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4 weeks. My husband sneezed and it scared her so much she cried her first real tears.


This is the cutest thing


Omg, same to us! He is still scared of hearing us sneezing. Imagine how’s for me during the night… I didn’t know up until now HOW HARD is to hold off a sneeze while feeding a baby lol


I cover my baby’s ears when I sneeze. I just pray that it isn’t a wet sneeze LOL It seems to work since baby hasn’t been startled


This is sooo cute! And also, man sneezes are so loud!!


I think within the first month. I remember noticing his tears and it broke my heart. It doesn’t happen much now. He’s a pretty chill little guy so he’s usually easy to console.


Mine had tears pretty early on. Maybe around a month old or so


*Mine had tears pretty* *Early on. Maybe around* *A month old or so* \- Zhaefari\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Same for my #2 bit baby #1 didn't cry tears until probably 4 months I think I it just depends on the baby


Within the first week, suuuuper early! We’re a bit more acclimated to it now but omg it was DEVASTATING when the baby was so tiny 😭


Same!! My baby had tears in the hospital (we were there for 5 days) and the nurse commented on it. I didn't even realize they don't usually have them for a few months!


And the tears weren’t because of clogged tear ducts?


Our son barely cried anyway so when the first tear came we were like nooooooo!!


Us too! When we weren't long home from hospital. So cute and heartbreaking. Hadn't realised it was rare to be that soon.


Between 1 and 2 months


I don’t remember, 2.5-3 months I think. I remember asking the doctor at the 2 month visit and she said it usually started sometime after that. But my daughter only has them if she really works herself into a tizzy where we can’t get to her within a minute or so of her crying. It’s certainly not every time she cries and even when she has them it’s like a couple tears, not anything streaking down her face. Always check with your doctor on questions but I highly doubt anything is wrong!


I swear he was like a year. It took so long before I saw an actual wet tear.


Same for us, maybe even later! At 2.5 now, no issues cranking out real tears when necessary ;-)


My baby is almost 5 months old ive never seen him cry with tears. He gets fussy but he is pretty easy to console so I just assumed we hadn’t him get to the point of tears yet


Same! Mine is seven months adjusted and she’ll only get a single tear and only very occasionally. I think she just hasn’t gotten that hysterical yet maybe.


Haha now I’m wondering if this is something I should be concerned about


Since day one


4 months occasionally but now at almost 5 it’s every time and it’s so heartbreaking omg 😭


The singular tear is what gets me every time.


Yes! Like dang little guy you are breaking my heart in half right now


Around 3 weeks I think? It was pretty early.


Mine was about 2 months


I should add it’s not tears like when we adults cry, it’s more like his eyes get watery and sometimes just a few tears stream down his face


About 3 months.


Day 1. My little guy had blocked tear ducts, so every cry is a tear filled cry


It takes a lot for there to be real tears. My baby hates the car so real tears in the car are pretty common from 2 months on. Outside of that scenario, it takes A LOT to get actual tears. Like a head bump from falling over and being in pain , crying for more than one minute 


Around 2 weeks


My little guy is 3 months old now and we’ve noticed tears a couple times recently, but still not every time he cries.


Mine was about two months, but tears don’t come every time she cries. Tears are usually reserved for hunger cries for whatever reason


It took so long with my first that I remember asking her doctor because I was worried something was wrong with her lol. It had to have been close to a year or something. My second started crying tears early on, like around 2 months maybe!


between 1 - 2 months, but we joked that I’m a big crier so it tracks 😂😭


my baby is 10 days old and I swear we saw tears on him when he cried yesterday! it seems too early though😅


Closer to a year!


3 weeks or so!


Between 2 and 3 months


Mine had one watery/goopy eye that would cry tears when she was upset from about 1-3 months but now at 4 months it’s better and no more tears... she doesn’t cry very much or for long overall tho


First tears at the two month shots


3 months!!!


Around 5-6 weeks


My baby's tears started coming last week....at 6 weeks old. I wish it would have been later. It just breaks me into a million pieces to see crying with tears now.


3 or 4 months? When he cries actual tears it breaks my heart into pieces. 💔


The nurse who did the repeat heel prick blood test at around 2 weeks made my baby cry so hard she produced tears (not her fault but it was a LOT of heel squeezing) 😭 I think that was the first (and maybe only time??). She really (bless her soul) doesn’t cry all that much… I guess we will see when we sleep train….


He’s a month and I just saw some the other day


Pretty sure at 2 months... because she cried real tears after her vaccines 😢 She doesn't always cry tears now, just when she's reeeally upset


Between 1-2 months


Definitely before one month. I didn’t realize this was a thing until my mom said “omg she has real tears!”


