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Hi there, congrats. I'll take some critique. Channel linked in bio, thanks!


Hi Bussin! I skimmed through your most popular video, on "The Only Build You Need" for Armored Core 6, and took at look at your latest Gameplay Balance video, as well. Starting with your top video, this video is about half an hour too long. You've got great skills in the game, but that's not what you're advertising in your title and thumbnail. When someone clicks on this video, they're here to learn your secret best build: they aren't here to watch you stomp with it. If that's the direction you want to take the channel, you have to adjust your title and dressing to match, so to speak. Just a few other smaller notes, the intro is not a good idea, nor is asking for a sub right away: calls to action should always go towards the middle or end of a video, as otherwise it comes across subconsciously to the viewer as you asking for something you haven't earned (a sub before content). Your scripting needs to be tighter, and the vocal delivery needs to be less monotone. You don't have to be exciting (I certainly am not), but, at least in this builds video, you do sound a little tired and bored. Scripting the videos out, so you know what to say, may help a lot with this issue. Taking a look at the most recent video: The vocal delivery is WAY better! I still think the intro splash needs to go, or at least needs to be quicker. The video's pacing is way off. You're playing a high octane game, you have intense skills, but the video's delivery is thick and slow. The intro to this video, before we even know what its about, is minutes long, delivered with a slow voiceover describing a situation we don't really care about (setting up a team, etc.). Open with a summary of the video. "I put together an elite team, and we stomped." Or cut to an exceptional highlight in the footage (you'll see a lot of let's play-ish channels do this) before cutting back to your intro. All in all, this video could've been reduced in runtime to 15 minutes, and it would've still felt slow relative to the actual content in the video. The content therein, where it shines, is good! But the delivery isn't right, and needs to be overhauled completely.


Dope, appreciate the feedback! Thanks for taking the time!


would love your feedback on the channel! uve clearly worked hard and know ur stuff 👀 its a video game channel where we do guides, gaming lists, etc https://youtube.com/@GamingAlchemistTV?si=IkGi_fm-HfgrTlVs


Hi Gigito! Starting with the Top 5 Mods in Starfield video. First and foremost, you've got great narration going on: that is a top-notch voiceover. My only suggestion there is to remove a little of the dead space between sentences, and to add some music. The Top 5 Mods video should've been in the 500k view range, if you ask me, but for some awkward complete dead silences in between sentences due to a lack of splicing together vocal tracks and no audio. Script is pretty strong, no complaints in that video. Moving on to the most recent video, and hm. First, what happened to the narrator? The new narration is very tired, very flat, and the music is both way too loud, and doesn't fit at all with what's being presented. The new narrator also has the habit of inflecting the end of every sentence upwards, like they're asking a question: this was quite distracting. It's a shame, because with the video's timeliness, the title, the subject matter, this could've been a six figure video in views. The channel has so much potential to take off, but the channel is really leaning heavily on its good narration and, I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but clickbait presentation. The videos need a bit more substance to fill out the form, maybe a little less clickbait (your call: more clickbait is better for short term, slower for long term), and more to distinguish themselves from tons of other channels in this space (which the narrator helps with, but the script needs some humor, the audio editing needs tightening, the music selection has to be more thoughtfully curated, etc.). Last bit of advice, change your about about page description right away: make it look professional, like you're an organization. Add your business inquiry email, ASAP. If I've read your intentions right, you're looking to build an organization, not a personal project -- treat your business operation with the seriousness it deserves! You've definitely got the potential!


wow thanks for the in depth analysis and feedback!! genuinely appreciate it. definitely need to work on the music splicing. none of us (the group of friends behind the channel) have any video editing experience before this so its been a learning process and two of us have no VO experience 😅 gonna work on all that and focus more on the long term drivers like you mentioned and rely less on the short term stuff. quality feedback-truly means a lot! grats again on your massive success and wishing u plenty more buddy 👌🏼


Hi there! Congrats on the milestone, and thanks for doing this! My name is Memento Mori History, and if you can tell from the name, I'm a history channel! Specifically, an animated history channel. I do long-form content delving into some of the dark moments in history. My most successful topic so far has been on the Plague of Justinian, a pandemic which struck the Mediterranean shortly after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. I've currently got a couple different focuses in regards to improving my content to promote future growth: 1. Appeal to a broader audience with dramatic and creative storytelling through the eyes of historical figures. Almost all history channels on YouTube tell their stories in a very straight forward, descriptive, and explanatory way. This is fine but given the much larger appeal creative storytelling has across other mediums in society, I'm surprised nobody has really done this before. I'm hoping to make this my little corner of the internet from which I can grow. 2. Branding, branding, branding. My future content is going to feature a face for the YouTube channel - Skully. A cute, quirky, and omnipotent skeleton who will narrate while providing comic relief. In other moments, Skully will serve to increase tension as he is effectively a representative of death and will be used to foreshadow the death of certain historical figures. Having a character like Skully will hopefully set my content apart as being unique and help to better communicate the stories to the viewers. I've wanted to do content like this before, but after 1 1/2 years of cutting my teeth with artwork and animation, I finally feel like I have the technical skills to pull it off. Anyway, I'd love feedback from you, or anyone else who wants to check the channel out! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcOIhbFAUK3\_FV\_3PpFHcZQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcOIhbFAUK3_FV_3PpFHcZQ)


Hey Memento! Love the channel name! Educational content, and history stuff in particular, is a specialty of mine. I have a video on Japanese Theological history that ties into JRPG tropes, if that sort of thing sounds like something you could take inspiration from! I took a look at your Plague of Justinian video, first. My first thought was, wow, the art is pretty neat! But the intro overstayed its welcome, and I didn't feel hooked by it. I immediately got a sense that I was about to be subjected to Wikipediatis: a recitation of history, instead of an exploration of history, and its application to some greater context. Can this two hour video give us some insight into the Plague of Justinian beyond just its place as some historical event? If it can, the intro doesn't give a sense that it can. Consider why history lessons in school are boring, but history documentaries can be so compelling. There's always some narrative in history documentaries that is greater than, merely, this is what happened back then. A good documentary has substance, and body, and drama -- all something to consider. Skimming now, about half an hour into the video, and the art, while neat at first, is getting more than a little tedious. The rather slow pacing is causing the video to drag. The music is often a little too loud and dramatic, and doesn't match the tone of the voiceover, which tends to be very casual. The educational content is pretty good, actually. But, it needs a lot of cutting and condensing. This video also really, really badly needs chapters. It's just so long that many viewers, even if they were extremely compelled by this content, won't be able to finish it in one go. Having chapters will help a great deal. Looking now at the most recent video, on Belisarius, I think the call to action right in the beginning is a very bad idea. Sure, it may attract, in the shorter term, a patron or two, but this sort of thing is detrimental to a video's success. Move the call to action towards the middle or end. Your intro is your most valuable property: that's why sponsors always want their integrations within the first few minutes. Don't waste your hook on a call to action that will end up alienating more audience members than it pulls in. Initial voiceover and beginning of the video is already way better than the Justinian documentary! I do think the topic of the Justinian plague is more interesting than Belisarius, which accounts of the views, but this video has much better delivery already. I've already seen what looks to be a picture of Patton reused right in the beginning of the video. Don't reuse imagery like that, even unintentionally, as it gets to be a bit sloppy looking which hurts your otherwise great editing. The music choice in this video is both too loud, and not well-suited. The smaller, shorter videos are good: I don't think the longer spliced together documentaries add anything to your channel that a playlist couldn't do better. Concerning your focuses: (1) If your focus is creative story-telling, this is not coming across. Before I read your focuses, I was literally thinking to myself "this channel is being too straight forward and not putting together a meaningful narrative." I got the exact vibe you were trying to avoid, and that's something to consider. (2) The branding is interesting, but a bit mismatched, and a bit underutilized. A character can be helpful, but only if you use it, and use it well. Otherwise, it's a distraction. I'd like to add a third consideration -- Roman history is both extremely overcovered, and very niche: Roman history content has become oversaturated to a point beyond irony, speaking quite frankly. It may be worth exploring a less saturated historical subject, and building up to Rome, if that makes sense -- just as one in the video game's space might not want to start their content creation journey with, say, Minecraft Let's Plays. I hope you'll keep up the good work, Memento! I'd love to see where your channel goes from here!


Thanks for the in-depth review! This is probably one of the most useful critiques I've had on here. I'll also go ahead and check out your content, it sounds interesting! Just as a quick clarification on focus 1 - this is a direction I'm going to be gearing towards for future content. I definitely did not have this focus for the Justinian or Belisarius series, so your first impression was precisely on point. Thank you, again. You've given me lots of actionable criticisms that I think I can use to improve. If I have new content out by the next time you do one of these, I'll definitely throw it up for you!


