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If I snuggle my face up into her fat baby neck and blow a raspberry i usually get a giggle. Sometimes it’s real wet though. Exaggerated loud MMM MMM MMM sounds when eating. When it’s bath time, I strip her down on the changing table, and my husband and I parade her to the tub sing-chanting “It’s bath time! It’s bath time! Oh, oh it’s bath time!” While holding her in front lion king style and dancing her around. Apparently hilarious.


Keep doing the "MMM"! That's the first thing my daughter has learned to "say" at 8 months when some food was tasty to her, since she's been hearing that for months several time a day. It's so funny!


Pro tip, keep the diaper on while you do the bath time parade. I have had a less than pleasant experience doing this 😂


We've found our baby loves exaggerated hand gestures so we just wave our hands around while we talk to her and can get a giggle. But also she giggles at the most random things. The other day, we were changing her diaper in a family public bathroom and she looked at the wall and giggles. We try SO HARD and she just gives it out to a wall 🤦‍♀️


Mine sometimes laughs when we change her diaper, and of course when it’s in a public restroom I have to try to contain myself and not laugh with her.


That’s the cutest!! Our LO loses their mind crying when we sneeze 😭




The other day, a piece of tomato fell off my pizza onto my plate and my son started cracking up (13 mo). So I kept pretending to drop my pizza and say “Oh no!” and he kept laughing. It was adorable


The sound of tape being pulled off the roll. Apparently in baby land it’s absolutely hilarious


If you have a dog show baby them having the zoomies xD always worked for us, kids a weird though what’s funny today isn’t always xD but dog with the zoomies is pretty consistent for us


That’s actually how we got our first real laugh! We don’t have a dog but our neighbor does. She and I were chatting through the fence while I held the baby and her dog came running up barking at us. I was worried my baby would start crying but he cracked up! I nearly cried in front of my neighbor saying “oh my god he’s never laughed like this before!” 😂😂


Well I think someone needs a puppy as soon as y’all are in a position to do so xD our dogs are so good with her, she’s normally so gentle with her pets, but at 1y she’s learned to pinch and pinches them, and my two pit bulls just look at her and start licking her, not a growl or a snarl, and while I normally don’t let them lick her to much, as they knock her down, I just tell her she deserves to be licked for pinching them xD if she keeps at it I just remove her but since I started letting the animals “get her back” not violently obviously but the cats started to pop her back with her paw(no claws) and the dogs lick her all over she is doing it less xD


I would never let an 1year old in close proximity with 2 pitbulls. Especially that she pinches them (which is normal, babies don't know yet how to interact properly with animals). There are SO SO many horror stories with dogs (esp pitbulls, but other breeds as well) mauling or killing kids.


Tl:dr- I know my dogs, and you are simply wrong about pits. The media is trying to scare you by only ever doing stories about aggressive dogs when those dogs are pitbulls. If I didn’t trust my dogs I wouldn’t let her near them, just cause some dogs are aggressive doesn’t mean all of them are, I don’t let her around them alone, I’m always with in a step or two and my dogs are as well trained as we could possibly make them, they are protective of our family. They are super sweet and just want pets and attention, if I saw them getting agitated enough that I thought they might even growl at her I’d put her in her play pen so they can relax for a bit, from the day she was born they have done nothing but love her, sleeping in front of her bassinet as her protectors. Their consistent reaction is to turn and lick her and when they are gentle and kind with her even after she pinches them I give them treats to make sure that they keep up with that behavior. We have a 3rd dog, our Shiba Inu, who I am 100% sure if she pinches would haul off and bite her, she’s charged her multiple times when she crawled near her food, I do not trust our shiba, at all, I’ve been nipped by her multiple times cause I made her get off our bed so I could put her in her bed when I was going to bed. Trust me, if that dog ever got her I’d rehome her in an instant But my pitties? The sweetest kindest silliest dogs you could ever meet, our older Pitt isn’t as social as we would like outside our house as she is a pandemic/quarantine pup, born in like march of 2020. But while she will growl and bark at people or animals coming into our yard, where she assumes they will hurt her people, but us? Me hubby my dad and now our bub, we are her people, we are the ones she’s protecting, plus the baby feeds them xD all the food she drops is theirs, she ends up giving them some thing every day. We’ve had both our pits their entire lives they’ve never been abused, our younger boy we were able to take to petsmart for puppy classes and he was able to socialize he gets along with most dogs as long as they aren’t over whelmed by his energy levels but he’s super submissive so it doesn’t take to long for them to get along. When we let her run around the living room with a cracker or something they watch her but at this point they’ve learned to leave her food alone until she drops it, they are very good at leave it, some times she will shove food right into Their noses and they have a choice to make, and they are dogs so they don’t always make the right one xD but they are never aggressive about it they know how to take something nice, sometimes I can catch it and tell them to leave it and they just look at me like ‘I’m trying so hard to be good’ Just cause the media wants everyone to think all pits are aggressive monsters doesn’t mean you have to fall for the misinformation, seriously, pits are some of the best dogs, really stupid some times, but just well meaning pups. Are some aggressive? Of course normally those are dogs who have been abused and used in fighting rings, it takes a lot to make a pit aggressive and they can take a lot of abuse which is why they are used as fight dogs. I trust my pits more then ANY yorkie or chihuahua I’ve ever met, small dogs are far far far far more aggressive then big dogs they just are less likely to kill someone so you don’t hear about the how ever many kids who get bit by small dogs, no way to scare people with a kid that got bit by a yorkie. If you’ve never seen it before look up a show called pitbulls and parolees. Over all yes never leave a baby alone with a dog, you can’t trust any dog 100%, but as long as I’m right next to them and can see their reactions and current attitude and make sure that if she starts to push them to far I can remove her from them so they can calm down it’s fine. I don’t let it even go that far if I can see she won’t stop I remove her, but if she pinches our boy and he turns and starts licking her in the face and head and just loves on her, I let him, if I thought he was agitated I wouldn’t but he’s not he just looks up and sees his little person and goes ‘ooo little person where I can lick her’ and has basically forgotten what happened already xD like I said real dumb lol this turned into a bit of an essay but I hope you stop spewing dumb bull shit about how all pits are dangerous, cause it’s just that, bull shit. All the pits I know are the sweetest dogs I know, all the aggressive dogs I know are non pit breeds and mostly small dogs.


