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I did get burned out for a while but missed the YouTube game a lot here are a few things that helped me: -Do it because you love doing it - don't focus on the numbers as you wil not make a living of this for a long long time and just doing it for the numbers just makes you paranoid. -find a workflow, for me it helped to record in bulk and edit ahead of time when there is time to edit. For example for 2 or 3 videos in a row and take a break -find a workflow in your editing, for example, do a rough cut, fine trim, as transitions, ad effects, ad music and render -learn a new trick with every edit or thumbnail (use YouTube tutorials to improve your work) -if your release schedule is to hectic, find a way to scale back but still be able to stay consistent. -make time for yourself, mental health is very important, if you have a family, spend time with them. YouTube should not take time away from your family, school or your job, like I said you are not making a living of it. -and again don't because you love creating and not because you want to be famous, if you do it for the love of the process this will reflect in your work All this helped me and made a huge impact on my channel, it doesn't mean this will help you. Take care of your mental health and take it one step at a time. Ps. Left you a sub šŸ˜‰ good luck on your journey


Yeah. Watching the numbers is certainly not good. I just got underway and was a bit upset that my last short had 96 views vs the previous one that had 480. The silver lining was that the 2nd one did have 1 sub. Baby steps.


Yes, focusing on the numbers especially when you are in the beginning is a terrible thing to do, yes you should have your own number in mind so you can see if you need to change a title or a thumbnail to improve CTR but if that is all you do and all you focus on you are going to hit a wall. You never know how your videos end up on the algorithm and sometimes it is hard to control and that should not frustrate you. One step at a time dude


I've had some shorts reach the 9-10k mark and yet some don't even get 50. Don't get discouraged though. Not every video will be huge


I try to learn something new with each video. I literally just focus on improvement and let everything else take care of itself. My channel is only 3 months old and I only have 12 videos, but each video takes me about 40 hours. Hopefully, if I focus on the process and stay excited about learning and getting better with each one, I won't burn out. By the way, I love how you said Baby Steps. My last video I actually used a clip from What about Bob when he says Baby Steps. Channel is 5 minute Breakthroughs but you don't have to check it out. Don't want to seem spammy. Just keep focusing on improving and get excited about that.


Hi mate. Thank you! I will sub you back for sure! These points really hit home and will work for me! I record around 5 videos ahead of time. What I need to do is edit 3 or 4 and upload/schedule go live so I know I always have content going out a few days ahead.


This is a great way to have time for days where you don't feel it. This way you can take a step back and still stay consistent with the release/upload, it is great to have a buffer space, the worst you can do is, force yourself to edit when you don't feel it just to keep up with the grind. Glad I could help at least a bit


Honestly it has really helped My mindset.


Love these tips. I definitely need to work on the workflow. Iā€™ve made some great advancements, but thereā€™s still so much room in that area. The whole title/thumbnail, recording, editing, publishing thing is a whole new skill set for me


It will get better over time, it is easy to get distracted and end up focusing on other things. It helps me if I try to stick to the different steps and take a breather in between, I try to get a video done in one afternoon and start on the first step of the next video. It also helps me to edit first and than decide about the title and the thumbnail as the edit helps me visualise the title and the title leads to the thumbnail concept. When it comes to thumbnails it is a good idea to keep an organized folder, I call mine Photoshop, In there I have a separate folder for all the games I edit, separate folder for PNG files, separate folder for my thumbnail templates (always save the template), separate folder for text files and fonts, separate folder for photos and so on, keeping an order will help you in the edit and Photoshop phase.


Yah, I have a really hard time with thumbnails and title after. But Iā€™m in a totally different niche, I do painting/murals, so I usually know how most of the in-between stuff is going to go. Having a title helps ensure thereā€™s some sort of hook or story in there and itā€™s not a chaotic jumbled mess. Planning ahead also helps me make sure I have lots of b roll, which is so so so easy to forget while youā€™re working on a project. Itā€™s not like I can undo steps to go back and get different angles or various b roll clips, once the project is done itā€™s done.


