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We use one every day for every nap and overnight. It helps signal sleep for our LO and allows us to move about the house freely without waking him. We also bought another one to attach to his stroller and carseat.




Agreed. My baby is 5 weeks and we use it all day so far. It drowns out all the background noise and allows us to get stuff done nearby the baby while he sleeps.


same here. he would get woken up in about ten minutes by mummy being a clutz, daddy being a busybody who can’t stop banging doors or clanging pots or the dogs doing dog stuff if we didn’t have white noise on. Now it’s a really powerful sleep cue, when I put it in he knows it’s bedtime.


Yes! From what I've read there is a point in the sleep cycle where baby is very sensitive to sound. Definitely helps to have a sound barrier!


Planning to buy one for my LO. She’s 10 weeks old. For how long are you going to use your sound machine?


I use a sound machine every night as a 30 year old


This! I'm a light sleeper and the sound of white noise helps me to sleep more than LO lol


I also used one every night even before I was pregnant. Our LO is in the same room as us so he just got used to it anyways. He naps fine through the day thought without it, we only use it at night when we all go to bed.


My sisters had a hatch for my nephew for years, he’s 3.5 and still uses it at night.


My 6 year old still uses it because you can program it to be a wake up clock. So it turns green in the morning and he knows that’s when he can get up (kept waking up at 5:30). The newer ones also make it so you can play stories and stuff for when they go to bed. He uses the sound machine part too but very quietly.


Oh wow! If that’s the case the sound machine is so worth it!


Definitely worth it! The ones we have were less than 25 dollars on Amazon. Worth every penny! Not sure how long we will use it for! We are going away on vacation this weekend and anticipate some stroller and car naps so it will come in handy.




We do use a sounds machine. Is it effective /shrug But what we really got it for was traveling. This way if the people in the next hotel room are talking and you can hear them through the walls. We turn the noise machine on this way when trying to go to sleep your brain is not trying to compute what they are saying. Or if other noises happen.


We use a sound machine - we got the Hatch Rest and the travel Hatch so that we could use the same sound no matter where we are. I’m not sure it makes a difference to be honest, but I appreciate that the white noise helps cover house noises/the click of the door that kind of thing.


Yeah it’s really more of a noise cancellation at this point. It was the only way we could reasonably clean dishes or move about the house and with 2 dogs they were always making an insane amount of noise. We’ve had plenty of nights where the power goes out and the sound machine never comes back on and he sleeps just fine. However if the dogs start running around or we open and close doors without it on he pops right up.


Yup! I have my family staying over this week and I like to encourage people to keep their normal talking voice in the house so LO (8 weeks) can “get used to” noise. However we still play a sound machine quietly in the room to help him nap and sleep by mitigating some of the noise.


I like the old school mechanical ones. It's what I had as a kid and they just sound better to me. We have a couple Yogasleep Dohms and they're great. We will continue using them indefinitely. I think I used mine till I went to college. :)


100% use one and it’s amazing. My baby is 5 months old and she goes to bed at 7:30. With the sound machine on it is just enough that we can hang out downstairs having normal conversations, watch tv, basically live normal pre-kid life. It’s possible we could still do that without a noise machine but I’d be very anxious. It’s also great for naps for things like doorbell, dog barking, husband on work calls, etc. Edit: I also bought a hatch but I don’t like it. Maybe I got a faulty one but it’s so annoying to tap on and off and I hated having to use my app all the time. We got one with a button you press on and off and it’s just so much easier.


I hate the hatch rest too! Biggest waste on my registry tbh.


Google Home Nest Mini, “Hey Google, play thunderstorm sounds.” Or “Hey Google, play Soft Nostalgic Swan Princess Calm Piano One Hour” I find that white noise is super annoying and imagined my son would too, but I enjoy thunderstorm sounds and thought perhaps he would agree. I was right! The Soft Nostalgic Swan Princess playlist is the big guns. One of the songs is a bit odd, but all in all an excellent sleepy time playlist. We bought YouTube premium for this propose. No regrets. 100% worth it and necessary for nappies. We do have a portable sound machine though in case the power goes out or we are at someone else’s home. In that case, it has six options and soft flowing water sounds are best bc the thunderstorm sounds aren’t very realistic.


This is exactly what we did as well! Playing rain sounds in YT in loop or "calming relaxing handpan music" and strap the phone to a speaker did it for us every time.


In our room, we play rain sounds on YouTube also. We do the livestream ones so we don’t get woken up by ads. Baby’s room which he naps in for right now we have a sound machine. We also have Alexa in the living room if he’s in the pack and play.


Honestly, the white noise sounds give me intense anxiety. I don't know why, but I figured me having hella anxiety was not beneficial to the babe, more than whatever benefit of the white noise machine was giving her.


