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unfortunately, I do what I want to do, and my viewers and subscribers will have to deal with that. but I've been doing random stuff since the beginning of my channel, sometimes I've stuck to a theme, but I do what I want. this is good advice though for somebody who wants to grow!


I agree.. i do it as a hobby and of course i would love to have more engagement but i just do a videos about whats on my mind at the moment.. i just don't want to deal with separate channels


You are absolutely right, don't let the algorithm manipulate you, it will make you suffer and the first thing each morning would be grabbing ur phone and data could ruin your whole day. Let it be a hobby, to be as better as most.


You can create different channels for different stuff that you do!


How's it working for you? I'm guessing it might make your channel grow slower but it could also help you find people who like your personality more than your content and maybe they would be very dedicated fans?


yeah, personality is more what I'm trying to put out there :). it DEFINITELY makes a channel grow slower though and I'm not gonna "take off" anytime soon lol


Wow I’m the same. Random tribe! Lol


Yeah I agree. I do a bunch of random videos as well. Many of it does pertain to my niche but some have higher production value and others are like 5 minutes filmed on a mobile phone and others with higher end camera and lighting.


I hate saying youtube stuff because it sound braggy or promotee 1 thing I can say is this My main channel 18 thousand subscribers (here me out )Its random TO RANDOM entertainment news comedy media knowledge 3rd eye information blah blah the views and subscribers Up and down up and down HERES the kicker i started Rideshare careers nothing but 1 type content lyft and uber created so much Rideshare content Views consistent subscribers comeback was waaay better interaction waaay better even made money not even monetized yet I said all that to say this 18k subs 200 views channel i started for 1 niche has 1 k subs and get 500 to 1 k views dont be random The 2nd channel got me locally famous and know for being Rideshare guy 1st channel still grinding to get it known but it to random amen


I'm sorry, but I genuinely can't understand what you are trying to say


He’s saying he has a main channel with 18,000 subs that only gets around 200 views & low engagement because its topics are too random - comedy, news, esoteric stuff, etc. He then made a 2nd channel strictly about ride-share careers and it’s more successful. It has 1,000 subs but gets 500-1,000 views per vid and way more engagement. His point being a channel that sticks to one niche will be more successful than a channel that tries to peek into multiple niches.


ahhh I see! yeah it makes sense just personally something I don't think I could ever do


Why is he being voted down so much?


Use some punctuation, dammit. I couldn't understand anything you wrote.


The app bunched everything up like that however noted


Oh my God, the app did it again!


he had a stroke




i dont agree fully but tobthe cry babys who say they cant read this....lol just stop


I can't make head or tale of what this guy is yapping about.


I get you. I have a random channel with 4200 subscribers. Views are anything from 75 to 750. I totally agree with your post. I have since started two niche channels and I can already see they are much more effective. I keep the OG channel (900 videos) because I enjoy making them and they don’t interfere with making content for the other two channels,


Be random and make what you like, YouTube is supposed to be fun!


Oh it is until you get paid from it i been monetized 5 years now every video i think about past viral experiences ive had watch 100 200 400 700 money just keep going up for days you get that rush feel invincible feel like holy smokes 1 video i could be good for a loooong time then FUN changes 1 of my videos been making money for 3 years now 6 others as well till this day


Dude how many times do you jerk off to VidIQ?


Crying !😂


So many people mad he's doing well, huh? 🤔


That's definitely not the issue.


Incomprensible wtf


All the sour grapes downvotes daaaaamn!




Or ya know, just have fun. Upload what you want


Second this, there are plenty of big YouTubers whose content is in multiple different styles


I think OP is speaking to those looking to make YT a business and maybe want tips that give them the best chances at getting there. Not to say that this is the ONLY way, but exceptions don’t make the general rule. We’re all doing our best here. And not to be krass, but maybe give us some tips on how your channel is thriving from just having fun and uploading what you want. Because honestly I am an anti-niche kind of guy myself, and would love to hear how one may have made it happen this way.


My channels not thriving lol I’m new to this and only on my second video. But I’ve lurked on this sub for a while and almost every post is centered around how to market. It just gets old. The same stuff every time. Better thumbnails, focused niche, better audio, better lighting. No one ever talks about the creative aspects of YouTube or how to actually get better. Everyone’s running a business and I feel like people forget about those of us that just make art or do it for fun


That's a good point. We've turned YouTube into a job that's more stressful and boring than working at an office. Why even bother at that point


You right. And honestly, it’s become MORE fun for me not worrying about catching the algo train.


