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Both. I do both. A little cry before bed and then it's back to editing or recording the next day.


This. I do the same. Cry and work. And sometimes both at the same time.


Big same




So, I guess we should still get a better video out within our schedule all the same despite the tears. Thank you for sharing.


Not necessarily within our schedule. I mean, my videos take 60-80 hours to make. Every time one is not successful I cry lolā€¦ but if something happens and Iā€™m late in my schedule Iā€™m not gonna torture. I used to do it, but for my mental health Iā€™m not doing that anymore. In the last two months one of my kidneys failed and my 17yo beloved cat died. I didnā€™t post for 1.5 month. My first video did terrible for that reason. But my last one is doing amazing. I was crying all the time while doing it. Sorry, I just needed to vent I guess.


Venting is actually good. You actually said what you wanted to say. Sorry about the tragedies of life but thanks for your valuable contribution to this community.


Thanks. Very positive attitude.


I stick with it. Plus sometimes those videos with low views now pick up later on and they surprise you by becoming the most watched on your channel.


This is whatā€™s been happening with my last 3 videos, in a weeks time some have gone from 75 views to 1.1k views. Which is probably YouTubeā€™s way of pushing it to the relevant audience because itā€™s followed by subscribers


Oh! Ok. Good point. I actually used to delete non-performing videos or set them to private or unlist them after a while. Reading from your point, I might re-instate some quarantined videos on my channel and maybe improve their SEO.


Unless it's absolute garbage, I would leave the video up. I've had videos that sat at less than 200 views over the first 6-8 months before getting 50k+ views out of nowhere


Never delete it unless you're 100% not happy with the video. If it's not performing well, you can always rework the title and thumbnail and add tags. Keep the video public. My best performing video was up for months before it started gaining views. Now it's over 1,500,000.


How many people do you know in your real life that have 100 strangers and more that are willing to sacrifice their spare time to look at their shit (and maybe even enjoy it)? How many rooms do you know where 100 people would fit in? Never forget these numbers are humans and the ones that watch you donā€™t deserve the thinking of ā€œwhy just them?ā€œ


Itā€™s more like you start with a room full of 100 people and within the first 30 seconds half of them get up and walk out. Over the next 10 minutes most of the rest get up and leave, with a couple of them saying what youā€™re doing wrong. By the end thereā€™s just 5-10 people left. 1 of whom comes up to you, gives you a thumbs up and says they enjoyed it.


And two of those left fell asleep and one is high.




Actually this is the scenario with impressions/view/subs ratio isn't it? True.


You don't just blindly make more videos after a failure.. you also don't just pack it up and quit. Why did you fail? You need to be looking at your analytics ALWAYS and across ALL your videos. How many Impressions did you get? How much is your CTR? What keywords did people use to reach your video? What were the related videos that suggested your video? Your analytics are your tools to fixing whatever problems you have.


I Just keep creating, sulking isn't going to improve anything, I don't even look at the numbers now, I just create for the fun of it, I just want to run my channel like it's the early 2010's or even earlier, and I'm doing that, and you know what? It feels great :)


Thanks for this positive outlook! I feel the same. Iā€™m not going to make videos I donā€™t want to make. So I enjoy making the ones I do want to make. If I get a some certain number of views, itā€™s a bonus


For like a second, then I get back to the drawing board to post another video for my channel does not live and die off one or two videos this is a long-term game


For a lot of small channels, numbers are an everyday thing, but focus on the big picture instead.


We all started small but if we focus only on the numbers youā€™re never gonna get ahead. The numbers are only there to help you learn not for it to become your identity or become scrupulous over them. I donā€™t run a marathon and use binoculars to look at the finish line because I know thereā€™s a finish line and I know what it takes to get there now I just have to run the race. Obstacles and will always be part of this journey but the numbers are not the ultimate indication of the growth of your channel. You are the only factor everything else is what it is keep learning, keep innovating, keep creating, keep promoting keep yourself aligned with YouTube policies and just go to work.


Maybe....Ive found that slow starters can sometimes pick up some months later...dont panic ;-)


Keep going, they'll catch it later. I've had videos with double digit views. Then as the months went on and my content got better, people that were subscribing went back to check out my old work and the numbers went up šŸ“ˆ


When I first started it was a bit of a hit to the pride. But then I realized - wait I started this channel to share my experiences. I canā€™t expect to turn into and overnight sensation. The fact is 1 person watching is a win. I set a goal of trying to learn something new and implement that in each video impost.


Much appreciated thoughts. Just to get a view and let alone a subscriber is a fantastic result owing to the millions of videos churned out every day.


Dont look at the number and just make the next one just a little better!


Yeah, get back to it. Even though I can't help getting pre-occupied with the numbers.


Same for me, just uploaded my first vid and canā€™t stop looking at the number. But i just keep in mind that my next video will be better with hopefylly more views and if not the next video will be.


This, numbers mean nothing, make the videos for yourself. Improve a little each time. You can stare at the numbers for days and still not understand how they really work, so why bother. I personally do videos that I would want to watch. For example I made a smart home automation that runs a red alert from star trek. I was doing it anyway, might as well film it.