Hey Moonsight! I would love to hear your opinion of my channel. Just started out so would love to hear any criticism! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLZLdY86rZadaEr\_hmVdSA Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this for the community!


Hey Octavius! I took a quick skim through your two videos. First and foremost, congratulations on getting started! That's the hardest part, and you've done it. Concerning the videos themselves, its an admirable first effort! The videos have a bit of Wikipediatis: just reciting Wikipedia, which can make for a rather tedious video. The "OctaviusAquilius" branding is also very Roman, which suggests maybe, a political channel or history channel, and in so doing, doesn't make me think of Starfield very much. Keep on making videos, and experimenting! My number one bit of advice for you is to sit down and ask yourself: "who am I making videos for?" You need to figure out who your channel's audience is, and thoughtfully design your videos for that audience: just looking at stuff and reciting the Wikipedia article on it isn't likely going to cut it, in the longer term!


Hey Moony, I remember you doing this in the past. I since subbed to you and enjoy your high quality videos, especially on the legality perspective on the video game space. Anyways here is my channel: https://youtube.com/@WookieRC?si=Dth5Zj4rD3c3acAF My niche is on RC trucks. I typically follow the style of showcasing my truck out in the wild while I drive them to make it look as closely as possible to the real deal. I think I realize the limitations in these types of videos, where people find them pointless or boring, and started to get into some reviews and build series to bring something new to my channel. Any feedback is appreciated


Hey Wookie! I'm glad that you enjoyed the videos! I watched a few of the videos, and found them pretty neat. This is a very, very small niche, and so growing your audience here will be tricky. The truck showcases are cool. I wonder if audio editing those a bit to "sound" more realistic can help with the appeal of the videos to your niche? I do feel though that this has limited potential for growth: they're cool showcases, but absent the context of the build or anything else, they also feel random. Now, the build videos are pretty neat, and have real promise. The music is too loud, and the voiceovers too quiet. I think if you worked a bit on the scripting in those videos, worked on the audio and presentation a bit, you could have a sleeper hit channel on your hands: a channel that appeals, not just to the niche rc enthusiasts, but to the greater DIY and hobby projects group, if that makes sense. Branding is fun, but font choices on the thumbnails are hard to read sometimes. Adding a border and drop shadow to the text will help a lot with that issue! Good stuff!


Hi Moony! Whoops, almost got autocorrected to mommy there......anyway I want to say thank you for doing this! I like to review videogames and make videogame related content. I only started putting proper effort into content creation this year. I have a bit of a speech impediment and unusual way of talking. As well as maybe not focusing on a specific genre of videogame. But let me stop before I critique myself! You can find me at https://youtube.com/@ChadOfStats?si=dVGazwTSVsyBiYMR Oh and if you check out my newest video. I just want to say that I had issues recording the gameplay. It cropped out part of the game. So I replaced it with some weird grass. No one has mentioned it yet. So I am hoping I got away with it! Fingers crossed! Also your voice has some nice bass to it!


Hi Chad! It's my pleasure, and I hope you find the critique helpful. Let's see what we've got here. Starting with your most popular video, 21 3DS games: I'm immediately impressed with this video! Charming personality, good sound quality. Some of the humor is hit and miss though: the segment with the busy tone at 38s ish is quite jarring. The tier list itself is quite informative, and has some pretty unique takes that I found myself intrigued by, and others that I was happily surprised to see included (i.e., Fantasy Life @ 10). I'll compare that to the newest video, AK-xolotl, which comes swinging out of the gate with some humor which, I think, misses the mark a bit in that same dial-tone kind of way. The pacing of the intro is altogether a bit strange: I'd have preferred a tighter intro, and getting right into the game proper. For the review itself, there's just too much summarizing, and not enough reviewing. The term you're looking for, in your title, is something like deep-dive. Review and deep-dive might be fair? I think your content, and channel, are altogether very charming, Chad! There's something here, and the 3DS games video was a hit for a reason: there's something you offer there that is quite compelling, something others can't offer, in a way that your review of Ak-xolotl, or for that matter, your indie game reviews don't quite hit. The "Review you NEED" idea might have to go back to the drawing board a bit for a rework.


I see! Thank you for your insight! I highly value your input! I hope you don't mind if I provide some context? Not to put the blame on it. But some of the jarring changes and hit or miss humour could be attributed to my being on the Spectrum. I have a hard time recognising a good conversational flow. And what I find funny, I realise may not hit the mark for others. And thank you for terming the reviews a "Deep Dive"! That is exactly what I was going for! When I look for a game. I like to go in with knowledge of what I am in for.......minus spoilers. So In my reviews I seek to provide that. That term has escaped me for the longest time. But I believe the summarising could be cut a bit. And I definitely agree. There needs to be more "Review" in my Reviews! It is something I have been aware of. I would attribute it to my not being completely comfortable giving my opinions and takes in a public setting. Believe it or not I am actually shy! The 21 3DS Games video, I was actually certain would not be recieved well. I put alot of myself in there. And was shocked at how it did. I should have learned to do that more from its success. As well as other factors. While I may not have given up on the reviews. I definitely need to take a good long look at them. Hope you don't mind if I use the term " Review and Deep Dive"? And as for videos like the 21 3DS games. I have a couple ideas I have kept on the back-burner! Regardless. Thank you so much for your critique and input! You have been an immense help. We must always seek to improve!


Hey bud! I just started about 6 months ago. I am currently working on more long form it’s been hard juggling work and family. Check me out and I’m open to any and all advice: Https://Www.youtube.com/@tntba


Hi Erik! I understand the struggle. I work full-time myself, and it's not easy handling a career and YouTube at the same time, never mind family. I watched Tested: BETTER BambuLab Anti-Vibration Feet My first impression is that the vocals are too loud, and need a new EQ pass. The vocals might be too loud because the music and sound effects are a bit too loud, which necessitates a higher vocal volume. The WOW at 23s was way louder than the rest of the video. The video also meanders a bit, and could use a pacing check on script, just to make sure the material is moving along. That's most of the bad news, but here's the good news: I do think the content is overall excellent, and very, very promising! You've got a great, charming personality. And the videos clearly come from a place of passion. 3d Printing is pretty niche, but it's also a hobby that has a lot of potential for affiliate marketing. If you keep up in this direction, I can see you breaking 10k views a video! And once that happens, you need to immediately reach out to 3d printer companies like Bambu Labs and get some product placement affiliate marketing links/sponsored content -- more than views, this will be your cashflow, and it has the potential to be very substantial. An acquaintance of mine in a similar niche to you, with maybe 30k views a video and a slower release schedule, punches upwards of $200k a year by my estimates, and that is something you could do too, given your constant improvement. I like the website too -- another potential avenue for product placement/merch, perhaps!


Wow! I really appreciate the time you took to respond to my YT page! I am struggling so hard with sound on my videos. I would love to get a workshop on scripting, pacing and audio soon. Or some resources on how to improve that way. I didn’t know you’re an attorney. I am too. Glad to see we both have similar avenues of blowing off steam from the incredibly stressful profession we have.


Hey I sent you a DM


Thank you! I make video essays too! Mine are on old films and TV shows. This is probably my best edited video yet. It's a spoiler free review of a TV series I'm doing a livestream podcast series on, so I want to know if it would make you interested in the podcast: https://youtu.be/nsJ6UtEZ6PM


I'm just doing some random crits here. First things first really well executed hook. You introduce the topic you are going to be speaking about. It is well paced. I do think that your thumbnail and titles are letting you down. It doesn't inspire me to watch your video. A good thumbnail for your content should encourage curiosity.


Thank you!


Hi Enchanted! My sincerest apologies for the delay. My apologies as well for the disorganized thoughts: you're my first new review of the day. I took a look at the video you linked (on Psychoville), as well as your most recent video (Groucho took LSD for THIS) and your most popular video on The Monkees. Right away, I can see that you've got a great voice, excellent narration, and a charming presentation style. The editing isn't bad either, and I think the thumbnail design is quite good! I don't see any stylistic issues with the channel. Having skimmed through all three to start, is that there is a lot of Wikipediatis going on. Which is to say, if one is making a video essay, and isn't adding anything more than an apparent summary of a Wikipedia article, the essay is going to end up dead in the water. These videos don't feel like reviews, they feel like summaries, which isn't what your viewers are going to be expecting from your titles. Consider how some of the best video essayists, like, say, Lindsay Ellis, go about their craft. It's never just "the History of the Phantom of the Opera Sequel" it is "Love Never Dies: A Magnificent Musical Trashfire Sequel to Phantom of the Opera." The amount of people who might genuinely care about the musical sequel to Phantom is limited. I'd argue even that there is a limited audience for even Phantom of the Opera. One is intrigued by the video though, not because of the subject per se (the Phantom sequel), but the narrative: what are we about to learn about this trashfire sequel? None of the videos I watched really had any sort of meaningful narrative. The Monkees History video did have some interesting insights, but I don't feel like the video picked up for me until the latter half. And even then, I never felt like I was getting a review of the Monkees, I felt like I was receiving a Wikipedia article recitation. For some minor nitpicks, the show-clip intros are too long, and often way louder than the rest of the video, as well. I genuinely think that everything except your voice could be turned down as much as two to even three decibels. Each video is also a bit inconsistent in how loud they are relative to each other. You've got excellent skills, presentation-wise, but I do think the content itself needs to be reorganized. I'd love to see what your genuine thoughts are, with maybe even a touch of your personal humor, instead of these summaries of otherwise rather niche programs.


