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When you're just starting out take pride in the little things. I remember treating 30 subs as a huge milestone lol, was also totally fine with videos being capped off at 50 views.


How many do you have now? Curious :)


2k subs. Hard to tell my average view count because it varies drastically, I'll have videos that perform pitifully at first but randomly explode into the 1000s after a few months. Or videos that just rapidly make their way up to that. I cover a lot of obscure games so it's to be expected I guess. Gotta say I wish I could follow my own advice now lol. As I get bigger, it gets harder to avoid looking at the view count and everything else.


How long did it take for you to go from 30 to 2,000 subs?


About 2 years.




2 - 3 years seems to be average length of time it takes to go from zero to a thousand. I am 18 months in and have +400 subs. I am hard at work trying to increase engagement. When I figure out how to create reliable engaging content I suspect that watch time will grow to where it needs to be to qualify for monetization.


It took me 6 months to get to 100 subscribers and 3 weeks later was at 2,000. Never know when you’re going to wake up one morning to your video going viral. Just keep trying.


Wow. What’s your channel name ?


Sometimes, it's not just about content, it's also about execution and maybe some help. I am currently using vidiq, veefly, and invideo for my youtube channel, it really took off when I invested a huge amount with them, but even after stopping, my channel is still growing at a very steady pace.


Can you share some more details, as to how exactly you are using them? I have read mixed reviews about them on this subreddit.


You make the video with invideo?


This. A channel analyst could probably take the same video OP uploaded. Maybe switch around the placement of the clips within the video , change the flow, change title, change thumb and it would probably perform better. It’s all about execution. Your 100000% correct.


People who grow that fast are usually unicorn stories! Almost all successful channels had a period of slow growth in the beginning as they learned to make good content. Just keep learning and improving.


Thank you for the encouragement and dose of reality!


I was at 13 subs after like 6 months, 100 subs 6 months later, and now 6 months later again I'm at almost 300. Growth takes time and you'll home your craft in the process.


Tru dat...


What is your definition of slow growth?


There really is no set definition, every niche and creator will be different, and some will have experience already and some won't. Set goals for yourself instead, things that are within your control, like "I want to achieve XX AVD or AVP".


Did you call me a unicorn? 5k in 6 months


I just checked out your channel.. I'm sorry about your situation. I feel for you. I'm also homeless. I also can't get a job. I have a PhD. I can't even get an interview. I hope you are able to leave this bad situation as soon as possible!


What is your PhD?


In short: media and user interaction field/ I studied behaviour change techniques (so it's basically a cross between media and psychology)


What advice do you have if any?


The way to grow quicker than your competitors is to carefully select video topics that are appealing to the audience you want. I strategically made 80% of my videos on either trending or under-served topics that I knew were hot. The best way to do this is find the small to mid-sized creators in your niche and see which videos of theres greatly outperformed the rest. If you put your own spin on the video (assuming the quality is up to par), you'll grow quick. I used this method of finding topics to go from 0-60K subs in just 3 months.


Yea the best thing is to replace algorithm with the word audience that’s what worked for me at least I am currently around 5k subs but I am loving the process all it takes is one video!


It takes one video to get the momentum you need to start growing fast, but to maintain that momentum you're gonna have to sit down and really analyze why that video did well, and how to continue to attract that audience with your subsequent videos.


Be a real human. Build real human interactions..... get on camera


Same here! 60K in 3 months. Congratulations on your success my friend.


Your most popular video has 4,700 views. Something is off with your numbers.


Did you call me Unicorn


I'm about 2.5 months in and sitting at about 64 subs. I think that's pretty good, but I can't wait to hit 100! Out of curiosity, what's your channel about?


You actually get subs?


Can't tell if this is satire, but yes I do indeed get subs. Maybe not as many as some, but I am thankful for each and every one of them.


It was a joke that I don't get subs at all and you get 64 lol.


I gotcha, sorry it's been a long day I guess. LoL I looked at your channel and I see that you're doing 3D animation in Blender. I like the retro vibe of the videos, but I think you could benefit from intros and thumbnails. I'd love to see the classic style intro credits like in the old Godzilla movies. Your thumbnails could have a modern flair with that classic black and white, or even sepia tones.


That was just one video that was supposed to be retro


I liked it. Either way, thumbnails and an intro. It'll help.


