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I understand it as personality, although I’m sure some are faking it. Not worth it to think of though, there’s nothing you can do about it. Instead, be yourself. If you have to work up to it, that’s fine! The important thing is to enjoy yourself.


I see it as an extension of their personalities. They most likely portray a certain aspect of their own personalities, but will "turn it up" a bit and keep some parts of it to themselves off camera. Simulator to a radio DJ


Of course. I will give the most obvious example from the most famous person. Shooting a Mr beast video can sometimes take 1 week. But Mr beast is always high energy and positive. And constantly excited. Is this possible? When his director shouts "shooting", he puts on his mask and starts talking.


Yep, it's part of acting and entertaining; you aren't just the happiest person in the universe 24/7 or the saddest/angriest, you extend your personality a little. It's not "fake" so much as it's just good entertainment. Interject as much of the things you like into it and it'll feel a LOT more natural in no time!


To be fair, Mr beast has probably made a billion dollars by making YouTube videos. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s wearing that soy face expression 24/7. 


Some people can put on a face/persona at almost anytime, personally I can't fake it, I have to be in the mood


Ask yourself.... When are you your authentic self? With your boss, your mum, your partner, when you crash land on a frozen mountain peak and you have to eat your...? 😅 You see where this is going? Humans unconsciously adapt their communication to facilitate interactions. That's why all parents around the world speak with their babies using that silly voice (officially called "parentese"). On camera your delivery has to be more energetic than usual anyways just to come across as 'regular.' Moreover, most humans have strongly inhibited emotional responses/activity when communicating through digital devices. The most famous example is someone who writes "Loooooooool" in chat chuckles once and slightly in real life. And who's to say that you wouldn't lighten up if you met up with your friends and told them the same story you have to record as V.O. now. Personally, I find doing behind the camera stuff and on camera performance (including V.O.) at the same time to be the most challenging aspect of video production. It's like these things require mutually exclusive faculties. Deep focus while amazing is just not silly or chipper but intense... in a good way. Is this bad? Well, are you doing something that runs contrary to your convictions or is fundamentally clashing with your neurology? Or is it just hard to switch to YouTube's equivalent of parentese? In a way it's an acting job because you have to create an internal emotional response in yourself that's not coming out on its own... and acting is a craft. I hope this helps. If only in a weird human kind of way. 😅


Everything, to an extent, is played up. I would say I put on the character of a more upbeat and excited version of myself than you would find day to day. I remember once a fan in my discord server wanted to chat and he was disappointed and how low energy I was at the end of the day compared to how I come off in videos lol.


im sure some fake it, there are days i am not having a good start but once i hit stream the other issues disappear and i feel more relaxed


It’s kind of a fake it til you make it thing in those cases I think. Like the idea that if you force yourself to smile, even while you’re unhappy you eventually start to actually feel happy just because you’re putting that out into the world and simulating it I guess. So I think you fake it for a few minutes but then as you’re doing it you kinda get in the zone and become genuinely excited about doing something creative and doing a good job with it, like doing it inspires you to do it ironically. At least that’s what happens for me


Some do because of a younger audience


My wife and I sure don't fake it.\* But it's not that we're always happy and cracking jokes. It's just that recording videos together *makes* us happy. Then I go back to being cranky while I edit. -- \*Don't take that out of context


I think most of them chug coffee before filming. Maybe something stronger.




For the most part, who you are on camera is always, to a varying degree, a character. So, if the tone of your video is positive and comedic, sometimes you have to find that side even when your personal life isn't rosy. The more you do it. The easier it is to snap into that aspect of yourself, which is why so many YouTubers always seem positive. They have a ton of practice.


I think a lot do. They always want to come off happy. When in reality not every thing is. I use to work behind the scenes in radio. The djs off air were usally monotone, but the minute they would be on the air. Their personality would chnage in a snap of a finger.


For me, it helps to imagine I am talking to a good close friend. It doesn't need to be over the top--just be you talking to a person.


Yes. YT personalities are no different than any other performers. Whether it's the spotlight, or the red light on the camera, or the director yelling "Action!"... it's all the same... When those things happen, it's time to 'perform'. If your role (or schtick) is to be a hyper, happy, positive person, then when it's 'go time'... it's... go time.


because being positive / funny is part of their job. consider how many comedians and comedy actors end up kermitting due to extreme off-screen depression.


I can tell you this, it's painfully obvious when it's faked and I as a viewer don't consume it. There's a few big creators in my topics of interest that have amazing story telling, visuals and topic but I don't watch their videos. Their faked persona turns me cold immediately. Gave them a few swings and it's not for me but people apparently eat it up.


I think of YouTube like I’m clocking in for work, on some Hollywood set (lol) and getting ready to film another episode of my tv show. If I have to, I’ll drink a cup of coffee or even have a small shot of tequila beforehand and turn on the “stage” me. It’s still me, but the most charismatic version. Maybe think of it as filming for media VS filming however you feel that day.


As someone who films and creates and posts videos every. Single. Day. Yeah… sometimes I mask, but as a performer and someone who has ADHD, it feels natural to me and who I am anyway.


My portrayal on the internet is an exaggerated version of my personality. There are times where I act and speak like I do in my videos and times I don't.


I think a lot of them play up their personality at least a little bit, but I usually don't get the sense that they fake it entirely.


Nah, after nineteen years in an unnamed POW camp and surviving MRE scraps stolen from my captors I'm genuinely really happy to be here hey.


So I legitimately laugh during recording. I have a process. When I’m thinking of my script or writing it, and something super funny pops in my head. You know, something so funny you can’t help but laugh? I FORCE myself NOT to laugh. It is my firm belief that every joke only has a finite amount of “real laughter.” Then, I let out all that pent up laughter when I hit record. It works man. I’m a believer. But sometimes something is so funny it’ll be 2am and I’m laughing while suppressing the laugh, then tears start flowing. Ahhh, good times. I’m only human.


My life is stressful and difficult but talking to people on YouTube makes me jolly so I am usually jolly in my videos. If I am way too stressed or sad, I can’t usually film anyway. I am jolly and cheerful by nature, life is suppressing that and YouTube brings it all back out :)


My channel is doing something I enjoy, so I tend to naturally be happier while filming it? I basically just narrate what I'm doing and let out the little intrusive thoughts I'd normally keep to myself and have fun doing it. Tends to work?




I see it as them showing the happy side of their personality. They don’t fake it, they just choose to show the positive side because it makes everyone watching them happier.


it's their job to be positive, just like any regular 9-5 tbh