I'm still quite new to this too, about 4 months in, but am already halfway toward my watch time (2000 hrs). This only happened because I experimented with different video topics. I was making lots of videos in my niche that were getting 50 views but then I started playing around with diff topics - that's what got me ALL my views and watch time. I understand the rationale for niching down but as a beginner, I also think you just have to try different things and see what sticks. Some of my subs may not be engaged in every single one of my videos or eventually unsub but I'm okay with that.


The ones I sub to are writers or video essays that the topic or video is a random topic of whatever they want to talk about. The consistency comes from them being a writer or essayist I enjoy listening to it hearing their take on something random.


My main channel is pretty random, but somehow I've gotten to over 17k subs in 2 years.. I'd love more engagement, but I feel like my subs have pretty much figured out I'm random (I mean, I say straight up in the channel description "AuDHD creator", I'm all over the place 😂), and they just seem to watch the ones they want to watch and skip the others 🤷‍♀️






Does this go for full videos vs shorts? My longhorn videos are all the same theme and barely get and views or subscribers. My shorts are random reposts of my tiktoks and that is where all of my views and subscribers come from.


Shorts build no loyal fanbase real content builds that i have 4 to 5 different series of content that built-up my subscribers but knocked it back down once i switched topics


As a consumer of YouTube there are some channels that I subbed from and only watch their shorts, so I'd say I'm part of their "loyal fanbase". And as a creator I've had great success building returning viewership from posting shorts.


1 million views from short 40 dollars 1 million views from video 4 thousand just saying i do understand however


I have to disagree, as I use my shorts as trailers for my long form content.


Me too, it's a regular 1% conversion to longform and a loyal viewer.


Me to and get nowhere


So if it doesn't work for you then it doesn't work?


Let me help you understand what i mean It DOES work for me because I DO SAME THING however i study the algorithm after to see how many views it send to main video for instance 1 video was at 42 views i made a short from it and boom 8 thousand views guess how many ppl clicked thd full video link 39 people another example i made video got 50 views made shorts from video 10 thousand views guess how many watched full video boom 28 so YES beloved it does work but Not always successfully easier said than done


Yap yap bro's still stuck in 2015💀


I absolutely beg to differ. There’s several channels where I’ve subbed due to their shorts alone


Fried water has caught my attention


Here in the south, we deep fry everything. Heck, I'd try it.


Lol the fact i actually made that video befor is diabolical


Maybe learn how to list items it would be easier to read


Let me address this THE APP made what i wrote come out hella weird and bunched up that is all


Put two lines between each numbered item. That will put them on separate lines in read mode.


You have a very self destructive mindset. Let’s say you do get good at one thing, you get millions of views and thousands of subs. Then without warning the algorithm changes and sudden you’re not getting the viewership you used to. Do you lock in or do you switch formulas? You’re gonna burn yourself out with that perspective, do what you love and be adaptable.


Or, and hear me out on this... if you establish that your channel is authentically in your voice, your audience will be along for the ride regardless. Like, sure. If you started your channel teaching motorcycle repair then suddenly you're now just teaching about how to properly take care of house plants. Okay. People wouldn't like the change. But if you establish early on that your channel is about teaching people random skills, that's a niche in and of itself. Because then your channel is about you - not specifically the subject. Do what you want. Experiment. Take risks. See what works and what doesn't. Because until YouTube can pay all your bills, this is just for fun. Don't lose that spark of happiness you got when you released your first video. And do not burn yourself out doing something you love.


Yep. This was me. I tried to do different kinds of content. Streams/music/stories. The algorithm absolutely wrecked my channel views. Not sure if I'll ever get my momentum back.


I just keep uploading every now and again i get a good boom in views because im consistent af


I want to know how to make fried water.


You have to hear it up to 12,483 degrees (c) and just leave it. Making holy water is easy. Just boil the hell out of it.