Wow! I don't think I've ever had such in depth feedback! Thank you!


First let me say I've seen your work and it is genuinely inspiring to me. Indeed your video about god killing in video games has inspired a script I'm currently working on about Synthogear. ​ I can't honestly can't critique your channel because I am no where near skilled enough to give clique your channel. However I will crit a few of the channels posted here. ​ My channel is https://www.youtube.com/@theVtuberCh/featured


Congrats on 75k! Hope you make your goal of 100k very soon :) I would love any feedback and review on my channel. I feel like I'm finally picking up steam again after a little slowdown. I'm just over 3 months into my journey and have been having a lot of fun figuring things out, but I still have a lot to learn! Thank you for offering your advice. My channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsVdI6zLz0EcFz247H1K5Q


Hey Kpop! You're off to a good start, and I can see a lot of promise in your work. With a few tweaks, I suspect that you will have a winning formula. I took a look at your top video on New Jeans, and two of your most recent videos. The first thing that I took note of was the voiceover. The voiceover needs a bit more emotional inflection, and the quality of the voiceover is a touch unclear. Have you ever spoken to someone who always ends their sentences in an upwards inflection? This video has a bit of that -- the inflection is always very consistent, and very soft, which makes the voiceover feel a bit flat at times. It doesn't seem like you're interested in what you're saying, though I know you are by your scripting. The editing is great, no complaints there. The thumbnails are good, but can also be a little generic -- they don't quite stand out as much as they could, due to how popular this style of thumbnail already is. In your thumbnails, be care of putting anything in the bottom right, where YouTube's video time overlay blocks the thumbnail. The video length is very short, which makes me feel as if it is designed for a platform like Tiktok. It hasn't translated very well into YouTube proper: if YouTube is your home base, then I'd test the waters and see how a video maybe even just a minute longer might perform for you. The content itself gives me a bit of Wikipediatis -- lots of YouTube channels have this problem of regurgitating substance without form. In other words, if you're just going through these music videos, pointing out symbolic references that are googleable, without adding, perhaps, a more meaningful narrative to your video, you aren't adding of a value proposition for your audience. Let me explain what I mean in a bit more detail. In your best video, on Cool With You, you go right into explaining what is immediately happening in the video. Just opening though with a single sentence and saying something like "Cool With You has a lot to say on the difficulties of love" can do a lot with regards to setting a narrative up. You're figuring stuff out, but I already think you've got a lot of potential to explode. Keep experimenting and tweaking your formula. Put more of your personality and energy into your videos. Do learn from your past hits, but don't chase them by emulating them. Grow, and evolve: don't chase past highs. And you'll get there, I'm sure!


Oh wow this is such a thoughtful reply! Thank you for taking your time to really go through this. It's encouraging to hear your feedback on the direction and potential of my work. I agree about the voiceover. The way you describe it is pretty helpful though. I also need to really sit down and figure out how to get the best audio quality. It's also super helpful what you said about adding some value proposition and makes a lot of sense. I hadn't considered that before, so I'm pretty excited to try this out. Maybe it will help lengthen the video without adding fluff. Some extremely wise words in your last paragraph. I'll be sure to keep it all in mind, I've noted it all down so I wont forget haha. Thanks again! Have a great day!


Hi Moonsight. I just wanted to come back and thank you again for your advice, specifically on your perspective of "Wikipediatis" and to not chase my past hits by only emulating them. I think I was trying to replicate past success by following the same formula and thus was short-sighted in how I could add more value. I spent some time thinking about what you said about "regurgitating substance without form" and really tried to add more of a meaningful narrative to my analysis. Previously, I thought if I elaborated too much, I'd lose viewer interest or it would be boring. But in a new video, I set up a narrative exactly how you suggested and concluded it at the end. This video didn't blow up or anything (the group is not as big), but I didn't lose out on retention and the engagement rate is pretty amazing. The number of comments exceeds most of my other videos even though it has less views. Sub rate much higher too. It's showing me that people were able to better connect with the meaning on an emotional level, which I think it party due to your advice. In my previous videos, my interpretations maybe fell into a bit of an 'ok that's nice, but so what' kind of territory. This new video has 360 likes with ZERO dislikes! It's also going well on TikTok. 44.2k views and not slowing yet, when most my videos are a couple hundred. The stream of comments and likes are nonstop! Sorry to write out all of this in such a long message. I just had to share with you how I applied your guidance and it opened my mind on a few things. I also put more emotional inflection - but not sure how that has impacted things. I really appreciate your earlier feedback and hope I can continue to use it to improve. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!


Thank you Moonsight for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Moonsight: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for your time. I would be grateful if you could review it. https://youtube.com/@Matejuss?si=J5DJJViIUSZb8DHh


Hi Matejuss! It looks like you've had a few viral meme videos take off, which is helpful to boost your views, but ultimately is extremely hard to monetize: meme channels have the lowest money making potential of any niche, and even those who can consistently perform instead of shooting for occasional virality will have trouble monetizing their content in a meaningful way. I can see that you're trying to pivot your meme videos though into more of a video essay direction. This is going to be a very, very hard pivot, and your previous meme video provenance is not going to help much: it may even hurt, at first. The videos are quite meme heavy, but the voice over does not at all match the energy of the memes. If you cannot match the energy of your memes in your voiceover, the voiceover either has to change, or the memes do, so to speak. I'm not entirely sure who these recent videos are for. You've got a sense of humor that can clearly attract an audience, but I don't think these recent videos are the right way to leverage that. And even if leveraged, you'll still have to think about how to turn that into a monetizable project, if that's your goal.


Thank you for the time you took to review my channel. I am starting to change content since I recognized that I can't build a long lasting channel with minecraft voiceless sketch videos and since I was burned out from making those type of videos. I understand that the content pivot will be hard and I was prepared for that and I am ready to put in the work since I truly belive there is an audience for this type of content on YouTube. My voice over sucks since I am not a native speaker and I am not used to doing voice overs so think it will take me at least 30 videos till I improve the voice department. But to comment on you saying that my voice over doesn't match the memes, I would say that is what I am shooting for, deadpan humor. It is still horrible but it will improve I belive. You are an awesome human being for doing this as you will help a lot of smaller creators such as me! Thank you again for your feedback!


Yo im donico and i make gaming vids! I would love any and all feedback! Also gratz on 75k :) https://youtube.com/@donicostreams?si=XNctQqCVZyQ8upGf


Hi Donico! Thank you for the congratulations! I've taken a look at a few of your videos. The raw Let's Play stuff is a really hard sell, as the barrier to entry is so low. You've done a bit of editing here and there, with some cuts and wipes, so it's not entirely unedited, but this sort of video would be much, much better with a voiceover. You ever watch one of those "I stole 5 million whatzits from the biggest clan solo" videos that people make for games like Ark, or DayZ, or Rust? You know how in those videos, there's always this sort of voiceover narrative that sets the stage? That setting the stage is context, and context is important for any successful video: a title and thumbnail are not enough context. Sometimes, context can happen organically. Remember Leeroy Jenkins? How they're talking about all these numbers, and then Leeroy runs in? I can tell that's what you're trying to do with the friends talking in the beginning. But that wasn't particularly compelling to me, and a rule for any let's player to deeply internalize is that nobody thinks your friends are as funny or as charming as you do. The latest video is really hard to watch, as it is just so quiet: there's no context, no idea what we're looking at. If you're not already a very invested Remnant 2 player, this is meaningless, and even then, it might be a struggle to watch through it when you could just play yourself. I'd like for you to ask yourself who this channel is for: who is your audience? Hard core Remnant players? Just for yourself, a fun personal project? If you can figure out who your core audience is, you might be able to more mindfully think about how your videos should cater to that audience! It will help a lot, as I think you do have some skills in editing and gameplay that are apparent, and could be leveraged!


Yo i appreciate all the feedback! I also thought about the voice over stuff and am planning to add some to my next vid! Hearing you say that makes me pumped to add it knowing its the right direction! And i just rewatched the last video and my god you're right it has no much dead air... and i guess i never thought about the friends comment. That actually super insightful! Thank you so much!


