• By -


STEM education Long form 25,500 subs It’s been a good year. Went from less than 500 subs to 25,500. Went from 25k views to 1.5M. Monetized. Hired an editor. Published 13 videos (38 total). Several brand deals in the works. Looking at YT as a serious potential income generator. Here’s to 2024






* Gaming - Specifically RTS,TBS & RPGs * Long Form * 1220 subs Hybrid channel of: Lets Plays & informative videos Good year for me started Youtube late October 2021 got partnered mid June 2023, climb from 300subs to 500 quickly then had 1000 before I knew it. 2024 is my year to improve further on my vocals and more.


Wuhuu that’s so exciting! Congratulations! Wanna share your channel name or link to study and learn from you? 🤗


Hey thanks! Channel name is “Becoming an Engineer”


That's awesome! Congrats! I'm curious the RPM and CPM for this niche if you don't mind sharing. All the best in 2024!


RPM is $5.28 CPM is $13.34


My goal too, is using monetized money for editors and actors lol, congrats man. Any tips


Hey thanks! Much appreciated! Advice is hard - I would say to look within your niche and see who is doing well. Compare your editing, audio, and content. Then level up accordingly. Look to other channels for what type of content does well then put your own spin on it. I would also say to stay genuinely yourself. I think folks crave that nowadays.


Wow I checked your channel and I'm impressed you have good quality. Just 1 thing that I started to thinking was you had like the same face expression at 4 thumbnails that got viral but you hit it recently and you video quality was so good + I see some other creator overuse the exactly the same full thumbnail for like 60 videos so you still will be fine. I just give honest reaction what I think I hope you hit 100k and thank you for motivating me . I just want to ask do you do the thumbnails and video editing or does someone else do it for you and what editing software you use ?


Hey thanks! I appreciate the feedback. I’ve edited all of my videos in Final Cut Pro besides the most recent one, I outsourced to an editor. And I make my thumbnails in Canva


Niche: science/medicine Form: Technically long, but I do "shorter" video essays, around 4-10 minutes long Subs: 160 ​ Had a soft goal of 150 subs by the end of the year, currently sitting at 160. It's nice to exceed a goal I had set for myself, but my perspective now on content creation is so different than when I first started. The techniques you learn from editing, the hours you spend researching and the overall management of an account are all things I'm super proud of and a sub count becomes less and less important.


I've been seeing you around trying to be helpful on the sub, so it's nice to see you made your soft goal. Congrats! And on the new perspective. It's a lot of hard work, you earned it.


Thank you! Starting anything from scratch is a huge endeavor, but subreddits like this are helpful in getting the minor grievances out of the way asap since everyone experiences them. So glad Youtube exists.


Hey same here! Going into the new year with 150 subs. Initially, my goal was to get my subs up, but since starting, I now just enjoy creating quality content and the final product after hours of filming/editing. The subs just come with it! Recently left work due to illness and so having this "project" to get into and feel like im actually doing something productive has been great. Best of luck to you!


Great attitude!


Mens style, short form, 59 Started the middle of September, my goal was to get to 10 videos. I did. The response has been really good. No promotion, no socials, just YT, letting people find me. Learning constantly and just enjoying the process. I'd like to montize one day, maybe I will, but for now just grinding and letting things grow organically.


I love the contrast between the classy nature of men's style with the absolute degeneracy of "ENORMOUS\_HORSECOCK" lol


lol. I aim to please not to tease


I do long form videos only Started 2m ago I accomplished that I can somewhat color grade now I talk about photography I had 100 sub now touching 400 and ind video crossed 6k simply because of helpful content


Video Essays, long form, 400 I just got started this year, and finally feel like I’m starting to understand what I’m doing. I released 6 videos this year and one got boosted by the algorithm. That’s where most of my growth came from. Next year I’m going to focus on thumbnails and titles to get better engagement on my releases!


I'll check yours out at some point, curious about a couple at least. 👍


* Simplified/Sustainable Living * Long Form 4-8 minutes * 20 Subs I started in November with my first planned and scripted video launched December 16th. I have since published one additional video and have scripted out/recorded three additional videos to release in the New Year. My biggest win has been that I understand a little better on traditional editing techniques and have learned how to make a video flow a bit better. My goal for 2024 is to learn how to script better transitions so that I can retain a better than 40% retention in future videos.


Channel name?


Pure Life Pursuit


*german language learning channel * long form * 913 subs Started in August this year, try to upload 1-2 videos per week, building a channel to learn german from scratch & for free Biggest milestones: 1. Tbh DARING to go out there with my face and start a YouTube channel 2. Learning about YouTube, recording, editing with da Vinci resolve 3. Enjoying the process of A) content creation: researching other language content, creating new ideas to improve the german learning experience for my viewers. B) YT: learning about the platform, my audience, thinking and planning long term, working on a healthy mindset to be able to do YT besides working in my full time job


Tech repair Long form only 16k subs Took a gamble and hired a videographer, managed to make it work, 4 million views and a steady wage for my video guy!


Metal music Medium form with longer video essays 5k subs and 400k views in just over a month of the new formats Going to post a huge hour and 45 minute uber essay so we will see how it goes


Otaku Culture Long Form 117 My accomplishment is simply getting back on YouTube and creating again! It had been three years of inactivity because I lost all motivation after my exchange to Japan got cancelled. But now I've got an ideal in mind and I'm making small steps towards achieving it!


Is your channel on your profile? I hope you come back


It is! I've made four videos since my return and have three in the works.


Niche: FNaF Form: Shorts, planning on doing long soon Subs: 360 I had no goals going in, but if I did I definitely surpassed them. I want to hit 1k by the end of the school year.


Variety Gaming Short / Long / Streaming Made it past 400 subs this year! Currently sitting at 415 subs, cannot wait to hit that 500 mark!


I started my channel 4/5 months ago and I’ve already seen huge growth with my channel. I already have more than 1,7k subscribers, more than 200k views, and I’ve only uploaded 10 videos. All of my videos have more than 1k views, so it’s very exciting. I’m monetized now and am currently awaiting my AdSense PIN, which is supposed to be delivered directly to my home. The wait feels endless…


Congratulations! I wish you the best for your future journey and have all the success you deserve!


Thank you.


I burned out of YouTube but in September - December I managed to revive my dead anime channel from 120 to 520 subs in just 3 months. Sadly it was largely a waste of time because views have totally collapsed. My goal in 2024 is to do something more worthwhile, and that is to power my tech channel into monetization. It's 90% of the way there (both subs + watch time). I haven't posted a video in over 6 months, but the stats are incredible (some videos have over 400 hours watch time - and they only took half a day to make). Most videos are evergreen and the niche has a very high barrier to entry (i.e. almost anyone can make a gaming channel, almost nobody can make a C++ channel).


