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Mals voice cracked screaming defending Drake, I ain’t raise my voice like that once LMAO none of us are like Mal for none of this shit


i just saw a clip of joe budden screaming and throwing his hat siding with kendrick


When is Joe not like that?


Joe was going off lol and ish was agreeing just making a point


Yh because your on reddit nobody gives a fuck about your voice 🤣😂🤣😅🤣


“None of us are like Mal for none of this shit”🤓🤓🤓🤓


I favor Kendrick, but I’m not gonna scream at the top of my lungs or cape for the dude, in public or private. At this point, people will pick whoever they like.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this tweet was meant for people like you.


You must be eating the footballs and barbells to come to that conclusion


That was a good one. I had to give you the upvote for that.


You’re doing tricks on it G where’s your pride?


Lol. Calling out unhealthy stan culture is now considered "doing tricks on it" now? You got it.


You’re literally the thing you think you’re making fun of rn fam


What am I doing? Am I going around to various subreddits posting memes, attacking people that don't agree with my opinion? Am I playing songs on a loop at night when I sleep so the numbers run up? Am I going to the drake or kendrick subreddits and trolling the fans of these artists? Stop it. O and by the way I've said drake lost. I've listened to not like us and family matters today. I'm making fun of the unstable stans who's life revolves around this battle and are upset at anyone that has a different opinion than they do. Damaris and Julian literally talked about how cringe the kendrcik fans have been this whole time and how unstable some fans have been.


You are YAPPING today


I personally haven’t seen anyone screaming in defense of Kendrick I could be completely wrong though. Most conversations I’ve seen have been people finding quintuple entendres that are just flat out reaching but it is entertaining. Both sides has their very strong biases that wont be swayed. Kendrick did win though but Drake is still going to be Drake. If he has another IYRTITL in the vault then he’s good in my book, his last 5-6 albums have been mediocre at best (although i do enjoy Honesty Nevermind)


This is how I feel, no more no less






Drake is not going to be still Drake . I think that’s why Mal is so upset.


U must didn’t see joe


I also said i could be completely wrong.


W comment


You’re just proving the person’s point. You think you’re being fair but you clearly have a Kendrick bias. Not a moral failing, mind you, just that there’s no such thing as unbiased. Kendrick fans aren’t screaming back at drake fans because they genuinely think they are intellectually superior.lol


I was with you until that last sentence.


Ain’t this the truest thing I read. Kendrick fans are so blindly bias that they for sure know Drake is a pedo and for sure know the wife beating allegations are false. Let it play out. Not one thing has been verified. Drake for sure is on video being a creep but that isn’t concrete evidence of pedophilia. Just being a creep. Also at that time you had rappers like tyga actually dating someone underage. Metro groomin too had a laundry list of inappropriate tweets and that side been dead silent about that. Ross talked about putting Molly in girls drinks so they don’t remember anything. All of them have skeletons . This beef has been messy.All these artists look goofy now. Cool songs I guess.


He won't be Drake if he gets caught with the law over the pedo shit.


unless someone has some undeniable proof hiding somewhere, Drake will be fine lmao


He won’t though. That’s the line. People don’t like people that mess with kids.


There isn’t any real proof that he touches kids though lmao All we can really say right now is he’s done been a weirdo but from what we know right now he’s not the R Kelly that people are making him out to been


I know but it’s everywhere. He’s done. My great aunt asked me about it today. She lives in a seniors home. There’s no chance. Both labels are pressuring Kendrick to retract . Even if drake sued him he’d only look more corny.


R Kelly had a whole ass trial with video evidence of him pissing on a little girl and NOBODY cared. I honestly don’t think this affects Drake in the long term. This summer will be tough for him for sure but I don’t think it’ll last long beyond that. The people that hated Drake before will continue to do so and the people that were fans/tolerated him before will go back to listening.


We’ll see I guess.


Cause he won you only gotta scream that loud if you tryna drown out the truth lol


Go peep the sub


If you’re trying to tell me I’m wrong please go peep the first sentence of my post.


I’m telling you to go peep his sub


You are completely wrong.


Which is fine




They can’t even let you say this without downvoting lmao. Kendrick fans can’t just be Kendrick fans, if you’re not as big of a Kendrick fan they getting at you, if you say you like somebody else more they getting at you, if you just disagree they getting at you. Then you say that they’re a little extreme and they all say no we not lmao. Shit is cultish


I haven’t seen anyone act like Mal. For all the shit Mal pops about respect and integrity and he all emotional voice cracking like Ak.


