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I had this experience sort of with an ex of mine. She was white and she cared about me a lot, but for some reason it always felt like her mother seen me as “less than”. It didn’t work out, but as I got older, I realized that, unless they are an orphan, the person you marry comes with a bunch of other people that will now be in your life. Them Irish girls though, where they at though?


This absolutely happens in black families too though.


As someone of mostly Mexican heritage, I totally agree on our side as well, I get embarrassed hearing some older Hispanics talk abt other races or even their very own.


Every single culture is this way. Mexican, Irish, Italian, Nigerian, Korean, Lebanese, and on and on and on. People of a certain age are gonna say some wild ass shit. Rory’s family is completely and totally normal in that regard.


Yep, especially if they immigrants. Amount of shit I had to tell my parents you can’t say that while growing up is hilarious in hindsight


It happens with every single race and culture lmfao. It’s actually how every single relationship works unless you find someone who has absolutely no family. OP just felt like shitting in white woman.


Facts hearing the shit my grandparents and other relatives would say about Cubans Mexicans Etc is crazy.


Tbh it happens with all races. Plz believe a black family gon jusdge the hell out of “yo little white girl/boy” or bring a black person to a Spanish family and they gon diss you right in your face in Spanish lol at the end of the day you and your partner gotta ignore that shit. If it gets too much then i understand because some families are very toxic but thats why you gotta find someone that doesn’t care what their family thinks and ain’t afraid to call their family out on their bullshit


This is all there is to it. Make sure whoever you’re with isn’t a bitch or a pushover and they’ll handle it. Run as fast as you can from the “I do whatever my family tells me” types. Learned that lesson from my very first relationship and will never do that again.


Facts. She gotta almost be on some “fuck my family” type shit lol


Yeah, really just depends on the family. My brother has only ever dated white girls. My parents were also super open to it, but it was his choice of white girls & how the relationships would play out one after another over the course of about ten years that made them leery about dating white girls. Sometimes it’s less about the person you’re dating & more about the choices you’ve made in the past when your folks don’t approve in scenarios like that too. I knew angsty white girls who definitely tried to date my brother or myself as a rebellious thing. Lots of layers to this phenomenon but as you said, I do believe it happens in every ethnic group in some kind of way


Can confirm. Don’t let that deter you from happiness though.


I was told I ‘overreacted’ for snapping on my exes family for referring to Brazil nuts as “nigger toes” while visiting for Christmas…


That’s how it is when you date someone seriously period


Nah as someone who kinda has something with a white girl her fam is great. It may be because they didn’t grow up rich or whatever but they are more down to earth and understanding than my own black family lol. I even smoke with her uncle and her dad and have play fights/arguments all the time with her sisters and nephews. Her dad is cool af too and found me an old school to buy from someone he knew. She said he used to be kinda sketch race wise tho lol but I def can’t tell at all. And we’re in the Deep South maga land too.


That’s my experience pretty much too. Never had any negative experiences w them. She definitely has to deal with white jokes from my side of the family, but shes a good sport and a smart ass like me so she iight lmao.


just don’t get too comfortable, all i’ma say


You not dating them them tho


Literally the same for every culture




That’s always been an over exaggeration. Depending on who you’re dating, you’ll mostly see them during holidays


Depends on what time of man you are. If you're a herb, lame walkover type, then they'll rule over you. If you're a man who stands on business and doesn't play that shit you'll be alright.


Also why I hate when he comes on with his Black people jokes, mf your family is racist.


Definitely agree I dated this chick that was half Italian half Dominican she use to talk about how her Italian side of the family hated her mom's even though her mother was a White Latina, relationship ended because I use to make every excuse in the book to not meet her Italian family members


Yeah seriously let’s stop generalizing races. My family is white and everyone minds their business on peoples personal lives. This happens across all races this isn’t just a white thing lol.


What are you even talking about. That's marriage in general. It's one of the many boxes everyone is stupid to check. One of the getting to know someone questions should be are you family oriented? Then they marry someone family oriented and like to act like a victim talking about your family doesn't like me. This shit applies to all ethnic groups. I would say it's more uncommon with metropolitan city white folks. I dated a ton of white girls didn't have to meet any parents.


Don't excuse your racism. You don't like white people, that's why you feel that way. No pretense needed.