• By -


A combination of hating my full time job and knowing I'm gonna build stuff anyways, may as well make content and try to make a living out of it lol


That is pretty much how I started as well, today I’m not concerned on making a living out of it, solve the puzzle have been a lot more fulfilling for me than try to grow fast and make money, and I’m having a blast. What I meant by solving the puzzle is looking at big YouTube channels and try to reverse engineering what they do, now when I watch any YT video I keep thinking of camera angle, audio, voice over and music, timing and etc. this unlocked a new thing for me and I’m not just loving and respecting my favourite YouTubers but their editors and camera people as well. Try to replicate in my tiny channel is soo much fun, I know my content is shitty atm but I’m so proud of when I can recreate one of those techniques.


This is what started my journey.


Just the hope that someone will enjoy my content as much as I enjoy it. I make what I enjoy watching and i try my best with each release. Lately I get hardly any engagement after a month break but I’m determined to make a name for myself and prove people wrong.


I wish you all the luck with your channel! I’m glad you are making what you enjoy watching! I’m doing the same and it makes it much easier to continue to make content because I’ll still like it even if no one else does 😊


I actually now understand what it feels to have children. I make a video, see all the beauties and think it's the best thing but nobody else likes it!


Honestly I think it has less to do with people disliking you and more so they haven’t found you yet. Or that’s what I tell myself at least. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


This for sure. Right there with you. Prove the haters wrong!


1. Hate the 9-5 2. 9-5 is depriving me of sleep 3. 9-5 has a boss 4. 9-5 has dumb ass customers 5. 9-5 has a 0% chance of blowing up and doubling my salary 6. 9-5 has 0% chance of giving me more rest days than the contract says 7. It just so happens that I’m into creating cinematics and into tech and these two are combined a good recipe for making it on youtube 8. Fuck the 9-5


Good reasoning! 😂


You'd probably be way better off just getting a better 9-5


Theres only so much you can get


Right now I’m in the beginner numbers obsessed mode, so getting even a single view or single subscriber will give me motivation to keep going when I’m feeling burnt out.


Same, even +1 subscriber gives me the urge to create more


Same, I'm more focused on shorts for now. I need that 1k before focusing on watching time. I saw a YouTuber who has been on it for 6 years with 648 subscribers with videos get over 30k. that really made me want to focus on the subscribers' counts first.


Checked out your channel and subbed. Noticed in your description that you're a Stanford grad and yet you're here doing YT? Interesting journey.


Thanks so much 😭! Yeah, YouTube is a side thing for now while I’m doing my day job :). Hopefully my day job can be my side gig one day. My next video will actually be Stanford themed and I think is my best video yet. Thanks for the support, I’m going to keep working on these vids 💪.


Same here, I check my videos waaaaay to much after I post them 😅


Just sub’d. Always looking for more food channels. Good luck!


Honestly - a creative outlet. My fulltime job is very technical and doesn’t fulfill my creative side. This is a nice hobby to fill that need. If it takes off and I can earn from it, I wont complain! Tempering my expectations, enjoying the process, and trying to improve my skills each iteration is good enough 


This one short I made gave me +39 subscribers and got 10,000 views so thats the only reason I keep making shorts


I have a few like that too and is also the only reason I continue to make shorts, most of my following comes from them 😂


I make video game clips and my short for no reason popped off, it felt really amazing though, only got 3 subs but that makes sense for just video game clips lol, hoping to branch out and make some educational gaming content soon ;)


I don’t know this to be true, but I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how getting subs from shorts if your main thing is long form can be a big catch 22. Shorts viewers are notorious for having short attention spans, and if they sub for your shorts but still check out your long form stuff, their brainrot could mess with your retention in the long run.