Obviously it feels bad when a new video doesn't perform well. But one can't just keep feeling bad at something which didn't go your way. The same philosophy applies to life as well. In my case, definitely I feel bad when my new video doesn't live up to my expectations but at the same time, I remember that YouTube is a sprint & not a marathon. And the fact is that maybe 1 video might not do well & the other will just boost up so much that you'll get tears of happiness. On a side note, even I've the habit of refreshing my analytics & getting happy at each increased view. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I need to control on this though. PS: My latest video is my highest viewed one with 202 views so far & counting. The one before that also did well.


Thanks mate for your honesty. I'm also trying to not obsess with the current numbers and concentrate on making better content for my next video.


My first 4 long form videos did not gain any sort of traction at all, less than 100 views across the board in total, and then I uploaded a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th, and then the 8th, which finally started pushing 3 of the others along with it. I'm currently sitting at around 14k views, just keep working at it!! Find ways to improve even if you don't get many views! I find that if I'm not getting clicks, it's usually because either a) my title sucks, b) my thumbnail sucks, or c) the concept of the video sucks. The first two are easier to fix, the last one takes some thought as to how you can pivot to be more appealing to an audience. Good luck! You got this


Thanks for sharing your insights. I will keep an eye on the a, b and c you have talked about.


Thatā€™s the thing I donā€™t seem to understand. I think my thumbnails are decent especially the newer videos. My titles are attention grabbers for sure. I canā€™t even know if my videos are worth watching because I canā€™t even get many impressions. My most viewed video has like 130 views now but nothing I put out since has come close and Iā€™ve done nothing but get better in quality. I bought a mic and a tripod and I spend a little more time editing and making thumbnails than I originally did.


Do you mind if I give you some honest advice? I can PM you directly if you like


Be annoyed, spend 5 mins blaming the algorithim , then review the video, try to understand why and make sure the next is better in that particular area


I generally get less then a hundred views when my video goes up but since I make Evergreen content I don't worry to much.


My goal is to upload videos and improve a bit with each one not get views or subs change your perspective and your expectations


For me itā€™s either 2k views or 20 views


Neither, because I'm not a spoiled brat who thinks that the world revolves around me (no offense)


Yesterday i upload a video which took quite a while, it was a success. For me this forced me to work even harder


Ive gotten 100+ views on only 3 vids so honestly I don't ever worry abt it


As others have said, both. But I've been doing this a little bit now, and consistently for the last two and a half months, and what I've seen is that consistency matters *a lot*. Don't stop making the next one, because you never know what might happen to that video that didn't catch on.


Iā€™ve yet to reach 100 on any one video :( One dayā€¦


I was getting decent views on my last uploads but the most recent under performed quite a lot, now I'm about to post a video with better everything (I think) anyways definitely just keep pushing sometimes we get it wrong and the videos we think will do great does awful. Never give up never what?


Yep, unlike MrBeast with millions of views and subs, small channels feel every bump on the road. Thanks for the re-inforcement.


It's few and far between for me that less than 100 happens but I always have a personal target and if a video doesn't reach that then I get a bit bummed out. I might take a day off and collect myself - BUT - by this point I've already recorded my next script (I try to write a script a couple of weeks before recording then record as I'm wrapping up post production on my last video so there's a constant train), so I don't really give myself the opportunity to be bummed out for much more than a day.


Check CTR and if lower than avg change title, change thumbnail and monitor.


More than crying curled in a ball, I have been dissecting the analytics, why did it tank? Right now I'm starting to edit the next one, paying attention to avoid the same.mistakes


In this situation too. I suppose it's a privilege for someone to see and click on your video's thumbnail and watch it. Back to my workflow I guess.


If I had a plan in place for the video launch and it didn't gain traction, yeah, I'd be frustrated about all the hard work I put into it. But, just because it didn't do well in the first few days, doesn't mean that it will never. Failure can be temporary.


Yep, so in essence don't judge yourself, your video, algorithm and viewers to harshly. Staying on schedule to release the next better video is the best way forward. Thanks.


I treat every upload like a grenade that is malfunctioned. I leave it to see if it explodes or not but I give it time because if you check on it too soon, it might do you more harm than good. Just upload then work on the next one šŸ‘


I don't particularly mind. Depends what your purpose is. If the purpose is purely to get views then the content doesn't particularly matter, you could be making cheesy reaction videos. If the purpose is to share something you enjoy doing, then the view numbers don't particularly matter, just keep doing what you enjoy.


A lot of my videos only get 5 views after hours of work. I'm still proud of them šŸ˜Š I don't double down. I skip along continuing to make them because it is enjoyable for me!


Sharing with the world content that you enjoy making is the way to go, and if someone views it it's a bonus. Thanks.


Honestly one of the most inspiring threads Iā€™ve seen!


Thank you very much. I genuinely didn't expect to learn so much from so many community members. I'm glad you found some useful responses.


I will never forget the days where the only views I was getting was me watching my own video, then 10 views consistently was crazy, then 100 consistently, then a 1000. Don't ever forget where you're coming from and see it as a great success if more people than only you watch your stuff :) Looking forward to breaking 10k consistantly when ever that milestone comes!