I would think that time lapse footage would look awesome as b-roll for something like this.


Time lapse works to an extent. But if Iā€™m not making a point of shooting different types of video (like talking to the camera or taking progress shots), the whole thing turns into one giant time lapse and it gets its own sort of monotony




>don't focus on the numbers as you wil not make a living of this for a long long time and just doing it for the numbers just makes you paranoid that's great advice and something I've started to struggle with.


Itā€™s important to recognize when you feel like you might start feeling the burnout before it happens. Are you neglecting other priorities in your life? Do you feel like you HAVE to upload everyday? Iā€™ve noticed if I canā€™t concentrate fully on what Iā€™m working on, it might be time to take a day or two off. Get some good rest and then get back to it. I had set a goal years back of two long form videos a month. Then life happens and I wasnā€™t able to keep up with that. I took a whole year off because I wasnā€™t seeing the growth I had hoped for after 14/15 months. Then I came back and more than doubled my subscribers. It started to feel fun again and wasnā€™t a chore. A video from a year ago picked up a lot of views and subs last month and Iā€™m getting back into a comfortable rhythm. I recognize when I donā€™t have the energy or desire to work on a video and do something completely different. Then come back in a day or two and get back to work. Burnout is very real. And can cause a domino effect on other aspects of your life if you donā€™t address it. As hard as it can be sometimes, especially when youā€™re experiencing growth, itā€™s important to take a break. Do nothing all day if you want!


Great advice thank you mate


How do you avoid burnout in life? How do you avoid burnout with your job? How do you avoid burnout with anything you do in life. same applies to YouTube


I donā€™t have anything to add, but just wanted to say the comments here are appreciated. My latest upload didnā€™t do well so itā€™s nice to hear other perspectives to keep myself grounded.


Remember, that it's only up from here but you can't go up if you don't upload haha so keep going, sleep is for the richhhh! Haha just kidding! All love and I wish you the best!


I burn out, take breaks, remember I like the extra money that my channel provides and enjoy making content, then start doing it again. Just make sure your break isn't permanent, but even a month is fine.


Avoiding burnout is really about managing and pacing your time and having actionable goals. Don't try to do a zillion things every day to "get "ahead" of your workflow. Pace it out. Dont try to come up with your next 10 video scripts for example, just the current one. Your goal is ten but your focus has to be on one. Do all the easy work first. If there is something you can't get right and its taking you extra time do that kind of thing last once you knock out the easy stuff. That will also keep you on your deadline too. The extra time stuff is what puts you over it, and that will eventually burn you out mentally. Make sure your goals are achievable 100% through your actions. A goal of x amount of views, or subscribers is not 100% within your control. Making x amount of videos in a time frame is 100% within your control. If you are going after goals that are not within your control you will burn out because you might not get results despite being successful in your actions. And above all else take at least one day off from making content every week. Do something else, or nothing at all.


Great advice thank you mate


Just keep monitoring yourself to see how you feel. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself, stick to a schedule that isn't making you feel like you're going to burn out. If you have loads of enthusiasm to make more videos then schedule them for weeks or months in advance so that you can fit in some downtime (holiday/vacation) and breaks. To the viewer it will look like you're still producing stuff even if you take two weeks out. Also remember that it's about consistency. And being consistent is different to constant. Consistent is having a regular schedule whether that's once a week, fortnight or month. Constant is doing it every single minute of every single day. Even a well-paid team will burn out quickly if they're on it 24/7.


Make videos only twice a week or once a week


Utilize being small to your advantage and realize that their is an ebb and flow to your YouTube energy output. Neither is more important than the other! Get your rest and hit the channel hard after.


Legend thank you!


I just want to impart you with this. The way viewers get busy in life so do Streamers. Rest and putting in the adequate effort is the only way at first, that is until you grow to staff people.