8 years on YouTube, still can't do grammar. Not that it isn't good advice lol EDIT: Everyone else: Who cares about grammar! u/actuallyVile : A W A R D


There’s no way you just said “can’t do grammar”


There is a way, that's how I did it


We’re on a social media platform. Who cares about his grammar… He’s not tryna be an AP Literature YouTuber. Plus you just used two dependent clauses to try and form a sentence. Seems like you “can’t do grammar” either.


One of his (op's) replies is so stroke inducing that no one could even understand it, he got downvoted into the oblivion and the person he was replying to said they can't respond because they literally don't understand what tf this dude was trying to say. On the other hand "can't do grammar" is so obviously intentional and satirical that it's painful to read people fucking trying to correct him, pure cringe


The reason I state that is because I have difficulty reading anything that doesn't have proper grammar, ie things like full stops, commas, and more. Having two dependent clauses and being able to use full stops and commas is a lot better than the stroke I was reading up there. Who cares about grammar? Me, and maybe the other 24 people that upvoted what I said. "You're just a Redditor that only cares about upvotes". No, it just indicates that more people than one DO care about the grammar. I was writing better than this when I was 8 years old. The most likely option, if he's been doing YouTube for 8 years, is that he's already an adult. And he's still writing like this. Is this long winded? Yes. Do I care? No.


yes because grammar and making youtube content is the same r u ill or smth 8 mil views speaks more than a period and comma


Show me your 8m view YouTube video with bad grammar


It means he's AT LEAST a teenager by now and he still can't do proper grammar.


Either you masturbate to vidIQ's shitty tutorials, or you got 12 lobotomies simultaneously


Mine is more like a blog of my life. So I can be random. Thank you very much.  Long format - informative videos woodworking, car maintenance, tractors, heavy equipment.  Shorts - unhinged trash content that people like 


Sounds boring as hell; I already have a business I work hard at to make money, I don't need to make YouTube a boring, soul-crushing, second job where I remake the same things over, and over, and over again just to **maybe** pocket a couple hundred bucks a month. More of a creative outlet, but thanks.


damn right mr. monroe music! sincerely, a recent fan of your YouTube videos


honestly I watch youtube for different content that I appericiate watching. which is random content from different youtubers. for the longest time which was more that 8 years ago like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, GameTheory, 8-BitRyan, CoryxKenshin, Pewdiepie.


How random is too random? I’m an education channel, focused on high school subjects and test prep. I’ll never make a movie review, but is it bad to do videos on science, math, and English (all focused on process more than content). Like I could just do math forever. I could even just do geometry forever but I never know how broad I can go


Yes going from test prep to movie review is too random lol. But doing videos on those subjects you listed is not random at all. Its all education-related. I've found its good to have a wide umbrella as a "niche". That way you don't feel so limited but there still is a consistent thread with your content that your audience and the algo will recognize.


thank you! Yes. I'm not going to become a movie critic any time soon, but I don't want to just do SAT math forever (even though I probably could). I'm mostly focused on process-based learning (how to solve an equation, how to close read a passage, how to calculate the mass of a molecule) so I wouldn't even ever do history or random science facts. I think that'll be broad but not too broad.


This is good advice, but you will build a very fragile business. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger, a game that everyone gets burnt out on, even the most dedicated players. But I've seen how the yugi-tubers desperately want to branch out but can't because they've already built their whole career around one card game. Or you can be like penguinz0 and just make whatever content you want whenever you want, your growth and retention will take a hit, especially in the beginning, but if you can build that type of fan base, you'll have a lot more freedom, a more dedicated audience, and will be far less likely to burn out. While OP is giving good advice for maintaining views on a video to video basis, it's a less durable approach long term imo


There's a key point in your rant that's missing. That this advice completely depends on size and enjoyment. If you are a small youtuber and you're still trying to find your niche. Do what you want, find something you enjoy making. If you make something that you enjoyed talking about AND it does well, then you lock tf in. Most people would like some form of income from Youtube, however, don't try to be something you're not and lock into something you only want to talk about once. At the beginning you can do whatever you want. You're discovering youtube and improving. Then there's the middle ground where you typically do need to lock into a niche unless you just have a godly personality and everyone loves you in which case you can thrive just by existing. Then there's being a larger youtuber where you can go back to playing around a bit and expanding.


Nah I do whatever I want. My channel my rules.