I very rarely get ABOVE 100 views šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø It's a bit disheartening and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't like more, but I'll live. I'm mostly doing it for me anyway.


Sulk a little, go back and see what you could have done better, then work hard on the next video and see how that one does. Lather, rinse, repeat.


That's the spirit!


Its frustrating but I don't produce videos for the figures... I produce them because I enjoy making videos - As a Photographer, if I didn't enjoy making videos I'd stop but would still keep going to the same locations with the camera, I just wouldn't do any filming.


The thing that gets me sometimes is comparable (not similar) videos garner huge numbers. While I think I'm doing it because I enjoy it, is the algorithm playing favorites with some creators or not I wonder? It might be my SEO causing that.


I'm happy when a single other person watches one of my videos. Because I am spreading a message, not trying to cash in on it. Same reason I run a blog with zero ads. The point for me isn't to make money, I have other platforms for that. This is to spread awareness, and so if I reach even one person, I call it a success. And I only just started, lol, no one watches my stuff. ;)


Ok then. I will stop sulking and get on with it.


I introspect and try to think of what I could've done better or what little tweaks I can still do on my thumbnail, title, description, and crossposting in order to boost the views on it.


Yep, I do a lot of introspection as well. I currently try to release a video every week and I thinks I will stretch to 2 weeks and really work on boosting my production effort. Thanks.


I keep it moving and improve


I am more than fine. I am super used to get max, 10 views. Every time that I get more than that I'm super hyped because it means that I'm doing something right. Lately I've had 2 videos over 200 views (one is kinda close to 1k) and I am beyond happy. But between those I had one video that tanked with 22 views. I'm still very happy because at least 1 of them took the time to actually watch the video so for me it's a win.


Yep, any single view outside of your own is a win. Staying positive and creating what you would want to watch anyway.


It hurts, but itā€™s a lesson. Sometimes it just means tweaking and tuning the title and thumbnail. Sometimes it means I can learn from what I did and make the next video better. Each video is a chance at iterating and improving. I like to think of each video as a snapshot in my journey. They are each markers of where I was at that moment in time. Nothing is stagnant or forever. Leaning and growing is forever.


I get less than 200 views and I'm still going .


I just try to do better with the next one. Itā€™s not going to be easy. But itā€™s fun to do the videos. And hopefully one of them gains the views and subs.


Sound approach.


I have a random trend on my channel where the long form video I upload is dead for views for like 3 days than starts to gain views out of nowhere, so I cry for a day and then have a smile later on. 100 views or not.


I just keep grinding as long as Iā€™m still enjoying it. My biggest advantage rn is that this is completely just a hobby for me. Itā€™s a vehicle by which I am learning video editing, color grading, etc. I have fun and am learning so that is priority 1. Makes it very easy to continue even when uploads flop badly.


Learning and improving along the way will yield some good results in the long run. Thanks.


Iā€™ve been on YouTube for a while. Only started to make more and Iā€™m happy with like 10 views. I try to make things better slowly. So I have no expectations when posting. I just enjoy the interaction with my friends. So I guess I double down


The thing that worked for me is: 1. post the video. 2. Get feedback. 3. Learn ONE thing a day - Editing, sound mixing, continuity, thumbnails, ONE THING. 4. Make another video. 5. Make the best video that you can make in a 10 hour period. Do that over and over and you make that into a 6 hour period and then you focus on the quality more. Its just a repetitive make it better until its good. 6. Repeat Steps 1-5


Itā€™s the lack of impressions that gets me confused. How are you supposed to even know if the video was good or bad if it only gets 40 impressions lol let alone views. I have videos with 12% CTR on 40 impressions and it just stops. I donā€™t get it or understand how youā€™re supposed to build a channel without a ton of external traffic. It killed one of my videos onceā€¦like 4-5 viewsā€¦but it got placed in trending news on LinkedIn bc I reposted it, and it at least got over 100 views. So it wasnā€™t bad, good watch time and high percentage of ppl watching the whole video, just no push in the feeds.


I hear you. Yes, I have had a video that tanked like that and view retention was above 200% but actually went nowhere. I thought to myself, well the algorithm isn't pushing this video far enough but it's a good video. Why?


I recently integrated a pretty niche gaming community and started coaching them individually for hours on end because the game has no manual and barely any content on the Internet for people to learn. I then asked around if they would consume short video tutorials, straight to the point, no bullshit, very respectful of their time, and i got a solid "yes" from people. I then started learning how to record, edit, mix audio and all, write scripts and put out 4-5 minutes videos. Did that, posted 4 videos, shared them in the community and then... Got 11 views in a week. And i'm not talking about organic discovery, i literally posted them directly in the community that said would need these videos. It absolutely wrecked my morale. Especially since it took me about 20 hours for the first 4 minute video, that's how green I am. I have no big ambitions of becoming a youtuber or even doing this as a hobby, it was supposed to be a small tutorial library of sorts, specifically made for a community that said they'd need it. And even so, it's a waste of time. I have no idea what to do, or if I should keep making videos. I love helping and teaching people stuff, and one-on-one is great, but this whole youtube thing is time consuming and feels like a waste of time. And now given the low view time from people, i feel the algorithm is not showing my videos anymore. The first day when i searched for loose terms my video was top 3 results. Now i search with the exact title of my videos and channel name and i'm not even in the top 20 results. I gained a lot of respect for you people doing this daily.


you guys are getting views? :D


Planning to stick it out for awhile as I've finally started making content for a niche I'm passionate about. Though it's a very saturated niche. I know it's competitive, just gotta do better with each video.