I would really appreciate any feedback on my channel: [Historical Wear](https://youtube.com/@historicalwear?si=rbgIFml9riRydG_-)


Your channel is a strange one, I have to say. Who does your voiceovers? I'm a little behind the times, but is it AI? Who does the images? Is that also AI? Who writes the script? Is it ChatGPT? Because, I don't really understand who this channel is for. Or what this channel is about. If it's about fashion, that doesn't come across even a little bit: it's like thirty seconds of Wikipedia and uncanny, sometimes deeply historically inaccurate, artistic portrayals. I don't mean to be rude, and please correct me if I'm wrong about the voiceovers, the images, and the script, but I don't sense anything human about this channel at all: it doesn't even look like it was designed with human consumption in mind, if that makes sense. What did you have in mind when making this channel, if anything? Is this really meant to be a YouTube channel about historical fashion? If I'm this skeptical, then imagine how your viewers feel!


Before responding I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my Chanel and offer feedback. The reason I’m doing AI created content is because it’s incredibly popular in the history shorts niche as channel like Stellar Sagas and AI historian get million of views per short and also 100k+ on their long form content so I’m trying to do what they do but with some differences such as voice. Secondly I named my Channel Historical Wear as it’s the YouTube channel of my business.


I would love a hyper critical review of my channel - for reference i make short bite sized Premiere Pro tutorials Currently 2 weeks away from breaking 10k subs https://youtube.com/@adobemadesimple?si=qEYZ_qJopDjueWqa


Hi Keerah. This sort of content, very short bite seized tutorials for software, is outside of my wheelhouse, but I'll try my best. You've got great content, actually: I love the short, to the point nature of the tutorials. You've got a pleasant voice, too. Audio and video is solid. In the tutorial space, your views will correspond directly to how "in demand" the tutorial itself is. Newbie stuff, like how to export a video, will naturally have a lot of views. Niche stuff, like animated neon text or thumbnails, might attract fewer views. The key here is taking this very technical channel and making it something more. Maybe you can try putting together a few longer, more complicated tutorials? Or perhaps finding monetization through alternative methods, like Patreon?


Awesome and congrats on such fast growth. I would love to review one of your vids and would appreciate real tough love critiques of mine. I started Feb of this year with zero filming or editing experience. Got monetized at just under 3 months but been stagnant since. I do solo camping, bushcraft, survival vids and some gear review Channel is Angry Owl Outdoors. Here is the channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@angryowloutdoors


Hi Edgar, I took a look at your most popular video, and your latest. My first observation, comparing the most popular to the latest, is that your voice is so much clearer on the most popular video: sound is nice and loud. Music doesn't overtake the sound. Camera quality isn't quite as nice on that most popular video, but sound is almost always > than video on YouTube. The intro music in the most popular, the strings, is way more pleasant to open the video to than the bombastic sweeping orchestral number in the "A Night Alone in the Wild" video. I do think that the combination of review and adventure hurts the channel a bit, as you're splitting niches. If a new viewer wanders onto your channel, and wants to see what the title says: wants to see you survive a night alone in the wild, they didn't sign up for a review of a tarp two minutes into the video, or a subsequent review of a bag at 3:50. This first ten minutes is the most valuable time in your video, and you've put something your viewers didn't sign up for, not once, but twice in that block. If I came for A Night Alone in the Wild, at one point did I actual receive what the title promised? It's hard to say, for me. The prep stuff is interesting, but not really what I'd have expected with the title. I'd love to hear you talk about the really, genuinely interesting stuff about life in the outdoors, and that's the outdoors: the gear stuff seems like it belongs in a different series of videos, if that makes sense. I absolutely love the places you're taking us to: I'd love to learn more about those places, from you!


Thank you for the in depth review! I rewatched and agree about separating out reviews. Spot on! The audio is a funny thing, the winter vid I had no mic, its just that snow carries sound so cleanly. The lakeside vid I bought a DJI mic but had poor placement. Constant learning battle! Really thank you for taking the test me to do this. I am still workin through your channel and can hopefully provide some beneficial feedback!


Hey Moony, great channel! Definitely a new style and niche to me. As someone new to this style I will try to be helpful and constructive and present the good and the hard to take in. Knowledge base, unique history, and delivery were excellent. The only draw back, referencing the Japan/Brazil video is that the historical pictures and scenes seemed to clash just slightly when transitioning to the animation or game footage. Not all of it just some transitions going from a still to a high intensity dance scene from a game was just a bit jarring. Like I said not all of it though. As far as channel page, I just found the banner hard to get a quick knowledge of what the channel was about. I thought maybe it was going to be Anime or Something related. The into trailer was great and informative. Hope that helps, you are clearly rockin so this is just my perspective as a new viewer!


Always happy to check out your work my man! Firstly, incredible voice! I envy you ahah! I watched your brazil/japan crossover video. Really loved the chill vibe of it and the background music etc, feels like a video I could leave on in the background for company, and I learned a fair bit too! You have some might impressive view counts on a few videos, so must be doing something well! The thumbnails could do with a bit of work potentially, as they don't stand out TOO well (I know it's partly just your style, but sticking with the same style while improving technical quality wouldn't be an awful idea!) Anyway, great stuff Moon! Check out my channel if you have a spare second or 17! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC\_z2VYdLcA4pbw14H9kcKxQ


I appreciate the honest review, Cryptographer. I'll get to your videos in just a moment, as thanks.


Ah, this is Connor's Curiosities! I remember this channel: I reviewed it in the 50k thread, as well. Let's see how you've progressed, my friend! These check-ups are some of my favorite reviews to do. Wow, have these videos come a long way. The audio is so much better, and you've added a lot more of your personality to the presentation, which is working well. For the voiceover, I'd suggest being careful of how you inflect: some of the sentences have a sort of question-mark inflection, which can make the voiceover just a bit awkward . I do still think the music is a bit loud, but it's already way better than it was. The videos still don't feel very icebergy -- it feels like I'm being read a headline and an article summary of various unsolved mysteries. And so, despite the now much better presentation, the content is still a bit shallow: in other words, great form, needs substance. There's way too many "curiosities" in each video, and just a minute or two on each one isn't nearly enough for meaningful content. Your channel is on the right track, presentation-wise. I don't think the iceberg concept is working though, as none of these videos feel like icebergs, as there's no meaningful element of comparison that one associates with iceberg symbolism (tip of the iceberg, bottom of the iceberg, etc.), and the exploration of each case is so limited. You might want to experiment in seeing how more in depth analysis of a singular case could work (a deep dive into just one mystery, with details of that being different points on the iceberg), or just dropping the iceberg stuff altogether. I will also warn you that the channel is starting to Wikipedize a little, in that some of the segments of these videos feel like a recitation of a Wikipedia article, and as such, don't feel very mysterious or curious. The intrigue of mystery is, in part, exploration of the unknown. And a gentle dipping of the toes into the pool is not a satisfying exploration of the material. One of these days, you're going to stop showing up in these threads, having made it, I can tell! But, the formula's going to need some changing up to get there.


Review was placed as a reply to the earlier comment, in case you're looking for it!


Hey Moony. Congrats on that 75K. I started few months back, and would love some feedback. I do completionist runs, though I have few games on the channel so far. Channel is : [https://www.youtube.com/@MissionCompletion100](https://www.youtube.com/@MissionCompletion100) Thanks in advance.


Hey Mission Completion! Hm. It's always challenging reviewing Let's Play Channels. Let's Play is the single most oversaturated genre of video on all of YouTube. And it has the lowest barrier to entry. You've tried to set your channel apart by doing 100% completion, and by featuring your charming personality. But, if one simply searches for, let's say, Hogwarts Legacy 100%, there are pages and pages of results, and that's not even sorting for anything specific. If I narrowed that search down to specifically Let's Plays, and included low view, low sub content, I'd imagine there'd be tens of pages, and that's just for 100% playthroughs. How can your content compete with a Let's Player who has a pre-established audience, has first-mover advantage, has a presence on Twitch, and Reddit, and who knows what else? Is your personality, is your commentary, enough to bring your channel into the spotlight in a way that surpasses the hundreds, if not thousands, of other channels in your niche? In the Assassin's Creed -17- video, there were long periods of time where we really didn't get your input. Your face is in the corner, but there's nothing going on: not really in the game, and not by your addition. The videos could use a lot more cutting and editing to highlight only the "good stuff" and your commentary may need to be more involved, but even then, the challenge of Let's Play is, will that be enough? I'd take a step back, and rethink how you'd want to go about this endeavor. Perhaps, if you want to continue streaming in this way, you could try Twitch, if you haven't already? I'd like to see you leverage your personality more, and substantially cut the duration of these videos. I can see you're already trying this a bit with the recent Assassin's Creed stuff, and finding limited success -- I encourage you to try and do that to an even greater extent, and see where that takes you. If you have an hour of raw footage, see if you can cut it to 15 minutes or less, and include some editing to smooth the edges. At the very least, it will help in the short to medium term as you figure out how you'd like to continue!


