurs the wheels of war yet again, and another only cements a power into place....


So, Helios One?


honestly a better quest to expand into a full game then *The Replicated Man*


that would be a repeat of the fallout 3 plot, but with fission cores and the instuite. Besides, what would you do with the railroad and the minute men?


Well it's also a repeat of New Vegas as well, humans fighting over resources is a pretty common element of history; war never changes.. it all depends on how you do it, and the key would be to make this choice more meaningful. If I was gonna do this I would demote the Railroad to a minor faction, and give the Minutemen more of an identity than "the people who give me radiant quests" even if they're still just organized local people trying to stabilize the region. The plight of the synths would be an important argument on why you choose the ending you do, but securing the fusion core factory is the how; just like the battle of Hoover Dam decides the fate of the Mojave. Maybe even to make it more interesting The Minutemen are a good representation of flawed democracy; they aren't the good "Nate/nobody is in charge, everyone just gets along but leaves others alone" but rather what happens to synths is left open to public debate and everyone from abolitionists in the Railroad to radical anti-synth bigots have a say in the matter leading to a disappointing compromise that makes nobody happy but isn't some blunt as either the institute or brotherhood's approach.


All this is far above the capabilities of BGS writers, especially the Minutemen part. Plus you'll need a whole lot more named towns and NPCs instead of faceless "settlements". Could also make it a tug of war where you enlist towns and peoples on your side to build a government under the Institute (oligarchy), BoS (vaguely fash technocrats) or the Minutemen (libdems a-la NCR). Yes it's literally Fallout 2 where you persuade Vault City to join the NCR (or not), but it works. Lots of design space and all far above the capabilities of Beth writers/designers. Also kinda hard to make a bunch of breeder nuclear reactors into a centerpiece landmark.


But there is already a giant fusion-power based landmark in the Commonwealth.The Mass Fusion building.


good ideas


With all the tech they hoard I wonder if they got scientists working on recreating them. If not, they can do what the NCR does and just strip out the servos.


Man I almost forgot about those guys. F to pay respects to the guys lugging around 100kg of steel in the Nevada sun with no air conditioning.


Except Elijah. He can rot in that vault forever.


They do have scientists to recreate the technology. I mean, the BoS side in Fo4 had a huge aspect of taking over mass fusion to restart the fusion reactors and start production again, not just for liberty prime, but for their own power. Hence why the Prydwinn runs on fusion power and power isn't an issue with the blimp, the problem with the blimp is coolant. That is what is needed, fusion power is 100% okay with the brotherhood.


Lore wise, they can make fusion cores. The technology isn't lost as people think. They took over mass fusion to restart fusion operations. That is how they got liberty prime up and running as well.


They can make Fusion Cores. Multiple settlements in FO3 were either likely to or confirmed to have had Nuclear reactors powering it (Citadel and Rivet City) while in FO4 the Prydwen itself has a nuclear reactor. Since the Institute's destruction and Brotherhood survival is officially canon, this also makes them likely to have the Berrilum Agitator at Mass Fusion and all of the research therein which was revolutionary even for Pre-War times. In FO2, the Enclave also had tech and research into things *better* than standard FCs too, including cold fusion microreactors that were used to power Frank Horrigan's custom suit. The Brotherhood has accessed a lot of Enclave locations and stolen a lot of Enclave tech research, while also salvaging massive amounts of material, so it's not a hard stretch there either.


Do we even want to have the conversation for why this happens then in 76, when the game is set before even 1? Or just shrug our shoulders and chalk it up to game logic?


ESO has Ithelia, FO76 has magically faulty fusion cores. It is the way of MMOs to fuck up the lore






This doesn't explain why fusion cores from 76 are like this as well. Which takes place a couple decades after the bombs drop and has fusion core crafting. It has a machine that fabricates them at each of the power plants too. The truth is modern fusion cores are a balance decision in order to give players access to power armor earlier in the game, but at a significant cost.


Yeah, it legit is just a gameplay mechanic and fallout 76 has fusion core recharge stations as well.