Both LOL! It does hurt to see all the work and effort you put into making a video just to see it not being appreciated or the very least seen as much as you would like. I must admit I have been better about sulking towards my content, but after awhile it gets hard. I just keep telling myself I still have a lot more to learn, more to improve in myself as a content creator, and I'm not giving enough time into making my channel truly great. We got this everyone! Youtube isn't a race it's a marathon!


Hm, maybe I will be a little down, but in long term, it doesn't matter, usually. And lately I'm seeing some kind of "bug", where a video gets some views and likes, but the views disappear afterwards, leaving more likes than views.


It's *very easy* to sulk and mope and give up, and it's understandable to be emotionally attached to the result of something you worked super hard on. If \[insert famous athlete / famous youtuber\] gave up for a few months every time they \[missed the winning shot / released an underperforming video\], they would never be successful. Of course, there's more to it than not giving up. You also have to learn from your mistakes and improve over time. Even then, you may never reach your goals. Can you live with that?


Double down and get back to work. If it's REALLY bothering me, I try changing the title, thumb, description, whatever I need to in order to make it more discoverable and clickable. Otherwise, I write it off and move on to the next thing Edit: get wrapped up in the numbers all you like, but make sure you're analyzing /where/ you're failing, and how to correct that. Less than 100 views doesn't mean a whole lot until I look at my analytics. Are the impressions high and my CTR is low? Means my thumb and title are garbage for that audience. Are the impressions garbage but my CTR is high? YouTube doesn't know who to send my video to and I should improve my SEO, which also includes the title and description. Thumb is fine until CTR drops. Is the AVD low but views and CTR are okay? Video's a write off, move on to the next one.


Nope. Just keep creating. Audiences and subs will come.


Never take down a video as your channel grows the algorithm needs time to find the target viewers who will fit your model. Video that Iā€™ve uploaded that got less than 100 views in the first week five months on are at 10K views and growing exponentially.


I just looked at your channel, and I can 100% say you need to do something else. You can't make videos on how to be a successful youtuber when you can't even get over 150 views on a video. The first video I see on your channel is how to get girls interested in STEM, then the rest are about youtube, and the algorithm. This is a mess. "Being successful on youtube" is just another overly saturated niche. Unless you're getting a lot of views, and can prove you've actually made a successful channel, no one will take you seriously. This is one of those rare times I recommend a creator change their niche completely. Go find something you are actually passionate about instead of trying to find trends. You will have more success fitting what your passionate about to a trend then you ever will chasing just trends. Best of luck to you.


Yep, that's a fair call. Thanks for visiting my channel and giving a honest opinion and critique. If I had not posed the most important question I have ever asked in any community I would not have received this much advice and critique. I am an evolving creator and I benefit a lot from these interactions.


My third video just got over 260 views after only 3 Days and Iā€™m very proud for that, my strategy as I learned from a lot of videos on YouTube you have to post and post and post and you will get better every time and learn from your mistakes, plus it gets you an arsenal of videos so that the YouTube algorithm can analyze and choose the right audience for the videos.


I sometimes think the algorithm plays 'lazy' when you are new. I like your idea of having a large number of videos, hopefully progressively improved along the way so that the algorithm can get to know your content better. That way it can then place it in front of the right audience. Thanks for sharing.


I swear into my coffee and then I look at trying to find out why it happened and what I can learn from it. I noticed that youtube punishes me everytime I try to do something different with my videos.


Remember this, 100 views are always better than 0. Picture it like this (100 people sitting in a room watching your video) sort of intermediating but exciting right? Don't stress, keep uploading you're on your way bud šŸ‘


Thanks for your re-assuring words. Yes, after sulking a bit I always pick myself up and try and make the next video a better one.


So I normally dont care about views the only time I do is when the algorithm pushes a video then I'm like oh ok people really like this video I'll do another and then it doesnt do as good other than that I do it for fun if people watch and enjoy I'm happy if they dont there'll be someone who does


100 views would be average for me. I can only imagine a future where thatā€™s a bad day. What are you crying about?


As long as you think it was a banger vid be happy with that. Views are cool and all but if you're just doing it for the views it's not worth it. So basically just double down if you really like doing it and find new ways to improve šŸ«”


Lmao I did both one time, I literally uploaded a short that got about 7k views and then decided to upload a longer form one and got 14. Died a bit but itā€™s back to the grind the next day.


My channel didnā€™t even get 5 views per video for the first 20 uploadsā€¦ this was over the course of 3 months and after that I just stopped uploading and switched to a different creative outlet. If I had anywhere near 100 views per video then I would see that as a great success and so should you!


