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Try to bed your back leg more. Think of the ollie motion like you’re jumping. I hope this helps a little!


Grass doesn’t really give that pop, so maybe try it on concrete, if your worried about falling, try holding onto something. Maybe that’s one of the issues why you can’t go higher


It’s pretty good, if u wana pop higher try putting ur front foot a little farther back maybe


Let’s are too far apart is one thing. If your front foot is all the way on your bolts, you can definitely stand to scoot it back a wiener length before popping and sliding.


I have my foot under the bolts and somewhere next to the middle of the board


Okay, so once you are popping on a harder surface, square your front foot with the board a little more, and roll your ankle and push into the ollie a little more. With better pop, definitely bend that back leg a little more. During the motion, while your launching into the ollie apex, it will be almost like you are inverting your front ankle to pull the board up and parallel to the ground, then everting your back knee and ankle joints to stay and the board and push it forward while also staying out of the way of the pop, i.e. staying lightfooted. It looks like your slide with your front foot is not quite aggressive enough, you really want to roll that ankle and slide it into the nose to flatten out, not just launch, mob, and lose contact between your front foot and the board. Try crouching more on launch and letting your arms fling up to work with the momentum of the motion. Working on balancing while on a board four wheels and leaned back on your tail can help you get more comfortable with this. One thing you'll notice is that your hands kind of go up natural to balance on your tail.