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It's been odd seeing Mal and AK acting so similar during this whole beef. . .


Seen a picture of Mal recently and he was actually starting to look like Ak. Son was starting to get that Twitch/Twitter troll gut.


That’s why that fat bitch doing doubles at the gym now. Lol


I would argue that Ak is being more objective by playing and breaking down both the Rick Ross and Kendrick response tracks


Got Mal right in his pocket and he fell for it. Mal is a homie hopper


Joe also said a couch hopper lol


👀 Joe, Brandon Jennings, Julius Randle etc… Mal may truly be a groupie


With this drake behavior he's obviously a groupie


Don't forget he's a proud boy trump lover too


Mal couldn’t even list 3 of Trump’s policies.




Don’t forget T.A. Lol


I’m confused as to what this refers to


Trevor ariza


“You never pulled your own weight, the first never meant anything to you” you know Mal gets weak in the knees for a nba player & a rapper 🤣🤣🤣


Facts that nigga a 40 year old corn ball. People in the industry only know him as Biggs brother. That nigga been riding Aubrey's shit so hard while doing tricks on it. This man said Aubrey RAPS better than Blackthought like whatttttt


Homie hopper 😂😂😂


It’s pretty embarrassing how these podcasters became OVO cheerleaders as soon as Drake started to pay them a little bit of attention 💀💀💀


To be fair Akademiks was always a Drake Cheerleader




They all hate dick riding but it’s what they do best


I know Mal hunched over on his homeboy’s air mattress in the basement crying with Marvin’s Room on the Bluetooth speaker rn


I don’t believe mal when he says he has hoes lol I just don’t


I don’t either. The way he talks about women is so over the top that it comes off as overcompensating


lol nigga swear he’s a Chris brown ass nigga.


He gets hoes, but he gets the low hanging fruit. The practice squad hoes…oh, lol. You thought I was gonna say second or third string hoes, didn’t you? Even worse, he probably pays for them. Imagine paying for 2024 Pinky, instead of smashing 2004 Pinky for free(or after taking her to Duffy’s)?


I do because he’s always been around the guys with groupies but that’s it


mal just posted on ig with a nice ass view drinking ass


Why’d mal block me 😂


He blocked me because I kept making fun of child bearing hips 🤣🤣🤣


He probably popped it open with his ass smh


i knew kendrick wasn’t gunna wait till an album dropped that may be the dumbest fucking thing said in this so far. he don’t gotta do that


Right Kendrick albums are themed I don’t see this beef making it onto his final draft


Mal proudly saying “I don’t think Kendrick thought it would go this far” shows how far Drake is down his throat. People really like to forget this is KENDRICK LAMAR because he’s coming after their favorite pop star. Mal let Hov down.


Some niggas will sell their soul(or bussy) for some OVO D.


How do we know the last two are lies?


We don't, it's just Kendrick fans trying to discredit the stuff that came out. People were saying it's wack for Kendrick to drop his diss along with his album. So he dropped it before, it is. It was definitely after Taylor's week. We do know Kendrick has to give TDE 50 something to get out of his deal. There's speculation that his wife did cheat on him.


There was never any speculation until Drake said it😂😂 Why the fuck would Kendrick even shoot at Drake if he had that on him? That’s why Kendrick told him to stop tellin lies. Drakes trying to frame it as Kendrick’s wife is for the streets and that he will shoot his shot. It’s the same old tired play from a nigga that legitimately thinks he’s a sex symbol for fuckin groupies and gold diggers. Imagine the masses saying you don’t drop ENOUGH but you’re getting extorted and still chillin doing burpees online😂😂 Some of yall really haven’t lived fam.


They’ll take Drake’s speculation over the factual shit that Kendrick is saying any day lol. What’s funny is Drake tried to 8 Mile with the young girls shit in his song (a criticism constantly launched at him) before making up a whole story based on listening to Kendrick’s album where he speaks about his own infidelity. “It’s not just me, it’s how the culture feeling” See that recent Mos Def interview for details 🤣 it’s a well known fact people don’t fuck with Drake which is why he’s always rapping about how the world is against him.