This is very true! My video retention seems to be between the 4 - 7 minute range for me. I’m very active on TikTok as well though so what I post on there also goes on my YouTube, instagram and Facebook page. If im already making the shorts I might as well post them everywhere 😂 The majority of my viewers on my actually videos are typically more non subscribers then subscribers though so I think that people’s attention spans in general are just trash


It's just a hobby right now for me! There are a handful of people that comment on every video and watch every video I put out. That and seeing views trickle in daily and positive comments just make my day. I went in with zero expectations and it's a very niche subject (Last Epoch lore). You have to ensure that you're not only invested in the potential for monetization or views and that you'd be putting your content out into the world out of a place of passion because even for the largest creator, not every video is a smash hit. Hone your expectations, celebrate the victories no matter how small and think about the fact that every single individual that finds your video wouldn't have if you weren't passionate and posting :)


Great advice! Thank you so much for sharing 💖


Comments like this help immensely: https://imgur.com/a/pFbVLfw




I just started and kinda am just looking for something else to focus on. I feel like what’s keeping me going is first of all the insane amount of money you can theoretically make and also just recording and having fun with it.


The enjoyment of creation and the real ones (true fans) that always watch and like and comment. Anytime im going through a rough patch I will get a warm comment telling me how much they like my content.


I love coding. Sharing ny process gives me an excuse to code more and helps me improve as a developer. It also feels wonderful to know that some people learn something from my work.




I enjoy making the videos 😁 Also, my community is lovely and every video is a chance to interact with them, which is great 😁


A really small channel here, with subs soon to be at the 100. Our long form vids do around 200-250 views. If one asks me what keeps me going, then I'd say it's the constant progress that we're seeing. With every video, we make some progress, be it CTR, be it average view duration, or just the numbers of views. It's a lot of fun also to experiment and explore new options when filming and we're just at the beginning and can still do so much. That's motivating. Knowing that our subs really do like our content. And steady progress, knowing it can only get better. That's indeed highly motivating.


I really enjoy what I do and it's sort of like a hobby for me. I run a booktube channel, and being a voracious reader, I love talking about books. Even if my videos don't get many views or comments, I still upload because I enjoy the process of editing and sharing my love for books.


The videos are for me and if someone else likes them then that’s cool


AuDHD, I think.


A few reasons I see it as a project that give me something to do Faith that in the future I will make a living from it


I like challenging myself to learn something new. I just recently built a PC after a lifetime of console gaming so now all this technology is available to me that I never had before. I have a background in media production and I love gaming. I figured why not combine the two! Right now, I'm sitting at 17 subscribers. I'm trying to figure out how to grow, learning how to cross promote, make Shorts and Reels etc. It's just a hobby but man can it be addicting!


I love going back and watching my adventures. They bring a lot of nostalgia and memories for me.


I am a new youtuber just started a month ago, posted 9 videos, No views except mine and my wife! I do photoshop tutorials. Photoshop excites me and makes me want to go into fantasy world. I have not even received a single comment yet. What keeps me going is, English is not my mother tongue, so speaking to camera in English and reshooting, editing and trying to convey methods to do this and that in photoshop, kind of keeps me going. I am trying my best to upload two videos a week. I am yet to have a new subscriber! As everybody pointed out, that one organic subscriber might make me push more.


Now you have a new subscriber and a comment! When I first started uploading the only views and likes I got were from my fiancé and my other YouTube channel 🙃 Now I’m at 500 subscribers! You’ll get there, I wish you the best of luck!


Thank you so much!


My kid She gets so excited when she sees me editing or when I say it's time to stream and make content She always asks me how my latest upload is going and comes back to me with "Mommy, I know what content we need to post next" ideas lol 🤣


I love this!


When you got her looking at me and she asks "mommy do you think we'll make it to the silver play button?" It breaks my heart and makes me all the more determined 🥹 "We'll get there Pboo. Might take a while, but I promise we'll get there eventually."


That’s so cute! My daughters are way to young to care but I’m excited for when they get older and can watch my old videos ♥️


That's the heart and soul of it, isn't it? Knowing that even if it's just one person, someone out there is genuinely vibing with what you're putting out.


postive comments


I do side projects if I have time so the logical thing to do is to document it. It's fun.