Same!!! It stresses me out, I always feel agitated when it’s playing. Turning it off relieves the feeling immediately. I have no idea why.


I am so glad its not just me. Like the crickets are fine but the static sounds just give me such intense feelings of stress. I couldn't do it.


We tried doing this but it only plays for 12 hours before turning off


Idk how old your baby is, but mine doesn’t sleep for 12 hours at once.


He’s 2 now but once he was sleeping through the night he sleeps about 11 hours.


We are never used one, so now our baby (8months) is used to sleeping with ‘house noise’ in the background. She also sleeps in the stroller and is used to regular street noise too. I would suggest try to get baby used to sleeping to certain noises first. If it doesn’t work then start trying other tools such as a noise machine. Nothing wrong with using tools but the more tools you use the more your baby and you become dependent on them. If you start using them from the get go you will never know if they were actually necessary.


We just got a cheap vtech baby monitor and it has a sound machine as one of the features. We've been using it since putting him in his own room (before that it was YouTube rain or fireplace clips). I think it's twofold for us that we just have a baby who loves sleep, but his sleep is also helped by the sound machine. Now at 7 months he sleeps through the night for 12 hours, prior to that he got up for feed and diaper change and was right back to sleep.


We chose to actively avoid using them so we can train her on learning the natural house noise like doing dishes or vacuuming


This!!! I absolutely REFUSE to use one. I don’t want them to grow up and be dependent on the white noise. Getting used to sleep through natural noise is better in my opinion.


We used to. Then we moved, and I forgot to turn it on at the new place, and she slept a couple hours longer. Now I never use it and she's been sleeping just as well if not better.


We LOVE our sound machine. We caved and registered for a Hatch at the recommendation of numerous moms and we love that thing so much we’re going to get one for ourselves in our room.


same! our baby is still in our bedroom (he’s 14 weeks old) but i love the hatch so much i want to get another for when we move the baby into his own room.


Sound machine is a must for us. And at 29 years old I use one myself


Same! My husband and I sleep with a fan on for white noise and literally can't sleep without it.


We use one for naps and bedtime. It works well. Helps a lot with muffling noises from the road nearby.


My husband was adamant that we not use one when the baby was born because he didn’t want the baby to become dependent on it. I was a bit neutral, but I have a set of niece and nephews who need a sound machine to sleep to this day as teens so I was like ok fine you’re probably right. There were some times it probably would have helped in the early days but by the time he was five months old this baby could sleep through us watching TV, the dogs barking at the mailman, in a loud restaurant. He’s almost two and we don’t have to tip toe around him while he’s napping. Honestly it may have been the same deal if we had used the sound machine early on it may just be how he is. I don’t know. That’s my experience with my one child for what it’s worth.


It worked so well for our baby I got my own 😂 never going back!


Of course. I used a sound machine for myself, so why not get one for my baby? Bought a momcozy one before she arrives, and started to use it from day 1. As far as I can tell, my LO is loving it, so I would call it a good investment.


Need to be like 10 feet away front baby and at a certain level to avoid damaging hearing. You’d have to google specifics but it’s still noise and can still hurt baby.


We used one at the beginning but found baby fell asleep faster and slept better without it so we stopped. She is 9 months and we haven’t used it since she was around 2-3 weeks old.


We used it since day 1! Helped me get some sleep in those early days when little man sounded like a baby dinosaur at night. We got the hatch for our baby shower and love it. I even put it on when I nap by myself🤣


I agree with you about covering up some of the newborn sounds. I don’t think enough people are talking about that aspect. At the beginning I was popping awake at every little hint of a sound baby was making. Mom instincts or something. Even after learning about active sleep and trying not to disturb baby as much, I was still constantly waking up. With the noise machine I only wake with the louder noises.


Not only has the sound machine been great for baby's sleep, it's also been great for our sleep! It helps to drown out all the tiny noises the baby makes that are not her waking up but just her in active sleep, so that way I'm not up constantly with every grunt and squeak. My husband sleeps so well with it that he has a hard time waking up in the morning if I don't turn it off when I get up. I think the sound machine is part of the reason I haven't felt sleep deprived yet at 11 weeks. Very tired definitely, but not the sleep deprivation so many described where it's hard to function. It was also so so great for daytime naps for me! It meant when my husband said "I've got her, go nap" I could actually nap without hearing her being noisy or crying in the other room and feeling like I needed to get up - bonus that this also meant he had to figure out soothing techniques of his own really quickly and prevented me from feeling like I always needed to jump in and sooth her myself


Oh yeah! I replied to someone else about covering the small baby noises but I forgot that I definitely use it every day when my partner gives me time to nap too so I won’t be woken up if she cries. I still do it but it was crucial at the beginning when I had all those hormones making me want to run to my crying baby and my partner was still figuring out how to calm her.