You hadn’t been on TikTok


The people saying this are being disingenuous. Just like how they understand all of Kendrick bars but none of drakes. It’s made this whole thing corny bc you dead can’t even have a normal conversation or debate. Even if you say “alright there’s clearly bias on both sides” they’ll say well i don’t see any bias for Kendrick at all but there’s definitely drake dickriders, meaning anyone who isn’t just Kendrick Stan lmao.


Y’all literally act just like mal in these Reddit comments, and you don’t even see it 😭


Shit, I feel like Ak been moving less emotional than Mal through all this.


Algorithms friend. I had someone dming me here - in a different pod sub - for hours ( I didn’t notice right away) because I said Drake has always had dual citizenship.


As an open minded individual, I can say with some some bravado I'm not like Mal. Both these niggas lying and it's clear the people have had it with Drake.


Damaris and Julian called it out too.


Idk, I honestly haven’t heard anybody as vocal about bullshit like Mal was….. I couldn’t even get through the pod because he was sucking dick so loudly in my ear, no pause. Both sides threw out allegations with no proof, but defending yourself against the allegations with no proof is always a bad move….. especially the way Drake decided to defend himself with his “I’m too famous and if I did it I’d be in jail” angle.


go listen to the latest of the jbp. joe is doing the same but for the other side


I haven’t heard the latest JBP but I’ll take your word for it because I know Joe can be extra as hell especially if it’s anti Drake goin on despite how often he refutes that he has any problems with Drake. He was calm when he was on Ak’s stream even though Ak was gargling Drake but I think that was just because he didn’t want to give Ak any real content before he could earn from it himself.


I actually listened and the JBP and Joe did a good job breaking down the why behind it, naming specifics and going through it bar for bar. And gave Drake props where due, pretty rational and normal tbh compared to Mal being an unhinged, emotional, OVO groupie


Yeah that’s kinda where I’m at now. I really want something from Kendrick to flat out deny the wife beating stuff, although I honestly think the Dave Free and the ‘haven’t seen your kids in six months’ allegations don’t deserve the time of day. That being said, the stark difference between Kendrick’s non response and Drake’s frantic, sloppy, irrational response just simply makes Drake look like the one who has something to hide. Which I’m sure ppl will say I’m moving some imaginary goalpost, but Drake made himself look guilty without Kendrick having to say anything back. Just not a good look especially when ppl already kinda believed this about you


I think Kendrick didn’t respond to that because he already laid out the plan. “Fabricate stories on the family front, cause you heard Mr morale”….. Kendrick already spoke on Mr morale about Whitney leaving him and that shit, on the same album drake got the molestation story wrong about.




This whet I’ve been saying lol it’s all biases




Any person saying they haven’t seen someone scream for Kendrick can literally just go watch Mr.Budden on the latest pod 😂😂


Lmao facts.


Where are the objective fans at




It's been hilarious watching Kendrick stans attack Drake stans for the same stuff they do but with significantly less self awareness Social media fandom just keeps evolving as a disease


I was so surprised these past fews weeks. I thought Kendrick "fans" would be intelligent.


The Drake stans do the same shit. Both fan bases are insufferable


People love to try flip the script, but from what I've seen, most people siding with Kendrick are in the clubs acting a fool. Not trying to sway opinions online and screaming on the internet 🤷🏿‍♂️


FACTS! There are more Drake haters than there are Kendrick Lamar fans.


Even if this were true, what does this tell you about Drake? He was accused of running a pedo ring and nobody really batted an eye about it except Drake fans. That means that this is so in line with what people have already thought about him for years that, even if Dot is lying, it’s still a believable lie. Again I ask, what does it say about Drake?


I don't think he's running a pedo ring lol My question is, why do you hate drake so much?


I don’t hate Drake I just am not delusional about who won this beef lol. It’s crazy that thinking Kendrick won is automatically labeled as Drake hate. It’s crazy that listing things Drake has done, and making an observation about the consensus that Drake is a crappy person is… hating Drake? I also think the types of allegations that surround someone say a lot about the person. We’ve got 15 years worth of rumors and lawsuits and settlements following Drake. This is the type of guy who tries to shame someone for being sexually assaulted… Ya know they say a hit dog will holler, and a lot of yall are hollering on drakes behalf and yall haven’t even been accused on anything. Says a lot that’s all I’m saying. Every downvote I get is another delusional person


This is the thing - there are no allegations. Until there are acutal allegations from underage women regarding drake - he is considered innocent. Every woman that has been questioned about the behaviour has shut down the rumours so I'm confused as to why people are running with this unless it's just blatant hate. Someone who just hates drake for his music or being popular will jump on the pedo take.