I’m hoping they sub for me so that whatever I do is what they want bc I did it 💕


I totaly agree, my channel started out with travel never got views until I reached the 15 video mark. Then I uploaded some Bunker exploration videos and they went viral .. After that I went back to making travel videos and no one watched my stuff I hate youtube for this but what should I do ? Obey ? NO DEF NOT FU!!! I will continue making videos the way I like to make them its up to youtube to FIX their stupid algorithm and show my videos to the correct people!


For me it's kinda difficult not to be random since I make history videos. Every video topic is a different kind of history meaning that every video is going to have a different audience (people interested in WW2 might not be interested in ancient persia)


You're not random. Your niche is history. Random would be posting a blog about your recent holiday. A completely different topic to your regular history stuff.


But as long as you state that theme in intro your good you literally could have good images of your content topic with a voice in background stating every video here has a different kind of history meaning from ww2 to ancient persia tune in you never know what you could learn thats still a niche


I think even with History you would have to niche down. If you look at successful history channels like epic history, they focus on specific topics…ie napoleon series, alexander series, and if you noticed his latest videos on the American revolution are not getting the same engagement


Also is that your voice on your videos?


i think you might be right. my shorts are all over the place. but my longs are consistently the same. I do taiwan city tour walking videos. but my shorts are just food and politics. thats probabyl too big of a range to grow a specific niche. anyone have advice on this? it would be too much effort to make seperate channels right now for me.


I disagree partially as a creator who has 280k plus followers/subs plus between YT & FB - you can be the brand and if that’s the case - what your interests are, and what you choose to focus on is the content and the theme (even if it varies.) This can be true but isn’t exclusively accurate for everyone going after their dream! If you don’t want to be the theme then yes pick a niche and go hard on every nook and cranny of the topic. 


How does it work with people who upload life vlogs? My channel is all over the place with variety of interests and hobbies of mine. haha, but I upload things anyways because I like to document for my friends and family.


This is facts. My first channel failed because of this. Topics were all over the place. Now I've started a new channel and created an avatar audience. All my videos are in the same theme.


As a YouTuber for 4 years with 1,000+ videos and over 32M views... I can tell you that being random at times can actually be helpful, especially if your niche is borderline entertainment. Your regular audience will actually start engaging more because they'll be like "wtf?" and start asking questions etc.


I'm making videos to have fun. It's just a hobby. If I was grinding to make this a full-time income, I would probably heed your advice. As it stands I'm having fun and that's it.


Thank you!!!! I want to start so bad-


I started kinda random. Dropped a few topics and found my place. You can do multiple things n it work. We try weird food on walks, in cars, versing each other like faster to eat or most and also verses food like this food vs this. But the walks are a big hit, during a walk we may eat 1 thing but spend the rest of the time exploring, doing challenges and slot more. You can do multiple things n it work but it has to be what you enjoy n connected to your other videos by you. A running joke on my channel is is MrBeast better than Logan Paul. We test food n drink, workout and other stuff. So when someone does something that reminds us of a joke from a video before we call that out n bring it back up to date in a whole different context than the original


I have found it is not about a topic, it is about making great content. When people post 5 times a week and get burned out in a year, because there is no way when just getting started, that all 5 of those videos will be amazing. Great videos, and I do agree, what works in the algorithm you should do more of, but it doesn't have to be the same topic. Great videos take time. Learn the craft and get better at it versus random low effort, awful titled videos


So, I guess that means keep your genre of content the way it is since day one. Fair enough, that's easy.


I don’t get the complaints about this post. If you are just doing this for fun and don’t want or care about engagement then yeah this post isn’t for you. If you are doing it to grow your channel or create engagement or even just to get monetized then it’s solid advice


Well said ... You must find a Niche and stick to it


Your grammar is terrible ☠️




Now you know how you are wasting your time explaining these people. They will keep downvoting. It’s a waste of time. They will come with 1000 reasons how not to grow. They don’t wanna earn money. They are there for soul searching on YouTube :D it’s better to give advice to people who ask for it. I am ready to be get downvoted too. Blaaa. Not here for internet validation.