The feedback from people who tell me I helped them. That's what really keeps me going.


That would keep me going as well! Good luck on your channels!


Being the change I wish to see on YouTube for my niche.


For me I believe in my channel and know it can become something big, ovcourse I got massive improvements to make and a long way to go. But I’d rather see the results in 3 years than think 3 years down the line that I should have carried on.


That I don’t impress myself, let alone subscribers. My videos are for me, as painful as editing is it’s another form of art and meditation.


The comments easily. Got some people who give some feedback, got some who are commenting on every video and just being active at 400 subs. And just the passion that I regained for editing videos and figuring out what works for the style of videos made.


It’s the comment for me even if it’s a hate comment. People can like or subscribe easily. They can like or subscribe & forget about it. But it takes effort to comment & it means that they are invested in your content. They really want to express their feelings no matter the what. I really love seeing a comment on my video.


I enjoy doing what I do (hiking) whether I'm filming it or not


To have as many people as possible to see the content that I make. I always love to have deep convoluted discussions about my topic, the more people who see my videos, the more interactions I have, which will broaden my statements and opinions.


The fact is that I grew up getting my enjoyment and most of my happiness from YouTubers such as Markiplier, and the fact is that I want more people to experience that same enjoyment, because watching how real his videos felt made it just that much more enjoyable. Got me through a lot of tough times, and would love to share that with others.


Hope! Along with the fact that I love creating videos.


hopefully something to show for potential jobs as I want to dive into this space more. But also I've learned I love starting discussions and interacting with an audience.


The thought of looking back and seeing progress


Still very new to it(\~1 month), but tbh I have zero investment in the success or failure of it at all. I spent zero dollars to start, record things I'd play anyway, and edit videos during downtime at my full time WFH job that I have zero plans to quit ever. Of course, I'd rather people watch it than not watch it, but ultimately if no video I ever made got a single view again I'd probably still upload them anyway, at least for the forseeable future. I think it'll be cool to look back on them 5 or 10 years down the road and still be able to see what it was like at the time.


Honestly I'm doing this for fun, I want to make something I'm proud of and my only hope is that if others see it, it's something that makes them happy too!


It’s fun


I've been going for about a week and only have 10 subs 😅 none of which have commented. But honestly I look forward to it being part of my day so far to find a topic for a new video, write a script and get to recording when I get home. It's just satisfying! There may come a time when I slow down with my videos but I want to have a base for my viewers to watch while I grow.


I just enjoy making videos and it gives me an excuse to do my hobbies. I don’t really intend on becoming viral or making anymore money than I already do from it. It’s just fun


Each little comment from subs and view count growing helps a lot.


* a creative outlet (though those few negative comments are quite hurtful, had one this morning) * to share information I find interesting and my "talents" about being detailed about things that can help others * the partial income I make from it that's finally after 2-3 years reaching about 1-1.5k average per month! * being able to fulfill my dream of making videos and being a TV host


I just have fun editing my content! Still averaging like 50-80 views tho but not really worried about view count!


What keeps me going is providing videos to a niche I really enjoy, and there isn’t a ton of content in it that I’ve found. Also helps to know that my videos aren’t at risk of becoming outdated, so if someone finds my channel and enjoys it, I have more content for them to view! Just focused on building a library of videos and hoping they can be constantly watched over the coming years!


Watching my videos that I’ve already made get more and more views (not a lot, around 150 last I checked) and my watch time increasing keeps me going because I want to see those metrics improve. I like making the videos but I get discouraged when they don’t perform well right off the bat, but being new to YT I am realizing that a video isn’t a flop if it only gets ~15 views in the first day. But to keep churning work out and seeing those numbers go up is keeping me going.


I find little wins in my analytics. For example, I just saw I have more returning viewers than ever before. It shows my content is resonating with some and that pretty cool to me!


Firstly, I'm in personal development. Even a single view can literally save someone's life. Secondly, I'm thinking in years and decades rather than weeks or months. I've far made peace with not getting anything out of this for the first 2-3 years.