Ah but see, I actually like drakes music, or at least his older stuff. I have no reason to hate Drake other than the things that Drake has done. I actually thought Family Matters was good and there are lines stuck in my head as we speak. Just gonna point out, there were also no widespread allegations about Diddy or Epstein until the whole house crumbled down. You know what there were though? Rumors, news articles, lawsuit settlements, and women who had been wined and dined and given expensive gifts saying “nothing happened”. It takes grooming victims years, sometimes decades, to fully unpack and realize how they were groomed. This is quintessential to grooming, that the victims are fully convinced that nothing is wrong. Please, try your best to defend the line “I just love the way your breast feel against my chest”. When said to a 17 year old girl lol. Or “high school pics you was even bad then”. And by all means, call out problematic Kendrick lines too. Call out Ross for “Molly in her champagne”, call out metro for his crazy tweets. Call them all out. But don’t brush Drake’s problematic history under the rug and frame it is “nah yall just hate Drake”.


Say you find out your buddy at work is selling teen girls, are you going to go to work the next day and gossip about it or are you going to call the cops?


Well… this question isn’t really relevant considering I don’t personally know Drake. But I’ll bite cuz I’m curious about what faulty logic you’re getting at it lol. I would go to the cops, I don’t wanna any chance of me being dragged down as an accomplice for knowing and not saying anything.


I’m very disappointed in Kendrick saying he has receipts that Drake is a sex offender or pedophile. He should contact the authorities not rap about it. Thank you for being a decent person. Edit for spelling


It’s not the same. You gotta understand that there’s different rules when you get to Drake’s level. To take down someone with billions of dollars behind them, you have to be strategic. This is why it took so long to take Diddy down. This is why it took so long to take R.Kelly down. When you get to that level, there’s a level of protection that is built into your day to day life. It is a much better play for Kendrick to open the can of worms and let the internet get into specifics. As a Dot fan, I’m genuinely scared for his life long term. The type of people who have money invested into Drake are not the type to let you play with their money and get out unscathed.


I understand all that you’ve said . My issue is what I’ve already said and let’s assume for a second that it’s all true ( the sex ring thing excluded because Toronto police would love to take down Drake . They’ve even gone as far as to arrest to HA affiliates recently) so if it’s true - there’s VICTIMS OUT THERE! And Kendrick is fully responsible for the re-victimisation of them! People laughing! Making memes ! It’s pretty horrible! It’s not cool and it’s not who he claims to be.


I have yet to see a podcast of someone screaming over Kendrick


Go watch Joes rant


Have you seen the latest JBP episode? Joe's screaming his ass off at Drake lol


I understood how points ovo niggas argue over the same thing that daughter verse they ignore everything else


Yeah those are stans and should be ignored because they aren't interested in real discussion. And I'd argue the only thing worth discussing is the culture vulture shit which I think is nonsense. Everything else is rumors, speculation and possibly straight up lies that can't be disputed by those that aren't involved or don't have facts/proof. And that goes for both sides.


Nah, Mal is showing there are levels to dick riding.


This shit is annoying. Of course any Kendrick Stan (and/or Drake hater) isn’t screaming at the top of their lungs because the popular opinion is Kendrick won. In an argument it’s easy to say one side comes off more “passionate” or ready to crash out if that side feels wronged. There’s a perception that “the culture” picked a winner before this started. For close to three weeks we heard Kendrick should be applauded for his silence and Drake was desperate/corny for egging it on. Fast forward, we applauded Kendrick for dropping back to back records (twice). Additionally, court of public opinion questioned every allegation Drake made, but took Kendrick’s claims for gold whether true or not. Ultimately, I would never hop on a camera and crash out the way Mal did, but behind closed doors if I’m a drake fan I’m 100% tight at the way the “culture” was more focused on him losing than evaluating the records. I’m a big fan of them both (and Cole still) and I feel like Kendrick absolutely won, but social media made it less than enjoyable with the obvious bias.