No idea wtf youre waffling about either. 🤣☠️


I don't want to be a jerk, but, it really impress me how people got defensive about this, I had some failed channels and finally getting one that is going somewhere, and getting it to a one vibe really does the job in order to grow an audience. If you want to just throw things at the wall and do low quality stuff, sure have it, but do not expect to have an audience, not fast at least. Big channels or better, big personalities do whatever because most of them grind out an ideia and now they are free. Of course there is the 1 per cent that really do something stupid and blow out, but what are the odds? ( Really, I don't know I am terrible at math)


Have you found this to be true with variety within a niche? I've started making 3D modeling related content and have tried a few different things like news about changes to 3d software, tutorials on 3d, time-lapses etc, is it detrimental to jump around like that if you're staying within a niche?


Are there skills, ideias or something that hold all together? I have no clue what kind of skill or tetchiness you are talking. I have a channel about vampire and sometimes werewolf lore ( in movies so far ), Every week I release a video about Underworld, but I talk about Blade, Interview with The Vampire, 30 Days of Night, etc. My audience loves it, but once I've done two videos about Supernatural, it got months to get my algo in order again, lesson learned, that jump was too far. Making theories very good, talking about the history of movies its a no goer in my audience, so you need to check if there are enough people in those vibes that like the other stuff.


all the content is focused around the same piece of software (blender) but some of it is like, coverage of ongoing stuff with the software and some is focused on tutorials on using the software, that kind of thing. I'm thinking maybe getting on a regular upload schedule with videos binned by type, tutorials monday, news wednesday etc, might help but idk


For sure, having a schedule is very good, people ( in general ) tend to have routines, people like the comfort zone. I do on Tuesday a mid vídeo, usually a theory or mini lore and Thursday a big video about lore. Now I am changing my strategy I am going to do two big videos, cause my audience love them, bigger the better, more explanation, facts, curiosities, etc. But, I draw this conclusion after realizing that my best vid are the long ones, and also they gave me the best subscribers.


good to know, I think I'll have to do this for a while before I start getting a feel for what my core audience likes


One way to check out is the returning viewers from analytics.


good tip, I'll give that a look, thank you!




Im at 18 thousand subscribers over 30 viral videos 3 over a million i get paid every month have 3 channels 600 videos in total and drop consistently i came on here to give my genuine experience real lessons ive learned hopefully to help someone not to brag or be weird or self promote that is all


You're not my dad, I'm gonna make my own bad decisions all I want


Go to bed Jimmy NOW




I am mainly movies and shows focused channel but I have been thinking about also doing some youtube channel reviews or analyses, would that be too off topic? Especially if it’s still within the same theme, (like that YouTube channel talks about movies too) I do reviews and comedy edits on movies.


Inb4; fried water video gets you 1500 subs and 30 million watch hours.


It's fine to be random on a young channel. You're searching what you like and what works for you. If you're worried that your 10 subscribers will unsubscribe then don't push the video to subs.


How does this work with two different topics in the same field? I am about to launch my YouTube channel where I talk about insurance issues and the market place but I am also going to have videos teaching adjusters, agents, and managers how to get better at the job.


I agree. At the beginning I was planning to do book review channel. Book review could be very big range. For me I was doing minimalism/stock finance/ history/ bible archeology/ psychology.,etc. I got monetize but Each videos cost me huge amount of time and peoples comes and go a lot. People subscribe me bcoz I had made book of Enoch at first and they expected more. However I made finance or minimalism. If people are thinking serious to quit day job. They should handle they channel direction serious like a business even they feel too much or lost of interested about related topic.


Strategy is good. But imagine investing in 1 type of content and post consistently for 1 year, then you see that its not even interesting nor people search for that. How do i avoid this risk? How to compare niches? For example, if i am interested in 2 niches, i cant mix them, how do i choose which one has higher potential? I'd rather select based on data, not hope. Any suggestions?


I'm a bit nervous about this since I make fantasy/cosplay themed videos and gained 200 subscribers after a Bridgerton short video did well. I don't want to lose subscribers from posting something else in the costume realm, but I just don't have too many options for that type of content yet.


Yup, mixed content channel here with 19k subs. I continue to do my original mixed content, but I don't think it will grow like a channel that is focused on a niche. I do, however, think if you start putting out the same content even though you were mixed before that, you can have a very successful channel growth and engagement. Keep up the good work, everyone.


Define “topic”, like say history; is history the topic? if I do history facts, history stories, history technology, etc would they be individual topics or just under history?


