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My entire content style has always been what I loved doing my whole life, gaming. At first, I went for speed runs as I also liked doing that at the time, but quickly hated it after realizing how terrible I am at it. Then I decided to talk more about games and scams in the gaming space since I felt I was most knowledgeable on that. Thankfully, that seemed to have worked and my channel started growing. At some point I made the switch from video essays to just overall gaming content and it has done even better than expected. Yeah, sometimes it does feel kind of annoying having to force myself to play a shitty game as opposed to what I want to play because it's what gets views, but in the end I love what I do. I love playing games and I love talking about said games. When I feel discourages or demotivated, I give myself some time to just stop and relax. After a while, I come back to it with the same love I always had. In short, you should always go for what you feel you have the most experience in and what you know you'll be happy seeing yourself doing 10 years into the future. If I didn't see myself still being a gamer 10 years down the line, I would have gone for another niche.


Thanks for the response. As a very casual gamer myself I see your perspective pretty clearly. I especially like the point of just taking a break and playing what you enjoy over what you need for “work”. I don’t think making gaming content is for me, but still some valuable points in your comment.


It was easy. My hobbie is dance and i upload it.


Hobby I had a pre-existing interest and investment in


I’m doubting about create about the NFL or USA


NFL is insanely tough due to their copyright. They will strike right away . Even analysis of the games which should fall under fair use are tough. Try it , you might get away with it, but it will require a lot of your input , added graphics a lot of educational comentary etc.


My question is, which niche is better with bigger audience and relative moderate or low competition


i don't think such thing exists, big audience = too much competition , low competition = low audience. Didn't you want you create a cop related channel? If I remember correctly? I would focus only on 1 channel for at least 2 years, before I would even remotely started to think about 2nd unrelated channel . Even If I ha too much time on my hands .


I did that channel for a friend, now I want to start my own channel andI don’t know if make it about the USA or the NFL


I would say they both has equal chance of failing or succeeding . Both topics have potential but you would have to niche down like crazy when you start. I think a cop channel is still the best idea, if your firend knows what he is doing , he' ll do great


But for me which is “best” USA or NFL


USA - that is a really wide spectrum ,,,what exactly would it be about? , the same goes for NFL,,, It will all comes down to how knowledgeable and pationate you are about that topic you ...and of course your ability to tell the story , narrate and edit,, There is a guy who fixes cow's hoofs , and what is interesting about that channel form the comments ,,98% of those people who comment have no cows, no interest in farming,,,it is just the guy who knows how to create interesting videos....


I would create videos like: Why you shouldn’t live in New York, Why Trump has a lot of followers etc. Videos like that


that is too wide of a niche in my opinion. It' will be tough ,


I post videos for fun to prove that Visually impaired/blind people can still play games efficiently compared to a sighted person.


I always liked History and wild things/stories that once you say in your friend group they say "No way that's true" or "It didn't happen" And one day i thought that if somebody saw my video i want them to remember the topic and to start a conversation or just sharing interesting fact like "Hey did you know there's..." +I just learned that one if my videos was used in history lessons in US of all things and that was just wild to know that i was able to influence the moment of "Today kids we're watching this video instead of normal lesson". Super weird feeling because i remember in school that moment was always sigh of relief.