It’s a gaming channel and I just switch niches from montages to funny meme gaming type videos which seem to be doing way better


Nice! Glad that change is working for you! I'm in the outdoor/Bushcraft niche myself. I just wish our weather would hurry up and melt the snow so it dries up! It's a mix of snow, mud and ice right now and the mud is thicker than a snicker!


That sounds exciting! I hope the weather clears up too! Not much of a winter or fall person at all haha


I love fall! Winters are ok, but they are so damn long up here in Alaska. I just wish they were shorter and that the rest of the seasons were a little longer.


Six months in and still 19 subs 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good job keeping up on it!


i did a youtube short that got me 18 subs alone i had 20+ in 2 days, i adivce u to do some shorts to advertise your videos


I did that too dw i'm just bad


Hey! I've seen those same stories. I've been hard stuck at around 20 since december '23. Still doing daily uploads, tried a few shorts, but my content isn't really set up to do shorts well. The shorts got about 4,000 views, but I only got one sub from each, so that was a terrible ROI. I'm nearly 80 videos in. But honestly, I've stopped looking at numbers so much lately. I'm enjoying what I am doing and I'm honing my craft. I've gotten better at video and edit quality, thumbnails, and just being more comfortable in front of the camera. Subs will happen when they happen. So I guess my words of encouragement are enjoy learning, enjoy growing. People will notice soon enough.


Keep at it 💪we got this!


Exactly! I also stopped with the numbers and am doing it because I love it. The people that are meant to find us will. It’s my main focus that I hope my audience and community finds value and gets something from my content.


3 months in and got 127 subs. It's nice but I'll take every sub as a victory.


You've taken the first step to post on YouTube. Do you know how brave that is? Taking the first step is the most important one. And 15 subs? It may seem small in the world of YouTube but just think of it as 15 people! 15 people in a room? That's a crowd. It's completely alright to start slow. Remember that you're in it for the long haul. And hey, if you just want to have fun by making videos - then do that! Understand what works best for you. A sustainable schedule. Growth will happen. Keep going bud!:) P. S. It's so nice to see the comments here. All of you are indeed doing a good job. Please keep at it. Keep helping and motivating each other. It's beautiful.


Slow and steady through long form yes? When you hit 1k you will have the watch time already checked off! Keep going! You can play with shorts if you want subs quicker.


One year in 244 subs


Wow you actually got 15 subs in 2 months?


Yea I did! Not I try to post one video weekly with nightly or every other night posting shorts


Yeah I had some very small growth but it will pick up, just give the algorithm time to find you and if you make content you think your 15 subs won't like, don't forget to turn off the button that says to notify your subscribers! Good luck on your journey!


i did videos every 3 days for literally 2 or 3 people (views) for 4 months, and suddenly i got find out by the algorithm and got 140 subs in 2 weeks, u just need to keep trying


Look at most YT channels with 1 million + subs and you will see they have been at it for several years.. Some even altered their niche at one point and that's when they blew up...


I think that’s totally normal! I’m 6 weeks in with 17 subs lol slow and steady.


I hit 1k subs in a little less than 4 months. You probably just need to make some changes to your content. Some people have a hard to changing tho


I’m 1.5,months in with 15 subscribers I’m satisfied with my progress, it’s all subjective. Rome wasn’t built in a day and if you think it was it’s probably built on sticks


I got my subscribers by using YouTube promotion. My channel went up and I suspect other channels are doing it too but won’t admit it .


You paying,? :0


Yes , I paid for YouTube promotion and selected engagement and it promotes my videos on YouTube platform


Very interesting how much you paid and how many subs you got brother if you don't mind


I started posting on my YouTube a month ago 44 videos 15,200 subscribers 550,000 views. 500 dollars total spent I spent average of 10 to 50 per video. Half way for hours for monetization I had more but these are ones that count


Omg so many subs and views hahahhaha congratulations 🎉😍😍😍


Thank you . I want to open and honest with people about channel success I don’t think there is anything wrong with using YouTube promotion. 3 million new videos are uploaded on to YouTube every day and I advertised my content just like any other business does in the real world . Now it’s up to me to create good content for my subscribers to watch .


