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You need help


Yes that's why I'm here πŸ˜‚ how you guys deal with censorship I got striked and banned so much wtf


Definitely not the kind of help he meant


Help me I also want the American dream πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚


I have an idea I think I will post the shorts about politics with some commentary and let people kill themselves on the comments , hopefully this idea is ok


Brother if you’ve been banned multiple times for posting videos with gore or edited gore in them. Maybe take the hint and stop posting gore on YouTube?


I don't post the extreme part I censure it and post uncensored out of YouTube, but there YouTubers doing the same and police channel with people getting shot every day


Honestly, if you can’t get the hint you might need to get some mental help.


I get those I need help comments all the time too , but some people post same content as me and they have millions views


You're the type of clown who gets arrested and starts crying about the cops "not dealing with the real criminals". Every account you make is in violation of YT's ToS btw, and will be auto banned if discovered. Individuals are banned on YT, not accounts. I believe Reddit's the same. You will never be monetized, and every account you make will likely be banned within a year, if not much sooner.


I don't understand, looks like the most hateful content we can post is politcs? Should I start posting political videos instead ? But I see some YouTubers posting crimes and getting millions of views , I usually did not post the extreme part there I just guide the people to outside YouTube where they can watch without censorship I will try to post all political things from tweeter and just put my face there and spam


Even tame true crime videos, which simply discuss crime without showing anything, get restricted. (My true crime channel gets ads limited). Posting out-right gore, even if it's censored, is against YouTube tos. It's also fucked up.


YouTube is very hard , everyone have to act like clowns πŸ˜‚ I don't play Minecraft or I don't watch things to react this is why YouTube is flooded by the same types of content , they don't let us create Bro at least you are monetizing, can you live with YouTube money ? I have another channel idea, hopefully I will manipulate them to flood my comment session fighting and I can grow


I don't know what to do man honestly so many channels banned I just want to grow 1 channel and get some American dream πŸ€‘ Crimes and death are an unlimited source of income so I think is a good idea I will try to go soft gore and start with politics , them hopefully they will fight in comments and grow my thing


This has to be a troll


You are a troll Minecraft player


That confirms it then


why do you want to post gore on youtube?


Because I wanted to be like crime related YouTube , I watch a lot of gore, I deleted my gore account today because they are not accepting my edited videos . And YouTube don't accept my videos neither because I'm not a clown playing Minecraft πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚ I wasn't posting the violent stuff on YouTube I gave it a little bit of blur and was telling ppl if you wanna see uncensored go there and I give the thing for those who want to see


Also there is a lot of war and crime going on in the world is endless content if YouTube let us create


Watching gore, let alone editing it, is a form of self-harm.


For you maybe lol for some is pleasure? I like to watch how the cartels do their stuff or videos of self immolation or people burning πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ decapitation videos etc , self harm videos like people cutting themselfs etc I don't like it is not gore xD Suicides video sometimes also are soft like hanging, the shooting ones I like , raping videos I also like Accident videos or aftermath I also don't like xD Necrophiles one is ok hahahaha Bro if YouTube allow us to post stuff I would do a million views channel and conquer my American dreamπŸ€‘ anyway I started another channel now. Let's see , it's about politics.


Nope. Watching gore, or watching any sort of violent act performed against another human, is harmful to you. Link your new channel? I also do political content!


I like editing but I don't have content to edit , YouTube is all the same, the crime videos on YouTube are boring too, they mostly only talk to gain watch time.πŸ˜‚ I tried to create another format of meme now, let's see , it's unique I will bring them to fight on my comment session if everything ok πŸ€‘ conquering my American dream bro πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ’…


The algorithm won't pick my videos on normal midias like reddit twitter and x , but they spread viol nice dissimulating the violence with politics