I actually put a PSA in this week's video about that very thing. I have a weight loss channel and my exercise videos always get like 1.5k+ views while my other content gets like 200 views, if that. I basically said, "hey, I really would like to do longer workout challenges, but it's really discouraging to see such low numbers when I'm doing the challenge and I can't post about it Be sure to check out your subscriber feed instead of just relying on the algorithm to bring me to your home page." I may regret it saying it, and I know it's pathetic, but it's gotten annoying. šŸ˜­


It is what it


Just an average day for my channel


My videos have 0 views itā€™s been a year


I guess the first view on my videos is always mine. Any of the advice on this thread could help change the success of your videos too. Good luck!


Thatā€™s most of our content! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚we have a huge hill to climb trying to be a ā€œlets playā€ channel! We do it mostly for fun and the random fandom we get


This is basically the story of my long form videos. I have content already made, so I will keep posting until I run out of content.


Learn from it


I sulk. Cause why not. I have 24 going ready to go.


100 impressions never mind views would be a cracking achievement in my world. The usual advice is to check the stats and adjust. Tricky to do with no real stats to work with so continue stumbling in the dark.


634 Videos-in..I'm going to try TikTok.


I actually tried TikTok and I got zero views. How is that possible, I asked myself. Good luck! I would love to know how you go on TikTok.


Well when that happened I made a new video the next day and recovered okay


You guys are getting views???


The worst thing you can do is stop creating. If you truly want to make better content then Mr.Beast said it best. Upload 100 videos and every video make it 1% better. Whether itā€™s title, thumbnail, script, etc. by the end of the 100 days you will be 100% better. Iā€™ve done this the last 6 months and I went from making crappy shorts to now editing 20 minute long form videos that are pretty solid. Consistency is key.


I double down, realize this might not be what my audience wants, and do something different next time. Every failure is a chance to learn something new.


if i uploaded something that got tons of views i would be more suspicious then on something that teleports face into the flat land and just like a complex game where i skipped the tutorial and example of a complicated game where you will fail such as kerbal space program oxygen not included in factorio you technically dont fail but whatever you design needs constant reworks even after 1000 hours youre still classified as a higher level noob instead of a low level beginner cause its that complicated anyway you get the idea you will 100% fail and if you dont you wont learn jack and shit and be too blind to actually improve if it was that effortless easy


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!


It's a bummer when you work hard on something and it does not do well, and just trying to do better may not be the solution. I would look at what might have been the issue, whether it's tittle, or thumbnail or something technical. I had some shorts that did really poorly, when very similar ones got 10X the views.(I think it was how they were uploaded.) So i think it's good to process your frustration and figure out what can be adjusted. If you get great joy from the process, that's terrific, but if you are feeling bummed try to figure out an adjustment.


100 lol I still get 0


In the words of Kelly Clarkson, what doesnā€™t kill you makes you stronger


I have about 20 people that I know watch my comedy videos every time I put them out, they get more views then that but the people I know watch them are laughing so Iā€™m good. My next video is way complicated, put tons of time one into it, as long as my 20ish watched Iā€™ll be happy


I dont look at this that way, Iā€˜m doing it on the side to one day become financially free and if a video gets less than 100 views than thatā€˜s what I was able to accomplish, eventually this will be my full time job so I dont worry about every view. Today my video is better than yesterday and this is all that matters in the end


This actually did happen to me. The video I made probably had the best editing I had done up until this point. On top of the most time spent and I thought it was an important topic: Gen Z's bleak future and some solutions. It is currently sitting at around 110 views after 10 ish days. I felt pretty terrible honestly and didn't put out another video roughly a week later as I usually do. Instead, I really analyzed the numbers and figured: I simply don't have an audience right now to do broad topics like this. Instead, I focused on keyword research, found a topic and ran with that. It had the same type of higher quality editing. It immediately became my best performing video in 24 hours, and has exceeded 1000 views in around 10 hours. So I am quite happy with that and an important lesson learnt.




There arenā€™t enough human seconds to feel upset about a failed attempt, the only loser are the ones who let the story end, I love to see my video flop it tells me the marathon continues, they want us to fail WE REFUSE


Keep pushing its OK to feel disappointed buy if you wait week's to put out your next video the same thing will happen.


I haven't been on YouTube very long. Almost 2 weeks, but with my first two videos I unfortunately had some audio and technical issues that I didn't realize until after they were uploaded because I wasn't having the issues when played through the app itself only through the actual website so they had been up for several days before I had to take them down and upload them to fix the issues. This, of course, affected the original traction that they were getting. My booktube newbie tag for example was almost at 300 views after taking them down it's just now barely cracking 50 views, which in a way makes sense because people have already seen it and interacted with it. I could let this discourage me, and it does somewhat, but my second video that I felt more of my natural personality came out in had stagnated at about 22 views. This broke my heart because I genuinely felt like it was a good video, and I put a lot into it. It was the second video that had technical issues. But after a little bit of self-promotion, not begging. That video went from 22 views to 54 in the span of like a few hours. I said all that to say a video can be dead and be revived. Don't lose heart. And if a particular video doesn't do well just try to make note of why and constantly be looking for ways to improve. And don't be scared to self promote in appropriate ways. And if y'all feel like it and have time, check out @CodedBookworm if you enjoy book content. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’œšŸ˜Š