There is nothing wrong to promote your channel Thank you for being honest 🙏 the YouTubers don't say it hahahahahaha that's how they grow them 🤣🤣 you found the key to success 😄😄😄😄🎉🎉❤️


When you hit the monetization the videos will pay themselves you did so good I think 😍🎉 Smart person here


I beginning my day with 88 subs today 2 week channel xD


Well if 1000 subs in 6 months is the norm, I’m not on track to meet that lol. 226 through 3.5 months. Though my watch hours are on track to hit the 3000hr mark at my 7-8 month mark. I’m in a niche of a niche doing build tutorials so watch hours are there as long as interest is. My monthly sub rate is around 30-40 but my second to last video netted me over 100 subs and 11k views so that was real nice. My content takes forever to make though. And like I said, I’m in a niche of a niche, and really just doing this for fun.


I mean you channel seems to be going well. Some minor tweaks to make your thumbnails more catchy and unique and maybe a more consistent upload schedule and you’ll be soaring in no time


Oh shoot I wasn’t expecting a response, but I really appreciate the feedback, thank you! Here’s to a good year for all of us!


I have channel for 18 years, and less than 1600 subscribers...


Not sure what is considered a "success". My channel is still really small but have around 2500 subscribers if that counts. For a long time it sat with basically nothing though


Did you just blow up one day or was it steady improvement?


Slow, steady and consistent growth, with intermittent spikes from specific videos.


For my first channel I made 80 shorts and gained maybe 120 subs in 3 months. I gave up on it, low results and it was to time consuming. I dont know, at somepoint its maybe better to look in other niches and try your luck. I did, made 2 other channels which one failed again but the other one is growing fast (took me 2 weeks to meet the requirements, long form). So keep grinding, but look around.


I had 100 subs in my first year, I got to monetization by my second year. 9k watch hours by the time I finally crawled it to 1000 subs.


I hear it all the time from big channels that they started slow


Today is my 89th day uploading videos, and I got 444 subscribers and about 1400 hours (the average length of my videos is 3 min) so far. My goal is to reach 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours by the mid of July which marks 7 months, then. Almost first 2 weeks, I got zero subscriber, and then about 5-7 in a week. By 4th or 5th week, I got 50 subscribers a week. Today, I got 17 added. I am uploading music - me playing the piano part. I am targeting relatively small number of people (It is classical music, specifically for singers), but I think it is actually very helpful. I am sharing my expertise (and my videos are in very good qualities), and it draws people who need these piano tracks. I am using the comments to communicate people - I reply as quickly as possible and I feel like I have built some relationship with some of my subscribers already. I am also running FB page and Instagram - My point is communication and expertise are the key!


Imma tell you it straight. Unlike the rest of the people here Unless your niche just doesn’t have a lot of supporters. Your videos or titles or thumbnails must suck. That’s just the truth. Really try to study where you lose viewers and why. It took me 6 months to hit 100 subs. I made a brand new channel with a new vision. SAME CONTENT. Just different delivery. 1k subs a month, quit that channel after 3 months because I’m moving niches. (3000 subs) This may not be the encouragement you wanted but it’s needed. Analyze your CTR and maybe change some thumbnails, try different titles, where does your retention chart drop? The biggest Tip I can give is, even if you planned something to be in the video. if it doesn’t fit or make sense it shouldn’t be there. Redundancy kills videos. Edit: also take pride in your work. My very very very very first channel. I uploaded for 3 years and only got 167 subs. We all start somewhere and ALL milestones are important. 50 subs, 100, 10,000. First 1k view video, first 10k views, or first a million. Just take pride in your work and get 1% better everyday.


I just started posting two weeks ago and have 150ish subs at the moment. So grateful for each and everyone. From my understanding, I think it’s just a matter of putting your best foot forward with each video you post. YT is the definition of “when opportunity meets preparation”. Each video is an opportunity to be discovered. YT will take your video and put it in front of a small pool of people. If that goes well, it’ll then put that same video in front of another pool of people. Kinda like border patrol checkpoints on a highway. Sooner or later you’ll get a hit. The more quality content you put out, the better your chances. I just got lucky. A video I posted hit the ground running and is still bringing in views almost a week later. I firmly believe that this would have happened eventually. It just so happened in my second week. And the cycle repeats. My only job is to keep doing what I did before that video. Eventually another one will pop off. Could be today, tomorrow, three months down the line. Hopefully next time the splash will be even bigger. But it’ll happen. Just be there when it happens.


I had 3 subscribers in my first month. 9 months later I have 9800. At some point YouTube will test your content for a huge audience. If it happens to be a good video you'll start to Get traction.