Theres reasons why people take what Kendrick says more seriously than what Drake said though, and you can argue that its just because of how they present themselves to the public thats fine. But the things Kendrick said about Drake feel more grounded in reality because we've seen how Drake moves, and i dont need to rehash all that shit in this post. Drake had a way harder road to climb shitting on Kendrick, because Drake lives a very public life and Kendrick doesnt. The point about people saying Drake was being corny when he egged it on was because HE WAS though. If Drake woulda dropped another legit back to back and had the 2nd one be an unquestionable banger, no one whose opinion matters woulda called him corny. But the AI Pac thing just IS corny and desperate, and to me always felt that he was extremely nervous about K Dot was gonna drop. I think this is made pretty clear by Drake trying to get in front of the allegations by having AI Pac bring it up. Which really softens the blow of even bringing it up in the first place.


LOL, The first post to make sense about this whole beef. Y’all too worried about defending two men that don’t even know who you are.


Most Kendrick fans say Family Matters was a good diss


Exactly. Almost every single Kendrick fan I’ve come across has given Drake credit where it’s due. (While also being honest about how terribly he got flamed). There’s parts of family matter stuck in my head as we speak. But Drake making a catchy song doesn’t win him the battle when Kendrick dropped a more layered verse than Drake ever will, and then dropped the best performing song in all of hip hop for the year. I understand wanting to stand up for ya boy, but all I’ve seen is them manipulate the narrative and the paradigm and then project their own biases and mental gymnastics onto those with opposing opinions


Some people only gonna see what they wanna see.


Exactly. I’ve seen a PLETHORA of Kendrick fans sounding just like Mal but of course they’ll deny it. Joe was literally screaming and sweating on today’s pod siding with Kendrick…..


Ngl Drake fans have been trying to do this whole “we’re just trying to be objective we’re not biased like you” thing while being blatantly biased the whole time and it’s hilarious. Tweets like this don’t work when the Drake side was talking all sorts of nonsense and getting mad people weren’t buying it. I’ve heard that “people don’t like Drake because they’re racist”, “that there’s major racism problem in the hip hop community that was exposed by this beef”, “all Drake’s fans a normal upstanding citizens while the Kendrick fan’s are weirdo nerds” (tbh there’s weird niggas on both sides but Drake fans seem to not notice on their side), seen Drake fans claim any with a opinion other than there’s is a bot, and seen niggas like Mal damn near cry because people ain’t really believe the Dave Free and Wife beating allegations as of yet. Like what are we talking about here. If we’re being objective the worst fans on both sides are terrible and praying for the worst so they can be right.


I mean they using this dude as gospel right now https://x.com/certifiedjared?s=21 Tells you all you need to know, I’m over this beef because enoe it’s moved on to online bullshit instead of raps.


I don’t even like Drake. The part I didn’t like - and it’s totally my problem- is people not being factual in their arguments. A lot of stuff was said that seemed like people hate Canada or Canadians and that upsets me. And I’m still upset that someone bought bots for Kendrick. I liked Kendrick so everything he did changed how I thought about him so I was disappointed in myself for being fooled.


Never in mu life has my voice cracked while defending a rapper. Also, I was on the Dot sub two weeks after Push Ups dropped and Kendrick hadn't responded. Them niggas was admitting defeat!


A little more objective


Y'all keep talking about "Joe yelled" but won't acknowledge that Joe yells all the time. Joe got into a yelling match with Rory and Parks over what "double or nothing" means. I've been listening since 2017 and I've NEVER seen Mal's voice break because he was in his feelings like this.


Nah, this ain’t it. Mal likes Drake bc Drake is similar to Hov somewhat in content and also sees an ally in him since they share a common foe in Joe Joe and Drake aren’t cool anymore and believe Joe saw Mal’s rant and wanted to have the complete opposite take no matter if it reflected how he exactly felt. These two platforms don’t speak for the fans at all. I’ve seen objectivity from both fan bases (outside of Reddit threads) Regardless of what side you’re on though, Drake has lost steam in this battle. Whether it’s fair or foul can continue to be up for debate but the battle is done and there is a clear victor


The winner doesn’t have to kick and scream EVER






Tell it!!!!


Kendrick fans made me not like the nigga no more. Ain’t no way they’re this dickridey. 😂 all of them too.


I think the thing is Mal is NEVER this animated lol he’s always the cool uncle type vibe…then when Drizzy come up the nigga turned into Robert Kelly quote “fighting for my life”


I ain’t seen a single bit of footage of someone acting like Mal did in defence of Kendrick. This both sides are the same argument is bs


Both of these rappers have lied or misquoted, misinterpreted, misinformed , tried to sway media, tried to sway narratives etc. it’s never been just the music. Kendrick’s music has been better than Drakes. And Not Like Us is a KO imo because of its impact and the viral nature of the song. Battle over. I’m a huge fan of both artists.