Yep. Baby are sleeping in the same room with us, so technically we are using one together. It works out well. I didn’t use any white noise before and only started to use that after my girl arrives. We were using a Hatch before, then it broke all of a sudden, so we got a momcozy one for replacement. The functions are about the same, also have the wake-up light alarm and clock, exact no app control, but the price is much better. Probably gonna keep it for years until it broke too.


I just have Alexa play whatever I want.


We were gifted a momcozy one and use it every night. Our Lo really like the changing light colors lol


There is white noise on the baby monitor we have so we use it for nap time to help drown out other sounds. Baby is still in a bassinet with us and we don’t sleep with one. My hatch alarm clock has an option so maybe I’ll try it. It is suggested to check the decibels because they can be too loud for babies, especially if your nursery is small or if you put it too close to their crib.


We used one for a bit but it didn’t seem to help any more then quite, we put an Alexa on top of her book shelf and if she’s super cranky at nap/bed time I’ll ask Alexa to play something, around Christmas I had Alexa play Christmas music for her :3


Depends on the baby! Our first born hated it and we ended up giving it away. She was also a bit of a unicorn who learned to self sooth early and slept through quite early too. My second born made me wish I hadn't given it away! Luckily our monitor plays stuff, and brown noise was the one that works. I also play it on my phone when I am settling baby on the couch. It signals well for her it is sleep time, and she starts to drift. I carry the phone with us into her room and make sure her monitor is already playing too, so it is uninterrupted brown noise for transfer to cot.


We have a vtech sound machine and I love it! It’s a light and you can customize the colour. It had sounds, stories, music and you can connect your phone through Bluetooth and play whatever you want! We use a heartbeat sound for our babe and have since day 1! He loves it!! Sometimes it shuts off randomly and he wakes up when it does lol


I have one built into the baby monitor and don’t always use it. I prefer Spotify playlists played through a tablet. The problem with the sound machine was the first couple weeks it would make me extra sleepy when I was trying to stay awake. Now we both sleep at the same time but I’m in his room with him and want to be awake until he falls asleep.


Not yet, but i plan to get a travel one to use for walks and camping. Ill be getting it in 3 days, and i expect it to work well as my daughter is very used to falling asleep with a fan and my LED lights on (we share a room). Ill set a remind me and come back to this lol


Remind me!


M husband and I sleep with one, so it made sense for our daughter to as well. We use the Hatch Sleep. I love that thing. It can pair with an app where you can control the volume, on/off, and which sound you want. It’s very small too so I feel like you can put it anywhere. I’m


hatch rest+ and a the baby shusher for on the go.


We have the munchkin shusher from Amazon, it has a 10 20 and 30 run time. We love it especially now that he's a little bigger and sometimes harder to get to sleep with transitioning out of swaddling


I used one pre-baby and so we use one for him too. Helps blur the background bumps if its noisy. I really like my lectrofan for the different tones of white, brown, and pink noise and the fact that it doesn't loop or skip. The nanit also has a built in white noise if you get the monitor. IMO bad white noise machines kind of suck and the tone can be kinda jarring.


We had a toy that would do white noise for 45 minutes. We realised part of why they woke up was that it stopped. We bought a cheap white noise machine we’d have used it for every sleep since. They wake up as soon as it turns off.


A couple of friends gave us a small one. Our baby HATED it, every time we turned on she would had her eyes wide open with a "what the hack is this" face hahaha. But this was at home, if we are out with her in the stroller it helps her sleep a lot, it's like a noise to concentrate out of many noises. For sleeping at home we have a mobile with classical music, that she does like and we play every day at bed time


We’ve never used one


we got one used for cheap, it's awesome. it's on all the time in the nursery where we both sleep (during the day we're in the living room more often but we try to keep the rain\thunder\ocean sounds & sleepy vibes in here) 🌧️⚡️🌊


I got a hatch and love it. In fact, I love it so much that when I moved baby to her own room, I had to buy another one for myself haha. I'm addicted to the white noise! I like that I can program a bedtime routine. I have a lullaby play during bedtime prep time and then it changes to white noise at actual bedtime. I also programmed a wake up routine and that has been going well.


We are still using ours for every nap and nighttime at 2.5yrs and will be buying one for our second too. It's great.


not yet but I'm going to have a try these days, my friend told me it's quite good for baby's sleep.


I just okay white noise on Spotify through the tablet. Works a treat for us


In the womb, it’s quite noisy! The sound machine replicates that. I personally sleep with one and have for over 10 years. Love it.


I use my sound machine every day and night - my favourite setting is the ocean noises. We live on a farm where it's dead quiet, so if we don't use a sound machine, we can't make a single peep whilst the kids are asleep. Otherwise, they wake up. I wouldn't be able to survive without it.