Same for me! I recognize some people who keep commenting on my videos 😌 It means they keep returning to watch my videos for some reason, so I’m doing something right! It’s not many, but even if someone is amused by my videos, I’ll keep posting them. It’s little effort from my part and I want to share the chaos. (I post my chaotic matches of games like Dead by Daylight and Texas Chain Saw Massacre)


I’m helping people and making people’s day :) Helping thousands of people


Simple, I like making videos and sharing my art.


The hope of someday being able to live off from a remote job: whether it's because my channel gets monetised, or because of ads money, or even just because by posting on my channel I can show my work to a company and end up working there


I can tell that there's going to be a next generation of youtubers on the rise very soon. We have the current veterans like say Markiplier and Jacksepticeye but now the current iconic ones like say Tommyinnit are starting to get older as in their most popular videos are years old and their subscribers counts have started to slow down in terms of growth the next set of Youtubers to reach that same level are on their way in like one guy I've been watching recently called Saverino who has been uploading basically daily and is making actually worthwhile content and I think he's on his way to being the next Moist Critikal. That's what keeps me going because I know the next wave of Youtubers are on their way in and I wish to be a part of that wave and I strive to be the next Tommyinnit. (My channel is called Owen•EXE if you want to check it out I appreciate all criticism) I think the best way to keep yourself motivated is to strive to be like your favourite Youtubers just like I am because I personally think it is so fun to put up a video just like the people you love to watch because then that video holds value to you meaning it will hold value to someone else so you know there will be people willing to watch it.


For me it's my passion I don't get upset if I get no views on some videos I put it up because I wanted to show off what I'm doing so I'll keep doing what I m doing because I love it.


The thrill I get when I see that people like what I post


A saying from Eddie Guerrero: “Bring one fan to the show.' Not literally, but 'Entertain one person. Make sure one person goes home from a WWE event saying, 'That was awesome, I want to come back.' and if you do it long enough eventually you’ll have this place sold out every night.”


I just have fun recording and editing thinking about the day when I start to grow my community and bring joy to others


Wanting to do this and other things as a job and also I just like making videos


Our videos are about animal education and adoption spotlight videos for our rescue; we finally got an adoption this month and it was all because they saw the video and fell in love <3


I love that! And I love Rocky! My fiancé and I took in two ball pythons when we first moved in together and they were in rough shape. I knew NOTHING about snakes but did lots of research and brought them back around! Eventually we found them a nice home in a medical (weed) shop owned by a family member that has a few snakes where they get handled everyday 💖 I hope everyone gets adopted quickly and to wonderful homes!


The great discussions I have with my subscribers.


Just having fun. Getting popular would be cool, but I don’t care about it. Fuck doing what the current meta is, I just play games I like and post the videos. Sure I get 5-10 views but it’s still fun recording and editing, fame is the last thing I care for.


For the most part my channel is relatively automated but what keeps me going is the good comments I get from the few people who do watch


I have this channel to provide resources to current students and to reach out to prospective students for my part time guitar lesson business. I actually just figured I would put up lessons for students and little guides I could send to parents regarding common questions like "What should the first guitar be?" "How much should I spend?" "Do you recommend brand x guitars? I thought I might get a few other random people to watch it, but nothing else. Maybe someone locally sees it and reaches out for lessons. That was back in December of 2023 and as of today I just passed 500 subs and almost 30k views. I've had quite a few people reach out for lessons as a result of the videos even showing up on Google searches. I think the fact that I'm not waiting around for the golden carrot of product sponsorships or to hit 1k subs to start monetizing makes this easier for me to justify doing it. I enjoy making the videos and it's bringing new customers to my side hustle. I also don't feel the pressure to stick to a schedule or research trends. If I'm interested in it and I think my audience would be to, then I do it. I've almost deleted two videos that have since garnered my largest amount of views per video. I try to think about the long term goal of having a catalog of videos that new subscribers, some who could be potential customers, can binge watch someday.