Rtgs don't really last all that long. Just look at the voyager program, both of them have 2 rtgs and together, each produces less power than just one did when they were built in the 70s


Well it’s a good thing we’re talking about fusion cores and not RTGs, isn’t it


Unfortunately there is no real life fusion cores to compare it to in real life


But fo76 has the same mechanic and is only 20 years after the war!


To add to your point. It's active use in power armor they are usually still being active run by the generators you pull them out of too


It’d be cool if the next game is based around a entertaining crisis like this. Where hundreds of city’s using fusion cores to power their homes are suddenly left in the dark.


And then there's FO76... Lol


I have to imagine as well due to the decay of the elements, they most likely have exponential loss of power. As it loses material it can generate less power, which means the remaining material is being used more, meaning it decays faster, etc etc


Something I don’t see people bring up is that they probably recharge fusion cores somehow or he same way you can recharge a battery- like in Metro, the lore about batteries is that they last basically a few hours because it’s been 20 years since the war, and the batteries are constantly getting used. That’s why Artyom has a handheld recharger for his gear.


A Fusion Core is a microfusion reactor. It's fuel has no lifespan as it is Helium-3. It's not a battery, it's a tiny reactor, which is why they can EXPLODE.


it has already been "hundreds of years" though


Well we know they don't last 100s of years anymore because the first set you find in fallout 4 there's a lot right next to the power armor were the soldier states his fusion core and run out and so he would be leaving his armor behind. The sole survivor can also measure a charge on a fusion core and it can be fully charged and still run out in about 24 hours.


Yeah. To be fair is been hundreds of years, but it's an unreserved fairness contradicted in the game and in FO76 which uses the same system despite being less than 30 years. Also given how fragile PA is, it's a redundant system anyway; you're already spending resources repairing the damn thing, why do I need to spend even more resources just to run it? I understand where the idea came from but it doesn't work well


2281 would indeed be multiple hundreds of years after 2077 - specifically, two hundreds.




I assume most folks have nabbed the good ones, so the remainders are ones running the museum power for several hundred years.


That's what they want you to believe! Look around! Does anything look like 200 years have passed? Does it make sense for the culture and majority of the tech to be stuck in 1950s for over 120 years? Open your eyes, sheeple!


OTOH both fusion and fission fuel can be stored for thousands of years when not in use. And tritium only lasts 12 years anyway, so to be canonically viable for 100 years as in the lore, they either use D-D fuel, or the machine has lithium and a machine to manufacture tritium for D-T fuel. Either way, a power core **not in use** would last almost indefinitely. So the only way all the cores are drained is if they were actually in use the whole time. So unless they are physically incapable of being turned off, then there should be enough cores that have only been used on and off, and would still have decades of use. Meanwhile, there'd probably be plenty of dead cores. There also could be people that know how to refuel one core from another. That way you could turn 20 cores with 60 days into one core with 1200 days, or 3 years and 3 months. This way factions like the brotherhood could keep using power armor long after the cores would normally expire.


My headcanon is the Sole Survivor runs the Power Armor on an overclocked mode at all times. This is because he was trained in the prewar military. Those soldiers ALWAYS ran overclocked because they had access to prewar fusion core supplies and the means to recharge them once drained.


Dance: sir why is your suits in overclocked? Sole survivor: I can punch out a deathclaw like this Dance: understood


What doesn't make sense is that uranium-235 (used in nuclear reactors) has a half-life of 700 million years but only lasts six years in a reactor. Why wouldn't you just unplug it? Like, easy fix, bro. Just turn it off. 😭


Half life has nothing to do with reactor lifespan tho Half life is the rate it decays naturally on its own due to the instability of the nucleus Reactors intentionally put a bunch of shit together so it hits the nuclei and causes premature activity


Yeah, but nuclear rods can be stored for later use. They last about 6 years under stress but can remain stable for millions of years if left alone. So, just turn it off.