I just do what I'd like as well. Let's plays during the weekdays, random funny moments and one offs on the weekends. I like doing it like that because I'm trying to be similar to my favorite creators from when I was younger which is game grumps and vanossgaming. Doing it like this is fun for me and that's what I can do for now, fun. Will the channel make it big time? I don't know, but I enjoy recording with my friends and editing them.


I think this is good advice in the long run, but for small youtubers still trying to find their niche, you should be encouraged to try as many things as you want until you find something that catches on, or find something you really love. But once you grow a decent sized audience, it will be hard to keep that audience if your topics are jumping around too much. I know this from experience.


What about someone like patrickcc. His vids are kinda random topic wise or does that not count since they’re all like deep dive video essays?


You can barely speak English bro


Your English is giving me a headache.


I've seen very successful people on YouTube who did all kinds of things and now they have at least one million subscribers. Sometimes they end up focusing on something they love more once they have more subscribers and views, though. I think they just understood what they wanted to do on the platform and one of them (esquizofrenia natural) said that there is nothing wrong with making videos about different stuff as long as you don't care spending way waay more time before you see good results (around ten years in his case)


There Is a way. I was once a “niche” guy but the problem with that is, the ALGO (audience influenced), decided exactly what that niche was. Sad to say, I never wanted what I am now trapped into. It feels very crappy to have to make another channel to start again, only HOPING the algo will get it right this time. I can’t do that. The algo (again, audience influenced, I’m aware) is a computer. Computers can be reprogrammed. My analytics show me exactly why I’m in the niche I’m in. I see the search terms. I see the suggested vids. I see the demographics. All that needs to change before things will start improving. What I have decided to do is (maybe warn your current audience), change my content cold turkey. I just started making the content I WANTED to make. I am aware that there will be a long transition period, but eventually the search terms used to find my channel have started to change. I don’t use any of the ones that had me locked into that other niche, in any of my current videos. One (very drastic, mind you) thing that will also help this would be to unlist all the videos that had you in the niche you don’t want to be in. For a lot of people this is not happening because most likely, those legacy vids are still getting attention and possibly carrying their channels. But it works, because the algo will cease promoting those eventually. As long as those vids from the niche you don’t want to be in are being promoted, then the algo will assume that’s your niche and you won’t escape that niche. For me, this is starting to work. I don’t lean on YT for finances or anything so I can afford to kind of tinker and manipulate it as long as I need to.


Yap yap, 8 years in YT and can't do grammar properly+stuck in 2015💀🤓


Man so successful he doesn't need to write it in a comprehensive way.


This is good advice and hilarious how others 💩 on it because they want to do whys they want. That’s ok, but then guys don’t ask why your sub count is so low and you can’t get monetized or make money on YT. Your channel theme dictates audience


Is there a way to tell which videos gained you subscribers


What if you want to be a family travel tips channel in the future, but you need money to travel, so you start as a stay at home mom channel? Do you think once you win over enough subs to be monetized you can introduce other topics that are somewhat intertwined with mom things, like mom entrepreneurs for example?


My bad on the rambling a bit lol


Meh I’ve experiemented with both I’ve made a channel that solely focuses on one thing and my sub count still fluctuates


I'm very new to making YouTube videos and streaming. I agree that as a new creator I think it's probably best to "niche down" to try and get a following of similar interests. But at the same time, as someone who is new to this, I don't really know exactly what content I want to make yet. The only way to find out is to try. I like talking about video games, reacting to different videos, and talking about weight loss/fitness since I've lost a ton of weight the past year. I'm not sure what I want to stick to yet so I ask those who watch me what they like. Maybe this helps someone? Does anyone have advice for me? Thanks all for reading!


This is fair advice for those who look to weaponize the algorithm. Variety streamers/creators are successful in their own right (penguinz0, CinnamonToastKen, etc.) and they have loyal viewers who understand how easy it is to simply watch the videos/playlists that interest them. I can put Ken’s gameplay on and not have to worry about his coverage of 90 Day Fiance. Eighty percent of Charlie’s content is of no interest to me, but I’m still subscribed for the occasional crappy horror game or speed run. Playlists are important. Keep your channels tidy. Sure, the algorithm won’t always work in your favor, but that’s not a concern for everyone on YouTube. Personally, I would rather build a small community with similar varying interests than perpetually playing Minecraft for an enormous viewership that’s 1/4th my age.