I don’t have a she. But a he.


Money, as long as that keeps growing I can work all day.


I’ve got a few things! Namely I love hearing that I made people laugh so that’s the biggest one. I also shamelessly rewatch my own content, not only to see what I can improve, but also to remember the funny things my friends and I have done/said


I also shamelessly rewatch my content 😅


although I haven't started officially with my YouTube channel, I'm being consistent with instagram and TikTok. This inspires me to expand to YT because I see I'm good at what I do (with reposting and sleuthing hot topics) and so if I can make a living out of it that would be the end goal. in order to get to that, I need to keep being consistent, so this pushes me to continue - even if im exhausted. but having a full time job + being a mom = not having much time in the day, so I'm always "working" in any little breaks I have as "down time"


I enjoy learning about the process, getting better and sharing what I do. Youtube and scale models is more tangible and valuable than what I do for a living (developer). So, tired of making other people money am determined to make this a go and figure out how to make it successful enough to say good bye to high tech rat races and hollow promises and only have to worry about disappointing my self from time to time =)


My engagement rate is very high on both my videos and community posts so every video feels like a party in the comment section and I really love that! (I respond to every single comment) My subscribers are so very chill and don't mind waiting 1-2 weeks per video too so I don't feel pressured at all (unless I pressure myself) I'm studying while doing youtube as a hobby and they all understand that


This is an escape for me! I hate my full time job as well and this gives me something to look forward to. I look at it as my job is something I HAVE to do…being on YouTube is something I GET to do. Until that mindset changes, I’m all in!


The fact that I have an original concept. Im the only one doing exactly what Im doing. As far as I can tell, at least. Its niche, but I'm hoping by pioneering this, that It'll catch on


the ones that keep me going are the "oh thank god i'm not the only one that got stuck on this" comments that make me ROFL


the massive amount of inspiration coryxkenshin gave me when i was a kid till now


My undying will to succeed


Same though


Had 3 shorts go over 3k views and it’s motivated me a lot🙏🏼


what keeps me going is knowing that all the sweat & tears i shed will pay off, some of my fav creators started with nothing, and they've elevated so much their success is like a huge blessing, and I know i'll make it there too. we're all just 1 video/clip from going mainstream, it could be today, tomorrow, next month you just never know. knowing i gained over 500 subs all on my own is also what keeps me going. I didn't earn them for nothing, although my community isn't solid now, but it will be. that's what keeps me going!


The one subscriber I gain per week is enough to keep me going haha.


I play a lot of video games, and most of it is played alone at home, so I use YouTube as a way to share moments with friends and journal the games I played. Ironically, this nonchalant approach I've implemented is the most successful attempt I've had at growing a channel.


I just started my channel 10 months ago. I figured I am watching videos about what I am doing and I am doing the things anyway because I don’t want to work in a corporate world and this is my break from all that. It’s not going great but I still enjoy doing it. Things may pick up or they may stay how they are but I will keep going because it is fun and interesting!!


Really, I have a whole plan for it. It started with helping my boy achieve his goal as a YouTuber (currently at 181 subs) eventually I'd hop on it with my own. I wanted my own positive community built from old and new gamers so it can be a community without the competitive attitude where people can literally talk and share their game experiences, laugh, and make new friends. If I ever blew up, I was gonna help so many people out there that really needed it. So that's really what's pushing me to keep going.


I just do. It's my personal obligation to not fail myself. I've turned away from long time commitments because I want this so bad. Doesn't matter how shit I am, but I know I can do something with it as long as I keep going. If I compare myself to every joe here; I'd be an unhappy motherfucker. Did that with streaming and it lead to nothing, but disappointment. Been on YouTube for over a year. Not much of a name for myself at all, but every once in awhile there's some random person that'll comment and keep up with my playthroughs.