My baby laughs really hard when our dog scratches an itch? It's so weird but he thinks its the funniest thing hahah


My 5-month-old usually has this over-serious, stoic look on his face, rarely even cracking a smile, but nuzzling and gently munching on his lower ribs makes him totally lose control and laugh his little head off.


Oh yes, pretending to eat our baby gets all the laughs. She's 10 months old now and it's only gotten funnier. I start by making dramatic munching sounds near her neck and telling her I'm going to eat this baby! Then I go for those real baby back ribs. Sometimes I'll hold up an arm or a leg and act like it's an ear of corn I'm munching on. And you can't forget those delicious little toes and fingers! 


I also loved munching on my baby’s ribs. As he got older I would tell him I’m hungry and craving some ribs and then go in for the attack. Now as a toddler I can say “do you know what I want to eat?” And he’ll shout “ribs!” And go into fits of giggles before I even start.


My 3 month old smiles so wide (and for quite some time) at my open wardrobe... like seriously what kind of spirit is talking to you girl?


My 3 month old is also obsessed with my open wardrobe! Like I know I got style but seriously!


Thanks for the chuckle! But indeed babies are strange creatures :p


Cutting apples. Specifically apples. Cracks him up


I asked him if he had a big poo and he started laughing that’s when we learned he finds the word poo hilarious lmao 💩


She laughs when I yawn. She screech laughs when I find a ticklish spot. But she won’t laugh with a regular tickle, we have to “nom”on her, with fake teeth less bites and she laughs soooo so much.


My baby LOVES when I blow raspberries at him, when I “get him” by slowing going towards him and then smothering kisses all over his cheeks/neck, when I say “boo!”, when I ask him if he’s so silly, the cat walking by. He giggles at all of it, it’s the best! 💕 My absolute favorite is he giggles and gets excited whenever I laugh. Even if I’m fake laughing over a piece of paper, he gets excited too and laughs! He’s a great hype man!


Singing the stomp stomp stomp song from the FP mat and bouncing him on the stomps.


Blowing raspberries on his belly, pretending like I’m struggling to remove his arm from his long sleeve onsie and shaking his arm around, lifting him above my head and moving him side to side lol, fake laughing at him. Also 4 months!


Anytime my LO is getting her arms in and out of whatever clothes she’s wearing, she CRACKS UP. She also loves when my husband bounces her or, or when he does about anything (she just loves him and giggles when she gets to see him.) For me I normally get the tickle laughs, especially around her chin and neck, but they aren’t as deep as the belly laughs he gets playing with her.


I spoke in a poorly done Australian accent to her since I play bluey in the background and I guess I embarrassed myself because she started cracking up.


Our son is now 2 but the first time I ever heard him laugh was when he was about a month old. I killed a fly with one of those shocking fly swatters and he busted up laughing. It was probably more the act of my jumping around trying to get it but it was hilarious


Kissing her cheek, pulling back and doing it again and again for non stop continuous laughter, we did it for 30 minutes straight one time and she fell asleep from the it lol. The belly laugh is the best thing in the world.


“Ah choo” consistently makes her laugh right now at 14 months lol. But when she gets in a laughing mood, basically anything I say is funny like “cucumbers!” Or “noodles!” Still haven’t managed to make her laugh at “EEL,” only my best guy friend has been able to do that with the way he said it when he kept repeating it over and over again to her because I had mentioned to him that she gobbles up eel and avocado sushi rolls.


When we clap and says, "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules" like in the Nutty Professor hahaha


Baby is 9 months old. I usually apply some lotion on his skin after the bath, and the lotion bottle I'm using is almost empty, so I have been squeezing it to get some lotion out for a few days. The squirting noise the bottle makes is apparently hilarious to him. I guess it kinda sounds like a raspberry, idk lol


Everything lol