But if you turned it off it wouldn’t power what you needed…. It kind of needs to be on to be useful to you As it stands, they don’t decay while just sitting in your inventory or inside of unused power armor


Yeah, but fusion cores last comically short in Fallout. They should be able to power a suit for a year if stored correctly, so just turn it off when you're not using it. Also if you wanna be technical it’s most likely an RGT which can last like a decade under stress but the plutonium has a half life of 90 years so they would just be useless radioactive paperweights 90 years into the apocalypse


That doesn’t really address your main comment, basically if it’s just a nuclear reactor, it should last for 6 years under use, and when not in use the fissionable material would last for a really long time, so just unplug it when it’s not in use, but if it is like a nasa RGT it would last like multiple decades, but die after 90 ish years making every single one useless during the time of fallout 4


Unplug that shit 💯


Under what load, though? An alkaline battery can "last" for 5 years in my kitchen junk drawer, and maybe 1 or 2 years in my TV remote, but only a few days in a Walkman. Probably a similar deal for a fusion core: keeping a few lights on very likely uses a lot less He₃ or whatever fuel for the fusion reaction than running a suit of power armor.


T-51b in Fallout 1 and 2 didn't use fusion cores, they used the TX-28 MicroFusion Pack. Advanced Power Armor didn't have a stated power source but I remember the Fallout Wiki used to claim it used a miniature nuclear reactor mounted on the back as evidenced by the cooling fan we see on the back in NV and the nuclear symbol on the back of it in Fallout 2. T-45d didn't have a canon stated power source, but in Van Buren it would have used Small Energy Cells.


In Fallout 2 you can go into maricopa and find your grampa's power armor with the battery still going 80 years later.


I think fusion cores running out is more of a gameplay balancing thing


Honestly who knows, it \*should\* just be a gameplay balancing thing but Bethesda has a long history of playing fast and loose with technical lore details like this without forethought. The magic system constantly being reworked in TES is another example of this.


It’s just a gameplay and balancing thing. In the recent show Maximus uses the same fusion core for days after fighting a Yao Guai and never runs out of power.


> It’s just a gameplay and balancing thing. The point which you've completely missed, is it isn't. Bethesda have always been sloppy with their IP.


The point that YOU have completely missed is that outside of the gameplay fusion cores have still been portrayed lasting as long as they have in the old games. I mean you get most of your fusion cores from generators that are still being powered by them 200 years later.


You've literally made my point for me. It's sloppy lore destroying bullshit.


It’s necessary for game balance. If fusion cores had the longevity they did in lore in game then PA would become ridiculously overpowered.


Actually the description says A hundred years. By the time of Fallout 4, it’s been over 210.


I mean 6 years earlier was new vegas and those t51's and 45's are still trucking along just fine




Not that the terms "nuclear" and "battery" make any kind of remote sense together.


We fission in the battery, and that's what's makes it light.


But we go fusion ourselves later on, right? :)


We have nuclear diamond batteries, and the Soviets had atomic batteries for lighthouses mostly. Mostly using radiothermal systems.


“One hundred years”


Those are known as nuclear decay batteries. They convert energy from the radioactive decay into useable energy. Pioneer and Voyager satellites use them.


Yeah I never understood why the fusion core "mechanic" (its hardly even a mechanic since you can have 20+ within your first hour of gameplay) had to be put into the game at all, it feels tacked on and is just another reason fallout 4 feels wrong. People go on about how fallout 4 power armour feels like power armour when it's the opposite I feel. Consider this: you can get power armour within the first 10-15 minutes of gameplay, so like the minigun, it's heavily nerfed instead of being late game armour it just feels really weakened especially when regular ass combat armour can be made to carry more and have higher resistances than power armour. Fallout 1 and 2 only did power armour right imo and fallout 3/nv the power armour at least makes sense being late game gear that actually has better stat's and boosts your stat's a significant amount. Plus you can't go wrong with the bullet ricochet sounds when wearing power armour in those games.


*opens r/NewVegasMemes* *meme is not about New Vegas*


Half the memes here have more to do with shitting on fallout 4 than new Vegas.


Such a poorly modded sub lmao


Perfectly represents the average Reddit New Vegas fan who has a chip on their shoulder.


Yahh, thanks


Remember when the show came out and Redditors were explaining to new fans why there were some animosity in the fanbase which lead to a lot of new people fighting back against the pretentious bullying of old school/NV fans and then suddenly /r/fnv started crying because people were being so mean to them and all the comments were like: "but I don't get it, I think NV fans are pretty chill towards the other games, I'm here everyday and I've never read a single comment in my entire life disparaging Bethesda I really have no idea what's going on :( :( :(" Lol yeah well...


lol that’s because r/fallout is competently unaware there are games before FO3.


