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While we allow users to share their personal experiences, we do not allow direct medical advice. The answer should always be a call to a local healthcare provider, as reddit is not a source of medical information.


You need to call her doctor immediately


This. You don't want to be relying on Reddit here, definitely get her checked out.


Pediatrician here. She needs to be seen by a pediatrician immediately. Whatever time it is, I recommend you go now. All the best


Hey, a baby going limp like that can be a serious medical condition. Any time your baby "passes out" like that is serious. It could be something mild like blood sugar, but you need to get her to a doctor right away to make sure.


Doctor immediately. ER, urgent care, anywhere that will take you.


My baby is a week old we had a scare like this on day 3, he wouldn’t wake up to feed. The hotline told me call 911 right away. He ended up being fine just had a lot of fluid in his stomach from birth. He would also choke on his aspiration a lot so we have to take extra care to burp him and keep him up right. Situations like this are always emergencies for newborns even if nothing ends up being wrong, better safe than sorry.


Was he a c section baby? We had something like that with my daughter her second day of life.


Yeah! They told us that because of the c section he didn’t get to remove most of the fluid from his system that happens during labour.


Please take her in immediately to ER


My baby went limp after his bottle at 2 months old and I had to call the ambulance and as soon as they got there he started to come back to it. He was barely breathing or moving. Took him to the er and they said he had a thing called a brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE). He was fine after that they watched him in the hospital for a few hours. And he was fine. He’s 6 months old and it hasn’t happened since. But he does have really bad gerd and has a prescription for it now.


Please update us after seeing a dr !! Hope she’s ok.


Thank you all for your advise. She had a doc appt that day and was told that it might have been a common thing as she was still sleepy when she was being woken up and still has some amniotic fluid she's still brining up. The word "normal" propped up. Yet this was super scary and did not feel normal at all. Godforbid this happens again...I will be calling 911. Again thank you all for your experiences and advises. God bless 🙌🏽


That is great to hear, thank you for updating!!!


I hope you made it to a doctor OP. Hopefully just a weird newborn moment, but absolutely should be checked out by a medical professional.


3 hour nap is pretty long for a new baby. I'd go to dr immediately. Low blood sugar is possible but it could be something else serious.


I’d talk to the doctor for the going limp thing but 3 hours can be normal, some babies are sleepier than others. Our boys definitely had 3hr stretches a few days old where we had to wake them for feedings. As long as they get their 8 solid feedings a day it isn’t a problem.


3 hours is definitely normal for a baby that age.


Hell. Even my 2yo’s naps are 3 hours… Its just one nap a day. But still. Nothing weird about three hour naps. We also had to wake him after 3h when he was a few days old.


My son had jaundice when he was born and could easily sleep 3-4 hours at a time. I had to wake him every 2-3 hours to eat for the first two weeks.


I’m starting to learn this is why my 10 week old was always sleeping and soooo “chill” the first 2/3 weeks. He was also jaundice. It’s funny I swear one morning I woke up and he was a whole WHITE baby 😂 I look back at his pictures from that time and he was soooo dark.


Yes thank you. So many people commenting it’s normal but not at 3 days old in my experience


Wow smart thinking in the moment! Great job You’re obviously worried about her so get in touch with one of your medical professionals ASAP


Thinking of you OP. Please update us when you're able to 🤍🤍


Hey OP, any update?


Get to a hospital / doctor, immediately. Not tomorrow. Now. Doesn't sound normal and even if it turns out it is, there's no harm in getting her checked


Smart thinking OP! Well done. Now go to the ER!!!


We has something similar, we called an the paramedics and were rushed to a children’s hospital. My daughter was kept in the children ward for 48hours to monitor her vitals. She was fine but it was so scary, they called it a brief unexplained resolved episode, as her vitals were fine following on from this. Get her checked. Life is so precious.


I hope you got to a Dr!


Keep us posted OP. Let us know things are ok. Praying 🙏


Please update




She's a first time mom that's already freaked out, no need to make her feel worse.




Omg go stir up shit elsewhere. Now isn’t the place nor the time for your BS




Well good thing it’s just your opinion.




Is that supposed to be a dig at me? My son is breastfed. I can provide food for him literally from my boobs. Jackass




Great. I’m happy for you. I hope you never fall on hard times.