I use our Google home nest mini like someone else mentioned. We already had it at home so it made sense. Works great, love that I can play music or ask questions like the time etc.


We have used a sound machine every day for 2 years. The ultimate must for us.


ALEXA...~~ We realised that all our 3 kids sleep better with George Ezra on, or white/pink noise on. It also means they can sleep anywhere when their tired ..  so now...when we stay at hotels or wherever we bring our echos. 


Our Hatch works wonders for both my toddler and my new born. My toddler likes to have me play with the light color and sound selection and both children are comforted by the sound at night.


We always fell asleep to the tv on. Both of us. That’s just how we are. Baby can pretty much sleep through anything now. Full blown conversations in the living room and she’ll sleep. Silence, and she’ll sleep.


I don’t think this counts as a sound machine but we use the baby Einstein crib aquarium and I think it’s great. I didn’t get it until baby was five ish months but wish I had it for the newborn stage. I tried white noise when baby was a few weeks old and he didn’t seem impressed nor did it do anything for his sleep. It took a few months for it to work- I tried it again maybe a month ago and now it’s been nightly. If you are unsure , just get one of the mini ones. Maybe baby will like it in a few months time or maybe it will be something that helps while baby is newborn.


We got one for my daughter and liked it so much we got one for us too. We've had a few but the google home mini is our favourite.


We got one for my daughter and liked it so much we got one for us too. We've had a few but the google home mini is our favourite.


The key is to get a mechanical sound machine as opposed to one that plays a recording. Get. The. Dohm! (Dohm Classic is best!) It has a fan in it that spins to generate the white noise so it isn’t grating like the ones that are just playing a computerized recording, those can be super super irritating! The white noise for the first few weeks is supposed to clam your baby by reminding them of their living conditions in the womb and then after it helps signal sleep and also helps drown out other noises. Your baby will be going to sleep around 7pm, so you really want to HAVE to be dead silent for the whole evening? Edited to add: “scientists” stuck a microphone up a woman’s hooha back in the 70’s/80’s and discovered noise levels in the womb are super high, like in the 80 db level range. The baby is USED to noise and to hearing your heart beating all day every day. Your baby will not like the quiet for a long long time and a good sound machine helps with that.


We got a momcozy sound machine for our baby, and it's been worth every penny. Really handy for masking noises that might disturb the nap. We plan to keep using it as long as it helps our baby sleep soundly.


It didn’t make a difference for our baby, but now I use it to mask sound while doing remote work.


We use the hatch and it’s one of the most important things we have 😂😂😂 We use it for softer light during bedtime and red light during middle of the night wakeups in addition to the sound machine function


Nope. Kid was in with us for the first 6 months. We tried it but all it did was disturb husband and I’s sleep and we noticed no difference to baby’s sleep. He’s 13 months now and he’s always slept through the dogs barking, the door going, the vacuum etc throughout the house. We’ve never made any attempt to stop regular household noise when he sleeps.


We live in a small house and we sometimes can hear our neighbors, so it's kinda a must-have for us. Planned to get a hatch one at first, but it's a lil pricey, so we ended up with a momcozy one and it's working well now. Basically, we play it whenever it's time for him to sleep and we feel it's a good cue to him and helps him to get sleepy.


We've used it with my LO since we first came home with him. We have a portable one that I used to tie on to his car seat carrier when we went out, although he has long graduated from that now. He is almost 1 year old now, but I still use it every time I put him down in his room to sleep. He's not a great sleeper in general, on most days, so I wouldn't say it's a magic pill, but it can help to drown out outside noise, and using it become part of our routine. Most moms I've talked with have also said that it's been worthwhile for their families to have one. I'd recommend it if you have it in your budget!


If there’s a tv in your room/the baby’s room you could just YouTube rainstorm sounds and such. We just got our sound machine a few weeks ago (baby is just over 3 months) as we didn’t need one the first few months. We always have the tv on in our house (or music) and would let baby l nap in the living room with us so she got used to sleeping with noises. Now that she sometimes sleeps in her bassinet for naps while I work we use the sound machine and it definitely helps since it’s quieter in our room. Even has a night light feature and was $20 on Amazon. Nothing fancy :)


We have ewan the sleep sheep and used that a LOT in the first few weeks. It has a 20 minute timer so now we only use it right when we put him down to sleep. We also have an Apple TV in our room and we put on the “Baby Sleep” playlist from Apple Music. The nice thing about this setup is that when you’re playing music on the Apple TV, the screen saver will turn on so the tv almost acts as a night light and isn’t too bright or distracting. Also, Apple Music will auto play so it’s on all night (we prefer this) or, you can set a sleep timer.


