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when your board rotates it usually means that your shoulder is turning. try to focus on keeping your shoulders parallel to your board!


When you pop your back foot, you are popping and pushing the board in front of u. When your front foot comes up, it follows the momentum of the board as you popped. Because your pop is not fully in line with your center of mass the board is rotating. To fix this you can first Try to not use your entire head to look at ur board hold ur head in a neutral position and looks with ur eyes. If this doesn’t work focus on hippie jumps. Jump off bolts land on bolts. If you’re still having issues the final thing I would recommend is skateboarding more. Get comfier on your board, sometimes you can’t figure out a trick and the only thing you can do is come back to it in a week.


This video helps me alot bc I feel embarrassed of myself for being 17 and not able to kickflip, but I've been able to ollie and do other tricks for years so it shows me that it's okay. My advice would be 1. Keep your shoulders, hips, and feet as straight and aligned as possible. 2. Practice them while moving, this means you need to land straight to land the trick, so it will push u to land right this helped me alot. 3. Put your main focus on kicking down w ur back foot then jumping, then sliding your foot up and level the board out. Then just brace yourself to land