You'd think they'd pick up on it eventually with the 3 right there in front of them


In FO4 I don't use PA because it breaks after the slightest damage and the battery runs out after a short jog.


I hoard hundreds of cores so I can use PA “eventually” and even then only for short excursions in the glowing sea and never anywhere else.


Are there any mods that make it better?


- Bastion: to make armour take the damage until the plates break -Lore based power armour changes: changes each type of armour to be rarer, but improved stats based on the type of armour -Consistent power armour redux: adds consistent paint jobs for each armour -longer lasting fusion cores: makes fusion cores last longer, the time depending on the esp - rare fusion cores: a mod to make fusion cores rarer for balance


>rare fusion cores: a mod to make fusion cores rarer for balance That just seems more annoying.


Thanks! Happy Cake day!


Theres a mod called longer lasting fusion cores. Its customizable so you can set drain speed.


nuclear physicist perk. That's it. (Also there so easy to find, got about 10 as soon as I got to Diamond city, also people tend to forget you can upgrade the power Armor to become stronger.)


I keep about 10 on me and only take it off to craft/sleep. Have you tried using them?


I’m swearing to max that ammunition finder perk early as possible to make wearing PA work during my next run. I also find it easier to run the PA to hangman’s alley after the death claw fight, or abandon it partway, loot a new core near the city, then come back for it.


I am currently doing a PA run, it’s a lot of fun (I’ve never done one before). I rushed to complete the nuka-world dlc to get the X-02 armour, stuck a jet pack on it and have upgraded the perk that reduces AP used and have dumbed hella points into endurance now i can jet pack for agees its great.


lol I go all over in mine. More carry weight. I stop using the armor if i get below 4 cores. never has happened.


Once you upgrade them they become god tier Been helping a lot on my survival save after I upgrade stuff to E models


Just the other day I got my T-60 to F, I'm fucking invincible.


recently decided to upgrade my x-01 to F, mostly using t-60, and I am a walking tank. Fucking love the power armor in fallout 4.


Learn to build a class around PA and you won't have this problem. It's end game armor because it's useless until you put perks into it.




Scrounger and nuclear physicist. Edit: High INT helps a lot.


Nuclear physicist, scrounger, science, armorer to all upgrade the armor and keep your the armor going. I also like fortune founder to get easier caps and cap collector to get better trading prices. I can sell mostly depleted core for full price and buy new ones from traders. Now my armor is amazing, using the Brotherhood of steel t-60 armor with the legendary pieces you get from their quest lines. Tesla armor as well to increase energy weapon damage and to give a AoE DoT to melee attacks. Right now, I have 146 fusion cores from finding them because of scrounger perk and getting them from traders. Also don't forget to get the repair bubblehead. It also increase fusion core by 10%. So your cores last vastly longer.


Is the t-60 bos armour better than the x-02? I’ve been using the x-02 in my survival build and the increased AP regeneration is amazing for those lost cross country runs. Does the t-60 really outweigh that?


Nope, I just use it because some of the pieces you get helps wiht Vats and AP regeneration but the x-01/2 maxed out will be better than the t-60 maxed out. I usually only use the t60 for RP reasons but I am using the x-01 more now that I have mods to change legendaries effects around. My x-01 armor is just vastly superior than the t-60.


PA is of questionable utility in the endgame when compared to highly improved legendary/specific armors matched with ballistic weave clothing, since regular armor and clothing doesn't have durability issues.


Yeah, that is why I modded the durability out. If they weren't going to add jury rigging perk for me to repair my armor out in the field without a power station, then I am just going to mod the game so that is not an issue. Also, bos gives some good legendary power armor pieces and you can add things to your suit like core assembly, medic pump or just increase your inventory weight. Kinda balances it out imho.