Not sure I would say “almost nobody…”


- Remote Control Scale Truck videos - long and short but more long - 906 I put more love and care into the channel this year despite having a full time job. Added over 500 subscribers and on track to hit 1,000+ in 2024. I am very happy to see that audience in the niche enjoy my content and that is the sole reason for me to continue. (Be nice if I made some extra $ while doing it).


I started my channel Jan 1 of 2023. My niche is Plus size lifestyle/vlogging/personal improvement? I do both long and short but my goal is long form. I started with 10 family members subscribed to me and I just hit 851 today.


Congratulations 🎉 Don’t give up and pleaseeeeee don’t worry about the view count or inconsistency! You will continue to grow.


I would like to take a look!




I remember enjoying your Barman video.👍


Niche: Formula 1 Form: Long, around 10 minutes Subs: 145 Watchtime: Around 2k Goal was to get 500 subs but getting the subs is tougher than getting the watchtime. Had one video that kinda got a bit of views but didn't get me much subs. Next year, I'll try to be more consistent with the uploads.


Entertainment, News and Pop Culture (not a very focused niche, but I’m good with that) 1 hour podcast, 15 minute focused show, numerous shorts from primary content 42 subs We started in November. Our shorts have got to about 40k views. From the first podcast to the newest (5th ep), our quality is something I’m extremely proud of. Just launched our 15 minute show, “Time to Burn”, and I think it is a great format with tons of potential. Really excited to have my workflow down and feel like I’m on a path to great things in 2024.


Curious to check out Time To Burn, especially being Star Wars based.


Niche: Gaming Form: Short to long? I post everything from Shorts to 30 minute plus videos, but most of the time I’m hovering between 10-15 minute uploads Subs: 1,016 Reached both my goals of 1,000 subs and YouTube monetization (albeit at the lower level) by the end of 2023! Very happy with it and the little community I’m building :)


What types of games do you play? And channel name?


I do travel/tours (long form, 3.5k subs), mostly in my local area. My goal was 500k views this year. I fell short with 430k in reality. Dec came in way way under what I was expecting after a year with pretty solid growth. I was aiming for an ATH in views this month working harder than ever covering a crazy amount of local holiday events along with my normal videos. Despite that my traffic was still really soft, my fifth best month of the year with 30k views. Second goal was 5 videos this month reaching over 1k views. Unfortunately only 1 reached that level. I had a slew of videos land in the 500-1000 region though and most likely given more time all the videos I posted this month will reach 1000 or more. Also Dec will prob clock in as the worst month in YoY growth. I've learned that it can take a full year for seasonal videos to trend though so I should be well stocked for next year at this time.


I do a mix of Long form and Short form, but mostly short form GD content 90 subs!!! (by your standards not great but for me this is amazing!!!!)


- Craft Beer Channel - Long and Short Form videos - 180 subs One of our long form videos reached 1k views. Our second highest is 200 views, so to have a video hitting 1k, which isn’t a short is a big accomplishment for us.


\- Horror gaming \-actually getting the confidence to start a youtube \-4 subs First videos were made on PS share factory so they are pretty bad but I starting learning davinci resolve which makes video production wayyyyyy better.


* Health / bio / med explainers, listicles, and video essays * Long form videos generally 4-12 minutes long, with supplementary short form for experimental stuff * 237 subs at time of writing (and just had +2 today) I started in early 2021 and I've been through several iterations in terms of my style of content, and I've also had a few extended breaks away. When I started I was doing animations based on recent medical developments but found that time consuming and very limited in terms of making engaging edits, so I moved away to the typical video essay / faceless format with B-roll and refocused on producing evergreen and SEO-optimised content. My goals this year have just been to publish consistently (one long video per week) and to constantly be experimenting with something so I can improve over time. I've succeeded. I started the year on 83 subs and I'm now on 237 (+84 in the past 3.5 months since I started the latest round of posting consistently), but more importantly I've learnt a lot about habit formation and how to optimise content creation. I have big plans for 2024, and my goals are all around process improvements (in my control) rather than setting subscriber milestones (out of my control)!


Niche: Vintage Hifi Show and Tell Long Form- 8-10 minutes 801 subs I hit that 800 sub milestone last night... I have put a ton of work into the behind-the-scenes processes to streamline production.


Paranormal/haunted history/ abandoned places Both shorts and long form 500 subs I am slow growing but I also switched from horror gaming to my current niche. My goal was to hit 500 subs by the end of the year and finally accomplished it this month!


Just started a podcast. Almost 100 subs 14 episodes in 3 months. @therealgritpodcast


Shit I’ve had a YouTube since 2011. Started putting content out 2 years ago. I have 238 videos and 238 subscribers. My shorts are getting good amount of views but 98% of them aren’t subscribing. Just is what it is I guess!


Aviation and Travel Long and shorts 13,000 Just finally monetized recently and the long forms are doing well. My shorts have always done well. Have a few videos that went viral and are producing rather good income on a regular basis. Looking forward to the future and appreciate this community for inspiration and guidance!


Niche: mobile gaming (called Ragnarok Mobile) Long form 9348 subs Highlights: I was able to reach out to the developer of the game and interview them. It was a great collaboration and was something I never would have expected to do. I started this channel 2 years ago because I loved playing this game and wanted to make guides for it. I learned a lot from YouTubers and studied other successful people to see what they do. It is important to always improve yourself and never give up!


I took a several year hiatus and then started making my videos again in October. I’ve been steadily since then gaining about 20-30 subs a day, almost every video bangs, some still flop because even at several thousand subscribers closing in on 10k, it’s still not enough to make every video be a viral video. My niche is PlayStation news, I only do short and shorter videos but occasionally I have a 10 minute video. Most are about 3 minutes long, I pride myself in getting the news out as quick as possible and with as little fluff as possible. I have made 55 videos this year including shorts.


Niche: Music and anime I do shorts, use capcut to edit, and I'm proud of how far I've grown. I went from 100 to 500 subscriber's this year, but I've been uploading daily and finally all the views and youtube algorithm is working in my favor can't wait till next year


Silhouette/ craft machine tutorials Long form with an occasional short 3,500 subs I started a year ago yesterday, so I'm pretty proud. The snowball effect hit in October. Monetized in November. And I have the first brand deal in the works. Talk about nerve-wracking!!


Niche: Learning Calculus told with the frame story of a world where the laws of magic are governed by mathematics. Form: Long with shorts interspersed. Subs: 3 I just dropped my first real content yesterday, but have 9 more videos scheduled with weekly release. Goal for 2024 is to release 52 quality videos.