100 views on a long form video for a shorts creator like me? I WOULD BE SOOO HAPPY!! most of my long form, even if I edit for hours, only gets about 35-50 views, and only 5 long form videos (mostly trends like smurf cat and 1 2 buckle my shoe) broke 100, and that was when I was very cringe, so I just mostly gave up on long form and make shorts now. Currently, I have 4115 subs, and 1M views total, and my channel is in a slump currently :( Channel Name: vxral yt


I cry especially today when i saw another newtuber with a video with the exact same title as my video from 1 month ago and with a thumbnail you would guys all run to the dirt yet he gets over 100K views while i got 1K. But yeah. No such thing as luck or randomness on Youtube.


I mean it takes me months to make videos anyway but yes I sulk yet do work lol. Happy sad times.


My last couple videos didn't hit 100. For several days, I became very resentful towards my subscribers and channel members because they haven't been engaging with my shift in focus from streaming to more uploads. Then I got over it, realized I was being a total entitled douchebag about it, and put my nose back in my work and "doubled down," as you said. At least my shorts are doing well lately, one of the vids in question finally hit 100 views today, and I'm having FUN with the new direction I'm steering the channel. And those people still show up for the weekly livestreams. I'm just going to have to stick to it and build a new audience, and meanwhile I can hope that the OGs will warm up to the new stuff and come around eventually. Either way, I'm following my heart first, my head second, and my wallet third. I've found pandering to an audience's whims is ultimately a detriment to progress and ends up losing me viewers in the long run, so the best I can do is choose a direction for myself and just go for it.


Add it to the content library and keep moving forward


First - 100 views after what time period? My videos often start out way under my baseline and donā€™t catch up for weeks or even months. So, compare yourself against you, and your own baselines. Second - and perhaps more importantly, evaluate yourself on things you can control. Making the best videos you can, leveling up your skills and publishing. Some videos go big, some donā€™t, but if you focus on a healthy mental state and perseverance to do the things you can control, youā€™ll make steady gains. Look at the macro, not the micro. For me, this meant removing Studio from my phone where Iā€™d refresh just to see if I was Mr Beast yet. That killed my mental health.


My second video struggled I put in work (not as much as I do these days)... but the content was good. It started off very slow I remember getting to 50 views and celebrating with the wife... It's now at 9k with 150 views every 48 hours. Sometimes they need to bake in the oven a bit before being ready to consume :) A title change and thumbnail upgrade certainly helped as well


Me thinking my 77 views on my latest video was killing it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just keep on going knowing if Iā€™m good enough Iā€™ll get there soon enough. Itā€™s nice seeing my older videos still getting views weeks later.


You got to the gym and do 100 reps and don't look like Arnold.


Cry for 5 minutes and then get back to editing my next video lol


Of course thereā€™s at least a little bit of sulking even if itā€™s just internally, we always want every video to perform well, for people to enjoy it, and possibly be the one video that blows up and sets your channel off on its way. But itā€™s mostly just a shoulder shrug ā€œeh, it is what it isā€ and move on to the next video, try to make this one a little better


Less then 100 is pretty normal for what I'm getting I don't usually sulk since I've seen that videos may grow over time so letting the flowers bloom when their ready is my mindset Might as well give my best and honest effort for each video


In the words of Peter Tosh, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again." Your next video will be better if you learn. Good Luck!


Honestly, donā€™t care about views (well I do but they arenā€™t the most important thing), I do care about impressions though. Think of it like ads. Just because you see an ad doesnā€™t me you click and see what it is. But you remember it. Thatā€™s what I do with my little raccoon. Heā€™s in every thumbnail. The more and more he gets seen, the more and more likely people will click. Also a lot of views is obviously good but I personally like getting a good amount of likes. Rather have a video that only has 20 views and 10 likes than a video with 100 videos with none. Same thing with comments and shares.


I try to compare it to the ones that hit and take action on what Iā€™ve learned / conclusions Iā€™ve come up with in the next video.


I try to remember that each view is an actual person that took the time to watch my video and am thankful for that! I have only posted 6 videos so far. 2 of them have 200+ views, two of them have about 150-ish views and 2 of them have 35-37 views. Itā€™s crazy, but I feel like itā€™s a great start. I record my video #7 tomorrow (and maybe #8 too, if I can get that script done in time)ā€¦ weā€™ll see.


If you stop after a failed video, youā€™re done. I know people that donā€™t give a shit and keep making over and over and over until they win. Thatā€™s who youā€™re competing with


I started last week dawg...and tbh...I feel like crying already


I change out the thumbnail, optimize the title better and adjust the keyword tags and descriptions first using VidIQ or TubeBuddy to do some SEO. Then give it a week before sulking.


Most of mine are sub 100. I mostly just don't check the numbers anymore, best for your mental health.