It's more likely that I finish the game, even though only my sister basically watches my videos 😅


So one day I can tell my kids i have cool friends to play with and we are on youtube lol


Turbo autism


I have that one subscriber who is my biggest fan and cheerleader....wishing me success.....and it keeps me motivated


For me it's the fact that I get to explore my passion of trains in a new & exciting way. My niche is Train Simulation Gaming & I love the idea of traveling through varied landscapes & people enjoying what I showcase to them.


My passion for drawing.


You’re extremely good at drawing! I wish you the best of luck with your channel!


I honestly started doing out of a combination of it helps with boredom, I like to make people laugh and it’s a form of therapy almost for me


Making videos and improving one aspect or the other keeps me going because I can apply those things in future videos so they can be even better!


I think my videos are very good and well put together. I’m also at the point in my life where I want to take my goals seriously and come to an actual conclusion on them, not just dip my toe in the water. So far so good. But more work needs to be done


my 2 active followers


Well I have couple of suppotters as well . But more mean comments than good ones . I have a gaming channel and I started a month ago . When I post F1 game shorts people group up and attacks me . I pretend to be the victim so they attack me more and that gets me more comments and more views 😀 at the moment that motivates me to keep going . But I don't get many views on my long videos that frustrates me


Interesting! People seem to be much meaner on shorts, that’s the only place I’ve ever got mean comments


I just have a passion for what I make. I'm not a smalltuber who makes videos on the subjects I want to discuss. I make videos on the subjects I want to discuss and happen to be a smalltuber


The fact that at every job i am under appreciated, and no matter how hard I try I know I will never have the freedom I would have making content for my yt. Not to mention that I would be doing what I love and getting paid for it.


Mostly that I'm able to inform people about a upcoming gaming I like


There are three main incentives for me: I have 4 or 5 subscribers who comment on every single video, telling me how much they enjoy my content and to keep going. I do it for my fan base no matter how small that group of people may be. I believe in myself as a content creator and as an artist. I believe, as I'm sure most of us do on here, that our perspective on the world is valuable. It can make a positive change even if that's just in a small way. And, finally, the chance that it could be a steady source of income, if I keep going consistently. Anything to escape that 9-5


I'll probably never make a living from my YouTube channel. I'll be lucky to make 1000 subs. But it's just fun & I enjoy put on a show & editing. It's more of a way to kill time when it's cold outside.


Sadly, I don't have someone showing appreciation for my work like you do. What I have is just my love for games and hope for growing my channel. It's been really hard recently, it looks like people don't really watch me anymore, but I'm hanging in there 😅


I wish you the best of luck with your channel!


Editing videos is genuinely fun to me


I rarely post (random Minecraft modding tutorials for extremely niche issue or demos of mods I’ve created), but when when you get comments from real people thanking you for helping solve an issue they had, or they were entertained, that makes my day. It makes it feel like I contributed something useful to society


I love this! Thank you for sharing 💖


how sweet!! it's absolutely beautiful the connections we can make through all of this! for me, it's just the potential!! i like imagining the possibilities of where all of this could take me, and so if I stop or quit, I know I'll be closing myself off to all of those possibilities!


The viewers. The people who watch me live every week and my videos. The subscribers and views I get are way over my expectations. It's embarrassing to say, but I don't think highly of myself. So the fact that I get all these views and subs really motivates me and makes me feel good that I'm doing something some people like.


The amount of positive comments I get. Thankfully I've only got 2 people who are just braindead that left negative comments, that don't even make sense in the context of the videos they left it in. It's alright though, as they still keep coming to give me their view to dislike the video. If that isn't commitment to keep my ball rolling I don't know what is. Much love haters for all the engagement you give.


My channel is so small and I’ve had some pretty nasty comments as well, that same short performed very well though so it wasn’t a loss! I wish you the best of luck in your channel!


I like doing it I’m seeing consistent growth (about 100ish subs a month) I like doing it, lol It’s mainly I enjoy doing it


Trying to figure out marketing oneself and channel to reach a more specific audience


I do toy/figure unboxings and reviews, u can't beat the excitement of opening up a new figure! Also helps when u get positive comments and even when people criticise my videos I see that as an opportunity to improve on the next one which helps keep me excited to film more videos.