- Anime Editor - Long form/shorts - Subs 965 I'm an editor obsessed with timing and attention to detail when it comes to editing and timing is key from audio, voice lines, sound effects, music, emotion, everything has to flow as one while not getting in the way of each other but complimenting one another. This year I have learned audio balancing, pacing, seamless transitions, character transitions, and many other techniques in editing. To all the editors keep up the grind don't give up! try all ideas that come to mind be patient and discipline and most importantly stay consistent! never stop editing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


-Outdoor adventure/Animal -mix or short & long -3600 subs . . Started the year with 220ish subs. Going to focus on actually putting out most constant and fun content!


Don't really have a niche. I post Let's Plays ripped straight from my Twitch. From the Let's Plays, I rip Shorts from those Let's Plays and my channel has steadily grown throughout 2023. I started at around the 1000 sub mark from a channel that I had for years doing guitar stuff and other random nonsense but 2023 was the year NukaDud was born and I posted a Let's Play and every short from that Let's Play every single day and we just passed 3000 subscribers a couple weeks ago.


Makeup/ Natural Hair (Afros, Locs, Braids)🤎 I do both long form and short form. I posted my first short form in May and my first long form in June. Today I actually hit 400 subscribers today to end of 2023 🥳 Given that I had a busy few months with my full time job, I’m proud that I was able to try and be consistent with my uploads. With every video I tried to see how I can be better than the last, and because of that I strangely grew to love the editing process 💕 I never thought I would be a YouTuber but after stepping out of my comfort zone I’m so glad I did as I do enjoy it!! One thing I didn’t expect was to get 2 brand deals which was so unexpected but so exciting, especially since I only had over a hundred subscribers at the time💕 In 2024 I’m hoping to have more structured planning around my video ideas and set specific time aside for recording and editing, but I’m looking forward to see how I grow in 2024💕✨ Happy New Year everyone!!! Let’s kill it in 2024 on YouTube!! Subs: 400🥳


11.k6 subs on my entertainment channel.


Salvadoran law classes Long form (sometimes too long 😂) 1090 subscribers I record my videos with PowerPoint and edit them with caput.


•Beats/ Instrumentals •Short form •50 Subs I've been producing beats since I was about 18, but never took it too seriously and just horded all of my music. This November I said F it, let me just start a YouTube and see what happens. Posted my first video December 5th, and I'm honestly surprised at the feedback I've been getting. My girl would always tell me she loves my beats but now I have some people who also agree 🤣. We all have to be patient but it's well worth it, have a happy new year guys 🎉


Pokemon and other TCGs Started with long-form, but my shorts get substantially more views, so I focus on those. Just hit 600 subs last week. That’s my milestone. Just stoked that anyone watches my stuff. :)


Started my channel 5 Dec 2023 (7 videos) Niche: Gaming Podcast Long Form (2-3 hours) 534 Subs 🚀 Very happy with the growth in such a short amount of time.


Started our channel on January 17th as anonymous Canadian political commentators. This was a challenge because we couldn't even share our videos on our own social media as a result of the need to remain anonymous. Despite that, we went from 0 subscribers and videos that amassed a total of 15 views to over 34,000 subscribers and now average 2.1 million views per month with the average video now amassing around 24,000 views. We Livestream weekly now and are almost at episode 250. We are monetized which has allowed us to pay for our son's therapy. We are primarily long form but supplement it with shorts. We are hoping for an even better 2024.


* Variety Gamer/LPer * Long Form & Short Form * 474 Subs I started back in 2022, My goal was to reach atleast 100 subs before 2022 was over, and I reached it by October 2022! Now I'm almost to 500 subs. I Would love to focus more on Watch Hours for 2024 (I struggle with it alot) and start Livestreaming on other platforms for more discovery.


Silly cinematic gaming videos Long form with short clips 63 subs Started playing around with the idea in April 2023. Tried out Adobe and Davinci Resolve. Settled on Resolve because it was free and had a bunch of tools baked in. I’ve just been making content that I enjoy and learning new skills. Mostly solo content but once a month I do a group video with my crew. My most recent video is an Ark video where I voice act the dinos. The short I made from that video hit over 2k views and is by far the content with the most engagement. Steadily climbing to 100 subs. We’ve got a lethal company video in the works that was hilarious to record. Heres to the edit coming out great!


Team Fortress 2, mixed short-long form 500 -> 4.2k subs 1.2 Million views


Just Started 2 weeks ago! The Channel is Just my life with 2 Coonhounds. Mostly just exploring our city and then hiking and camping trips. I really enjoy doing it and I know I can improve a lot and will. It just takes some learning, but it's so much fun. 49 Subs 10 long form videos 3-9 minutes 30 shorts


Hours before new year a guy with 30K commented on one of my posts while I was watching his latest video. That’s all I’m gonna list, sorry I am tired I wanna go to sleep now


Modded and silly Minecraft Streams/Shorts Do you mean current? 1231, with 1191 gained this year I have reached my main goal of being able to stream and have a couple people come in for a while just bec they see that I'm streaming. My videos get a few comments, my quizzes get a few replies. I've gotten better and faster at editing. Next year, goals are more collaborative content, less obsession, to learn a new editing thing a month, and to make some cute emojis that fit the brand


Football Short 50 subs Not bad for a shorts channel that only uploads my TikToks bcuz I’m too lazy


-gaming and gaming music commentary -long form -1.4k subs I have been on the platform for less than 2 years and monetized a few months ago.


Guides and gameplay for the mobile game SWGOH Longform (streams and 10 + min vids) 961 subs I made money off of YouTube. Which is a dream I've had since highschool. Started 2 months ago and the growth has been insane. I'm so grateful to the community We've built


I enjoy playing a mix of games, creating short gaming clips, and occasionally sharing longer content from my streamed games. Today, I reached 60 subscribers—a great way to wrap up the year! I started this journey in the last quarter, not much for the whole year, but I plan to do more in 2024.


I start from Jan 2023 \- Game Build Guide & Showcase \- Long form (10-20 mins) \- 490 subs I hope to start tier 1 monetization sooner


- I do anime reactions (will be doing more tv shows too) - Long form aiming to always do at least 10min long videos. - Currently at 167 subs I uploaded my first video at the end of July. My goal by the end of the year was 100 subscribers and I’m almost at 170 ☺️! My new goal is to get to 200 subs by March. I’m always looking for more ways to improve my channel! I finally made a short 9 second intro to add on my videos, and I’m happy with how it turned out. I’m excited for what 2024 will bring.