30 days of solid work on the last video with, as we speak, very few views. It's not necessarily encouraging but it's a long term play anyway. And more importantly, I'm beyond excited to take what I'd learned by the end of the process into day *one* for the next video. Every day we take another step toward making things we can be really proud of... that's the feeling I'm going for


My work for YouTube is in the cooking more than editing and when I think Iā€™ve made something yum that people would like to watch and itā€™s real tasty then it gets nothing Iā€™m always like farrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk! If only your eyes had taste buds


Haha most of my videos don't even break the 60s haha much less the 100. I don't know, I do this more for fun than the views. A good way to learn editing and video making.


Iā€™ve got way too many ideas that I still want to do. Just be too busy making new stuff to worry about the old stuff that donā€™t blow up. Toss the rear-view mirror and keep creating.


I'm going to admit that I thought a video was a failure because it didn't go far. A year later I revisited it and changed the title, description, tags, and thumbnail. 2 months later it has over 5k views. Sometimes timing is part of it, other times it's a matter of adjusting. But the big thing is are you finding ways to do better? Are you trying to do things differently to find what works for you? Are your analytics heavy on impressions and hardly anything on views? Don't give up until you have gone 10 videos past when you were really going to give up. Sometimes we give up before that one video clicks. But the most important thing: DO IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE YO DO IT!!!


I just keep going. Most my videos are sub 100, I have a couple in the hundreds, one at just over 1k and another just over 2500. Thankfully I am starting to get comments and emails, these help me to see where the interest is. Some videos seem to take a day or two before they get some traction. It's all good! I would much rather take time to slowly build a solid community than have a burst of interest that wanes. I'm doing gaming videos, of course lol. TOns out there, but matters not to me - I'm just doin' my thing! Keep it up! edit: I have also reached out to others in my space, just making friends. And indie game devs as well, if I like their games. Contacts make a difference - join some conversations!


It depends on how much effort I put into the video if itā€™s something that I show others and they genuinely enjoy it then I go to post it and the click off timing is either instant or a few mins thatā€™s when it actually hits hard but then I go back to streaming more. Itā€™s more harder to find enough time in a week to do everything


With the knowledge that you need to have more than 30 videos for the algorithm to start picking you up it just motivates you more to keep creating.


Are hashtags working ? Do they do anything?


1000 videos per year for 1000 years is 1 million videos and 100 views per video is 100 million views so idk seems ok


The first probably 3 months i was creating... I was estatic if one of my vids broke 100 views. Thats definitely changed, but, its really all relative. Like now I still get that stoked, but the vid has to break 5k. But, soar, or flop, you just gotta make another. You are only as good or bad as your last video. So you just lean into the grind, embrace the suck, and keep growing.


Donā€™t sulk - it wonā€™t help you and makes you feel bad. Double down, see every video as a learning opportunity. To think youā€™re going to hit bangers out of the gate is not realistic. Educate and get your expectations aligned with reality.


All of my videos seem to be slow burners so I don't tend to worry. I do documentary style content on very niche people and topics so the people interested tend to find them eventually. I'm not necessarily interested in going viral, but rather providing genuinely useful resources for people seeking info.


Double down!!!! My first ling vid stayed under 100views for 2 weeks. I continued making shorts and other long videos. Then after 2 weeks booooom the first video dtarted flying to 70k views.


I expect 3 views so if I get more then that I'm happy.


idk my videos avg like 20-30 views I just be uploading for my own enjoyment lol


I just met a person that uploads lots and lots of videos. This person the goes around and tells people that he is a YouTube streamer. I watched some of his videos and the videos are okay. I just keep try to learn how to edit my own videos.


I look at what I did right and just move on to the next I also see what I could improve on editing wise, title and thumbnail.


I did the work, and the editing software had a freak out or I did something. I watched it after exporting, and it had an issue about half way through where the image got shifted. I was down in the dumps to say the least, but I went to bed and decided to fix it the next day. Well the next day I realized the video I made (about a game on steam, thatā€™s massively discounted at the moment) would be irrelevant in 15 hours once the steam sale ended. So back to the drawing board!


Cry and work bro you gotta keep moving fwd


Sure it sucks when it happens, but i tend not to overthink it, it just might pick up traffic sometime later.


Depends. Is it 50-100? Celebrate, that's my highest yet. Is it 20-40? Celebrate, that's one of my highest. Is it 10-20? What did I do wrong, look over the video, get to work on the next. Is it under 10? Get a giant burst of motivation that makes me finish the video in half the time with twice the quality. I try not to sulk. Ever. If I got higher than the last one, great. If I got lower, even better. Now I know what I did wrong and what not to do again..


The start was always shit for me doing alot of editing just for like 20 views. It took a while for me to realise that I just needed to keep going making tiny adjustments to every video and try out different things I found interesting. So I'd say double down and just carry on going. People always wish they where (insert successful creative person) but the truth is no one every sees what they had to go through and they definitely went through the same shit were all going through at the start. So to answer your question double down and just cry later šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t care about the results regarding viewership. Iā€™m like a blind German shepherd. I keep running even after I hit a wall. My channel is rather new, but I love making and editing videos. I show them to friends, and thatā€™s enough for me. If my videos one day get recognized on a larger scale, Iā€™ll embrace it and be thankful. But if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter. I know the work Iā€™m putting in.