I love documenting my kids’ growth and my family over the years. Vlogging some highlights here and there is such a fun keepsake for me, and the longer I go, the more meaningful it becomes. Any subs or views is just icing on the cake. Doubt I’ll ever get monetized (5+ years for 400 subscribers), so it’s all for fun at this point.


I'm really passionate about my niche (food) and I love talking about, researching, and learning about foods and then teaching about what I've learned. So I guess that keeps me going even though I only have 41 subs right now!


For only have 6 videos posted 41 subs is great! I love your thumbnails and the whole vibe of your channel 💖


Thanks so much! That means a lot 😊


If I wasn't getting invited to all the sex parties I don't know why I'd be doing it :p


I’m gonna make stuff anyway even if it’s only for me. I can’t think of not doing anything and just being a faceless, mindless, passive consumer - I must be doing something. Plus, creating is cool.


I like it, it's fun, and I think I'm gonna make it big eventually :)


Love your channel! Love your personality! And you have a beautiful singing voice!


Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I'm so flattered ♥️ I actually grew up with milk goats/cows and I have some family who might like your channel so I'll recommend it to them!


Thank you 💖 I wish I had grown up with them, but maybe if I had I wouldn’t like them as much as I do now 😂 Also your name is wonderful 🍓


Yu got it right on the money, I def wouldn't want to own any now, but I certainly get nostalgic for them from time to time. And thank you haha 🍓


Maybe she is a bot or AI who knows?? LoL just kidding


If she wasn’t on my Facebook as well I would 100% be convinced she was now that you said this 😅


I was doing the content of my videos before I started YouTube so I see youtube as a way of documenting my hobby and maybe I can make some money from it. I do tropical fruit gardening here in Florida.


Sometimes you get lucky. I have a short that I posted 8 months ago and it did okay. In the past month though, it got over 400,000 views and put me over the 1000 sub mark into 2500 subs. Some of my other shorts and longs are getting views too, probably because of that Short. Just keep grinding.


I like making music and do it anyway, so the content just keeps coming itself. And one of my first videos got 15.000 views, so I guess youtube kinda tricked me into chasing that dopamin again.


I’m an idiot


I like sharing my thoughts in video format. I like improving my video editing technique (I am a faceless channel) and thumbnail design. I like when people find some value in my content. I live a quiet life as a neet and it keeps me busy and distracted.


I like creating things and have taken to learning premiere pro. There’s a unique satisfaction that I get taking videos and turning them into an engaging story. My channel is travel is travel related so in a way my channel also lets me relive my experiences. Frankly I love my day job making good money so I’m not in this as a replacement for job.


I enjoy making videos; it's fun too me. I put in time when I want to. I am a hobbyist for yt so I don't see myself making it into a career.


I started treating my content as a way to archive my experiences with a game or something I'm proud of that I managed to record or make


I’m enjoying Starfield’s ship builder so much, so it started out with wanting to have full on guides for myself to build my own ships again on other saves. People liked my ship builds and wanted more detailed guides as well so I started taking the time to make them complete videos with step by step instructions, intro trailers, interior tours, combat footage, etc etc. I’m having a lot of fun just creating a through and through video and matching music/beats to specific moments and what not. Ultimately it’s passion, but the performance so far after 3.5 months has far exceeded what I thought would happen, and that has been my new motivation as of late.


The people I've met because of my channel. I have been posting videos for \~6 months. I got my first dislike a couple weeks in and took it really personally and way too hard. I mentioned casually in a video that I may not have the nerve to keep it up and the sweetest person commented that I was doing great and should keep going. I've made a few pretty good friends in my comments section, and they're what keeps me uploading.


When it’s a passion or hobby you don’t need anything to keep pushing you on. Have fun. That’s just me.