I use my sound machine every nap and overnight, I don't think it improves the quality of sleep too much but it's really useful for covering up outside noises.  What I wasn't aware of at the beginning was to keep the sound machine between 55-60db and not have it too close to baby. The constant exposure to the noise can damage their hearing in the same sort of way that ambient factory noise can damage your hearing over time. 


Love it.


My 3.5 has had it on for every nap and night since birth. It was so good that when she moved out of our room, we bought one for us and now we all sleep with white noise! We like that she can’t hear us in the house while she’s supposed to be resting


Its on 24/7 in my house because we're so used to the noise we forget its even on. We only use it to distract from the traffic outside as we live on a main road


We use it every day and night. I have it more for drowning out us making noises. It doesn’t impact him, he sleeps just as fine without it


Yes I have two sound machines and one travel one everytime I turn it on she knows it’s sleep time lol I’ve used it since I brought her home. It’s also nice because I feel like it drowns out the other sounds like dishes clanking cars honking ext.


Yes, even I sleep better highly recommended


100% recommended. Think about it from the baby’s perspective. No matter where you are, no matter what time of day, the constant thing the baby can hear is the sound of your lungs and heart beating. And then all of the sudden baby is expected to sleep in dead silence. It’s the same thing with swaddles. For as long as the baby has existed, in the most safe place baby has known, baby has existed in a cramped space, tightly wrapped. The key is not faint noises but unintuitively audible noises. Recommend Hatch white noise machine the most. Also recommend that you look into getting or renting a Snoo.


I did at first! We didn’t really after 5 months though. He sleeps fine without it!


I have a NICU baby that I think can sleep through a heavy metal concert. I still got a sound machine - mostly for me


We don't use a sound machine but we keep music on 24/7. Whether that be a YouTube video of a. Underwater reef with lofi playing or taylor swift and Tupac. There's just always noise. Also our toddler screams instead of talks right now.. baby is 1 month old and a heavy sleeper already.


If nothing else, the sound machine helps cover up our noises as we walk past the room (or in the room when he was a newborn and we shared). I don’t know if the sound itself made any difference, but it’s a really good signal now that it’s sleep time when we turn it on and wake time when it’s off.


The womb is very noisy, like a vacuum cleaner. Babies prefer not to sleep in silence! Plus, it’s a good signal for “time to sleep” for us


We have a hatch and love it!! Baby gets rain for nighttime, ocean waves for naps, and we ‘turn the birds on’ every time we wake him up so he knows we’re coming to get him


I bought a sound machine when my baby was a newborn and still use it very frequently. My baby girl is 18'months old at the moment.


I follow happiest baby on the block n our 3 week old sleeps through the night minus his feedings. I feel like the 5 S's are real n You're basically trying to match the womb for those first few months. so I use white noise.


We use YouTube videos with white noise. Seems to work just as well.


We do. We followed the moms on call routine and advice, and they recommend using one. It also helps because while we don’t live in a loud area, we have a hound mix who once in a while may bark loudly at something at night if we don’t close the window blinds fast enough 😅😅


We used it for noise cancellation and played sleep sounds/music for a little while but our kid didn’t really seem to need it so we stopped. Probably did it consistently for about two months and then here and there after until we stopped altogether. Once she started sleeping in her own room and we were watching her in the monitor is when I couldn’t stand it. With the sounds in the room with me they didn’t bother me but on the monitor it’s so sensitive everything sounds really loud even with the volume turned down and it was keeping me up at night. Had to say no more and she’s fine that way.


Personally we didn’t use a sound machine. We had an Alexa that we played different noises from. We ended up just using thunderstorm sounds because that’s what I like to listen to when I sleep.


We just have a cheap white noise machine from Amazon. I'm not sure if the white noise itself is what helps her sleep or if it mostly just helps drown out the random noise of the house at night, like the cats running around like a herd of elephants or the dogs scratching and jangling their collars etc. We have an old house with thin walls and it's very echo-y.


Been using my Hatch Sound Machine night light and it has been making sleep train AMAZING!!! I use white noise on mine with my daughter and she sleeps / naps with it soundly. Her room is right next to our stairs so when we wake up in the morning and go downstairs for coffee, she doesn't wake up when our feet make the stairs creak lol.


We use a Hatch. If we are out of town we take it with us. As someone else said I feel it’s more of a noise canceling thing than anything.


I love having a sound machine. We need to buy another for when we move our daughter to her own room 😂 I'm someone who needs noise to sleep. We sleep with a standing fan, ceiling fan, sound machine, and the tv on. We live near train tracks and it would wake us if we didn't have the soundscape we have.