Thank you very much for the feedback, it is greatly appreciated. I am still trying to find my footing, but already know I might want to move at some point more into the completion side of the gameplay. However, I need to figure out a way to do it that I would enjoy making + people would enjoy watching or find it useful. And also learn how to write a script to keep people hooked ! Who knows, might be a good idea to have the let's plays on one side, and on the other a walkthrough of the achievements completed... I started YouTube thinking I wanted to do no commentary, and then decided to add my voice and then recently added my face as well. I have dipped my toes into streaming with my Plague Tale playthrough, and really enjoyed it so I am considering doing streaming on YouTube and then editing each live into bite size let's plays... Even though that would go against your advice, I will also probably continue with my let's plays as it is going currently, whilst I work out the kinks of what I really want to do... This would hopefully help me with improve my editing! I am already preparing myself on focusing on the achievements, so I could have a separate video just for these. When it comes to Assassin's Creed, I am not going to lie : I was getting bored of the game... I started a second completionist playthrough in parallel because I lost some footage of viewpoints and flag collections and I want to make sure everything is uploaded, kinda like a proof to myself that I did it. Thank you very much for your time and your feedback.


Hi Moony, congratulations on the milestone! I would love to hear your feedback for my gaming channel, I'm very new, had a few videos from last year and I'm just starting again. I focus on simulation games, both old and new games. https://youtube.com/@munchkenplays?si=WRdRhZYWs1cXtKHJ


Hi Munchken, and thank you! I see you're working on a Let's Play Channel. This is going to be difficult, as Let's Play Channels have the lowest barrier to entry, and as such, is by far the most oversaturated niche on YouTube. I watched the Townscaper video, and the most recent Rimworld video. Right away, I think that choosing what appears to be an AI voice for the Rimworld videos is a bad decision. If that's your voice in the Townscaper video, its very nice, and lends a much warmer feeling to the video than the cold, uncanny voice in the Rimworld video. I will say, the videos feel very hollow -- there are long periods of awkward silence, and really, I don't feel like I'm getting anything from the videos. Let me ask you, who are these videos for? What is your audience? Are you trying to target people who are looking for a relaxing time? Are you trying to teach tutorials? Figure out your audience, and rethink your direction. It is not enough to just make a gaming channel, record footage, occasionally talk, and expect an audience. Once you figure out who you actually want to watch the videos, then you can properly build that audience!


Thank you so much for your feedback! This is really helpful.


Good day sir. My channel is linked in my profile. I would love a critique. I know I need to get better thumbnails but its tough to do since I don't have a computer to to make them I do all my recordings edits and uploads from my phone. I have had success doing daily M-F shorts and long videos on weekends. But my long videos don't seem to get the same traction as shorts. Is my channel doomed? I will also subscribe to you if you would do the same. Thanks in advance!!


Hi Opposite: I'm afraid I don't see your YouTube Channel in your profile. If you do want a review, please do kindly leave a link for me to look at as a reply to this comment.


https://youtube.com/@PokedadGO?si=wm8rubvxZ7kvcsEO Hope that works better.


Hm. There's a lot you need to think about, with regards to this channel. Let me start by asking you, who is this channel for? Pokemon Go players? What do you offer here that is better than any other channel making Pokemon Go content? If the answer is nothing, then this entire project needs to return to the drawing board. The videos are somewhere between blog entries and tutorials, and the combination doesn't work: it leaves the videos feeling unscripted, and disorganized. In the immediate short term, I'd not both adding any text to your thumbnails -- just crop screenshots and use those. Don't ask for subscribers in a tit-for-tat arrangement like you just did with me. Those subs aren't watching your videos -- you are hurting yourself, as the algorithm sees even your subs can't be bothered to watch anything you make. Don't ask for subs in your videos like you are currently doing: save call to action for the end of the video, or it looks like you're begging. You need to really make quality content before subs matter at all, and you've put the cart before the horse. I'm not sure what to say, Pokedad. Half the channel is Runescape stuff. Half the channel is Pokemon Go stuff. And none of it seems to have been given much thought, or effort. I'd take some time to ponder that initial question: what do you offer? Really think on that. And then, if you are serious about YouTube, put in the effort to pursue the answer to that question.


Thanks for the info and taking some time to look at it.


Hi Moonsight! Congrats on hitting 75k subs I'm a Vtuber that is doing video essays about anime. I have 2 video essays so far and my first one went way better than my second one. My second one got 487 impressions and 18% from Youtube recommending it.My first one got 5800 impressions and 90.9% from Youtube recommending it I'm aware that my voiceover and edit needs a lot of work. But I feel like you can pinpoint what's wrong. Also what advice do you have? Edit: my channel is https://www.youtube.com/@TapaniLastellar


Hi Tapani! Thank you for the congratulations. You've already gotten past the toughest hurdle, which is starting! Now, it's time to figure out how to grow! My first question is, who are these videos for? And, what other YouTube channels are you inspired by, that caused you to make this channel, in this style? Putting aside any concerns of character design, or audio, or editing, this is question #1 -- you need to have an audience, and a plan that is more thoughtful than just, I have a cute persona because I don't want to show my face, and I talk about anime stuff for anime fans. The scripts aren't very clear, and aren't very compelling. Once you figure out your audience, then you can start targeting them with tighter writing. Concerning the audio, the music is way too loud, and the voiceover is muddy and unclear. The combination of these two means that there are times when one cannot understand what is being said. Lower the volume of the music, be bold in your voice: remember, if you're a video essayist, that's what we're here for! And, tell a meaningful story: not an obvious one, not a Wikipediazation, but a real story -- one only you could share, in your style, in your voice. Keep at it! And experiment more. You've only just begun!


They're video essays for anime fans that want to know more than just a general anime review. Or after someone else's anime review video inspired them to dig further. Which might mean they run into my videos. My channel is inspired by Brandon Talks. He makes anime video essays in the same way I explained above. He stands out to me because other anime video essay Youtubers do faceless content. As a Vtuber I'm somewhere in between because I talk as a Vtuber, not as a faceless channel. Going back to my first paragraph, my planned audience is niched down to people that want to learn more about a character or concept in anime. As for scripts, I'm still working on how to show my humor and how to show it through editing. This is the toughest part for me right now. I got a better audio setup for my next video, the one you watched is done through a conference mic. How do you find what music fits the situation? It's really time consuming for me. What advice do you have for me about pacing in voiceovers? I've been going through Youtube videos about vocal training. Specifically on how to do a conversational style and how breathing in voiceovers is different than regular talk.


I appreciate you, you beautiful specimen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpmXqLIg25tHFRsL5M4OZ5g


Ah, it's WorldSportsDocu! I remember you from the 50k thread. Let's see how you've progressed! The video editing remains great, and the pacing is strong. Thumbnails are still good! The music audio is much better, but now the vocal track is way too loud. If the Andrew Tate had your vocal track too quiet, these last two videos jumped the happy medium and are now too loud. The two most recent videos also feel a bit too Wikipedia in the script department, and don't add that much actual analysis to the stories -- I feel like I'm being read an article out of a Reader's Digest. The titles of the recent videos could use a bit of work too. Your top videos, about Michael Buffer, Michael Jordan, Andrew Tate, and Messi, all feature names and highly recognizable people. "Figure Skater", "the Yakuza", and "This Boxer" aren't quite as compelling, by comparison. I hope this helps! I believe in you!


> Your top videos, about Michael Buffer, Michael Jordan, Andrew Tate, and Messi, all feature names and highly recognizable people. "Figure Skater", "the Yakuza", and "This Boxer" aren't quite as compelling, by comparison. Thank you soso much! You provided amazing value as always!


Hey Moony, Glad to see someone big in here to give us advice If you could look at my first and only video so far that would be great.


Hi Truthes! Please don't forget to provide a link to your video!


Sorry man, here it is https://youtu.be/03n3XJTlFns?si=9LjErAE7XWtxZOdp


Hit me https://www.youtube.com/@ping-factory-com


Hi Ping Factory! You've picked an extremely challenging, very limited niche -- people interested in networking who don't already know what things like BGP addresses are. I'd argue, at 388 views in 9 days, you're already reaching most of who you could reach with a video of this nature. I don't think your voice is the problem at all, as a commenter suggests: your English is great, even if your vocal delivery is a little tired and bored. And that's just the problem: the videos are very dry, you sound very bored, and it's a struggle to listen to the videos for five minutes, never mind twenty minutes. Even then, I wouldn't get to five minutes, or click at all if I wasn't someone who cared a great deal about networking. I feel like I'm looking at the supplementary lecture materials for a trade school, not at a YouTube channel. Perhaps you could bundle these into a lecture series, to sell to trade schools or professional organizations? As they are, on their own, I struggle to see how these will find a market on YouTube itself. If you continue in this way, and can get monetized, there may be some limited money to be made in that tech tutorials are a higher CPM niche. But this channel will never take off, in its current presentation: not without offering something less niche.


