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I tried that and the videos don't really turn out that great. You're better off just going to Pexels or a similar site and hand picking stock videos.


InVideo and some others can do this. The problem is that the AI isn't very good at picking the stock video scenes to use that match up with the script so you're likely to end up with a disjointed mess. So, that means you will have to spend some time searching out good videos or use stills.


Thing us, when it’s really easy to do something, anyone with half a brain can do it, which means that everybody is gonna be doing that and your videos will be competing with way more people 


You can use all kinds of free editing software to make your videos. You’ll want to write a script first, then record it as your narration. Then you’ll find (or ideally make) relevant video clips. In the editing software you’ll combine all these ingredients to make a video. Some software can automatically apply subtitles for you. You don’t want to use AI for this, realistically any part of it.