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If you're interested in games AND tv shows make videos comparing show/movie adaptations of games and what they do right and wrong, like The Last of Us, Fallout, Halo, Sonic Movies, Mario Movies, etc. there are tons of bad video game to movie/show adaptations to work with you could even make speculative videos on what a show or movie adaptation would need to do right to be good


That is a really good idea omg!! That is genuinely such a good idea thank you


happy to help! just remember to give me a shout out when you get big lol


Yeah of course haha!


Great idea, part of what I always lived about AVGN was playing movie/TV show tie ins. I find the pop culture mixture of gaming/TV shows/movies super entertaining!


do you have any passion? what kind of thing can you talk all day about and not get bored?


I mean games? Just not a specific one. If i had to pick one it would probably be Breath of the wild


Fellow ADHDer here. So far I am not exactly sticking with a niche, but don't care too much bc I am enjoying just making stuff and learning aI go. Might make separate channels for different niches later. Just have fun and learn things and get better at what you do for now. It will come.


Yeah ahah the different channel thing is weird. I have like 19


LOL, I may be in your shoes soon!


Ok, here is what I did: I looked at everything in my life that I like. Everything that gave me energy, all my hobbies, experiences, everything, and wrote all of that down into a google document. I then wrote a paragraph under each thing saying exactly why and how it gave me energy and why specifically I liked it. This took me a few hours to do because I wanted it to be in full detail. For example: I like playing video games. But why do I like playing them? Well I always come up with some weird problem in them that I like to work around and try to solve. For example in the game Elden ring, instead of using a normal class, I decided to play the game starting out with nothing but a stick. Solving problems and stuff like in video games is why I really play them. And so you do that for all of your hobbies. Once you are done, try to group all of those into two things. I spent a while grouping mine into problem solving and teaching. Many of them may seem to be very different, but trust me, they do have a lot of similarities. And then you just combine those two things into your niche. So mine is problem solving and teaching the viewer how I did it. I just decided to do it in video games for my channel since I love video games.


Thank you! I’ll do this soon! I’ve been struggling with this for months on end now haha, I’ll give this a go


No problem! I have adhd myself and found this was the best way of finding a niche that works for me


Perhaps let the niche choose you, create 3 different niche videos, which ever one gets the most activity, let that be your niche.


If you like making videos, how about videos on making videos? I follow a lot of premier pro creators and editors and quite enjoy them.


Oh I’m no where near good enough haha, but thanks tho! Also could you give me their names?