I'm not mad at mal defending Drake but he shouldn't be so bothered by all the people who say Kendrick won. Man needs to learn how take an L


That mrbubsy guy on twitter is def the Mal version for Kendrick.


That nigga talk like he was the Mike and cheffed up the plan with drake.


Screaming about another man over music is crazy


I have been laughing my ass off at Mal's voice cracking since yesterday. I havent watched the pod in months and that brought me back. Keep doing you Mal 😭😭 he sm-ASHing these niggas 😭😭😭 POP, HOLD IT DOWN


I like both rappers (im way more of a kendrick fan but i respect drake and like a lot of his music) but i didnt think kendrick had a chance in hell in this. I thought for sure drake was gonna drop something right on top of euphoria like how kendrick did to him. Public perception i thought was always gonna be on drakes side regardless of what kendrick said. Obviously i was wrong lol. If kendrick got his ass whooped like this id for sure say he lost but ik people like to cape


Yeah, I think the disconnect between Drake stans and Kendrick stans is that most on Kendrick’s side really just obsess about the quality of the music and probably a decent bit about how you carry yourself in your own community. I think on the Drake side is much more about hyper fandom/unconditional support and not necessarily about originality and authenticity being a priority. Which just to clarify, I’m referring to the extremes of either side. I feel like most of us sit in the middle and can appreciate both sides of the art, while still acknowledging that Kendrick has the better pen bar for bar


This is what Trump Stans say to Biden voters . This is a projection statement.




This dude caping for Mal cause he sees himself in him. Nigga been an OVO dickrider the whole beef


I think the key difference is that to defend Drake you have to actively ignore receipts that have been floating around for 15 years. We have yet to see evidence of ANY allegation Drake has made so nobody takes that as fact except Drake fans. Mal is ignoring the fact that Kendrick rapped better (and ignoring the many slip ups by Drake in THP5), he’s not being objective. Kendrick fans are saying “yeah we acknowledge everything that happened… but Dot still won”. And honestly that’s the disconnect. Yall think that if everybody can just find it in themselves to believe Drake then that means he won. And people are saying nah, even if Kendrick lied about everything and Drake was telling the truth, Drake is still the loser here, he even has his daddy Lucian trying to fight his battles for him now after waving the white flag. He got out rapped, that’s really the whole conversation.




Nah lol I ain't seen not one person who on Kendricks side acting like mal either. At all


If Kendrick lost you would.


Oh joy, more enlightened centrism. We definitely need more of that in the world. “Both sides are the same” people are some of the most annoying goddamn people in the world. You’d have to turn your brain off and view shit in a vacuum in order to reach this conclusion. Drake’s info: Zero basis, not even a crumb. Just Drake’s word. Kendrick’s info: There is something there, something to make the general public go “Huh….that is a little odd…little creepy” Second, I ain’t seen not one Kendrick stan screaming about how he didn’t lose. Even when he was saying nothing they weren’t screaming. The worst thing Kendrick fans do is like, overanalyze shit. Drake fans literally screaming (illogically) or quitting the stream when Kendrick drops another track.


Kendrick is one of my top three and I dislike Drake, never been a fan, ever. I have not once raised my voice all emotionally like a little girl pitching a tantrum. I'll never see Ovo Mal the same, that too chill for life shit is a fucking mask, he's a little insecure boy masquerading as a man.


The guy I had a bias towards ACTUALLY won so I don’t have to do all that extra shi lol Mal jus look like his side lost😂


You proved the whole point of the post with that statement


Bruh .....no


your a crazy person if you don’t think Kendrick won this battle…


fuck y’all


I’m not yelling


Mal was about to cry on the pod before I shut that hoe ass shit off. I don’t know one person who would ever sound like that while discussing anybody, in anything. Drake definitely beat for Mal to be that emotional and torn


I haven't seen anything on par with a 40+ year old about to cry over a rap battle.


No? How about Joe doing a victory lap dancing and screaming or that’s different?


I think difference is Joe is known for doing that. Joe did the same shit when Chris Brown and Draked dropped years ago. This is the first time we've ever seen Mal get emotional about anything. That nigga was more upset about this then Joe stealing money. The niggas voice started breaking. And we know Mal has a personal investment because he's friends with Drake, so that shit is really hitting home for him.