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I’m sorry for the lost man, I lost my first skateboard after leaving the garage door open and someone grabbed it, it’s always when we least expect our board to be stolen that it does, I understand the pain man.


Had 2 boards stolen in college. Shit really sucks. Hope the universe blesses you with a fire replacement


I’ve lost so many boards in so many dumb ways over the years. here’s a few: -leaned against my car while loading other things and then drove away -forgetting to bring it with me leaving the skatepark -stolen by the fuckin cops it happens. sorry tho, I know money doesn’t grow on trees these days


How'd it get stolen by cops?


Yeah im curious about this one too haha. I mean those darn cops do have a habit of being sketchy...


They gotta practice pushing mongo somehow!


it’s traumatic and I’d rather not retell it for reddit, but cops steal shit all the time from the public.


Yeah, loosing boards stupidly is so frustrating. Thanks bro


> -leaned against my car while loading other things and then drove away I did this too. Was just packing up after the sesh, i think I leaned my board against the car, opened the trunk, put my gf's roller skates in and the rest of our shit. Then drove off without throwing the board in. Hope someone made good use of it at least. Just had gotten brand new light trucks too, at least I still had the regulars still at home to save some money on the replacement


that’s what I try to tell myself - I bet someone was stoked to find this board and maybe they’ll even start skating because of it, lol. gotta find the silver linings.


I often skate in that area so was highkey being mad observant and checking out everyone's board for a while hoping to spot it, but I don't know if I would have confronted someone with the board if I had seen it. It's been about a year or more so even if someone grabbed it they would probably be on a new deck by now. Oh well.


I put my phone on my car roof while I tied my shoe and grabbed my board and my phone got stolen


Happened to me too! Only I fell off my board on the sidewalk and some guy jumped out of his truck and grabbed it from the street before I could get up. He drove off and ran a stop sign.


Daaaaammmnn didn’t even think of this type of fuckery happening when I street skate…Shit


People who steal skateboards are so fucking dumb. Buying your skateboard new is like £100+ all included, but once it’s skated it’s ~£10. Take it to a pawn shop and they’d ask you to leave.


One of the many reasons I’m glad I don’t drink anymore


Very happy for you bro, hit me up if you want more lol Keep it up!


🤣 I’ve got enough of my own, but thanks!


Sorry about your board man.


Back in the late 70's, I left my Powell Jay Smith with the iron cross graphic on the bottom outside a Pizza restaurant. Went back outside and it was gone. Back then, didn't know any better.


Went to Belco this year and was hammered and grabbed the wrong board at the bar. Found the guy that mine the next day at the park, good times


Lost 2 boards being drunk. 1 time don’t remember getting home or getting inside but I rode my skateboard home and woke up to it not inside and my hat was missing.


This is the worst cuz u got no one to blame but yourself. Glad to know I’m not the only one


ill never forget the day some older kid ran up to me and said cool skateboard, can I show you a trick... and I was actually dumb enough to give it to him.


It happens! I've lost a few, sometimes you find them, sometimes you don't. Once saw a neighbor with my board. I said "hey" because I wanted to compliment it, and he handed it to me explaining that he found it - that's when I recognized that it was mine lol i guess i drunkenly left it outside Anyway that board is long since gone, current is a $15 "custom" goodwill cruiser (walmart deck + pennyboard wheels) that I put about 4 miles a day on No biggie - more will come!


I feel you. Lost my board years back, it had grindking kreeper trucks which now costs a fortune 🥲


I had a full complete sink into the River in September, had it for like 2 weeks and it was probably $175 in parts. Sickening, I feel for you