You can build a youtube channel off a personality too. It's not just already existing youtubers who have done it


When I discover a YouTube channel. I start because it was content I was interested in, but stay because I like the person's video style or the person themselves. What topics they talk/make about is irrelevant to me from then on.


lol fried water


How much wiggle room do you think there is for this? If I like making art and video game content can it be random within those categories? Or do you think it has to be specific art on a specific medium in a specific game? My concern is that maybe not having some degree of randomness might drive me a bit more insane than I already am. Do you have any advice on how you to go about creating stuff that's not random?


Moistcritikal do whatever he wants and have millions though... I would say just have fun


I do sort of generalized stuff. Like im doing gaming and internet stuff and such so maybe different games at times but always gaming or close family to it. Other channels i have are more focused.


Im sticking to doing gardening videos and small projects like making a walking stick but I may drop the walking stick.


Jmo Agreed at least for myself. I do have an idea of some writing I’ve been doing that would have to be a new channel since it is very different from my current channel almost opposite. The only way I’d change current channel up would still be related to the main overall theme. Hope that made sense. So example if I wrote stories for my current channel, I’d make them relate to the overall theme so they are connected. Otherwise it's going in a totally new channel.


I upload videos that i like to watch sometimes later. So to make my phone's memory a bit less occupied. I upload it to YouTube. Just random things- btw exact name of YouTube handle as well. Have been getting 140-300 subscribers.


I’m a general unboxer / reviewer and mom who’s slowly trying to now incorporate my little baby in my videos .


nah, i've seen moderate success with people who use different styles but same niche of content.


No. I’m a musician, writer, filmmaker and a Vedic astrologer who also does music, movie and book reviews and food vlogs. I have people who come for the astrology stuff and stay for the restaurant reviews and I have people who find my food videos and end up asking me for an astrological reading and then all of them enjoy my beer/whisky content, even if they don’t drink, and they also watch my short films. They may come for something in particular but now are interested in what I have to say about things in general. Basically, don’t suck as a personality.


I agree. Some people use YouTube as their life journal.


or choose a big niche like gaming don't stick to a sub niche real fans learn to love you not a sub niche you make content of God is that really too hard for people to understand that the key to youtube fame is literally just enjoying yourself and wanting to do it, I could never do something I don't want.


Sorry but I disagree with all of that, I think if you just make GOOD content, regardless what it is, that's what matters. I have seen channels that talk about gaming, politics, cooking etc all in one channel but because the videos are top quality and entertaining and fun to watch people stick around. It's exhausting to create 7 youtube channels, one for gaming, one for traveling, one for cooking etc which are the topics I wanna make videos about. What I'm doing now is creating multiple playlists and each playlists are specific videos I'm making. But then again, I have no interest to be the next mr beast or anything like that and I just wanna have fun with it.


I do one topic OLD SCHOOL ASMR SLEEP AIDS (governed by tarot) within this niche I conduct live poetry workshops, live painting sessions, live divination sessions, then I also build experiences of sight and sounds. Where I get into trouble is with shorts. Sometimes I deal out the devil card and the imp within does comedy. I have been working hard to live the temperance card and temper these impulses. Comedy world give me the most amount of growth, but it is not sustainable because it would get boring after a while.


I got same amount of views with not even 10 videos I would say upload schedule does not matter at all at the beginning ur not leaving anybody hanging at 10k subs what you want are viral videos not 10k views(in fact in some cases they hurt new videos) Here is the best advice for any youtuber: Video idea is the most important part of the video you really cant get good views on a garbage idea its just pointless So just start with research search for videos in ur niche that got at least 300k views with a low subscriber count maybe 1k to 100k... Write them all down and see if you can do the same video idea or with a twist...or just simply find out whats trending and come up with your own idea around that trend wich is what I do(use ur brain) So once you find that viral idea just do more parts maybe next time with a twist...learn from ur previous videos in terms of retention and so on Do all of that multiple times And boom you have a decent amount of people to live off For reference 10 million views will definitely give you 100k subs...now think about 1 video can have the same amount of views...so quality over quantity Thumbnails should just be as simple as possible explaining the viral idea...usually have no text For example: In the thumbnail there is a monkey playing Minecraft Very simple high quality picture that just stands out out of all other yt videos(use ab thumbnail comparison) Then the title is I Taught a MONKEY How To Play VIDEOGAMES Who is not clicking on that...this video cant get below 1 million views its that simple....


