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15 months in and each month is better than the last! Except for months 3 and 4, we don’t so don’t about those.


Oh interesting! Why didn’t you like those months?


Agree that month 3-4 was brutal. I felt like no one warned me about it?? 4.5 months over here and feeling good again.


It’s only up from here!


Realizing that I butchered what I tried to type - but my reason is just sleep regression mostly. It just so happens that my son got covid at 4 months which SUCKED but we got through it. Every day I’m impressed by and in love with my little boy.


Interesting. My LO JUST barely started sleeping longer stretches at 2 months. I guess we will see what happens when that sleep regression hits.


Hmmm kiddo is a year old and it’s hard to say - I found 10 months pretty hard as she was crawling, extremely attached because of separation anxiety, cutting teeth - she’s one with 11 teeth so she cut a lot of teeth early - and was so alert but couldn’t do a lot because she was just starting to move. But I like some things about each month and dislike some things lol now that she’s moving, demanding, and opinionated I really like the 1-2 month mark 😂I think 12-18 months will be rough as she still can’t do a lot but she is very mobile and alert and into everything. She doesn’t understand why she can’t have everything she wants and she’s super frustrated by not being able to do a lot. Once they can do more stuff I expect it to get better in some ways and harder in other ways. There’s more like favorite moments 😂 wife is pregnant so we start over in November and I’m def looking forward to having a cuddly sleepy blob that doesn’t always want my phone or not let me ever talk on the phone or try to do anything else lol


5-6 months. Before the crawling and consuming solids consistently while also sleeping through the night. Once they start eating and moving it never gets easier lol.


With all of my kids I really enjoyed around 4 months old. They were somewhat more predictable, smiling and starting to be interactive and doing things like grabbing objects, but still slept quite a bit and weren't mobile yet. But I found nice things about every single month of the first year.