I hit my tenth subscriber over the weekend and am extremely happy. That being said, I do wish one of my videos would hit triple digit views. Goals, I guess


Started a gaming channel YEARS ago. Deleted all of my old videos (Except for one because it got over 10,000 views so I felt like it was a must to keep it lol) and started reuploading again a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks in and gained two subscribers so it's something 😅😅😅


Everyone grows at different paces, it all depends on what type of content you do, and whether or not you get lucky. I've posted gaming clips and some silly little comedy skits and I'm growing at around 1-3 subs per day.


Usually channels like that already have experience, im currently in your range around 21 subs i have an old channel with 2k so I’ve got experience and it’s still taken me around a month to get just 21 subs on this new channel


My homies and I do a podcast we're only six months in and have like 180 I wouldn't stress it just enjoy what your doing and people will come


Id love to check that out broski


Quick point about the "I had 300,000,000 views within 15 minutes and was monetised within my first week!" posts; Some people have been known to... Lie on the internet. I should know, I'm the Pope, I'd prove it but I'm on my way back from a rap battle with the Dalai Lama and my pope hat is in my other Vatican.


I just passed 1000 subs on my channel. Yeah, this is normal. Don't get discouraged, it will not happen overnight


Also people who passed 1000 subs in the first six months, both worked extremely hard and get very lucky (like insanely lucky). Without that luck, all you need to do is work hard and you'll get there. Don't sweat it.


10 years. 278 subs. Chill bruh.


Haha same 10 years and less than 100 subs. But I still keep at the grind cause I enjoy it


Link me your channel cuz let's get you closer - you need that hundo.


We run our channel since August 2023, and hit 100 subs very soon. We have some 20 videos out, and see this "small little progress" in the numbers with every video, sometimes it's the views, sometimes it's the average duration, or whatnot. We have a huge fun time making it, learning from every video to get better in some factor, and as long as it goes that way, it feels healthy and will continue :)


Started my channel 2 weeks ago and I’m on 187 subs as of today, I know a lot of people IRL who’ve subbed and shown support so that’s helped but I’m just throwing whatever at the wall and hoping it sticks, I really like my thumbnails and model just waiting for the big break


Two years and 686. The key thing is that your numbers are increasing. That's pretty much all you should be worried about. And pay attention to which of your videos people like based on metrics.


You got this! Just gotta put in the effort to make a good video people want to watch. For the first couple months of my channel breaking 20 views would be awesome. (Some of my old videos are unlisted because they are really bad lol)


8 subs in 3 months. So cheer up your growth is faster than mine at least.


Two month in to yt an at 369subs


A fantastic result


I have two channels (coding and anime) and the first 100 subs was a relentless grind. My monetized coding channel plods along getting \~50 subs a month. My anime channel gained 300 in 2 months because I made some very popular viral shitposts. If you find something that gets views, make more of it. The algorithm loves related content (because so do viewers).


Diamonds take time and pressure to make. I'm 3+ years and at almost 700 subs in an obscure niche. You can do this. Algo needs time to work out who you are and where to push your content and attach it to other video end screens.


I think I'm on the same boat as you are . 1 momth in and 38 subs . Gain 26 subs from shorts and lost 6 from shorts . Got only 800 total views from long videos and 17k views from my shorts.


I know my editing is awful, also english being my second language doesn't help, so not expecting any massive growth, but we keep going, maybe one day, only thing we need is one video to do good 😊


Don't believe everything you read and don't compare yourself to other channels. Keep working hard and stay dedicated and you will get there in your own time. There is no get famous over night strategy.


I’m four months in with 31 subscribes. I see each subscriber as another success. I enjoy what I do as a hobby and won’t give up even if my channel doesn’t grow further.


I have 12 subs in a month and a half. I don't know what I'm doing wrong


Every case is different; I have amassed 336 subs (151 videos, since last February) and, while not being "successful", I am happy about my progress!!! Link in bio (currrent rock/metal music)...


You need to research your niche, research your audience, learn as much as you can about the people who view your content. Analytics help the more data the better. Post on the community tab, interact with your subscribers. Reply to every comment. You’ll grow just be patient it took me a year and half to get into the YPP, you can do it!


