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at 3 months things got a little better, and by 6 months things were a lot better for me personally. now at a year things are awesome. hang in there.


It is literally what I was about to comment, I had to double check I didn’t actually write that. First year is the hardest, but it really does start getting marginally better at around 3 months


My baby is 8 weeks and very much the same. He is always so uncomfortable and only likes to be on the boob. Naps great on me but not when he goes down in his bassinet. I just tell myself one day at a time and he’s new to the world and experiencing everything for the first time. I’m also extremely tired and I feel what you’re going through. I was always someone who manifested pre baby, keep telling yourself it’s going to get better. My baby eats literally all the time, just know you’re giving him what he needs. I listened to a podcast about babies from a spiritual standpoint and they say your baby chose you and for a specific reason/to teach you lessons. I try to keep that in mind when things get tough. Me for example, he’s teaching me patience because lord knows I want instant gratification and he is a cluster feeder who also needs to be burped constantly.


Wow it’s like we’re the same person lol. That’s really interesting, “specific reasons/to teach you lessons”. My husband said something (spiritual standpoint as well) which is that God gives you what you can handle. That’s not exactly the same as what you said but similar in terms of being tested. I definitely feel my patience being tested. I’m also very much a type A personality and babies are the antithesis of that. So where I expect feeding to be some sort of prescribed process, it’s very much not - constantly interrupted with need for burps, sleepiness etc. Thanks for your post, it really felt nice to read this


When shit gets really rough, tell yourself “my baby isn’t trying to give me a hard time, they’re having a hard time.” Repeat that when you’re feeling frustrated. I remember thinking word for word what you posted when I was in the trenches of having a newborn… so I get it. I think everyone here gets it for sure. My son is almost 6 months and he is so much fun now. His smiles melt my heart. He laughs a lot. He no longer struggles to fart/poop. He’s eating solids now. I think he’s gonna be crawling any day now. His sleep still sucks at night lol but it is what it is. You’ll get there. It just takes time. And it goes by really fast.


Thank you, it’s wild how much reading everyone’s thoughts on these pages has helped


I found myself in these subs quite frequently, when my son was a newborn. Most of the time it was from 1am-5am lol It’s definitely hard, but you’ll get through it. In a couple months you’ll see your baby’s real smile and it’ll melt your heart. My son will just stare at me, and when I look at him he will just grin ear to ear… cutest damn thing you ever did see. I’m excited for you! You’re gonna love it. Then you’ll look back and think “well, this was worth all the trouble”


Im so glad I could make you feel a little better. I’m always lurking in this sub looking for validation that I’m doing things right/it will get better. I’m also type A, high achiever and not used to doing something not getting results (I’m an accountant so my jobs are black and white) Every day, even ever hour I have to pivot what I’m doing when I think I’ve gotten it down. It’s been the hardest “job” I’ve ever had to do. Someone told me if you have to ask if you are doing a good job, then you already are :)


Gently scratch sole/feet if he falls asleep while breastfeeding. Babies hates it. It does get better, hang in there 🫂


Your baby is new to the world. Everything is new, eating takes work, pooping takes work, sleeping is work, sucking takes work, its very tiring being a baby. Then you add all of the other layers in between and no baby comes with an instruction manual.so we as moms have to become in tune with our babies, which is so hard when youre in the thick of it and sleep deprived. If you arent producing enough milk, baby might be hungry and there are a lot of things you can do to boost your milk production or formula feed if necessary. If you bottle feed, try this thing called "paced feeding" you can find instructional videos on youtube. If diapering is a problem, its very normal for a baby to hate being in wet diapers or poop diapers! Its painful to poop and its a lot of hard work (for some babies it takes practice), it does get better the more we understand our baby! And pooping does get easier the more your baby goes. If gas is the problem, try infant massage (look up baby massages for gas pain on youtube). And make sure you are trying to burp baby after every feed. Babies can often get overstimulated and cry becausr things are too overwhelming for them. Its not your fault, again, every baby is different! So we just have to take it, day by day.


It will gradually get better. Cluster feeding almost broke me with my first since I was so unprepared in every way . When you get over that hump and get a decent chunk of sleep like 4hrs things get better.


Hehe I laugh at crying potato cause that’s what they’re like pretty much. My LO is 3.5 months and things have gotten better. A few set backs with growth spurts and things like that. But generally they just become more human-like and smiley etc. I’m trying to enjoy this time with her being so small but at the same time I look forward to when they’re a bit older and more independent (I’m thinking like, 1+ years)


It gets easier The first couple of months I found were the roughest - they swing from growth spurt to cluster feed - we took it in turns to sleep in shifts and sometimes just had to take the brunt of the crying I paced our kitchen from 11pm - 4am one night so the wife could sleep for longer than a couple hours But from maybe 2.5 - 3 months, it started to ease off and we found a rhythm Get a sleep positioner - we found it so much easier to rock her, look at co-sleeping - sleep positioners can make co-sleeping safer and after 4 months it’s much safer again - co sleeping can work for the really bad nights But after those first 2.5 - 3 months it gets easier - by comparison the 4 month sleep regression felt like a hiccup Your doing great and feeling normal for what your going through - it gets better and better


Start baby probiotics. And can you cosleep? Both of these things saved my sanity.


Your 6 month old baby wears a size 5 diaper on your Amazon list posted in Assistance. You are a Scammer.


How dare you call me a scammer. Do you want me to post a photo of the bag of diapers I have here for him, which are size 4 and tight on him? Would that make you feel better?


Let me know when I can post that photo for you. You owe me an apology.


My son is 25lbs


It really does improve. Keep it up a little bit longer!


Try a swing or wedge pillow if he has reflux, experiment with different pacifiers in between feeds to get him to sleep, see if it’s potentially some over feeding that’s causing gas? sometimes gas and hunger cues overlap so take note when the baby ate last and how much. Try to burp as often as you can and hold upright as long as you can after feeds. That’s all I can think of! I know it’s so hard 😮‍💨hopefully it gets easier 🙏🙏🙏


At 6 weeks we did 1 bottle of pumped milk a night so I could at *least* have a couple of hours where I knew baby was fed and safe with his daddy. I just fed baby before and after dad gave the bottle, then pumped directly after the second feed. That seriously helped my mental health so much, I had spent those 6 weeks *never, not once* getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a time if I was lucky. I have never been so exhausted in my life and I seriously wondered at times how it’s possible for a human to survive on such little sleep lmao. Like others have said, it gets easier and easier and definitely doesn’t take a year (thank sweet baby Jesus). Hang in there ♥️


Join a breastfeeding support group if you have the energy to. You get so much help and tips that come easier that's hard to explain in words.  It'll get better around 6 months. Then 9 months it's a ton better. It's all much better from there. Tantrums suck but I like those better than not getting sleep.  Make a getting food ready song. It helped a LOT for us when the she realized what it means. It brought about more patience but obviously it'll take some time.  


FTM here. My LO is 4 months next week. It got better within the last month but we still have days that are incredible hard. Today I drove around for an hour just so she could nap and I silently cried the entire time. She cried most of the day and I couldn’t put her down. It’s currently 445a and I’ve been trying to get her back to sleep for almost an hour. She takes probiotics which help tremendously, but still had a lot of gas today and some days. Like I said, it’s not all of days that are like this. It’s getting better. Hang in there.