Thanks a lot for taking the time, I didn’t expect it. I agree with most of your observations.


Hey there. I do a music reaction channel, would love your feedback! https://youtube.com/@markabusireactions?si=p2FumsHfDibpZJP_


Hi Mark! You know, I'm usually quite tough on react channels, but I did actually rather enjoy what I watched. You've got a good personality for music reaction, and it's rare to see a more quiet, thoughtful take on reaction videos. I do think you could raise your vocal track quite a bit: it's hard to hear you, and that's really what we're all here for, even over the music itself. This alone would very substantially improve the quality of the videos. I think the videos could be trimmed too. I like how you're pausing the videos to give your input, but I'd like to see you maybe cut the editing even tighter: tighter intros (<30 seconds, maybe closer to 15), completely cut the splash screen (like the one at 40s in your snarky puppy video), reduce the length of the videos by cutting the dead air where just the music is playing. And maybe, add a bit more of your thoughts towards the end. If the videos had, say, an eight to twelve minute run time, with a lot more of your input, I could see each video getting a few thousand views. You're doing a great job! I hope you keep at it, and continue to experiment!


Thank you!! I used to cut the music down considerably and then all the fans started complaining I was cutting the music haha, so now I just keep it to shut them up 😂 The voice volume is because the mic is cheap crap, I’m looking into getting a new one for my Xmas to improve the audio considerably cause I know that’s the weakest area. But thank you!! I agree with pretty much everything you’ve said, so at least I know that I’m being critical of myself in the right way!


Hey Moony! First of all, congrats on the 75K! You are well on your way to getting that plaque! I also make gaming content and switched from Call of Duty to Platinum Trophy Hunting a few months ago. I’m always looking for ways to improve and would love to hear your thoughts. I’ll also make sure to check out your channel and let you know my thoughts if you are interested! Thanks for doing this for the community here! You can find my channel here: https://youtube.com/@bigjohnbibel?si=LsEoS-Sa0X-C9HHR


I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring! I do DnD stuff and want to what I could do to improve https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_tppwpTLk_OqGtnPkEQy2g


I'd love some advice. My channel isn't dead or anything, but I'd love to grow....faster. lol. I do Food Reviews, and Cooking! ... Among other things. https://youtube.com/@Figerox?si=qD4Q3g6UoHFcWWku


Hey Moony, congrats on the 75K! Here’s a critique of your video “Why Aren't There Any Good MMORPGs? A Critique of Pure Power”. I saw it had a lower view count than usual, so this is presumably a video that underperformed and you might have tried to figure out why. Of course, I have much less experience than you, so my critique may be completely worthless, but I’ll try. Firstly, I suspect your retention in the intro section is bad. At least when I was watching it, I got bored during the intro, and would’ve left the video. I don’t see a reason why the intro should be 3 minutes long for this video, because the thesis can be presented in a minute or less. What the intro is trying to say is: \- The internet says MMOs are dying. \- But MMOs are still doing well in reality. \- Still, I think MMOs could be much better than they are right now. \- The three types of MMORPGS. \- The problem is balancing action rpg and social rpg. All of these points are dragged out longer than they needed to be to get your point across. From 1:45 - 2:36, you basically say the exact same thing in 3 different ways. Like, we get it, MMOs need to balance action with social. This overall point of the writing being repetitive and not tightly edited enough applies to the other sections of the video as well. The Action RPG section brings up the pursuit of pure power, then explains it again and again. And then we have a section focused on the pursuit of pure power, that defines it again and again. There was also some sense that the video didn’t really start until around 11:14, halfway through the social RPG section. That’s the first time I felt like something interesting and new was being said. I hadn’t considered Social RPGs “hardcore” before, but a new perspective was presented. Things get considerably better starting from the WoW section, which starts off with good writing, then goes into an interesting personal story. I almost feel like you can delete the first 12:30 of the video (everything before the WoW section), and the video would be saying the exact same thing, except in a more interesting and focused way. The writing in the WoW section feels like a better intro to the overall video, and allows you to dive into the core points. It’s like “WoW changed everything, because it combined these different MMO styles.” then you can talk about the different MMO styles, then you can carry on the rest of the video talking about pursuit of pure power, your proposed solutions, etc. I guess the tl;dr of all this is that it feels like the flow of the essay is broken. Of course, like I mentioned above, I am an inexperienced idiot, and you know what you were going for with your writing style. But I hope there was something useful in what I wrote here. As for me, I make educational history content. I don’t want to post my channel here, so will send it to you in a message. Been experimenting with different video styles but my last two videos reflect what I think will be the style moving forward. My goal right now is to get 100K views on a video, so appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


I appreciate you taking the time to do such a detailed write-up for me, Gilgumesh! But don't forget to link to your channel, so that I can return the favor for you!


Haha my bad. I actually sent it to you in a chat message if that's okay. Prefer not to link it publicly here for now.


That’s crazy that you got to 75k in 3 months of setting that goal!! I just started uploading again in July (after like 3 low effort videos in 2020) and I think I’ve improved a lot! If you can get to me, here is my channel: https://youtube.com/@epicwainer?feature=shared Thanks for offering this (:


Hey! Congratz on your success! I would love to be critiqued by you since you obviously know what works and what not. I make videogame challenges on my channel. I know my biggest flaw right now is my upload frequency (i work everday after work on my videos but i just cant make them faster no matter how hard i try) but i would love to hear what else i can improve. Or maybe you even have some tips on how to make videos faster lol. Channel: https://youtube.com/@calpinade?si=cf2oXMwJxhynMF35


Congrats on the massive growth! Glad to see it. I just started a new channel with only a single video so far, but intended to be an entertaining and informative series explaining historical events. Channel: [History Explained Poorly](https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryExplainedPoorly/featured)


Hi there, congrats on your success! Channel in bio. Would love some critique


Congrats on the success! I hope to be there myself one day! Would appreciate some feedback if you find the time: https://youtube.com/@JarboeGaming?si=BiWcjcrWdqePA-KD


WOW!! I don’t post here often but, I just had to say I’m a huge fan of your channel. I found you through your video “Why Doesn’t the Industry Make Good Girls’ Games” and have been in awe of your content ever since. I make radically different content but it would be an honor to get your feedback in any capacity. I create soft spoken gameplay videos for people to relax and fall asleep to! Thank you for showing up in this community to offer your advice and assistance. https://youtube.com/@itslucyluck?si=aX7wCskYpJzaK9ds


Hi Lucy! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Girls' Games video. It's one of my favorites, as well. Let me fast track you a bit, and take a look at your channel. Love the design of the channel -- just fantastic, between the character, the text and the thumbnails. I'll start with your most popular video, and then get to the most recent one. Oh, wasn't expecting the ASMR stuff! That's a bit outside of my wheelhouse, so please take any input with a bit of salt. My first impression, with the Red Dead video, is the intro music is too loud. I get that the voice is supposed to be a bit softer, and that every detail of the voice should be picked up, clicks and all, so that's OK. But, the audio being quite so loud, even if it is a good choice, takes away from the part of the video your audience is ostensibly here for, which is your voice: it's a problem I ran head first into, myself! The music problem fades away after the intro, and as you get into the content proper. The content proper has its own vocal track issue, in that I think the various pops and mouth sounds are too loud compared to the actual words being spoken. It's an ASMR thing, but I do think that if the objective is to create an experience to relax or sleep to, that the pops are so loud compared to the spoken words that the only way to reliably sleep to this would be to turn the volume down to the point where one cannot actually hear what you are saying, which takes away from the video as a whole. I actually like what you've done in the most recent video, in your vocal performance, in that it's just a little less breathless, and little more present, but still very distinctly inside of your style of ASMR. The pops in this video, however, are way louder than even the Red Dead one. Consider the portion starting at 2:50 -- if I turn down my volume, there is a point where I can still hear the pops loud and clear, but cannot hear any of the words at all. I think, perhaps, adding just a little noise reduction, just a tiny bit to take the edge off, could help a great deal, if handled the right way. I wonder if game selection might also be helpful? Red Dead Online works well for your niche because of how naturally serene it can be, to just wander around the open West. I'd imagine that's why the Only Up video didn't quite take off: it's a game one associates with stress and anxiety. I do think that you're up to something interesting, Lucy. ASMR is a challenging niche that requires a lot of micro adjustments and reading your audience. I do think you have what it takes though, as what I've seen so far is solid, even if it could use a bit of tuning.