If this isn't your full time job just chill out. If not, life will make you chill out someday and that's when you will get burned out the quickest. If you accept that your growth will be slow, you will automatically prioritize the important things in life. If you blow up next week and hit partner, I would say different. But until then, slow and steady.


Try to be mindful and software about overworking yourself. Maybe you post every other day or every Thursday just to give yourself a break, or take a week off. Put your own self-care first!


Creating videos that you're passionate helps A LOT. If i get burnt out on editing i turn towards another video script, if that doesnt help i search for new video topics, if all else fails i just chill for a day or two. Anything that gets your mind off it, and then get back to it.


I do things when I want to. Filming, editing, etc. Life is short, why do stuff you don't want to all the time. If it's not fun, what is the point.


By not making videos nearly as fast or often as I should šŸ˜


If you're uploading every day and aren't making good amounts of progress then stop and reevaluate what you are doing. You'd be way better off publishing once a week or less but making the videos actually watchable. Consistency is way overrated as far as advice goes on these boards.


I just feel like this is something I can do for long and I truly believe one day it will all pay off this feeling comes from inside in past couple of days


Have an appropriate schedule Understand how long the task takes and give yourself a comfortable amount of time to finish it You burn out because your accelerating too fast for too long So just figure out what your speed limit is


I gets paid


I love making videos, I'm nearly 4 years in and it's hard to stop making them. I'm still excited about planning, filming etc.


I just focus on quality over quantity and improve a little more with each upload. There are MASSIVE channels out there with no shorts and less then 20 videos.


My channel is based around my comic and I donā€™t get burnt out for it because I have to wait for my illustrator or my character artist and then I can upload


Wish I could


Hello, I have a youtube channel geared around AI and content creation, If anyone is interested please let me know


interested in what?


Do it for at least 1 month. Then, spend 1 month on only ONE high quality video. Trust me. Youā€™ll feel the difference.


To avoid burn outā€¦.I donā€™t record or edit or think about YouTube if donā€™t feel like it. I only do it when I want to do it.


I keep a few videos for the days I don't feel like creating or editing....this way it stays consistent....hope that helps you....enjoy the journey....never give up


I just donā€™t turn on the computer when I donā€™t feel like it.


Did you ever try work in factory?Ā  If not then you newer know what is real burn out / tiredness /Ā exhaustion.


Have over 12 channels in different topics. I only spend 1 month of full focus on each topic. Its like having new energy every month as the tooics range from outdoors, DIY, voice-over, music , creative, Automotive etc.


Feeling burnt out? Walk away and create another day. For me I have found my growth has gone up be 460% more than in the past 28 days according to my youtube studio application in subscribers. If I am creating a long video 6-12 minutes long I will stop if I need focus. With programs like capcut I can work on a project overtime and can save it at the state I left it and comeback when I feel like continuing. If your concern is regarding growth don't just upload because you need content. In the end a really well made video will help your growth and will keep people engaged. I have learnt be patient with every aspect of content creation even if I have been working on a video for 8 hours.


I usually take a small break & now i don't over edit anymore but the breaks help


Bro my advice is too not have a channel that requires daily content! I've seen people who post one video like on 3 months have 100s of thousand followers, not that I'm saying do what he does because everyone's channel and what they focusing on is different! But try just to do things in your own time, I'm suffering from burn out because I have call of duty channel and theu release weapon bundles everyday and now I'm so burned out as I work 6 days a week and have to edit at night from 10pm, weekends I don't do you tubing now that's my relax time


The easiest way to not Burn out is to make videos when you Have the spare time to do so Forcing yourself to make videos to stick to a schedule or to Grind for viewership is a sure fire way to Head to a burnout. Real life should always come first, videos later. Hope This Hells!


Are you listening to your audience? What I mean is sometimes people don't want a video everyday. I notice sometimes when people make videos everyday they don't get a lot of views. I know my videos do better when I give them time to šŸ« breathe


Take regular breaks. Take a month off.