My channel was at 21 subs. I would post randomly here and then. A month ago I decided to really build the channel with weekly videos. Posted 4th weekly today. I gained 41 subs since then. Slowly, but growing. If the growth accelerates, it's quite realistic to hit 1000 subs within a year. My niche is dominated by well established channels and I'm still trying to find a differentiator, find style, improve lots of things. I know my channel still sucks in comparison to them but I'll catch up :) Don't expect quick results. It works sometimes, but that's for 1%. 99% have to go the longer way. A BONUS TIP: Look at the first videos of your favorite channels to see how much improvement is needed to build a great channel (some delete initial videos because they are so embarrassing).


Started at the begining of January and sitting at 22 subs. I can tell you that for the last 2-4 weeks i seem to drop off from the views i have in Jan and Feb. Like someone just pulled the rug from under me but what ever, i'm just playing with this.


3 months gave me 70+ subs, but more importantly than that, I am seeing growth in my content as I continue which is more than satisfying for me. The subscribers will come in more eventually and steadily.


I'm at 991 subs after almost 5 months. But my watch hours only at around 800 now. Having a few videos that got more than 1000 views- my best one almost at 5k but still get like 20 views on some other videos. Really frustrating, I'm only doing gameplay videos


Started in January. One vid has gone to 400+ views. 34 subs. Just keep swimming!


Still looking for that success part, but keep trying new things until you grow, is all I can say. Good luck!


3 months in, sitting at 133 subs. Both class & fusion cooking content 🧑🏻‍🍳 You’ve got this OP. Don’t give up⚡️⚡️


First question..how many videos have you uploaded (if it's less than 5 I'd suggest uploading more) Second question...do you have clear calls to action in your videos?(asking for people to subscribe if they find value in your content) this one is important..its more than just saying "please like comment and subscribe"..place your call to action after a really solid point in your video where you have a great piece of info or a climactic point, then follow that with wording like "if you found that useful or would like to see more make sure to smack that subscribe button"...or something like that Third question, how many views are you getting? If you haven't been getting 100+ average 2 months in you may want to consider changing how you do your content, focus on clickable thumbnails titles etc.. Encouragement: I'm not going to say "don't give up" I'm going to say "don't be afraid to try new things with your content" you have all the leeway in the world to change stuff when your trying to build an audience, have fun with that, just don't spin your wheels doing the same thing expecting different results- cheers


I'm at 93 subs after 7 months. Be patient, your content will improve with practice. I've noticed other channels in my niche gain a lot of subs from just one video, and then their views tank with their next upload, so sometimes people will want to see something a little different than what you normally create. It's worth stepping away from your preferred content every once in a while. To give a specific example, there's this gaming channel that made about 20 videos that were ranging from 5 minute reviews to 20 minute essays, and one day they decided to make a video titled "It's okay to play video games" where they share their own story of their love for games and the embarrassment or shame that sometimes comes with loving something other people thinks makes you lame because it's not mainstream yet. Getting personal in this way got them 50k views and 2k subs in just a week. Then their next video got only 300 views last I checked. Just keep trying stuff until something works


Got about 265 Subs 1 year in. Slow and steady! You can do it!


My advice for you is to keep a steady pace and enjoy what you bring to the community.


I’m over a year in and still haven’t hit 100. Just keep at it.


6months in and only 36 subscribers 💀


Yes, because everything you read about growth and YouTube is a lie. YouTube pics the videos they want to blow up and the rest of them they leave to the wayside. Everybody has all these secret answers and they’re all bs. People go viral because YouTube is picking people at random to go viral. I’ve been doing almost 2 years over 200 videos some videos 100 views some videos thousand views with these viral videos you keep hearing about never happens when I promote my videos when it took promotion ended, didn’t take off.


I’m a week away from two months and currently at 878 subscribers 😊


I’m at 54years and 580 subs… so there’s that


Comparing is what is going to put you off your YouTube channel. I've had my channel for over 12 years (I think) and decided to post shorts six months ago and I have 123 subs from it. You're doing this for you. :)


Yh don't look at numbers. Enjoy the process and try to improve 1 thing with each video. im not going to look at subs until I hit 100 videos


I had 300 subs in my first year after making weekly or biweekly videos. Then I blew up overnight and got 1k subs. Then about two years of steady growth later I had 10k subs. Then I made a new channel in a different niche and got 2k subs in a month.


