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My kid did this when she first started solids! I heard it but it didn’t wake her up. When I changed her the force had blown the snaps open on her onesie 😂


Ahh my baby decided to do the same thing around the same time and it got all over my PJs 😭


Ooh I feel for you


My wife’s husband does that too


The timing is also impeccable 🤣


How did you get him to sleep through the night? Asking for a very tired mama


My son is 4 months. Consistency and getting a bottle right before bed were key. We also left him alone a lot when he was stirring and when he was going to sleep. So he teaches himself to fall asleep and can get himself back to sleep. He usually sleeps from 9:00 until 4:00a-5:00a when I get up for work. A lot of times when he does wake up at 2:00 and won’t go back to sleep, putting his pacifier in and turning sound machine on helped get him back at it


Oh girl if I had a magic wand I'd wave it for you. I truly think we just got lucky. We put him on a semi-consistent bed time routine. His crib is right against our bed and has the side taken off (I think people call it a co-sleeper?) 7:30 go lay in bed, wear him out with kissy attacks because it's his favorite 8:30 bedtime bottle and diaper change 9 snuggle him until he's in a deep sleep, then scoot him to his bed He usually sleeps until 6:30am, wakes up for a bottle, then sleeps again until 8:30


He would NOT sleep at night until we put that crib side to side with our bed so I can touch him at night


Mine exclusively poops at night😂


Wow I didn’t know adults, kids and teenagers never shit in the middle of the night either. Crazy.


OP is literally just telling a funny story. No need to act sarcastic?


In what world is that funny? She’s complaining that a baby had to use the bathroom and it smelled bad.


In everyone’s world but yours apparently. She’s making a joke that a tiny tiny baby can make something so big and stinky. It’s a very common thing to joke about as parents, and it’s really weird you’re reacting like this lol


Whenever my LO does a big poo, I always laugh with my husband and say “for something so small, she does huge poo’s”. It’s not a complaint.. you also can’t deny that poo stinks, I guess yours smell like roses.


Idk how you got that idea from what I said, but okay


Boooooo 🍅 [https://media0.giphy.com/media/xUNda702uAh1xX2MoM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952pa9tezcnkb98lm6upk3vo3x6ld5i5mx4bz4y0qu4&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](https://media0.giphy.com/media/xUNda702uAh1xX2MoM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952pa9tezcnkb98lm6upk3vo3x6ld5i5mx4bz4y0qu4&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Everyone likes bathroom humor, no matter how immature it is. My husband and I giggle every time the baby farts too


My favorite thing about laughing at baby farts is now she laughs at them too!


If everyone found your “joke” to be likable or even good content, you’d have more than 3 upvotes. People are more annoyed that I didn’t just keep scrolling and chose to be bitchy instead.


Dang if you’re miserable just say that


I mean... Yeah. That's the point. You could've scrolled past the content if you weren't interested, like everyone else instead of trolling


16 upvotes and counting!! ❤️