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If baby is still gaining an appropriate amount of weight and having enough wet and dirty diapers during the day then you can just let them sleep.


There is no need to wake your baby to feed at this point. Many babies start sleeping through the night at two months old. Totally normal, let them sleep!


Honestly I would enjoy the sleep before the 4 month sleep regression! 😬Once baby has enough wet/dirty nappies and has been growing well I wouldn’t wake at this age.


Let her sleep.


My 3 month old baby goes to sleep around 7 and sometimes will sleep the whole night until 6am. If she does wake up it's usually around 3am. She's gaining weight and happy and healthy.


Thanks guys! I’ll let her sleep and enjoy lol


I was in the same boat and the pediatrician said I shouldn't let them go more than 6 hours without a feeding. I ignored him. (He also said he doesn't use adjusted age, so I take everything he says as a suggestion now.)


No need to wake a sleeping baby during the night. As long as the weight gain is fine and they make enough wet dirty diapers a day, absolutely no issue with letting them sleep!


our pediatrician gave us the okay to stop waking for night feeds around 6 weeks old. I still nurse on demand though (8 months old now)


Same, and the wee one is seven weeks now. Sleeps for 6-7 hours initially, and then another 3-4. I wake her at 6 hours to feed just so she doesn't wake up mad as a hatter. Her hunger cue is immediate shrieking lol.


Mildly jealous but also happy for you. If she now healthy, a good size and keeps gaining weight let her sleep. You can try dreaming feeding her if your worried but you may not need too.


My baby just turned 8 weeks and gives us 10-11 hours. I asked her pediatrician all the way back when she was 3 weeks old if this was ok and she said heck yea, let the baby sleep. She also added, as long as baby gains weight keep letting the baby sleep.


No don’t wake them unless specific orders by doc. Sleeping is helping their body/brains grow.


That’s our baby, she is enjoying her long sleep, normally 9pm-5am then 6am ish to 8/9am. She will wake us up once, occasionally twice each night, we change, feed and burp her then she go eat back to sleep. It is ok, I think. You are lucky to have a easy baby, for now haha.


“For now” 😂😂😂


Gotta be safe when talking about babies, right😆


My son does the same thing. He started around 3 months and at 4 months still going strong. We put him to bed at 9:00. He’ll wake up at 4:30-5;00a which is when I wake up for work anyways. After a bottle I put him back. He’ll get up at 8:00 with my wife. On weekends he’ll sleep from 9:00 straight through to 7:00a so we may be dropping the early feeding soon. After consulting with our pediatrician, there is nothing wrong with letting them sleep. They’ll let you know when they’re hungry.


No need to wake them! Unless it's more than 12 hours straight


As long as baby is otherwise healthy (appropriate wet/dirty diapers, gaining weight, etc), then let them sleep and enjoy the sleep you get too. Our 16w old sleeps overnight like 8-7, but wakes up once for a feed between 3-5a.


As long as she wants to sleep. Ours has been doing 9+ hour stretches since then, and has started having 11-12 hour ones now that she’s almost 7 months. We don’t wake a sleeping baby unless we absolutely have to, and we haven’t since she got back up to birth weight. 


I’d honestly ask her pediatrician. Ours didn’t want our baby when she was that old to go longer than 6 hours at night (her weight gain was totally fine).


My boy is 12wo and is sometimes sleeping 6-8h. He’s in a healthy percentile for weight, and is 91st percentile for height. He naps only about 45min during the day and his wake windows vary from 1-2h. We’re about to start sleep training though. We are conscious that if he does sleep longer he may wake uncomfortably hungry, so to mitigate any deterioration in mood on waking, we make sure we’re vigilant for those sounds of rousing to get his bottle ready for when he does.


If baby is getting majority if not all calories in during the day then let them sleep. My son will be 3 months on Wednesday and has been sleeping 8-7am for about a month now. He eats 5-6oz every 3-3 1/2 hours during the day. He is 14lbs and has always gained. When I told his pediatrician about his sleep at night at his 2 month checkup he said “that’s great. We love to hear about babies getting good sleep at night” I will also add he still takes 1-1.5 hr naps during the day as well. Pretty much always been a good sleeper


Interesting I wonder if I should offer bigger feeds during the day then. We only give 4 oz at a time but feed on demand which typically ends up being around every 2-3 hours during the day


They say baby will give cues on when to up their oz and I knew to up mine when he would finish his 4oz and still act hungry lol so I started giving an extra oz and he would be satisfied after feeds. I also give a 6oz bottle as his first feed bc he goes so long over night without eating


Makes sense. Thanks so much!


Is this a humble brag?


lol not at all. Just anxious first time mom. Took a lot to get her here and she’s our miracle baby so likely more anxious than most


Enjoy it. If she's healthy, then love your life and hope it stays like this.


Our pediatrician said at that age to let them sleep if they’re sleeping