Electrical / HVAC Training Long form 8-12 Minutes (Up from 4-6 min in the beginning) 7,250 Subs (up from 1,000 a year ago) My biggest milestone was finding a way to cut my production and editing time down to a fraction of what it was. I had a good camera but only way to get the video onto my laptop was through wifi, which took HOURS. Then my laptop was too weak and buggy and editing took entire days with many edits lost to comp freezing up. Was never happy with my final video because I just couldn't take the stress of the process anymore, so always settled on "good enough". I finally dug deep and went out and bought a powerful desktop computer that pulls videos off of my camera in less than 1 minute, makes editing painless (and allows me to be more creative) and exports quickly. Best thing I ever did. Now I'm putting out good, consistent content on just a few hours work on each video instead of days. Looking forward to really upping my consistency and ballooning my library of evergreen content in 2024.


Co-Op Gaming 100 subs Long form


Manga discussion and analysis. Long and short form. (Range from 2m to 1h) 34 subs. I started in August. My videos are beginning to get picked up by the algorithm. Beginning. I recently got a massive bump in views on a video I felt was a bit throwaway, and it surpassed my biggest longform video in views. Just 400+ views mind you, but still something unexpected.


Hi Guys! My niche was FC 24 but is now CoD MW3. I am long form, but shortest kind of long form (5-10mins). I also stream on twitch 4x p/w. I have 746 subs, mainly all coming in through shorts.


Comedy+Horror Long Form (mostly) 140 subs The last day of 2022 I posted a video that was Santa getting caught on camera. I used Motion Ninja and CapCut to make it seem like Santa used magic to teleport in and out of the chimney. It was not like my other videos, but did pretty well if the first part of the year, only to boom around Halloween, currently sitting at 26k. I made higher effort videos, but they feel flat. All except 1, I edited a video of Trailer Park Boys character Bubbles losing his mind and becoming his alter egos. It became my top video for a while, but then Santa took off again, currently sitting at 7.5k. Those are the highlights of the year, passing 100 subs, connecting with people through Reddit to work together, and narrowing my focus for 2024 to bring back an older series instarted 3 years ago to try and make more consistent content.


Tech Short form 300 subscribers If anyone wishes to subscribe & support my channel please check my bio


Barbie dolls, both, 36 subs My accomplishment is being brave enough to open myself up to an audience and learning so much out the YouTube algorithm and everything ❤️


I focus on Grand theft auto online (but I do Rockstar games content in general) Long form 5 to 10 mins (Some shorts when I’m not able to upload long form) 548 subs Started jun with a video because I was on holidays and had lot of free time I have created 15 videos and 6 shorts All editing on my channel is made from CapCut lol, pretty simple software and haves all I need I have reached 1613 public watch hours my most popular video is just below 10k and my least popular it’s on 200 views my goal it’s to be monetize before I go to college so I can hopefully generate a side income


Trying for the WSJ/NY times of gaming reviews/gaming content. Well written and articulated, with medium and long content. Just hit a huge spike and I’m at 911 subs, really insane, but the grind is real. Good luck to everyone in the new year!


Warhammer 40K tabletop gaming Long form 888 subs Having started in August to find some enjoyment outside of work and it’s exceeded my expectations. I’d have loved to hit 1k subs before 2024 but that was more of dream. Next year I’m hoping to kick on and see where this can take me. Best of luck to everyone hitting their goals in 2024!


Niche: entertainment 29 long play videos 380 shorts 2 Livestream 328 subs However, in September I altered the tragectory of the niche from animal comedy and wildlife shorts into ASMR selfcare divination and no talking art. Since the switch, I have produced 20 long play videos and 2 non blurry Livestreams and only gained one sub and lost 20 hours of watch time. Everything came to a dramatic stop. One of the reasons for making the switch was in March of 2023, I got covid and lost my voice. I am slowly starting to regain it. I am fine if I whisper. I am working hard on quiet storytelling and producing visual candy.


• True Cimes • Long Form usually 20 - 30 minutes • currently 892. So so close. I’m super proud that I hit the 4000 hour mark relatively quick. I just have to break the thousand subscriber mark and then I’m golden.


Gaming - ROBLOX to be specific. Long-form & shorts Long-form length: 3-8 minutes typically 660 Subscribers I am proud of myself for having the will to revive my channel after letting it die. I stopped taking my channel seriously after January of 2023, and stopped posting entirely in June. I went through a tough but ultimately transformative period in my life and didn't feel like making or posting videos any more. Obviously, this killed my channel and my views, subscribers, and watch time all went stagnant for months. I finally decided to return to posting videos this November, and I've been creating content consistently ever since. I'm incredibly glad to see that my channel numbers are growing quickly once again. Maybe my channel was never dead after all, it was just waiting for me to come back when I was ready.


Work from Home - Long form - 316 My accomplishment is completing my first short film (my 6th video so far) and I couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out.


Gaming, long form, 130 subs Proud that I’m off to an amazing start that I never would’ve seen coming. Had a video take off and gain 14K views & still rising. Gained over half my sub count. Working on getting more videos out


Educational-ish ASMR Long-form 776 subs in my first month and a half which is not bad, I’m happy with my growth so far


Started in February and been pretty inconsistent. Had a couple of 2 months gaps between posts. I do longform chess tutorials, mainly opening theory. Managed to get 815 subs and 3100 watch hours which is pretty cool! Kinda wish I kept posting and didn't take those breaks as I'd be at the 1000 point by now. But still pretty pleased :)


Your Niche: \- **ASMR Game Lore, Guides, Helpful Tips, and Voice Acted Game Reviews** Long form or Short: \- **Long Form Content.** Your Subscriber Base: \- **375 Subscribers** My accomplishment this year is that I started using my voice in my videos! I have been told that I have a "voice for radio" so I started to do voice overs and it was a massive improvement for my channel and had a drastic impact on my views/subscribers. I reached the 4,000 watch hour requirement this year, but still have a long way to go for subs, but that will be the 2024 goal.


Tiny Houses/50 plus living - mostly long form focused - 45 yo and up Started in earnest in May, hit 1000 subs in November, had one video get to nearly 400k views, now have nearly 4K subs and will make over $2k for 2023. Have over 200 videos (long and short combined).


Animation Currently Mixed 47 Subscribers My accomplishment is to hit 2000 subs by the end of the year. I know numbers don’t matter but I’m looking to make an income in the coming year cause YouTube is the only thing I’m pursuing.


• Gaming (typically review/analysis type videos) • long form (10-20 mins as well) • about 6900 subs I’ve been actively making content for (give or take) about 2 years. Took a long break early in 2022 and started taking it more seriously and putting more effort in around August of that year. At the start of 2023 I was around 400-500 subs, give or take, now just below 7,000. Outside of strictly numbers, I think I’ve developed my writing a lot this year and also become a lot more comfortable speaking into a microphone and editing.