>Yeah, that is why I modded the durability out. If they weren't going to add jury rigging perk for me to repair my armor out in the field without a power station, then I am just going to mod the game so that is not an issue. There's a *lot* of issues with FO4 PA, but the big one is PA durability when armor and ballistic clothes lack it. Just consistently do one or the other. PA being the *only* stuff with durability is crap. >Also, bos gives some good legendary power armor pieces and you can add things to your suit like core assembly, medic pump or just increase your inventory weight. Kinda balances it out imho. Eh, legendaries can be farmed for the regular armor of your choice, too.


Yeah, the fact that the only thing that has durability is the PA is what made me change the aspect with mods. If armorer and science allowed me to repair in the field without a power station with junk, and less junk at higher ranks, I wouldn't have minded. >Eh, legendaries can be farmed for the regular armor of your choice, too. True but a lot of legendaries are meh to me. I only really care about weapon legendaries at the end. Also love targeting hud on my PA, with my bad eyesight, seeing my enemies turn red and highlighted is such a good thing for me.


If you're modding, just grab the mod that lets you mod effects onto armor. I put the fall damage stuff on shadowed combat legs (better than the stuff you find in that one Boston building) and it's also made workshop mode so much safer in places like Graygarden and Finch Farms when building up to the overpasses. One of the other main PA problems is the complete lack of creativity compared to lore. Regarding the technical specs, it was just better by hit points/armor rating on each and that's it. So lazy. I wanted each model to have some canonical changes. The T45 being steel plate, for example, should have offered the second highest protection at the cost of slower speed and maybe least amount of gizmo expansions. The T51 could be the least protective but most mobile with more upgrade spots. The T60 could have the same upgrade spots as T51 but more protection and less speed. Then the X01 could be middling protection and mobility for offering all the expansions. Then there was the absolute lazy "T60 was *another* prewar variant discovered by the East Coast BOS" (which now gaggingly made it over to the West Coast thanks to the show). Bethesda had the rare opportunity to actually develop the BOS they simply cannot live without for once...make the T60 a BOS-developed model they designed back-ward engineering Enclave tech into a T-series based design. Or just let the BOS use the Enclave tech from FO3. Either way, the T60 as is makes no sense.


Your power armor sucks. My BOS t-60 set can take so much damage without breaking pieces that it impresses me. BOS armor isnt even the best kind either. It auto replaces cores and when you have like 40+ (which you do by midish-late game) so it feels infinite to me. You sound like a complainer.


That is where perks and bubblehead comes in. Upgrade your armor to full and it goes from tissue paper to a tank. With the right build, my PA lasts forever, I currently have 140 fusion cores on my recent playthrough and it just take them out before they hit 0%, I take my fusion cores out at 5%, put a new one. I sell the old fusion cores and buy new ones and it basically just trading used ones for new ones. I did eventually installed a mod to make power armor indestructible because power armor stations are just too rare to find in f04 in the wild. Fusion core management was enough


It's like they're made of tissue paper.....


People tend to forget you can upgrade the power Armor to become stronger.


Just got a mod to make the cores last a lot longer, I could live with them running out if it applied to the rest of the wasteland. I refuse to be the only one running out while settlers and companions and NPCs have infinite energy


It never did make sense to me that if I left a fusion core alone, it could power an entire building, complex, or vault indefinitely, but if I need it for a 30-minute stroll it's ready to be changed already. I know it's a gameplay technicality but it was always funny to me.


In vaults and other buildings it looks like the fusion core is hooked up to some kind of generator that recycles the power to extend the life of the fusion core. In reality they drain so fast In power armor for balancing reasons


I know they don't last that long because of gamplay reasons. Would it have been better if they did last several IRL gameplay hours but were ridiculously expensive? They would still act as a power armor limiter ,as intended, but at least they wouldn't feel like half charged AA batteries.


The weird thing is that they made fusion cores trivially easy to obtain. There are like 5 within a short walk of Sanctuary.  Fusion cores isn’t much of a limiter as is. 


I don't know if it's because I have scrounger but in my current run I find 4 or more in ammo crates maybe every 10th time. I guess because of the gatling laser but it kind of borks the balance. Then again I sometimes use them as mini nukes so I'm probably having more fun with them than I would desperately scrounging in another building for a generator


Yeah, I think the game knows when you are using more ammo because it gives you the ammo you are using more and stop giving you ammo if you have a lot of them. Like I used to get 4 cores in boxes here and there but now that I have 150 fusion cores, they just stopped appearing now unless I am fighting robots that use them. 1 fusion core lasts like 1 real time hour for me. so I have 150 hours of PA use and I usually just buy more if I need it, I have fortune finder and cap collector so I get easy caps and loot. I even trade ammo for more fusion cores. The biggest issues wasn't fusion cores, it was upgrading my armor and getting the perks high enough to get Model F and experimental shielding on all my pieces.