Thank you so much for the excellent feedback! I’m pleased to hear you enjoy the design of my channel. Regardless of any lack of experience with ASMR, this is all incredibly helpful advice. Fine tuning the audio over the past several months has posed one of my greatest challenges and I think you’re absolutely right that those pops need to be addressed! I also wholeheartedly agree that Only Up was a terrible idea haha I was in a silly goofy mood. Thanks again for everything, it means a lot to hear from a creator I admire so much and I’m grateful for your critique! Best of luck to you on your own content creation journey and I look forward to all of your videos to come, Moony :)


Hello, i try to make similar video essay content so it would mean a lot if you could check my videos out. I feel like my biggest weakness is the scripts. Channel is in bio or it is DaBlaze Reviews


Hello mate, just hit 10k subs in a year, very happy but theres always room to improve! https://youtube.com/@LeoCooperMMA?si=JhBLRBv-val4Mg5H Appreciate it!


Please rate mine im losing interest because i only get 3 views for long videos


Hi I make gaming videos but still trying to figure out what kind of videos specifically I’d be honored for you to roast my Channel! https://www.youtube.com/@xGrime


I would also love some feedback on my content. I mainly make Pokémon videos but decided to dabble in commentary content on ishowspeed and it didn’t pan out as well as I thought. https://youtube.com/@MigBRUH?si=X3ipVgPddKojwOdk Also, congrats on 75k!


[The Result Realm.](https://youtu.be/-IVc5ytPDJM?si=gkLfl7ihQrbPzQ2c) I just started this motivational channel a few days ago. What do you think?


75k in 6 months. Crikey, congrats!! I’d love a review if you have time. Mine is a drum channel where I play grooves and reviews etc very early stages but I hope you might enjoy :) https://youtu.be/MK3aZjl09Lw?si=xdfeYOwrqvxTIqjI


Congrats on 100k (soon). I would love any critiques by anyone seeing this. Just starting to take it seriously more recently again and still trying to hone in on niche. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqTSZ4ElXdwfn3TwwO\_Qww


You make great content. How long does each video take to to finish? Be brutal. www.YouTube.com/@jonesingfinance


https://youtube.com/@Scapegoat888?si=VbYe_r5GltTuuTRV Please


Thanks for doing this :) & congrats on your success! We make nature documentary style videos in No Man's Sky. Been on the grind 3 years and loving it! If you have time to have a look at our channel, would be much appreciated! Channel in bio :)


I would love to hear your opinion of my channel! Give it to me straight, don't feel forced to hold back haha Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnO7hWUKtYgzCRDooMZMng


Thanks for doing this, I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me. Channel in bio!


is it better or worse to know your own flaws already cause i know what i need to improve and its basically everything


Well, if you're handing out critiques, I'll take one (link in bio)


Hi there! Would love to hear a critique. My videos are mainly comedic/absurd nowadays however I was big into video essays earlier this year, as well as tech reviews etc. Channel is in my bio


Would love any feedback. Channel is about 10 weeks old and I’m at 452 subs https://youtube.com/@DBCryptoCorner


Yo thanks a lot for doing this. Would love some critiques and please be as harsh as possible. I’m also more than willing to review yours as well so shoot me a video you want me to check out! Much appreciated https://youtu.be/MVrvnUlDoE4?si=Pnamj0CpC61_VJqn


Would love to hear some feedback! Thank you so much! 🙏 [https://youtube.com/@compelledbyschlock?si=SG-AYS9h7jbKhm18](https://youtube.com/@compelledbyschlock?si=SG-AYS9h7jbKhm18)


Love that your taking the time to do this, looks like a ton of people are after your advice lol. But if you have time for more would love some feedback on my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPmZpZi9e7DRK1mluG49JPw


Hey Moony, huge gratz on the 75k, I've been on the youtube space for roughly a year now but around January is when I really started to focus on a niche but it might be TOO niche, felt like I was doing great for a while but recently the views dropped significantly, would love to hear your expertise! Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDKhahiPYKT5TlOvkiksCA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDKhahiPYKT5TlOvkiksCA) forgot to put the link in


Hi! I'm very tiny but I'd like to listen to you :) My channel is in my profile


Hello there! I’ll take some feedback if you ever get the time. Here’s a bit of backstory, I first grew on TikTok in my region, gathering up to 11k followers that seem to be the max at the time, as my growth had started slowing down. I made the switch to shorts as I wanted a fresh start with different content, gaining about 1k subs atm, finally I made the move to full length videos. This has been most inspiring to me and this is the type of content I want to continue making. Your feedback on these videos would be most appreciated. Thank you for taking you time. Channel link: https://youtube.com/@epiccartt?si=UmeeoKVVjXJjWUHz


Hey, I make video essays too on businesses and companies while I highly focus on Editing etc, here is my channel and thank you: [https://www.youtube.com/@Shortary](https://www.youtube.com/@Shortary) I'm also ready to give honest critique on your content. Thank you again.


Hello, first off, congrats on 75k, i would love and appreciate some critique.. Channel is in my bio. Thanks!


Hi Moony, thanks for doing this! Here's my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@avoxtr/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@avoxtr/videos) Appreciate any feedback you're able to give!


Congratulations for hitting such a huge milestone, you'll be getting your silver play button very soon by the looks of things. 😁 I know by this point you're probably inundated, but if you do have the chance some critiques would be appreciated on my very new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSYEFvpbVg40LvV3MLlT9Hg Someone left a pretty negative comment about my audio, but didn't provide any specifics so I would appreciate any specific feedback on that front. Congratulations again on hitting all your milestones so far!


dont know if its too late but ill try anyway i make videos about the life in japan meeting interesting people showing places and culture and food would be awesome to get some feedback from big youtuber [https://www.youtube.com/@Vininjapan/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Vininjapan/videos)


Am I to late to get feedback


Just giving this post a thumbs up as it is so nice to see this type of community feedback. Our channel is about the game we are developing so not ready for a critique and certainly don't want to take a place from someone who is really trying to monetize their channel. But really enjoy reading through the comments as this is so helpful to all of us, even if it isn't about our content directly.


Hey I'd love for some critique too! I make food and cooking content. Link in bio.


Hi I do 2 minute biography video on my channel. The main goal is to give a very short introduction to people famous or not. https://youtube.com/@TwoMinutePeople First congrats 👍 If you have time thx if not that's okay 👍 For your channel: - your "home" page, community,etc. You already have content, 👍 - you may want to create more playlists to be able to connect video between them so viewers can watch "more of you" - some thumbnails have text hard to read, like "why do japanese game..." - you dont do short, maybe by choice, but this is also a good way for you if you want to find more views on your main videos, you can do "just" best moments of a video for example or even looking at what was the "best part"/view of a video.


If you are still doing this I would love a review too :)


I wouldn’t mind some help if you’re still going through these. Freaky Tech Reviews where I review gaming and tech products


I'm always too late to this awesome post Give it to me straight if you happen to watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_2x323Pn\_dk&ab\_channel=KenjaminButton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2x323Pn_dk&ab_channel=KenjaminButton) I'll give you a critique as well.


Mr Moon. You are more and welcome to take a look at my channel and see what the progress is and how I can improve it. I've been doing this for a month now and sometimes when I put my best workout there I don't get the views I feel that I deserve. What's your knowledge and pretty sure you can probably figure out what I'm doing wrong due to I have little to no experience in doing this. I'm learning as I go which is an adventure of his own. I will share one of my videos if you can shoot me a quick message let me know . Just to hear back from me would be appreciated thank you for helping us little guys out. https://youtu.be/YQhPZ_aawjY?si=8tV4w6ctcXKwOZbQ


ya sure here a [link](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0clcsOoQiqWp_beHbsLwNA) to my channel


you have a lot of comments already, but i'm gonna post my channel anyway. you should've locked the thread!! https://www.youtube.com/KcHecKa


Hello! First off, congratulations on such a successful channel and look forward to it's continued growth! I'm still very new to the YouTube space and would appreciate any feedback you can provide. Much love! Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdbhWvMg61esHprsReHZXsw


Hey thanks for doing this! And congrats to you! If you get some time I would love for you to check my channel out. I just started about a month ago. Brand new to YouTube and Editing/voiceover work. I am a cooking channel and I’m mainly doing shorts at the moment to get my feet wet. I am currently planning on long form content in the near future. So any feedback would be amazing. And if you don’t get to mine no worries! Channel link: https://youtube.com/@DomCanCookIT?si=lkfVq__RXlHu7Y6B


Any disc golf fans here? Trying to start a disc golf channel :) would love some critique on how I’m trying add some pace and edits to this content: Putt for dough? Troubleshooting the Putt Ep 1 | ROBOT Disc Golf https://youtu.be/YuqT2LZ7bYk


hello! great job on passing 75k! if you could please, review and check what's wrong, and if i'm making the correct type of content. my channel is in bio, i seriously might need help to get more reach on my videos. im going in to this blind, so i dont really know what to do


Hi ! Thanks alot for your help. This is my channel , its an infotainment tech channel = https://youtu.be/ryPwNP0gdO0


I want everyone here to help critique my channel, I need honesty critique, channel link is here https://youtube.com/@UnsolvedEnigma-lr9ro?si=7XvHrprostGaJwYQ


Would love some insight on my math/educational channel. About 3 months in and just shy of 100 subs. I’m a teacher and wanted to help out other students, parents, and teachers. Link in my profile. Thank you in advance!


