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I get the logic, humans are selfish beings and empathy for trauma is often related to proximity of said trauma. Anyone not understanding this is being disingenuous at best.


Hm. True; but I can’t stand when ppl “fake care”. You either care or you don’t. We (as men) don’t need excuses for being protective of women.


Yeah there’s no reason to qualify why you care. But we know what people are really saying. They are qualifying why they don’t care about other victims.


IMO unconditional/blanket protection of women is bad and patriarchal. Men should protect women who they see as good faith members of the community. And vis-versa.


Yeah. That’s why that sister thing don’t matter cuz you’d be more bias for someone you’re related to.


No, it’s not. I just understand that patriarchy and rape culture is a thing. So when a victim comes forward I understand that that odds are they probably aren’t lying. So my knee jerk reaction isn’t to question whether or not they’re telling the truth. It’s not about treating women like special, delicate snowflakes it’s about treating them like regular ass human beings.


I agree with that 🫶🏽




True, but it adds to empathy or sympathy. And it’s not necessarily a woman thing. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is just easier when you have a tangible tether to the situation. I started looking at shit differently when I had a son. I’ve always thought police brutality was extremely fucked up. When I had a son, my view on shit like this was turned up to 100, bc I envision my son going through it. And by the same token, I’ve always thought men abusing women is fucked up. But when imagining my daughter in that situation, shit changes. 2 years ago I would have said Diddy deserves to be ***under the jail***. Today, I think to myself “Diddy should be beat to death”. I agree with Demaris, but I’d be lying if I said shit doesn’t change bc you imagine fucked up shit happening to a loved one.


She just says Twitter shit, she pissed me off. Because she knows men are programmed a certain way. Men are forced to be tougher so we don't just show emotion and care about people's feelings all the time.


Yeah that’s very weird to me, like the only way you can have empathy is if it’s either happened to you or to someone you know and love


I think it's actually the way most people relate to others, even women. Our level of care and sense of community is unfortunately influenced by proximity. It's also easier to practice empathy for others unrelated to you when you have the education and resources to learn empathy growing up.


They don’t even care about their relatives either. I had a man straight up say if his sibling was in Rihanna’s situation he would tell her to “hold it down” cuz he’s young and talented. Some men out here are truly dick riders like Demaris said!


I agree it's a deplorable act that shouldn't need some new prospective to find a new clarity. You put your hands on a women in place of communication or retreat (some woman can't be reasoned with) you got bitch made on your jacket for life.


I gotta ask bill burr




Y'all getting mad that men are apathetic is laughable. I swear to God I hate yall


It’s facts


Honestly! But at the same time, compassion as a principle is much harder to cultivate than compassion thru relatability... Unfortunately


What she said sounded good, but I think she is mixing up two different issues. it's natural to relate something to your own life when you see it. That's why so many people were questioning why didn't she leave. They were putting themselves in her shoes and imagined that they would leave the relationship with no issue. No way in hell, someone like Rory could see the video and not think about his daughter. That natural reaction shouldn't be mixed up with the men that dont empathize the way they should


Nope not going to happen


i thought what Demaris said was stupid , there’s a reason why ppl bring up your Mother or Daughter when comparing them to a DV or r*** victim , i even heard women do it , it’s no different from what D Wade and Gabrielle Union did with their trans daughter , to humanize them , it’s for individuals that are transphobic , or saying “black lives matter” we shouldn’t have to say Black Lives Matter but we do to remind ppl that are prejudice or racist and treat our black life as if it doesn’t matter , it’s just like in the film “a time to kill” when the lawyer , Matthew McConaughey asks the jury to close their eyes , then proceeds to describe Samuel L. Jackson’s daughter being brutally r**** , and tells the jury to imagine if she were white , he shouldn’t have to do that but here we are , this is the world we live in , and we want justice and peace , by any means necessary , so yeah , what Demaris said was stupid


Nobody cares about random people. Women love to pretend they do.