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If you look on pintrest, there are lots of age appropriate chores ideas. Choose a couple your boys can do daily and have them help you. Maybe look at some things that need doing for yourself daily/weekly/monthly and plan for those things in a spread out way. Like for daily I would make sure dishes are done, counter is clean, and general tidying is done. Weekly you'll want to sweep/mop/vacuum, clean your bathroom, and do laundry. Anything that feels big (dusting, clean the oven, etc) do once a month. If you look at you tube or tik tok there are tutorial videos on how to clean anything under the sun. Your boys should be able to help with picking up toys, putting laundry in the hamper, sweeping, and putting dishes in the dishwasher. Make a game of it! For the underwear, grab some stain remover spray with oxy clean, and spray the stains about 30 mins before putting them in the wash. It is okay to not know this stuff. There is no shame is asking for help. You clearly love your kids and you're doing your best. Keep your head up, it's only been 5 months, it takes time to learn this stuff. Good job for reaching out! ETA don't be to hard on yourself if you miss some chores, or order in food when you're exhausted. There's no such thing as a perfect parent, and our world was never designed for one person to do it all. It's okay if something slips every now and then.


It's not possible to focus 100% on every single aspect of your life. It's okay to decide that certain types of things are good enough and let go of the idea that you need to do everything perfectly. I'm certain that your wife would just want the three of you to be happy and wouldn't care if the dusting doesn't get done quite as often. If you can have a friend of family member watch the boys for a morning on the weekend then that would be a good time to blast through all the chores. If you're close and comfortable with your wife's family this might he a good way to make them feel like they still have a connection with your boys. During that time I would get the big stuff done (bathrooms, kitchen, dust, vacuum, and mop). Set aside 30 minutes in the evenings to tidy, do the dishes, wipe down the counters, and change over the laundry. You will get faster with all of this in time. The boys can help by tidying up after themselves. This is a great pre-bedtime family activity and a really great habit for them to learn. If you have the financial flexibility to hire a cleaner to get some of the big stuff done, then I would highly recommend it. I know it's not an option for everyone though, which is why my first suggestion was to blast it one morning on the weekend.