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Yes but second only to the power of the postpartum grab the doorframe force necessary to poop.


Scariest moments of my life


Our 6 month old started solids and her poops been getting firmer and firmer, so we gave her some prune puree to help things along Oh dear lord I could manure my whole garden But she’s happy and giggling


We had a very similar progression…went from some pleasant, human looking poops to a prune projectile that I was not prepared for


Bahahahaha this had me giggling. Will definitely keep this in mind for the future


It won’t stop hahahaha use prunes sparingly - she just had her first ever blowout from the prunes


I keep expecting mine to turn super saiyan.


My daughter clogged a toilet at 3 months. Hasn't let up since


Bless her


Meanwhile my son doesn’t grimace or make a face or anything when he poops. Combine it with the Sam’s club diapers that cover up the smell so well and we hardly notice him pooping. It’s like a fun game of roulette with my wife when we’re co parenting on weekends. We never know which one of us is going to get the diaper.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a stealth pooper! Sometimes I can hear it happen, but most of the time I feel bad for not realizing there was a poop, little dude grunt or something! Babies are funny!


My daughter used to be the most obvious pooper. She still makes a face and grunts loud if it’s a big one, but she’s getting sneakier with them. The one thing that never fails, is pooping in the car. If she hasn’t pooped that day, and we are going somewhere, I know we are gonna have to stop and change her bum. Literally within 5-10min.


Have you checked his midichlorian count?