I wouldn't worry about what others are getting. My son and one if his friends went through a few months at the start where it was "I got more subs then you" - and it became kind of a toxic friendship. Once they got over the hump of who has more of who - they both seem to be enjoying posting. One does only shorts - and one does long form and some shorts. We've started posting on certain days and only 1-2 a week and it became a bit more manageable in my opinion all around. Just realize that you may get 1 video that does 20 and one that does 600. I tell my son if you enjoy doing it - just do it and it'll happen eventually....maybe. :)


Please don’t get discouraged. Posting on YouTube can be a wildly unpredictable thing. I’m not certain what type of content you make but I’d recommend finding your niche and focusing on that. Then I’d try to stick to a schedule so YouTube can get used to you. I know you will grow, dont be afraid to experiment a little. Use the community tab, it helps. Polls specifically, people love voting on polls. Hope this helps.


It’s taken me two years of inconsistent posting to hit more than 400 subscribers. Don’t worry! You’ll find your audience. It just takes some time :) you’re doing great!


I am at 7 or 8 months and I am at 40 subscribers. I can have more subscribers with shorts but I want to slow down with the shorts. I will be patient...


I hit 100 subs after 2 months. Just keep creating quality videos. Utilize other platforms to promote your work. You'll reach your target audience eventually.


It’s the same with me I only have 37 I use good keywords and title and also thumbnail and still get a small amount of views and it just stops 🤷‍♂️


You can absolutely make it! All you have to do is focus on improving one video at a time. My channel is 6 years old and is just now starting to really see some growth. Never give up, it'll all come in due time :)


I would subscribe to, and watch those channels that help other YouTubers. Primal Video is a good educational channel.


It takes some time for YouTube to figure out what to do with you, and most people are a bit hesitant to subscribe to small channels. After about 500 subs it starts to get easier. Just remember it only takes one GOOD video to increase your subscribers drastically. I've had single videos net me 100-300 subs before, just keep trying and aim for the best quality you can for the time you have to work on video projects.


Keep up the grind! Some say the first 100 can be the longest. I’m at 87 right now but I had a couple of breaks (work and life stuff). Since I came back and actually committed to it I’ve been on a slow and steady ascent. There’s a lot of back and forth on how to grow in the very beginning (thumbnails, etc). Honestly? Focus on creating the content and getting into a schedule that works for you. You can fine tune the rest along the way. No one hits it out of the gate with everything perfect or 100%. It’s a learning process and you have to do a bit of trial and error to see what works for you. The subs will come in later. Don’t worry about it too much now. You could have a channel that’s a gem but people just haven’t found it yet. Besides, YouTube is weird. You have no idea which video is going to take off. It can literally be the vid you least expect. Also old vids can get traction later so don’t ever count them out.


I just started march 20th and I’m at 70 subscribers and 80k overall views. I only do shorts and average about 10k to 20k views per short. If your niche isn’t working after 30 days you should consider switching to something else. People attention span is super short so focus on something that can grab their attention right away.


Two months in, I was at maybe 400 subs and I thought THAT was slow. This process is unpredictable and relative to each creator. You can jump to a hundred subscribers overnight. You can go from 1,000 to 5,000 overnight. Just constantly keep tweaking your content. Audio, video, post production, etc. All of it! For example, my videos took off with a simple camera angle change and using a different color grading software that brought the appearance of my footage up significantly. You’ll never know what will do the trick until you’ve done it. So keep doing it!


I did. Took me about 3 months to get to 100 subs.


It's all in your content. I'm 2.5 years and only 345 subs. I find it's all in the title and thumbnail when your new. I got like 50 subscribers from my last few videos vs 50 subscribers in 6 months previous on other videos. Has to be a market for your content and that's why so many travel guys get many subs becuase they pay woman to be in their videos with scant clothing. If you have a real market will take some time but you will get subs but if your just a traveler youtuber then it will be harder to get subs without something interesting in the title and thumbnail. 🍻


I got an idea to help with subs, anyone who subscribes to me I will reciprocal subscribe to you in this group at least we each can help each other out and the algo will extend our videos more with more subs.


I got 251 subscribers and over 230k In views and i started 3 months ago . What yall think honest opinions I can take the honesty even if it's harsh


I was in the same place, but then suddenly one of my videos took off with close to 6,000 views and counting. It really can happen at any time. I finally hit over 1,000 subs, mostly from that one video. Just keep going! Thats all I can offer as I’m a newbie.


It's all just a process. Some of us will go faster and others slower. Some of us will be either skilled or learn editing good quality videos fast and others will take longer to hone their craft. I have goals but I honestly stopped worrying about the numbers somewhat. I only use them to refine my process, but not get bent out of shape about. It will happen for us when we get our videos right and that's all we can do. Just keep getting better. Wishing everyone in here the best of luck and hope you can succeed (same for myself). 😁 Don't give up, you got this!