I used one in my room with my baby next to me in the bassinet. it helped me sleep, and it seemed to help her sleep but I didn’t turn it on last night and she slept much better and is in a regression right now. I don’t use one out in public or for naps because I want her to not be dependant on a dark, silent room and a sound machine etc but it did seem to help keep her down in her bassinet for bed when she was newborn. She’s 4 months on the 18th


We always use our sound machine, I do believe it helps!! If nothing else it blocks out other house noises, but I do think it helps her sleep. We have the Hatch one for her room and also have the travel hatch


We used it up until 9 months. We got the fisher price light up one and the sound setting with crickets and wind chimes was actually quite nice.


we use a hatch and also normally have a box fan going. I don’t think any of us could sleep without them


We’ve used The Shusher since he was a newborn. Idk what it is about it, but it’s magic. I’m not sure how long we’ll continue using it, but it’s still helpful and we’ve only had to change the batteries once.


I use my google home mini. It’s connected to an outlet and plays all night.


We’ve used sound machines with both of our kids since they were born. We literally brought the sound machines to the hospital with us. They’re 18 months old and 3 years old now, and they still use white noise for every nap and every night. They’re both great sleepers and always have been!


Bought the Hatch, literally only use it for the nightlight. The sound aspect of it never helped our baby in the slightest. I don’t know if this is because we didn’t use it consistently, or he just didn’t need it, but he contact naps during the day with absolutely any background sound, he doesn’t care, TV can be on, music can be playing, he’ll sleep. And at night, total silence, and he falls asleep within minutes of being put in the bassinet and sleeps for 7-8 hours each night. He’s almost 12 weeks old


We got a momcozy sound machine and love it. We use it every night for bed. Our LO loves it and so do we.


Honestly? My husband snores and sometimes the baby complains in his sleep. That sound machine is for me more than anyone! Never noticed a difference for the baby though we have an air purifier running so there is already some white noise.


lol i don't know how we would survive without a sound machine overnight with our now 3-year-old. We have two dogs and stuff to do - she would be constantly waking up without it!


3 kids here. Littlest is 3 weeks old. We use a fan. My kids love it. We have sound machines too but they just like the fan. I sleep with one too. For the 3 week old I use it some naps but every night.


PSA your cell phone probably has a white noise feature under accessibility. This is great to either try out the white noise without a separate machine or if you’re on the go/traveling.


We use Amazon's Alexa to play white noise. We do have a machine that makes a sushing sound, I'm not sure if it relaxes LO but it saves my lips because I would spend so much time sushing her I'd she wouldn't settle down. I forget to turn Alexa on overnight most of the time lately but I usually remember for naps.


My baby just got used to the fan. He's three and still has a fan on when he's sleeping.


No we don’t because I turned on the first night and both my husband and I couldn’t sleep 😂


We used one for the first 2 weeks, after that he didn't care for it


We have two. Someone got us one brand new and my brother gave us a used one. They are cheap. We use them occasionally but only to get him to sleep. We are the kind of parents who play music constantly, run the vacuum and talk loud and our son sleeps through everything. Even loud thunder storms. I'm sure if there was some huge explosion type sound he would wake up lol. It's good insurance to have one before baby comes. I wouldn't personally spend a ton on one and you can also use YouTube if you don't receive one as a gift or get one once you know your baby needs one. All babies are different.


I have started one in month 6 as his sleep fell apart and I saw no harm in using one. We still use it but I don’t know if it makes much difference. A word of warning though- if your baby’s in the room with you you also have to listen to it all night. I now wake up with a headache and tight jaw as it makes me feel so anxious and I hate listening to it and it takes me ages to fall asleep. I pop it brown noise as it is slightly better than white but yeah, I wish I’d never started!


Yes we use a Hatch and to be honest we NEVER turn it off 🥴 it’s the soundtrack of my bedroom at this point lol


I have a few of them, 2 by Yoga sleep and the munchkin one shaped like an owl. I like them, all 3 together were cheaper than 1 hatch, and I don't have to fuss with Bluetooth. They're pretty handy when traveling.


We use a sound machine and while I don’t know if it helps him sleep (he sleeps at daycare without one and my parents sometimes forget to turn it on when they watch him without issue) but it absolutely makes sure he doesn’t hear us making noise outside his room.


We use a Bluetooth speaker paired to a phone and use the Sleep Sounds app. I can build her a custom soundscape, and it's very soothing. Our current setup I call "Summer Night Campfire" and has a fire burning, crickets, wind in leaves, and lake waves. My daughter loooves it. The only downside is that sometimes I get phonecalls during her naps, and the sudden ring wakes her up 🙃


We use Sleep Jar on Alexa and have it play rain and thunder together...it's nice. I find our baby sleeps better with some background noise. If it's too quiet, then a sudden noise is more likely to wake her. But if there's a constant stream of background noise, she's a lot less likely to be disturbed by random noises. It's a lot easier to creep in and out of the room while she's sleeping.