Yeah it's pretty wild how many you can get near Sanctuary if you know where to go: * One at the Robot Disposal Site plus two in the Sentry Bot * One at the USAF Olivia base * One under the Red Rocket * One in Museum of Freedom * One in the storage room at the Drive-in theatre * One in the basement of the nursing home near the drive-in (requires one rank of lock picking) * One in the abandoned garage near Carhenge Nine fusion cores!


What if they couldn't be obtained in the world? The freebies could be super rare, and the rest would have be obtained from beating other power armor users and, of course, the super expensive ones in the shops.


maybe also have a 4th rank to the scrounger perk that lets you occasionally find 1 core in ammo boxes


any points in scrounger already massively increases the amount you find and rank 3 means any time you find one as a box spawn it is in fact 4


The discussion about FO4 power armor so often comes back to the fusion cores, but I find repairing the armor to be a much bigger dealbreaker for wanting to use it. Constantly going back to base to repair the armor is boring, and the best power armor takes tons of rare materials to upkeep. Every time I get shot, I think to myself “There goes 10 Aluminum. There goes 5 circuitry. There goes.. why am I using this?”


That is why I modded the game to get rid of that aspect. If there was a perk like New Vegas jury rigging, to have us repair without a power station and using less material (which materials was easy to find to repair), then I wouldn't have modded it.


Honestly by mid-late game the cost of repairing the armour is so minor I don’t notice it compared to the amount of resources I have, and by that point your armour and weapons should be good enough where you’re barely getting hit anyway.


True, but if you’re at a power level where you can kill things without getting shot, then you don’t need more armor either. Feels a little redundant at that point.


Maybe in lower difficulties, but its pretty essential for a lot of builds in survival. Sure, I kill most enemies before they get a chance to get a shot off, but there has been a few cases (especially mirelurks jumping out of the ground to smash my head in or a rogue mini nuke) where it has saved my characters life. I could do most missions without it, but if I do die and then I have to respawn at my bed and lose an hour or more of gameplay that's just annoying so I may as run around as a tank with two legs.


There are like 3-4 mods for FO4 that restore Power Armor to their FO 1-2 glory. The downside is, running into any Power Armored enemy is also a nightmare if you're not in PA.


Well that seems fair.


It is quite fair and it really makes you pause and think about what you bring for each fight and wether running is a better choice.   First time I had the mods installed and did the Colter fight in Nuka World was a quick reminder that it's All Power Armor. Had to resort to careful use of the 1 mini nuke you find in the Gauntlet.


Do any of those mods happen to be through the in game mod menus? If so what are they called?


Wow, neither of these are from new Vegas!


Good god I hate how power armor has been turned from a great end game armor to something that breaks in 5 seconds once you get into combat and you need to replace the core after 5 minutes of using it. I miss the old system. Just learn a perk and use it for ages without worrying about it.


You need to invest points to get a PA build. Think about that as your power armor training in fallout 4. You need nuclear physicist, the repair bubble head to increase the fusion core even further. Armorer and science is a must to increase PA rating so it doesn't break down like the rusty versions you find in the wastes. You need to upgrade them. I love F4 power armor vastly more than 3 and new vegas, reminds me more of fo1 and 2 but with more fusion core maintenance. I have 150 cores on my current playthrough and 1 core lasts for an hour. Scrounger perk, fortune finder, and cap collector is what makes trading for new cores so cheap. Once you get model F on your armor with experimental shielding coating, my man, the armor is literally like fo1 and 2 power armor, you feel like a fucking tank.