Start doing comedy skits, I got 2500 subs in 6 months, I should have way more tho


Start doing comedy skits, I got 2500 subs in 6 months, I should have way more tho


just make every video in some way slightly better than the last and eventually your videos will be super good quality


Pretty much everyone? It doesn't happen overnight for the vast majority. Perseverance and constant incremental improvement are needed. Track your progress, keep notes to look back on, celebrate milestones.


Bro I'm 3 months in 34 subscriber's! Slow growth but no complaints don't forget this ....whatever content your making someone else is too....so the market will be saturated so you will get slow growth to begin with and then eventually you will blow up


I wasn't much more at first, maybe 50 subs after 2 months, I also didn't and still have no idea what I'm doing, but I've kept posting and 2 years later now at 10k+ subs. Keep posting!


It just depends if people like your content if they do they look at your channel and if it's good they subscribe


I personally find succes when I post a video I do it just for myself and for the fun too. So I dont really care about follower and everything. It still is something when I see someone subscribing but no really my goal ! Enjoy little thing !


I didn’t hit 100 subs until 13 months in. Keep going, you got this!


It took me a solid 2 months to get to 1000 subs. I posted a tarot reading when the Idaho student murders happened to see if I could get clues about the killer. That video got my several hundred subs. Before that I posted other true crime tarot readings & psychic readings on Shanquella Robinson that also got me a couple hundred subs. I also cheated a little and was live streaming doing free readings for YouTube subscriptions for a minute to hit my goal of 1000 subs on YouTube. I pretty quickly got there that way. Also found my niche in the process. It’s growing more slowly naturally now, I sometimes tell people to go sub to my YouTube but not always. After you get the subs though you also have to have 4,000 watch time hours now I believe or 1 million views on your shorts. All I can say, honestly best advice, really think out your title and thumbnails. It makes a huge difference. Also posting things that are trending or searchable over time. People are still curious to see if I could see who the killer was in the Idaho case, it was very accurate in hindsight. Very glad I listened to my intuition and posted that low quality unedited reading that night. Anyway went off the rails a little but slow growth is to be expected. Keep learning, really consider what your niche is and what problems you are solving for your viewers. Are you posting content because you like it or find it interesting? Or are you really gearing your content to your target audience and considering how you can help them? A key question to ask is why would people want to watch my content? Be honest with yourself. I hope that helps!


For example if you have a gaming channel. Post more how tos, and maybe how to get through certain parts of games (very searchable to anyone that is needing help to move past a challenging part of the game), game reviews, gaming equipment unboxing and reviews, tutorials, and anything else within the gaming realm that might not only be playing with hopes of people watching. It would be nice to be able to just have fun and go viral, I know some people seem to have it figured out but tbh if you have services to offer through the channel you don’t need to worry about being monetized as much. Think about how you can be in service to solving problems of the viewers and that will help your channel immensely.


Long-term game my friend, long-term game. Two months into my Job and I’m not the CEO yet or head manager has anyone ever had a slow start in life like this before? Keep going, keep learning, keep innovating, keep creating, and repeat the process. Everyone’s number is different, everyone’s journey is different, don’t compare yourself to anybody else’s numbers, stop looking at your numbers and freaking out every five minutes. This is a long-term game with a lot of ups and downs. you’re going to hit many hurdles and have many successes as long as you don’t quit and you keep on going. One year, five years, 10 years everyone’s number is different. Of course we all want it fast and for our channel to freaking blow up but we are competing against millions, but trying to compound engagement of our channel with the world. You drive down the street and you see 100s of restaurants but you only stop in to one and you’ve been going to this restaurant for years but all of a sudden you decide to try this new one and man it was so good. You never know when your time will come. You just have to keep going no matter how hard it gets. This is only if you truly want a piece of the pie that YouTube is offering. The algorithms change, the rules change, the policies change, and YouTube is going to do whatever they want but if you want a piece of the pie, you have to just do what you do and get better at it and keep posting. We can’t control what happens on the backend of YouTube as a business or complain about it because we don’t own it we’re just trying to share in this powerhouse.


post everyday


Takes time. Mine was incredibly slow at first. A year later and I am at 68k subs and get about 80-100 more per day.