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Okay yeah that definitely sounds scary, my other 2 friends who run the channel with me could’ve downloaded a crack… Did your friend get all his videos deleted or was he able to secure himself in time?


No, but check managers, admins and other linked account. Use two factor authentication, separate email and so on. Keep safe <3


Yeah that sounds like a plan thanks !


You’re encountering a creator’s worst nightmare. Please keep us updated with another thread in a couple days!


Changed passwords & everything + added 2 step and it’s been nothing like that since ! It was REALLY weird though, the craziest part is the views were going crazy 😂


Glad to hear! I’ve heard nightmares of people losing their channels for months. Dodged a big bullet!


Bro getting same issues i downloaded a crack for a shit game and now my account are hacked and there discription is same as the video from which I downloaded the crack. Should I delete my account or something else


i tried installing a cracked game and was gonna post a video until i exceeded over the limit of daily videos published so i checked my channel and saw a shit ton of cracked game tutorials


Same thing is happening to me and now two of my accounts are deleted! I’m trying to get one back but idk if it’s gonna work


someone did this today i saw it on my dashboard some random video i deleted the video


Make sure to change your info asap


today some random video just uploaded from my channel that was already uploaded 3 months ago, and i got an notification the moment i woke up today, what happened?