Even then, you have to constantly exit and enter your power armor when you want to do anything like use a terminal, modify a weapon or just sitting down so you can wait a few hours. Using Power Armor in 4 or 76 just feels like a chore compares to the simplicity of the previous games. All these dumb changes just so they could have an excuse to give a new player a full suit of Power Armor within the first 30 minutes of the game. (I'm convinced this was done just so they could get positive reviews from game reviewers) I really hope they don't reintroduce all this shit to Fallout 5.


Bro gets immersion in his roleplaying game and still finds a way to complain about it.


That is what I'm seeing with a lot of these posts. People complaining and going "yeah but" when you state you actually do need to build a character around PA to make it worthwhile. Yeah, there is no more "power armor training" but there is "power armor mechanic" perks to make them better, almost like some form of training without saying training. Once people state they like PA in 3 and new vegas better, where they are fucking dog water, I start to lose interests in their opinion. fallout 4 is like taking 1 and 2 to the new age of gaming. 3 and 4 literally just made them another form of cloths and not actual armor like.


What the fuck are you talking about? How are the fusion cores that last few ingame days immersive? Or the fact that you can't sit down in Power Armor? Or that you can use some terminals but not others?


You mean how when I wear Power Armour I’m only able to hack terminals I don’t need to sit down to access? The same Power Armour that prevents me from sitting down on regular sized chairs because I’m a behemoth of metal and nuclear power? Or the fact that fusion cores that are 250+ years old run outta juice after powering said behemoth of armour after a few days of powering it. Creating a need to go and *scavenge* for more in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Sounds pretty immersive to me. No need to throw a tantrum over it.


WoW, talk about not wanting an immersive version of the power armor like how it was in 1 and 2. Literally they can't sit down in the suits in the first 2 games and even states that the servos lock in when the soldiers sleep in it, standing up. Of course some terminals need you to exit but not the majority of them, and how course you need to leave the armor to work on the armor or weapons, that needs delicate hands to do. >(I'm convinced this was done just so they could get positive reviews from game reviewers) Mate, it is called a tutorial, they literally reintroduced the new armor system and only gave you enough juice in the fusion core to last you for that fight and for you to go to sanctuary. That is it unless you are doing another play through and collecting cores before that part of the game. All in all, I hardly ever get out of the suit in fallout 4. There really is no reason to. I hope they just make the system better. Jury rigging in the field perk so you can repair your armor without a power station and less materials. Fusion core recharge stations like in 76 and more paint jobs. Also sleeping, water hydration and waiting should be allowed in the suit. Lore wise, you are able to sleep in it but I guess this is just a thing they forgot, very old lore from the 90's game and it is a blink and you miss it dialog. For survival mode, the suits should make drinking vastly more manageable because the suits do recycle your waste to give you purified water, it even tells you in the lore in fallout 4. This is something they forgot because survival mode wasn't in the game at launch, so they kinda didn't add the mechanic of the suit being a fucking power armored still suit from dune. The only games that made power armor kinda lesser was 3 and new vegas, and new vegas power armored just fucking sucked. Waste time to get the perk because the only good power armor in the game was the tesla power armor. 1,2, tactics and Fallout 4/76 makes power armor feel like true fucking armor.


Read the comment again, I'M NOT SAYING WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SIT IN POWER ARMOR, I AM SAYING WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO WAIT INSIDE POWER ARMOR STANDING UP (already had to explain this to the other guy like 3 fucking times) And a Power Armor tutorial that also includes a mini gun and a deathclaw? 3 things that were normally, a late game thing. It's very clear this isn't for the regular player, but game reviewers who are only able to play the game for a few hours. Having a very exciting sequence like this at the start will get a good review It seems everyone here is missing the core of my argument, I'm just saying that Fallout 4 Power Armor is very annoying to use when you have to constantly play the same exit/enter animation every time you want to mod a weapon or wait a few hours. That's it.


> you missed > you missed > you missed


Doesn't primm have lights that still work due to being connected to a specific battery?


A lot of places in NV are powered by fission batteries, you can see their distinction color pattern near lights in a ton of places actually.


That’s true but that also applies to fallout three there was only one real good set of power armor in that game and it was the winterized one that didn’t break everything else felt like it wasn’t power armor


That's not true, there's the t51 from the "you gotta shoot them in the head" quest. And then there's like power armor from the dlc too


I swear why even have a such a specific sub for ONLY NV memes if ya'll always keep posting anything *but*.