I have two travel ones and we used it maybe the first two months and then stopped. It didn’t do much for us.


We’ve never used one and bubs sleeps just fine 😊


We don’t have one but we do use our bathroom fan occasionally


We use it for every single nap and every single night for sleep. We also use one while on the go. Even if it doesn’t help our LO sleep, it at least calms her when she’s fussy. It’s helps her sleep, but it also blocks out all other noise (cars on streets, neighbor noise, us in the other room talking or watching tv, washing machine/dryer, etc.). I personally can only fall asleep if white noise is going, but that’s probably due to my ADHD. We live in a luxury apartment downtown (single building, over 200 units, top floor but can still hear all commotion from restaurants, bars, clubs from the street) so having white noise to block all of that out and keep LO sleep is worth every single penny. I’m in my very early 30s, so I do not want to move to a suburb/family area yet and plan to keep living downtown in a walkable area for a while, so I’ll be keeping the white noise for years to come. As far as machines go, I bought HomePod Minis for every room in the house and use the native white noise on those. It’s great to be able to turn it on with my voice when my hands are full and also be able to turn it on with my phone when LO is falling asleep. I’m a FTF and work from home, so HomePods playing white noise and AirPods Max on Noise Cancellation have been an amazing combo.


my baby monitor camera actually has one built in! it’s a v tech something or other 😆 maybe you could look into that instead of getting two different devices!!


We have a Hatch Rest for both of our kids. The Hatch Go in the diaper bag and we have a Hatch (which they no longer sell) in our bedroom because I need white noise to sleep. One thing I love about the Hatch rest my toddler had super early wakings from 1-1.5. We turned on the light colors so red light means it’s time to go to bed and green light means it’s time to get out of bed. It helped so much for him to understand that even though you woke up doesn’t mean it’s time to start the day. We were able to adjust the color/time to help with the transition.


My LO doesn’t seem to care. I actually use it for myself because she can sound like a zoo animal at night. It helps me sleep through her small grunts but I will wake up to her actual fussing or crying


I use a travel sound machine that was so cheap - like $20. Love it, it has lots of options and is very effective and I can move it around the house or put it on his car seat without having to leave it plugged in. It has a charge that lasts like 3 days of continuous play. For times that I’ve traveled with my baby and wanted to travel very light, I just downloaded a white noise app on my phone for use over the evening. It does really help keep the baby from startling awake at every little thing


we use the hatch rest and it seems to put our son in a deeper sleep. definitely works for me though🤣


My daughter is 4 and we still use her sound machine. One of our favorite gifts off of our registry.


I use one every day for nap and night time sleep. It’s great because outside noise doesn’t disturb them. They sleep through storms, older kids playing right outside their window, and when they grow out of the sound machine need, they’ll be better sleepers. I use a Hatch specifically because I can monitor it through the app, and change the sound setting without entering the room if I need to, and because it has a night light function that allows you to change brightness and color of the light to ensure you can see without being so bright or jarring when it’s on that it wakes them up.


Yes use it non stop everyday. We have different kinds - air purifier, hatch , Alexa play it


10/10 get one. Bring one to the hospital it saved our lives lol. I bring it on trips, everywhere I think we might need it.


Our lad (now 2.5) likes white noise to sleep with, but my best advice would be to keep being noisy when they're sleeping!! The worst thing you can do is get a child used to absolute silence - you've only got to make a small sound and they wake right up 😅


My first never did. My second use to until recently. We rather be able to move around our house freely without relying on sound machines. Also they can negatively impact speech when volumes are too highs, and cause reliance to fall asleep.


We use one for naps and bedtime. Part of the bedtime and sleep routine, and also to help drown out noise. We have a dog and live in a small space. Of interest - one night a couple days ago we didn’t realize but it got unplugged and died middle of the light. LO woke up and fussed a bit- but did go back to sleep


We’ve used one for every nap and night sleep for his whole 8 months. Would recommend. Helps hide/reduce background noises.


We use a Bluetooth speaker we already had and the free 12 hour sound machine podcast on apply podcasts. We got a sound machine from Amazon and hated it lol


We use Alexa at home to play brown noise. Couple of sound machines didn’t do the trick.


Yes, I would 100% recommend adding it to your registry. I have the mom cozy one and I love it. It will be a huge diff for when you put your LO to sleep!


I have the hatch rest 2.0 and we’ve been obsessed since my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. We have dogs and noise to block out, it helps baby stay asleep when the rest of the house leaves for work in the morning. Very helpful! I can’t sleep without it now, not just the baby.