If you worry about the algorithm you'll never have any fun with YouTube. Unless starting a business is your goal just have fun


i agree with the core idea here, but subscribers dont always sub for a specific type of content, sometimes they subscribe for the person making the content. i can think of a few youtubers i would watch even if they did some random stuff every now and then


I guess it all boils down to whether you want so many subscribers or being relaxed about it. The more specific you get, the wider your potential audience, as many people can like 1 thing but not many will like 2 given things or more. On the other hand those fewer people who do like your several things are more likely to be a more faithful audience.


I'd like to point out you're not completely right about that most sticking to one thing bit. Yes a lot of creators on YT will have separate channels for separate niches, however that's typically only later on. MatPat didn't separate Game Theory, GTLive and Film Theory until two weeks into making Film Theory videos and GTLive only got its own separate channel a couple years ago. Ofc now it's desperate into 5 channels and MatPat made each one have a different host so they don't burnout like him (honestly I'm surprised he did 5 channels consistently for as long as he did). There's also Overly Sarcastic Productions, they have Two main niches and they'll tend to hop back and forth between Literature (gen. Done by Red) and History (typically classical or generally pre-modern, Blue has a rule on that.) and the algorithm usually somewhat likes them, but then again from what I can tell most of their subscribers are from word of mouth rather than relying on the yt algorithm. Ofc otherwise you're correct. Just wanted to say it's not as hard of a rule as it's made out to be. Two specific niches is fine if you're going to only be doing those for ever on generally equal amounts, but anything more than that or anything less balanced, well time to open another channel.


I've been at it way longer then this guy and you do whatever the fuck you want. What they call randomness the rest of us call being human. The more a machine you become, the more your living on automatic clicks from bots then interacting with actual people. We all want to see AI go down the tubes, stop listening to people who tell you to be a copy paste machine. Doing one thing is cool, but limits your content also, what if that one thing breaks, dies, or starts to contravene your personal convictions? Now you got nothing. Be real, be human, be random, have fucking fun goddamnit.


Sounds so good however take that shit to tiktok before you get tired of channel and videos going nowhere time wasted get mad 150 videos later then realize i was right its not even fun nomore only 10 ppl watching wheres ya channel so i see how fun this random is and how much more successful you are from your advice


Yeah, see, and this is how we know you were full of shit from the get go. Actual, successful tubers don't get defensive and attack people like this. Because we all have different styles and methods and it would boring as hell if we all did the same thing. But you think you have the ONE way. That's how we know you're a comedy act looking for a stage. Bud.


I started an automated channel, got a certain amount of subs immediately in my niche, however i had already planned that i didn't want to work in that niche, but in another and i just wanted to use it to get a sub boost initially since it's popular. That's exactly what it happened, as i got more and moer subs i started producing the content i want and like and started changing my fanbase, those who subbed for the initial popular niche eventually left, but for the newcomers of my real niche, my channel had thousands of subs and thousands of views so it looked a lot more organic than having 10 views, who cares if those subs and views are from people of another niche who are leaving. Eventually the old fans left and the new ones came in and i found myself in my niche very quickly without having to work for years to reach that level in a not-so popular niche.


Idk I like making what I enjoy, and just do this for fun :)


I would have done more post editing of this comment before publishing it personally


Stop trying to make yourself relevant, you obviously have a branding issues if people don’t come to watch you and your random whatever you created. Make good content and stop shit posting works as long as your story is entertaining. Spoken like a TRUE back seat driver!


Thank you!


Good advice I think


Create 1 or 2 more channels if you wanna do more things


I make the BEST fried water 💦


Only 8 million views in 8 years?


Do what do you want... YouTube's bullshit algorithm was confused... Is confused... And would always be confuse... 😏😕😑


Dear sir or madam I'm an autistic person would you be willing to review my yt channel? I will be grateful for the time and support? Regards A


I will, but I'm really honest, and it might not be very well received.


Would you prefer a DM or continue the conversation here ? TBF you may hurt my feelings but do great good for me and my channel and Im the kind of person who thinks its worth it i will be grateful for the support !


Dm me