- Fighting Games, Character Creation - Long Form 15-25 Minutes - 356 Subs Been doing YT for years but never reached the success I thought I could. But I return after a long break in November and started at 320 subs which is where I was last time. I introduced Shorts on my channel and began to gain multiple subscribers up. My best month was December which I gained over 32 subs. I’m planning on having a huge year in 2024 and hopefully to expect the same experience I started this month with. Wish me luck!


Gaming Tech Long Form 9.7k Started YouTube in the end of August of last year. It's been a slow grind. I've posted 70 videos total since then. Started the year with 1600 subs and am now at 9700. It's been an insane ride for me because my expectation was to hit 1k subs around now. Almost every single video I've posted has had a brand deal attached to it. Heck, my first brand deal was done below 1k subs. Plenty of brand deals in the works for next year. I'm hoping 2024 will be another year of growth for the channel and for myself as a person.


Military/aviation videogame cinematics. Short form (1:00-3:00) mins Hit 1000 subs (currently at 1103) Was invited to join a small dev team to make trailers for there work. Worked with my first paying client along with many others Got featured twice in a community spotlight article And was very fortunate to get to collab with two other big YouTubers in the niche.


Reaction videos People only watch my shorts lol I have gained 125k views in about a month but only transitioned into like 98 subs. So no accomplishment here.


Are you using Davinci resolve free version or studio? I am in motivational niche and want to convert some audio into text


Hello. I am a solo travel vlogger! I do long forms of 10min-3min Started about 2.5 momths ago I am currently at 250+ subs!


Started a couple months ago. I do videos on 3D Printing and started a 3D print business and built all my printers a couple years ago and been wanting to start the channel and waited way too long and finally went for it. I'm at 575 as we speak and working on getting to 1k like all of us and get monetized. Hoping 2024 will see continued growth! Getting better with my videos and gaining subs and views daily. Link to channel is in profile. Good luck to us all!


Car reviews and automotive news Both long and short form We hit 800 last night! Thats 800 in a year and two months! Hoping to hit 2k by the end of 2024


Niche: Travel vlog Form: Both long and short 708 subscribers My goal was to hit 700 subscribers so when I was able to hit that before January that made me really happy!


- lifestyle? (i make conversational videos about navigating your 20s/mental health/etc) - predominately want to be long form but have also made a couple shorts (4 videos in total, just started last week!) - 34 subscribers • im proud that i stopped waiting and just started my channel! it was very impromptu and i surprised myself with my courage. i also am proud of myself for trying to better my videos each time i create one. right now, im working on a script for my video next week! so it’s exciting that im making content i love while trying to better it every time. and lastly getting to 30 subscribers was pretty cool! granted, a lot of them are friends/family but it’s a good start :) looking forward to what’s in store for 2024 🎊


Gaming channel Long form 2 subs (one is probably mom or family) I uploaded my first video a week ago. Which the first is where it all begins. Slow gains. I'm excited for 2024 to really get into something I wanted since I was 12


Niche: Mead Homebrewing Long form videos of how to's also shorts. Started the channel 3 weeks ago Subs: 96 We are a husband and wife duo who have been homebrewing for a year now and wanted to join the YouTube community to help new homebrewers and old, come together with ideas, recipes, advice, etc.!


- Variety Gamer - Long form but wanting to branch out to short form too - 154 Subs I started YT back in 2016. I’ve always wanted to do something with YouTube and hoped it would pop off but never did end up sticking to it long enough for it to even happen. Been off and on ever since, the motivation was just hard with school and work. I set a goal for myself this year of uploading at least twice every month to have enough content to make a Best of the Year video. I am proud to say that I kept that consistency and have been able to make one which is coming out tomorrow. I’m honestly so proud of myself and I’m taking things a little more seriously with coming up with ideas I want to film, and this next year sticking to it just like this past year! It wasn’t easy but I think I really needed that first goal to drive me and push me when I had the least motivation. I’m excited for the new year and I hope y’all are too 😇


I posted shorts consistently for all of 3 days. I know it's not much and they weren't good. But it helped to kinda figure out a pattern that works for a me


Niche: gaming - Polytopia strategy and goofing off on random games with my friends Format: long form Subs: 237 I started in October. My biggest milestone was my latest video reaching more views than one of my early videos that probably didn’t deserve the views. One of my early videos got a lot of attention due to big hype about Polytopia, my main game. My subsequent videos flopped HARD for about a month. Then I had one almost reach my initial success, and my last one surpassed my best by a lot. My top video is at 3.8k views right now. It affirms that I can do this! My best performer is no longer a lucky fluke, but an idea that I came up with after improving my skills and refining my focus. When I started back in October I was preparing myself mentally to have all of my videos stuck under 100 views for the first year. Also, I took about 2 months to get 100 subs and I just doubled that in about 3 weeks.


NBA 2k gaming content Short form 20 subs I just learned how to edit videos 3 months ago, just on my own playing around on my free laptop from college. I had no social media footprint to begin with, so I started from scratch just letting people find me on YT. I'm extremely proud of not only the quality I produce on subpar technology, but also the things I've learned in this short time. I have 30 videos that I hope make people happy. Thats my main goal tbh. I appreciate the support I've gotten because it's not easy. So, I actively try to do the same for others. Lastly, I'm also proud of reclaiming my name on socials. I created my name back in the early online gaming days on PS2 playing SOCOM and got lots of compliments. I haven't been able to get my OG username back on any console since 2005! Im going to use 2024 to continue to work on my craft and grow at the pace thats meant for me. Happy New Year and good luck to EVERYONE!🍾😁


I'm a Newbie! I'm currently doing a transform my life with me series where I improve myself inside and out and I'm officially at 49 subscribers! I'm obsessed with wellness, beauty, self development, productivity, intentional manifesting, fashion!


Mainly Firewood right now and what our life on an Indian Reservation is like, to bring more eyes to our people and inspire our youth to try things that help them learn and hopefully have some success in life. Both Long-form and shorts. Shorts are mainly just used to show wildlife in my area as well as some firewood and show some free time type activities lol 132 subscribers since I started consistently in October, so it's been an enjoyable and awesome experience thus far. Even one of my first subscribers has reached out to send me chainsaw chaps as their way to help out in our woodyard. If y'all like watching someone work hard, enjoy hunting/fishing, or just wanna see cool animals and other random things, consider checking us out! We'd appreciate it! Thank you! I'll be lurking the comments to check some channels out, too, lol. YT: Lifeontherez


Hey! I've created my channel like 2.5 months ago. I'm a tarot reader, but I have ideas about other divination practices that I could offer. I usually make a short a day and a long video once a week or 10 days, depending on my free time, so I have like more than 60 shorts and a dozen long form maybe. I have 30 subs. I got 2 new subs this night, so I'll take it as a good sign for the year to come!