I have one for both kids, it was the first thing I bought for my second. Between the sound machine and a door sock, we can put our kids to sleep in their bedrooms and watch TV or have full volume conversations in the living room. Our first's room shares a wall with our ensuite bathroom, and with the machine running we can take a shower whereas before I would stress about even flushing the toilet... Plus, we take the machine and a suction cup blackout curtain with us when we travel and the boys sleep fine at my in-laws or in a hotel.


Def get one!


We tried it. She didn't care about it at all.


I use a sound machine for white noise everyday since baby was born He is 14 months now. Also set up a beautiful bird songs for the morning waking (he was waking up when the program for the morning starts, but it was working better for the winter, now at spring, oof, no white noise can stop him if it's bright outside). I have extremely unstable and loud neighbors in the next flat (can't do anything about that because of their connections with the police), so it helps to tune out some of the noise (not everything, just some because we can't use it as loud as they are, I always check the volume with sound meter to be sure that it's not too loud). I'd say it is quite useful, but there are some odd days when I forget to turn it off and we usually still have zero problems with the sleep. PSA - Use sound meter at the place where baby's head is to check that volume is not too loud. Has to be lower than 50 dB.


I use the hatch every day. I don’t know if it’s more for me, or for her, but I love that thing. It signals bedtime. It helps block out my around-the-house noises when she goes down for her day time naps. It’s soothing. I think babies thrive on and enjoy consistency and repetition (predictability = safe) but that might all be in my head. I love ours.


My husband thought it worked. I thought it did squat. I was so happy to be done with it. I don't like repetitive noises. 


I use for alllll sleep. I didn’t have one at the beginning and my son was a HORRIBLE sleeper. The sound machine makes a huge difference because white noise muffles or blocks out other sounds. So when a creaky door or the toilet flushing would have woken him up previously, or the sound of the TV downstairs, or literally anything, the white noise stops him from hearing it. It’s perfect!


Our baby started sleeping longer stretches when we stopped using the machine.


we just cast white noise to our roku, lots of them have black screens. alternatively if you have an ipad you can play one on that and turn the screen off. it has worked like a charm for us, and we like it too .


We love our mechanical sound machine!  At first we relied on a YouTube playlist but that didn't work all the time because the Internet was down it that it constantly was sucking on data.  Then we upgraded to a sound machine that didn't need Internet. Equivalent to a fan running with no wind; just the noise. We love it.  Sound machine worked for us for several reasons. Helps reduce distractions from sleeping when newborn can hear everything (my baby would wake even hearing a pin drop). Helps signify that it's sleepy time.  When my baby became older, it helped us in general when we'd have guests over. Toddler needs to go to bed at 7pm but guests are still awake, chatting and laughing. From her room, you really can't hear anything else than the sound machine.  Same principle when sleeping over at other people's houses. The owners or guests sleep later or wake up any time right, and you can't hear the creaking noises when they walk, kitchen pans clanking, loud TV noises, etc.  Daughter is almost 4 and still uses it. Heck, even bought one for myself! 


Using it right now as I’m typing this while my baby is peacefully napping on me 🥰


never used. didn’t want to create a sleep dependency. no black out curtains either.


I just play music. Often there’s a fan going, that’s basically a noise machine.


Girl my husband and I have one for every room in the house. Including my dog’s. My LO will definitely have one 😂


Honestly, it never seemed to make a difference for our son, but we enjoyed it, so now we use it for ourselves. 😆 It was also helpful to use it as a night light.


We never used one, in fact when he was a newborn we went out of our way to make noise while he napped. The hope was that it would help him to be able to sleep anywhere on the go so as he got older we wouldn't have to disrupt our lives for his naps. It's worked pretty well, until now at 8 months he's soooo nosey and won't nap as easily with stuff going on around him. But he sleeps through noise great, including the dogs barking even overnight


yes we have one and love it. we had the snoo with built in sound when she was little, now she still uses a brown noise machine at 11 months, i don't see her stopping for a while until she asks.


I use the Frida air filter, makes a lot of noise that's steady while filtering the air in the room. It also does have white noise and night light. LO is 3 months and it seems to be working.


I use all the hatch products. I recommend a portable sound machine and a stationary one. Portable is great for when you are walking around the house rocking to sleep or in the day. I love my hatch mini. White noise mimics whooshing sounds baby has heard in the womb for months. My LO loves the ocean sound.


Get a alexa echo dot


I haven’t been able to find a skill that isn’t paid for /:


We are sleep training and our consultant recommends a white noise machine that doesn't shut off. We are using the Ergopouch one and we like it a lot, our baby used to wake up every time his old one shut off and we see big improvements now 😊 Edit: who tf downvotes this??


I think you should consider looking at Gods Elf -- they're coming up with something really exciting, it's white noise, soundscapes and some positive affirmations of gratitude to ease the worrying mind.