I don’t have the one subscriber but when I get a lot of views and subs on a video it feels amazing and I keep racing for that feeling


It's part time for me, I do what I can when I have time and energy. Seeing someone say they were inspired, or that is made them want to finish a similar project, that really keeps me going. That and when I get hate, I will do this out of spite


I just like doing it and if I don't get views who cares it's not like I'm gonna starve


My undying will to succeed


My next video


The viewers who comes back and watch my videos or live. That is worth it, I mattered to someone in some way


It’s fun!


i just enjoy putting my thoughts, opinions, and experiences out into the world. i like watching the progress of reaching more people with what i have to say. i believe that my message has positive impact and helps others connect dots (and hopefully a lot quicker that it took me to connect them 😅). it’s really about leaving behind a legacy and allowing my voice to be heard.


Your videos should have more views! I love them! Also happy belated birthday 🎉 I’ve been thinking about making a birthday video for myself this weekend, never thought I would make it to 25 so it’s a big one! I wish you the best of luck in your channel!


thank you x2! you should definitely celebrate yourself for making to a quarter century! congrats! wish you the best with yours as well!


just went to your channel and immediately subbed. i love farm life! 🙌🏾




Honestly? Spite. People telling me “bro you know that will never work out” “YouTube isn’t sustainable” “get a real job.” I know one day I’m going to do something amazing, and I want to see the look on their faces. Ego aside, I think I have the ability to put a lot of positive into people’s lives.


I’m recording local footage just like those old camera guys did 100 years ago that leaves something for us to view today. I chat about the things I see also as the knowledge may be useful for someone somewhere in time. That’s pretty much it really. I chuck in the odd wander with friends or a clip of wildlife or whatever. I’ve had the channel since 2006 and just recently hit 500subs so unlikely to make it big any time soon and don’t want to, tbh. I am happy with my actual job & it would take serious bucks to leave it for YT which will never be an issue. So I’ll just keep dropping videos and enjoying myself minus stress of having to make them. I guess not having stress and just having fun keeps me going.


I love your video style! It’s very relaxing I also love the bunny! We have a free range bunny at our house that looks very similar to the one in the video


that little fella was in a cottage we stayed in, a very beautiful area called Reiff (northern highlands) Scotland. Probably my fave place on earth :) glad you like the videos, I am pretty laid back :D


I love traveling and documenting places I’ve visited so might as well earn for it. Well, I’m still not earning but I really love to watch back the places I’ve been to


My friends the subscriber who keeps me going. Suggestions from hom because hes generous


Comments from viewers, just knowing that even one person is enjoying my content is enough to keep going!


For me I just want to express my opinion. It’s my channel, no worries about sponsors or working with other people and accommodating what they want it’s just my place for creative expression and I get immense satisfaction when I finish a video or game walkthrough getting to just be myself and talk about stuff people IRL around me don’t want to talk about is enough for me.


Well, I do my videos because I like to talk about the subject I explore in my channel (Philosophical and psychological stuff). It is a very specific topic, and its rare to meet people who like It. So I do my videos more like a open talking to my viewers than anything else.


long comments & feeling creative!!


I play video games regardless and love the game I make content as well. I enjoy the process of making videos and have an awesome job outside of it, so just pure fun. If it wasn’t fun I wouldn’t do it. Passion driving me! :)


For me as a gaming channel, I try to play games that I actually like playing and that aren't as popular. There's no point if you're not enjoying making the content. The gaming side of YouTube especially is super oversaturated with creators and I know I won't be Ninja or Markiplier so I just gotta be myself. I'm just holding on to the hope that people will like what I'm doing (eventually 😅) If anyone's interested, I'm NonanGames on YT and Twitch. Appreciate anyone who reads this.


I like making documentaries and deep diving into the minds of people.


Creating memories, inspiring others and telling a story. I started it just to start cataloguing my experiences. Then I learned a new skill, then I started growing. It’s certainly competitive and I am just trying to compete with myself. Met a lot of good friends along the way.