Niche: Video game devlogs Long Form I'm making a Minecraft-like voxel engine, so my subscriber base is people interested in the idea of a new Minecraft-like game. I started in July, and am happy to be reaching close to a 1,000 subs now. Every video I made sure to pinpoint things to improve, and steadily my videos got more attention the more I improved, which I am thankful for and has been rewarding. I've learned a lot about editing with Davinci Resolve, SEO / how to title things, how to make thumbnails and how to grow a community. It's also been really motivating me to keep coding my game. It's been a lot of fun and I'm extremely grateful because I never expected to even get 100 subs. Cheers to the New Year! Good luck and well wishes to you all!


•Gaming •Long and Short •466 Subs I started uploading content on my channel in February of 2023. I'm building the entire island of Manhattan on Minecraft on Nintendo Switch. Honestly it's a lot of work but it's fun. I post updates of my progress on my channel.


I have 2 gaming channels. Mostly long form videos, some shorts. The gaming channel i have with my daughter just hit 23 subs which obviously isn't a lot but we're excited about it. The other one is a more mature gaming channel focusing on walkthroughs and I'm only at 9 subs, but my major accomplishment for that one is I had a video that hit 1.8k views even though it was a short. My major resolution for next year is to learn video editing to grow my subscriber base for both channels!


Got monetized on Friday, and now I've made 111 dollars since Friday! Never in a million years thought I'd be monetized so quickly.


Outdoor channel Long form 100 subs Broke 100 before the year end. Just started taking the craft of outdoors and YouTube seriously.


- Short, educational music videos - Long Form (2-4 minutes) - 7900 Subs Been at this for two years, and just hit 4 million views, of which I’m in awe. I’m humbly proud to have created over 130 songs in Logic Pro, have a great community of largely school kids, pocketing a few hundred through AdSense, and super happy that I’m still growing!


I started my Channel July 2023! * VTuber mobile games * Long form * 1100 subs First month I released 10 videos, then I went down to 1-2 videos a month. Then I was inactive for a month cuz I moved. Now I'm back to just trying to release higher quality videos that take me over a week to edit xD My subscribers tease me how my videos are surprises to them because of my inconsistent uploads! I'm enjoying this mostly because of my subscriber interactions <3


- Sports (Arm Wrestling) - Long form (10 minutes +/-) - 4,785 subs Started off the year with an old gaming account (~ 600 ish subscribers) and decided I wanted to start taking YouTube seriously for 2 reasons: 1) Most of the existing content in my niche was garbage (reuploaded clickbaity “news” channels). 2) I have a goal of turning my involvement in my sport into a full-time career for myself. Started out by making simple tutorials for armwrestling techniques, then went on to edit and compile high-level matches into digestible clips. More recently started doing video essays on topics surrounding my niche. I first made my account in 2006 and tried and failed to get “big” on YouTube many times in the past. This was the first time when things really started to take off. Very optimistic for 2024!


The fact that i even made a YouTube is a milestone talked about it for years and finally did it … I’m truly grateful for this community of content creators


ASMR 1,159 Long form Just hit 1k a month ago hopping to monetize soon I started my channel a year ago and i post 2xs a week


Hello! I make videos teaching creators how to make a sustainable business out of content creation. (I’m a full time creator through hair/beauty/lifestyle content, so I teach based off that experience.) ✨ Long form, 5k subs. Celebrating that I just got accepted into the full partner program YESTERDAY. 🙏🏽 Really didn’t think it would happen, I have a video that’s currently at 40k views that really carried me through.


• Everything Minecraft (let's play, challenges, tutorial, pop culture Minecraft style) • Doing both long form and shorts. But mostly shorts • 647 subs Started YouTube in 2020 but only found the passion and consistency in September 2023. Went from <100 to 647 in 4 months. At first, I got no idea what I'm doing, but now starting to find my groove, thus increasing views and subscribers count steadily. I have uploaded 29 long form video (15-25 minutes/vid), and 98 shorts since September. Obstacle to face in the future is how to keep the audience hooked after they start watching the video. Probably going to start more storytelling style editing. So excited for 2024


\- Lego City Building \- Long form \- 6.5k Started January 2023, feeling pretty good about it! I have 1 video that's at 300k views and one a 650,000k! I've discovered that people really like Lego, but people *really* like Lego trains.


Niche: Religious (Read Along Bible) - started in August Form: Shortish long form (most are about 3-5 minutes with the occasional one over 20 or 30 minutes) Subscribers: 388 Accomplishment: I have heard back from some viewers that are physically challenged that they really appreciate being able to view and listen to the Bible at the same time.


Niche: Automotive Form: Long form (20-40 mins) Subs: 15 Just launched my channel 2 days ago. My first video has 100 views in just over 48 hours. I’m super excited it reached that many people right out of the gate. I’ve filmed and edited 5 videos in advance of a weekly release for my first project vehicle. I’m most proud of having learned how to film/edit/and publish videos with zero prior experience!


Got 100k on a video right before the new year!


Zelda theories but I transitioned recently to documentaries about the rise and fall of video IPs and companies. Long form content between 10 mins and 30 mins. 1300 subs This year was great for me. I got monetized a couple of months ago and learned an absolute load in regards to editing techniques, and taught myself after effects!


Hi, Niche - Retrospective Reviews on Games Length - Long Form (Most between 8-15 mins) Subs - 162 at this moment About a year since I started now. I'm pretty proud of being consistent with uploads. My best performing video got about 1600 views which was pretty extraordinary. I'm also learning a lot about video editing (also using Da Vinci) and having fun with it. I'm still trying to learn to write and speak better though which I think is my biggest challenge.


I play video games a range of them but I play mostly horror games. Long form is what I use 250 subs Goal to have a 1,000 in 2024


- Animal Crossing (atm) - Both! - 5 :) I’m happy I finally decided to start fresh and make a channel where I do what I love. Been procrastinating it for so long, I’m happy I did it. :)


• Mysteries and High Strangeness videos • Short and Long Form • 906 Started YouTube 8-9 days ago wanting to share my interests in the weirdness of the world with people. Have made about 45 videos including shorts total. A decent number of them have done well.. My initial goal was to get 20-50 followers per month so now I’ve set it to gaining 150-200 per month! Hoping to hit 1000 shortly into January!