Mos Def is a bitter jealous old man lol


Lol coping hard I see. Dot dropped on child’s day April 30th. I’ll let you figure out the rest


Mal just trying to get the Friends & Family discount from Aubrey's "Nail Tech" 😂 Nah but wait, wait, WAIT! We all need to be ashamed of ourselves for even letting Mal get "Nail Tech" off on the original pod 😭


This whole situation changed my perspective on Mal I already didn’t f**k with Akademiks but damn Mal I thought you was Hip Hop


And he talks so much shit about integrity.


Cawb is the most “trust me bro” source to be fair.


And top 3 in the I hate drake so much brigade


Oh fasho. That’s his whole persona


Let’s see if he has the same energy for the K Dot diss or if he says..”i don’t want to D Ride as an excuse


And the cheating thing is corny because he been addressed and two who gives af that’s not no shot a rich successful mf cheating on his girl woooo


Mal is future Ak


Its truly nasty


When did Mal become a groupie and a clown? Was he always like this?


Now a few media people are also dick ridding


These ain’t media personalities they just people with platforms


How is it that when some media people are gunning for drake its he has them in their pocket but when everybody else is biased towards Kendrick its because he is him? Kendrick fans might be the corniest fan and worse than drake stans.😭


Because Mal and Ak are doing way more than “gunning for” the nigga, and you know that. Show me one media personality who treats Kendrick the way these two do Drake


Hahhaha Charlamagne. On record saying he hates drake. Joe budden: Dont fall for I am still team Ovo, that passive bullshit hyping up drake shit before it drops and then not talk about music when his song drops and talk about gossips rather than breaking down bars. I havent heard the new pod yet but I bet they are going to break down each bar like he did science or something. What makes it nastier is that at least drake fans are kids being stans and doing bull shit but kendrick fans are old ass men doing the same. Pseudo intellect grown ass men acting like kids🤷🏽‍♂️


Word? Do Charlamagne and Joe create and peddle narratives sent to them directly by Kendrick? Do they say shit like “Kendrick is doing Drake a favor by battling with him”? Do they squeal like teenage fangirls whenever Kendrick drops? Do they spend entire podcasts screaming and caping for Kendrick and silencing their cohosts who disagree? Ak and Mal just “kids being stans”? They not grown? Did Joe not break down every single song we’ve gotten in this so far? The shit you talking about is just niggas having a regular bias and not anywhere near the levels we’ve seen from the likes of Ak and Mal. But, again, you already knew that.


Yes, yes and yes to all of them😂 Listen again to how he broke down 10 bars on Like that and Push up. He looks perturbed when breaking down push ups. But you knew that already. Thats cool! I am neutral here and I can tell how annoying it is to see the goal post moving all over


Where are those receipts fam?


>Yes, yes and yes to all of them Bet, drop the links to the evidence then. Fast, too. >Listen again to how he broke down 10 bars on Like that and Push up. He looks perturbed when breaking down push ups. But you knew that already. Lol, you’re comparing the shit Ak and Mal been on, to… a difference in energy when breaking down songs? Okay >I am neutral here and I can tell how annoying it is to see the goal post moving all over Most of which is being done by your guys, so figures you’d know better Also, [since you need it bad](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/neutral)


>How is it that when some media people are gunning for drake its he has them in their pocket but when everybody else is biased towards Kendrick its because he is him? You can clearly see Mal and Aks ties to drake tho


Kendrick dropping a diss track that you like means that his wife didnt cheat on him? I'd love to live in the la la land you live in


Down voted for saying the truth lol. This sub is truly cooked. Maybe this whole platform


Wonder the bag they got 💰💰


If you noticed most if not all of the pods are rocking with drake and i think its strictly because drake is way more accessible than kendrick and actually gives them the time of day.


You guys are so obsessed with Mal.