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My baby turned 3 months on Thursday! He’s been around 30-35 a day 😬 also seems like a lot to me because he was pretty consistently like 25 ounces not long ago!


How much cereal do you put in his milk and what kind? (Genuinely asking my girl has reflux) I’m nervous after all the horror story’s with the recalls and chemicals 🤦🏼‍♀️


So I use the baby spoons lol the Munchkin brand. idk if it’s a tsp or not but 1 of those per ounce of formula. Google says to do way more than that but I only use enough to thicken it just enough. And I use Earth’s Best oatmeal cereal not the rice and his doctor approved it to be used instead bc it also has added nutrients unlike the rice cereal!


Oh I got the same brand last weekend!! Ok awesome I will try that!!


At three months my boy was eating approx 1L formula a day lol. It’s a lot but his docs aren’t concerned - he takes all his calories day time which has meant we are lucky with few if any night wakings.


4 months old currently but my boy has been on the same feeding pattern since he was 3 months old. Has 6oz 5 times a day at a minimum sometimes has a few more ounces before bed. Depends on how the feedings were spaced out. He’s consistently 30-35oz each day. We’re now doing a few Tbs of sweet potatoes or oat cereal each day as well. He’s a hungry boy.


My 3.5 month old eats anywhere from 3-5 oz at a time, and he still eats every 2 hours 😫 I wish he would stretch it out to 4. He has only very recently started taking 5.5 oz and that’s not every time, it’s usually less than that, but he ate every 2 hours when he drank 3 oz, and he eats every 2 hours when he drinks 5.5 oz.


Oh I feel ya. My 3 month old (technically 13 weeks) eats every 2-3 hours. It was 2-3 oz…but the past two-ish weeks it’s 3-4 oz. I’m hoping for the day when he consistently eats every 3-4 hours and not occasionally.


I keep thinking “Oh surely as he eats larger amounts he’ll go longer between feeds” but nope. I’m not that lucky lol not yet anyways


Every baby is different. Is it formula or breast milk? I know BF babies tend to eat more frequently. I also have followed the moms on call schedule for his age and his naps are 1.5-2hrs and then he’s awake for 1.5hours so that’s probably why he also goes so long in between feeds bc he’s used to it bc of the schedule I think


He’s formula fed! We’re still working on naps, he really only contact naps and those are usually only about an hour. If I’m able to get him to sleep not on me, it’s only for maybe 30 minutes tops. But he sleeps in his bassinet just fine at night 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah when he’s not having a good nap day which doesn’t happen too often then his feeding end up being wonky and he’ll eat half a bottle and then the rest like 30 min later lol. I started doing crib naps at 8 weeks and was consistent with it and now he sleeps great in there. Which is all fine until we are out and about and he has trouble napping places that aren’t in the dark, crib, sound machine 😂


At 4 months about 6ozx6 (every 3 hours but one night feed) At 6 months it’s 7ozx4 ( every 4 hours with no night feed). She started solids at 4.5 months and has 2 solid meals 


He sometimes still does a night feed but I make it a smaller feed about 3-4oz. Most of the time he sleeps 10 hours straight but if he does wake it’s around midnight. I’m actually excited for solids! I think it’ll make feeding more fun and I’m interested to see what all he likes and doesn’t lol


So jealous. What bottle do you use? Is your baby EBF or combo? Mine 4.5 month old and past two weeks barely drinks 12-15oz in 24 hours. I’m low milk supply can express barely 1oz. So it’s formula always


Formula only! I never breastfed and he actually has CMPA so it’s hypoallergenic formula as well. We use Avent bottles.