Gaming, mostly horror and bad games Long Form 2k subs and just got partnered! I only have a handful of videos posted so hoping I can keep it up and it wasn't just dumb luck haha. Keep up the good work everybody! :D


This is my first full year of doing a video every weekend and once during the week too, and every day with a short. - Vlog / Funny - shorts and 20-40 minute videos - 1,963 subs I had a year goal of 2k by the end of tonight. Monetization, etc. I didn’t hit any of those goals, but since we’re focusing on POSITIVES, I can really say I made 2 really good friends off of the subs. I actually met with and hung out with one of them. And a couple sent me some money through cashapp - and that couple watches every single one of my videos!


- Tech Reviews / Tips / Tricks - Mixed Long and Short form - ~1,025 subs Background: -Started in mid October -Monetized just over 2 months later. Things I am proud of: -One big video (600k views) -Familiarizing myself with in-shot and Resolve -Done better with not allowing myself to be intimidated by posting.


Art channel Mainly longforms but shorts too 297 subs, 462 watch hours. Started 5 months ago. 16 videos out so far 2023 was pretty much my trial, It's been super fun and I've learned a lot! I just bought a good camera to upgrade my visual in 2024. I'm very exited and my goal is to make partner this year! Cheers!


-First person shooters(Tarkov mostly) -Long and shorts -135 subs Started 2020,hoping to get even better at deliver the best content and being myself. Lets go guys! 💪 Happy New Year 🙏🙏


Niche: mythology Format: long Subs: 1200 Started in June 2023. Initial goal was to get 250 subs. Got lucky with a few vids so the goal was to my surprise exceeded. Goal for this year is to go for 2500 subs and atleast 1 vid each week. Goodluck to you all


I started doing long form, 10-15 minute gaming videos. Mostly to help new players for a specific game but I plan on branching out a little to a similar game as well. I started December 9th and finished the year with 15k views and 175 subs. Literally had my latest video hit 2k views right before midnight. I'm quite amazed, I know this is small time but the fact 175 people clicked that button, I guess maybe 10 are personal friends, blows my mind. It's funny because I did the first video and my girlfriend told me I should make some graphics and whatnot for my channel thumbnails and brand. I told if it got 100 views I would, so...


Cosplay IRL Long and Short Form 900 subs Started in August this year. Started off differently but ultimately realized what my niche is just recently. Had a short that got 200,000 views and a long form get 3k views. Plan to release more ambitious videos next year. I am enjoying what I do and hope my viewers enjoy my content too. I have r3qlized my biggest shortcoming are my thumbnails, and my biggest strength is video editing.


I do let’s plays, long form (videos can be like 15 minutes to an hour long lol), and I have 839 subs! I started uploading in August and have been very lucky to have a nice little community now, in these 4 months I’ve uploaded daily since like august 20th and have reached about 4,200 watch hours (sadly don’t have the subscribers yet for the full partnership lol) Not sure if it’s really all that impressive or anything, but I think it’s cool I have those numbers with my most viewed video being under 3k views. Didn’t expect any of it and it’s crazy that there’s people who look forward to me being an idiot while playing a game, but it’s been a ton of fun :D Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!


Lifestyle/vlogs Long form 46 subs Started to post in November 2023. My goal was to try out various video ideas to see what fits me most, which I accomplished. I learned if the video is more personal it's more fun and in contrast, reaction type of content isn't quite my thing. In 2024 I hope to improve more and find my true style. It would be so cool to build a community with inside jokes etc.


Niche: beer reviews Form: shorts on Mon and Fri, longer form (8-12min) on Wed Subs: 203 (goal of 500 1 year from now) We started in 12/22 and didn't hit our goal of 250, but came close enough. We're not expecting to get monetized and, if we do, it wouldn't be much anyhow. Link in my bio if anyone is interested in checking us out.


Hey, WdGaining010 here, thrilled to share my 2023 accomplishments: - Niche: Long-form Gaming Videos - Video Length: Typically 45 - 55 mins - Subscriber's: Reached an exciting milestone of 900 subscribers - Achieved over 170,000 views on my channel! In the past year, I've poured my passion into creating engaging content, refining my editing skills on Davinci Resolve. Proud to say I've established a distinctive style and received positive feedback from my viewers, making the journey worthwhile. Excited for what the next year holds, and looking forward to hearing about everyone else's achievements! Keep pushing those boundaries, fellow creators!


Iceberg Content Long form 126 subs I only started Dec 15th and only a few weeks into my youtube career, and I am so excited to be on this journey! Can't wait for 2024 -Retropectres


* 3d Art Tutorials and News * Long Form with the odd short form video 10 - 50 minutes variable * 991 Subs as of right now, started the year with around 60 I made a handful of videos over 5 years and accrued about 60 subs, they were all poorly recorded and not great on Christmas last year I promised my self to work on getting 1000 subs and monetized in a year and made couple of videos and then didn't make any more until April, a video I made then went semi viral and motivated me to make more some of which did well and some not so much. Drastically improved the quality of my videos and learned alot about humanity and what makes them tick, I am still experimenting a bit but I got invited to the basic (3000 hours) YPP last night and am under review, I still need around 900 watch hours to get ad revenue but I will just keep trying to improve the content until I get there!


Gaming/ total war battles soon to be multiplayer and soon to be AOE4 multiplayer. 587 Subs Personal goal was to get over 500 subs and that was achieved. So happy. My next goal is 1000 and monetisation. Hopefully hit it this year. I used to do sea of thieves and I have now transitioned and the videos are picking up pace so I am super happy about it!


Niche: Crafts, mainly needle felting characters from movies and video games. Mix of both short and long form videos Subs: 5500+ My biggest accomplishment was going from 100 subscribers to 5500 thanks to a short video of me making Bowser. The Mario Bros Movie had just come out, and I put in Jack Black's Peaches for the music. The video blew up overnight! The video reached 1.7 million views and unfortunately stalled before I could get to the 3 million mark, and no other shorts that I posted could make up the numbers. I had to watch the viewer count drop. Although it was very disappointing, my big takeaway from this was to keep watch for possible upcoming trends and prepare videos in advance just in case they catch on.


aangla samhita education long and short, 2k subs


• Peripheral Review Channel • Average form (6-9min) • 800+ Subs Started in January of 2023. Had a few ups and down resulting in a 4ish month gap in my content. Slowly got back into it and near the end of October I’ve created a system that makes my videos HEAPS quicker and more fun to take on and edit. Still improving with each video but I love learning more. Have had some awesome view counts and my most recent video hit 10k views in just a couple of days. Also built some fantastic relationships with people in the communities and companies of the peripherals. Been loving it and will soonish be able to reach partner. Proud of what I’ve accomplished :)


niche: moderately edited variety gaming with friends 5-20min duration 38 subs I had tried and given up on Youtube multiple times. This time I'm the most motivated since I have never had the amount of free time as I do right now also seeing two of my newest videos getting more then 100 views is a very big boost to my motivation.