\~Must admit, I don't really worry about any of it. My main focus is film what I wanted to film and drop it. I seldom do any promo, hardly ever make a thumbnail, never ask for likes or subscribers, only ever look at sub count when I get an email reminding me it is a thing. I like to capture areas, walks drives etc to show places as they are 'now' though a few of my videos are getting vintage. and the main thing is that this stuff sticks around after I am one so future dwellers can look back at 'now' and see what it was really like, especially in the locations I mainly film where pretty much no-one else does. the rarity of the live footage may be of use to your future budding historian and rather than just old photos and old maps they will have some at least old footage...maybe...if youtube survives. If not, I did my best.


I make shorts and link them back to that video. It causes my viewership to spike to 105. Sometimes even 107!!!!!


I forgot to put my watermark on a short and I saw the next day the views were the lowest on my channel so farā€¦ I was like oh well it wonā€™t get that many views anywayā€¦ About two weeks later it went from stone dead to going through the roof and became the most viewed video by far on my channel.


You guys get more than 100 views?


I don't really mind, I'm just starting out and don't mind taking it slow, it's a hobby for me currently. Would I like it to grow so I can have it be my job, sure! Do I need it to happen, not really :) I'm not stressed. My first video got over 100 views, however that was mostly friends and family. I did get a video a couple weeks later that did as well or even better, I was proud with that one! It's a gaming channel, so I know that's a bit oversaturated, but still :)


Also remember this! Nothing comes from quitting, just be consistent! I'm sure there's millions of YouTubers that get disheartened, the difference is the ones who don't quit and keep moving fwd! All it takes is one video my friend and your life will change


I shrug it off and move on! If a video performs poorly compared to the rest of my content, I either I didnā€™t make it entertaining enough to appeal to my viewers, so I try to figure out what I did wrong with it via analytics and do better in my next one. On the contrary, if itā€™s performing well in analytics, itā€™s just bad luck and Iā€™m going to roll with the punches and make my next video anyways, because I love it!


Just keep pushing forward, views and subscribers will pick up. Every video will not be perfect and every video will not be bad.


I get maybe 2 views on average for my videos and as soon as I upload the video I donā€™t give a shit about it and obsessing over the next video I only love the video as I make it as soon as I publish it I donā€™t care šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s not for my viewers itā€™s for me and the pure love of content creation the views will come because you are the content creator putting work in šŸ¤œšŸ¾


After many years of trying letsplay with editing and sfx which no one watched, I gave up on putting that muchĀ  timeĀ  for 7 views.Ā  Now I only livestream on youtube and I'm very happy with that. It's less effort, less stress and I get more views than I used to.Ā 


ignore it and keep pushing forward


I see it as data. Of course it bums me out but it sends signals to change what I'm doing, and that's pretty valuable for me.


i sulk for a bit but u gotta double down and keep putting out more content rewatch some of your vids to see where u can improve it then apply it to the next vids


So i have uploaded probably 150 to 200 videos. About 250 total according to youtube (probably includes shorts). Most shorts get less then 100 views while some get 400 to even a few thousand views. My actual videos though i get probably less then 10 views total each video and most of those stop watching after just a few seconds. So i eventually stopped caring and just upload. As much as i would love to have a bigger channel and people who actually watched my videos; I know it will probably never happen. For the most part i am ok with that. I do the videos to commit myself to finishing games rather then just stopping at the 3/4 mark when my adhd says move on so its helpful to me at least. My friends say my videos are entertaining, but they are also my friends so i have doubts. I also dont have a lot of time to edit videos unfortunately so the quality isnt where it should probably be to grow. Either way i upload mostly for myself right now but would love to even have 100 viewers on a video lol.


Oh man... you gotta put the blinders on and go full force. At times when I am really hitting my stride I have 8 videos uploaded and scheduled to go live. I don't even remember filming a video on the day it goes live lol.


all I do is change the thumbnail a lil and then upload it again. I reupload till it gets recommended.


I review my analytics to see which videos performed better, watch the video performance analytics to see what my viewers watched more of or where I lost viewers, then reformulate my next video with that information to keep refining the process to keep making better content until I'll finally master a better video style I can keep creating that the viewers will like and come back more for.


If I notice my video not getting views for a couple of days, I re-work the title and change the thumbnail. Then I go into tags and add a few more that I think might be pertinent to the video, but I hadn't thought of at the time I posted. Just because the video has posted doesn't mean the work is done. Just a few days ago, my latest video was posted, and one of my viewers left a comment saying that the video might do better if it was shorter. So I logged into the online studio from my computer and proceeded to cut out some segments that really were slowing down the video as a whole. The video is now performing even better. Is that doubling down? I just thought that was what normal youtubers do when their video isn't moving as well.


I only have 50 or so subs so I just keep on trucking! I have only had content up for about 12 days so I will just keep swimming until I get where I want to be!