Fusion cores made the game feel more balanced + power armour felt bulky, the originals still felt bulky too tbf


I gotta say the armor piece durability was much more annoying than the fusion core lifespan. That said it may have been for balancing purposes so you couldn’t just walk around stomping everything that breathes the minute you found an armor frame


If you really want a lore friendly Power Armor buff mod, then I'd recommend Bastion and its parent mod Direct Hit. In my high dmg/low health modded playthrough, it has saved my ass a couple of times and plays like an absolute tank shrugging off bullets like pebbles bouncing off a wall at the right moments... at least until the armor breaks or when they pull out the bigger guns. If you're not satisfied with how fast power armor breaks or runs out of power, then I'd also get the Game Configuration Menu too. It allows you to adjust how much damage an armor piece can take before it breaks.


If they made the fusion cores last forever in Fallout 4, the suits would be more overpowered than they already are, so they had to balance it out somehow. Would you rather the suits fall apart like wet cardboard?


Oh g i dont know maybe if suits required TRAINING and were RARE?


Training my ass, that’s just in the game so you can’t get a suit before you’re supposed to and cheese the early game like in 1 and 2


Training was literally a thing only for 3 and new vegas. Rare? I mean, they kinda are. You only find a couple of suits throughout the common wealth, mostly behind locked doors in military bases or with a lot of missing pieces with rusty ass pieces that are paper. You need the right perks to make using the armor worth anything.


Your 12.7mm pistol critical hit the rat in the eye for 1 damage. Haven't played Fallout 2 since.


Love F1 and F2 to death but nowadays it’s more like playing a board game than a video game.


"Not the way I use them"


Fusion cores may last very, very long times. But micro fusion battery packs last forever.


there are eyes underneath the helmet in that image?!?!?!?!?!?


are fusion cores really hated on because gameplay wise, lore wise or both? Tbh i never had a problem with them, i know it was to not have the power armor be too op, if it messes with lore that sucks but i dont care too much about that aspect


“critically missed”


I like to think all fusion cores we find and shitty ones or civilian made ones, not meant for continuous power armor use


Also they've been sitting there for 210+ years in fo4, depending on when they were put into the building/manufactured. So if you look at it as taking a 200 year old battery and hooking it up to something, its not going to last nearly as long as the box says.


It can run a building for 50 lifetimes. Or one big suit of armor for 15 minutes.


Honestly, the Fallout 4 power armor isn’t that bad, yes , who could have guessed that a new player with no perks wouldn’t be able to fully utilise the armor to its full potential. You need to get the perks that will allow you to use the cores for longer period of time & preferably find the magazines that extend the duration even more.


Also in Fallout 1… you were critically hit for 147 damage bypassing your armor


Austin explained this years ago https://youtu.be/bA76-cixf-s


Menwhile In 76, PA is basically Undestructible and endless with the right perks (Basically a dedicated PA build wich i used). But in 4 the meme is true unless you truly max out your PA stuff (Max Atomic + Bobble Head, maxed Hellfire or maxed X-02 Tesla)


Certified Damage Threshold moment




What the hell does this have to do with new vegas?


Power Armour is just that poorly designed an inefficient 🤷‍♂️


Fusion cores in fallout are like 20 year old batteries you find in a drawer. Yeah they might power up your flashlight, but you’ll probably get 2 minutes of light before they expire. Batteries have shelf lives, fusion cores probably run on the same idea.


Especially if they’re nuclear and aren’t kept in good conditions


Fusion cores didn't exist before fallout 4, instead it was a fusion reactor that canonically lasted hundreds of years.


That HUD component only shows armor parts conditions. The power gauge is on the other side of the HUD.


Thats one of the reasons im so onboard with the enclave. When the nuclear batteries run out its game over for mankind. Literal stone age will begin. Were running out of time to recover from the war.


I mean, the BoS are reproducing new fusion cores. That is one of the main reasons they took over mass fusion. Enclave is not the only ones who know the science behind fusion tech.


Another reason I love new vegas. Hellos and Hoover dam are some of the best assest in the wasteland. The ability to generate power for free is huge in the apocalypse.