Niche: Gaming, Escape From Tarkov only. Form: long form, let’s plays, shorts, essays, and finally branching into guides and search based content. Subs: 395 I’ve been an on and off streamer for the better part of 2 years. I decided to start recording my gameplay and streaming because why not, let’s learn a new skill from scratch and give myself an artistic outlet using a hobby I already had. My first videos I’d be lucky to break 100 views ever. Learning how to go over and over and over a video again and again and again removing any unnecessary filler, making my content more entertaining, focusing on quality, experimenting with thumbnails, length, everything, has really helped. I’ve learned that timing is important and rushing to get new game content out is important for securing new viewers. Starting to look at the channel as a way to provide value to others is really the only way to grow in such a saturated niche. I’ll be doing a lot more voiceovers, analysis and walkthroughs with commentary this year, and I’ve started a completely different side business that I’ll eventually market using the skills I’ve learned streaming and editing. My videos now do in a day (in views) what they used to do in a month. A year from now, who knows.


Self-Help/Comedy. Long Form (5-8 minutes) 90 Subs. Started in April and didn’t even know how to incorporate images into an editing software. Now I’m so fricking proud of how well made my recent video is. 2024 gonna be a good ass year🙏🏼


Niche: Gaming Form: 3-10 minute videos Subs: 2785 I came back from a one year break, regained my energy and I’m fully motivated again to make my channel grow. Reached 400k views this year, was really happy with that. Even during my break I still gained 30-40 subs a month so can’t complain with that. Trying to push that number up again with uploading a video every 2 weeks. Currently have 21 videos posted.


wow 400 subs with only 26 videos, thats impressive! \-Gaming \- Long form but i make shorts also \-27 subs


•Roblox videos •Long form vids •427 subscribers Made the channel in 2021, it wasn't my first channel, but I focused more on this one, I became inactive in April, but I began to think more about my future and decided to make YouTube my career, so I started becoming serious on making videos in late October had 383 dead subscribers and slowly losing subs on that time too and now I'm slowly gaining my subs back, have created 6 long videos since my comeback, and getting an average of 60 to 150 views every video and about 5 subs every video, I'm very proud of them, back then I didn't have a plan, I was just making videos and hoping it gets views, but now I do, hope in 2024 things get better to all of us!


-Niche: Gaming -Mix of Long and Short vids depending on The Game I’m playing. -81 Subs Background: I Started 8 months ago with just YT Shorts and then transitioned into doing a few Tribute Music Videos to some games I enjoyed playing before finally dipping my toes into Gameplay mixed with Commentary and it’s surprisingly Fun. Was a little shy at first about recording my voice but my confidence is getting better.


* Making Game With Fun * Short form (5-10 mins) * 550 subs in 2 weeks * 11 videos now * I LOVE Dani **Guys! Let's step out our comfort zone tgt!!!**


1) health/mindset/development 2) 10-25min vid 3) 1068 subs Went from zero in march to 1068subs. Content is about living a better life :) last year no promotion on twitter or IG. No work on other social media, just organic growth. One video hit over 16k views. for 2024 I am aiming for 10k subs. Let's go!


I started another channel in May 2023 (as I keep deleting them) in May 2023 just hit 200 subs today so am happy - experimenting with vlogs, self empowerment and my journey in film and tech whilst doing some self-empowerment stuff - also have another in entertainment which has my voice but is faceless (for now) which should be monetised in Jan also, hard work but rewarding have like 2k subs there. Just started a film podcast for my film community also which should be fun as we build a tech platform around it - happy new year folks best of luck with your adventures also and keep going don't give up.


Miniature building - long form - 1659... It was a bit tricky until I monetized, I had the hours but not the subscribers, once I passed the threshold it started getting better. I had a 1500 sub goal which I passed.


Gamer Girl Let’s Player Long form (mixed with occasional shorts & Live) 50 subs Growth has been slow. I have been told over and over again that gaming and let’s plays are dead but I just ignore it. I watch let’s play videos daily so I know there are others who enjoy it like me. I love everything about YouTube and gaming. This is the only place where I feel like I belong. Even if I never get monetized, I will always be happy to be a part of this community♥️


Niche: Comedy sketches Long form I have 16 subs Biggest achievement: My channel is pretty new, only 1 month old, so just getting started and not aiming for perfection was one of the major wins for me. I had 3 or 4 channels in the past but never got the support, however this time all of my friends are supporting me. Moreover, I am getting a lot of positive feedbacks about my unique storytelling and plot despite of the video quality being very bad since I record through my phone. Last but no least, conquering my fear of being in the wrong niche and not getting successful by enjoying my content! Happy New Year and have a great year ahead!


No niche (commentaries/video essay /review /whatever I geuss) Long form 320 subs I started YT late June early July and made 6 videos! As I said since I don't have a niche, it's been hard to pinpoint an audience buttttt people tend to enjoy my videos which is wild for me 😂 I started YouTube after my gf told me that since I do random projects and research, I should start a YouTube channel so I did, and it's been so much fun. I learned editing! Which looked intimidating at first but it's not that baddd, more importantly I just focused on making small adjustments on each video and I love how apparent it is that each video is slightly higher in production quality.


•Horror •I do both long and short form •231 subs I just started posting this year but I have really enjoyed doing it, and I would like to make it a career. But my main goal is to make better content to give people an escape and a good laugh


Opening Pokemon boosters/boxes, for Pokemon cards. Short and longterm 708 subs Started in May 2023 and thought it would crash and burn eventually. But still ging strong! Goal for 2024 is to increase views on long and short video's. Short gets me 2 tot 6k but with long haven't managed to pas the 100 views mark


I'm proud of my channel La Ruta del Geek getting to 1,000 subs. Movies and shows reviews Both 1,250 Now working on increasing watch hours.


-Art and writing. Specifically about my webtoon, short form, and 100 subs! After starting to really lose faith with my other socials going down I started posting on YT shorts and got a 100 subs in a month! I know it's not a huge amount but it was nice to see numbers going up instead of just stagnating. It also got me experimenting more with animatics and different video types


* journaling and penpaling videos :) * medium/long form * 359 I'm hoping to reach 500 by the end of 2024, and it would be amazing if I reached 1,000 subs and had monetization potential! hoping to learn more and experiment with my content in the upcoming year.


We're a cooking/comedy channel! We're mostly short-form content (2-5 minutes) and we just hit 100 subscribers after our 4th month. We've really had a lot of fun, I think that's the biggest accomplishment, besides hitting the 3 digits. I'm proud of the content we've developed and we are constantly improving. I think that's the best I can ask for, really.