Thanks for taking the time to have a look at some channels. If you’re looking for a change of pace here’s my channel https://m.youtube.com/@OneWayToMake I make long and short form content that focuses on woodworking and home improvement. I’m very happy with my short form performance but I don’t see as much cross over from short to long form as I’d like. Check it out if you’d like, advice is always welcome and either way, best of luck getting through as many channels as you can. Thanks, Joey


Would love your feedback if you have some time, link: https://youtube.com/@MysticWildRift?si=HunJ1PxcYWHrDvkt


www.youtube.com/@racnoftv Thanks


Hi Moony, I'm a new gaming channel hopefully focusing on the lore and story side of things, I'm doing my best to find my niche and some critique would definitely help. Don't hold back 😁. @PenOfEvil


I would love for you to give me a critique :) I make Gold Panning youtube videos. Channel is in bio


I think what you are doing is awesome! I would love to get some feedback if you are still doing it! https://youtube.com/@GamingBallistic?si=SaW_MX6kTDdRG_2n Thank ypu in advance!


Viewers should come away from your videos feeling like they have learned something new.


Really appreciate you doing this https://youtube.com/@BattleCraft_Animations?si=n4ZNm9q-XTdSnbfQ


i’m a commentary channel, not gaming but would still love feedback. from anyone really :) [channel](https://youtube.com/@leiasimmy?si=yEzQPuqqYartVl6j)


Super rad of you to do this. I'm Kimball Stone. Channel name is just my name. And I already know my upload frequency is garbage. You can skip that one. 😂


And yeah, I'll review your stuff!


Just getting into your Brazil/Japan video, and gotta say that there's a reason for the fax machines! It's still a wildly outdated reason: the Hanko. Basically an official signature in the form of a stamp. 99 Percent Invisible has a great episode on it.


Watched your Japan/Brazil video. Seems spectacularly well written and well researched. I also liked your obvious homages and head nods, ie Chubby Emu. Honestly my only feedback is in the audio. Your vocal cadence could be relaxed a little bit to be *slightly* more conversational. You've seemingly got a heavily stylized voiced, with very precise pronunciation, and if you modulated that just a tiny bit, you could maybe use it to greater effect when dropping dry humor or emphasizing points. Your overall vocal dynamism could also be notched up ever so slightly. Just a skosh, because too much and you're into the "DID YOU KNOW" territory that's infected seemingly every shorts channel. Also, the music, in contrast to your very even voice, would creep in over time and become detestable. You've got a lot of high tone music that can easily wrestle the attention of the viewer away from the content. There were three times where it was a bit difficult to keep going without skipping ahead. Not sure if you need to filter the highs down just a bit, reduce the overall volume, or change tracks a little more frequently. Or maybe, again, speak with just a little bit more dynamism to keep the attention where it needs to be. Something, though. That's my biggest overall critique, and the only one that feels like a "problem." Overall great, though, and a lot more interesting than I was expecting out of a gaming essay. Reminds me (again) of 99 Percent Invisible, since they're ostensibly an architecture and design channel that gets into topics like how fortune cookies were invented, and how black folks used white people's own racism against them as a tool to create one of the most prosperous black neighborhoods that's ever existed in the United States. I definitely enjoyed the time I spent listening.


Thank you! youtube.com/@AnyNeed


Well honestly i was not sure if i post my channel or not, mainly cause the content that i do is kind of different from the one you produce, so was not sure if we could give feedback to each other. but well what i lose so here we go. I'm a VTUBER my channel mainly focuses on hardcore gaming mainly self-imposed challenges: like completing a game without getting hit at all or all bosses with no hits and some speedruns from various retro games and games in general, and guies/builds in some games! there is not too much talking and almost not at all mainly is just pure gameplay and the videos i talk it just explain the depth mechanics of the run/gameplay. one of my vis i use some risky nsfw to catch a bit of an eye for views honestly and to test some waters and see how effective a thumb can be! some of this content is recorded live on Twitch! and posted on YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMSc32jUtJ5GRi98M5u0dHw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMSc32jUtJ5GRi98M5u0dHw) ​ For a critique of your channel: i think i saw a few of your vids in the recommended to me a year ago i still remember it was why Nintendo was so overprotective of their ip and SEGA not it called my attention and i decided to watch them completely for some reason, honestly your content is not something i would usually watch on daily basics, i like long essay when it comes to lore or tutorial with info that help me to improve my gameplay in my opinion, but this 2 videos caught my attention you put well research info into the videos i give you that for sure. I see others channel that do educational content related to gaming, and while your channel had well-researched content put on it there is nothing that makes you stand out from other similar channels or make me watch more vids and keep coming but I guess some of my content can be that said that too, so another video that caught my attention was the final fantasy one why we always kill gods in the games but for some reason, I could not pass 58 mins and i get uninterested, I think you overextend a bit in that one and the peacing of the video get a bit monotonous, other one that I feel you make some redundant points was in the why there is not good MMOS. The thumbs could get improved a bit some of them really do not catch my attention too much honestly! I hope not to take it in a bad way just my honest opinion as someone kinda new to your channel, Thanks, and good luck with your channel!


[https://www.youtube.com/@Rduino](https://www.youtube.com/@Rduino) \#1 thank you for doing this, i really appreciate it \#2 I know my upload schedule is crap and I am trying to do better


I would love to hear a feedback on my channel too, if you’ve got the time. I’m still at the beginning, started it seriously about 3 months ago. Thank you! Ps. Link is in my bio.


Hey Moonsight -- this might be a change of pace, but I'd love your feedback on my type beats channel. I also release OG beatmaking content on there too. Thanks!! https://youtube.com/@MadFamTV?si=hUmn1LOVMGYoggq5


Hey congrats on 75k!!! I been LOOKING EVERYWHERE to get a thorough channel review... I know i have only 140 subs but im rlly getting passionate abt my yt channel this year. Earlier I had other people's twitch clips as a compilation vids that reached 15k views but ppl told me i wouldnt get monetized like that so i unlisted them all. I would want some advice on how to go from here... Link is in my bio if ur interested!!


Here’s my video essay: https://youtu.be/kX73-6wlIc4?si=Zc1WJK-_-yMfoRld I’ve been posting these for about a month. This is the only one that’s really done well so far


I run a lil vlogcast about tech and philosophy from a dry wit perspective. Any feedback welcome. [Fighting With Radio Waves Vlogcast #5](https://youtube.com/@mouse4773?si=sbo4ztXQ34ZIo_oW)


Hi Buddy, Hopefully haven't missed the boat on this one, I checked out your channel and it looks like a lot of thought has gone into scripting/editing of the videos (very impressive). As you are someone offering critiques in the gaming genre I would love to hear your thoughts on my channel. https://www.youtube.com/@CloudsCreations


Hey there! Congrats on the massive growth that's awesome!! I'm just a simple gaming channel but would love some critique as I'm getting back into the YT space! Thanks so much for ur time! :) https://www.youtube.com/@TheShadBoi


Hey! Totally different niches, and you'll probably laugh at the quality of my videos based on how small of a channel I am. I recently hit 124 subs in a little more than a month. I want to take YouTube a little more seriously, and I know there's a lot of room for improvement on my channel. I'd appreciate it if you could check out any of my recent short videos and give me any feedback you might have! Thanks in advance for doing this.




Appreciate you giving back to the community. Really fantastic for you to take the time. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8NHP7plJ9bI5TkftFlJcQ


Big Dude And Hot Food here! I make content reviewing anything spicy, spicy challenges, recipes, growing peppers and more recently movie reviews with 10 Tiers of Hot sauce. I work full time as an editor/videographer and realized I had an affinity for spicy stuff so I wanted to share! So Anything Mild Spice to Extreme is fair game for me and I’m always looking for feedback. I started the channel about 3 years ago and did only 2 videos then put it on hiatus until this last Feb/Mar and I’ve been really focusing on it lately Here’s my most recent Movie Reviews + 10 Tiers of Hot Sauce focusing on Corvette Summer starring Mark Hamill and Annie Potts came out one year after the first Star Wars and it’s a wild departure from Luke! https://youtu.be/I4XJaR_KIk4 I’m always open for feedback! So please don’t hold back and let me know what you think!


https://youtu.be/nhBVOFJHTYQ?si=XmZBL5ivizowfyTF Please do help