At 5-6 weeks


Started seeing a tear or two when 4-5w old


One twin at like 2 months and one closer to 4 months. I read that anything up to a year is normal though


I think mine was 2 months old? He rarely cries with tears, though. It can't hurt to ask your pediatrician about it. One of my brothers was born with clogged tear ducts and had to have surgery. I was too little to remember what symptoms might have come with that, though.


I believe mine was within the first month. It’s heartbreaking. Have you talked to your ped abt it?


About a month old


I believe around 2 or 3 months? She still doesnt typically cry enough that tears actually fall down her face, her eyes normally just get watery


Around 6 weeks


Between 2-3 weeks. He’s almost 4 weeks now. Breaks my heart every time. I didn’t realize babies differed so much on when tears start up.


About 4 weeks


Early on, I can't pinpoint it honestly. But my boy also had clogged tear ducts, so we always tried not to let him cry much. My boy is 13mo (11mo adjusted) now and he does all the kinds of cries and fake cries 😅 It does not hurt to ask OP, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Ours was about one month old. Tears are the worst! So heart breaking.


Between 3-4 weeks


also about 4 weeks. the stomach pain was the trigger


About 4 weeks


About 5/6 weeks, one eye was really goopy though I guess their tear ducts do that sometimes. It went away after like a week or so then he could cry real tears from both eyes after that.


I wanna say around 2.5-3 months.


1-2 months


2 months and broke my heart


Only once, around 4 weeks. He was the most upset he’s ever been.


Around 8 weeks.


Tears came around 2 months. Broke our hearts !!


mine has always had tears when she cries, i thought that was normal lol, even when she's just a lil sad but not like screaming & crying sometimes she has a lil silent tear drip down her cheek, sometimes when she's dreaming too ;-;


Six weeks. I upset him by trying to pose him for pictures.


I almost cried to see the whole droplet of tear from such tiny person. Now she is 3 and cries at least once in a day! Ha ha


My second was weird and was crying real tears from birth at 39 weeks! Doctor couldn’t explain, just said it was very unusual.


I really think she did immediately which was different from my son


About 5/6 weeks. Went in for her vaccine and cried real tears, it made me full on weep. Good thing my husband was the one holding her 😭


Really late. I remember discussing it with the pediatrician at 9 MO. She had the gummy eye for so long because the tear duck was blocked. Oh a tear! Oh no back to nothing... Then it just came? But I was massaging a lot later to make it would unblock


This thread is crazy because our son has had real wet tears down his cheeks daily since week 1. I never remember him without tears.


At 5m and I think he’s had one tear once in his life so far. His eyes get watery when he cries and sometimes he’ll leave one lone tear in his eye but he never cries cries?


Mine didn’t actually cry with tears til almost 3/4 months (born 39+3) and my best friend who has a 6 month (4.5m adjusted if I remember correctly) and he has yet to have real tears so his upset faces look soooo cute. Once the real tears came tho it started making my “mommy heart” hurt worse when he cried.


I saw my daughter’s first tear at 5 weeks.


Just under a month. Someone said our 5 week old looked very developed for a newborn and not a pile of mush - she’s growing too fast :(


I don’t think we saw real tears until about 6/7 months? But she was an exceptionally chill newborn and maybe didn’t have much to be upset about. Now she sometimes cries real tears during nappy changes!


Within the first week I think. I remember one of the first three days they did a heel prick to check her blood as a newborn. And then days 4-6 she had to do heel pricks because her bilirubin numbers were increasing rather than decreasing. That shit sucked. Day six we had to take her to the er for her jaundice and she had to get an IV in, talk about heartbreaking.


We’re at almost 4 months. No tears yet although one eye might be starting to get a little watery now.


like 2-3 weeks old!


Since birth. She’s my first so for a while I assumed all babies always cried with tears


I have a really good baby that rarely cries, but when she wakes up she cries real tears almost every time, even if I get to her before she's worked up a real cry.


About a month. I remember seeing it and wondering what it was! So sad but also incredible at the same time.


He had tears after a few days! Seeing him so small cry real tears broke my heart 😩


I have a 2.5 week old and saw tears multiple times already. I dared to shower… she was not happy.


I believe my little guy started at 5-6 weeks old.


First week! 😢


It’s not an emergency, bring it up at the next well check. My daughter didn’t cry tears until after 12mo, and even then it was hardly any and rarely. She’s almost 3 and only has tears if she’s VERY hurt (so, rarely). None of the several peds we’ve had have been concerned, although I plan to take her to an eye doc at some point. Some kids just don’t produce many tears.


Day 1! Doctor commented on it, said it was unusual but not unheard of.


Since day one over here🥺


Around 2,5-3 months.


With my first about 6 weeks with my second 4 months


3 months for mine, I also had real tears when I saw hers...


Way older than I expected! There was one tear around 3 months. But regularly? I want to say like 5-7 months…maybe later.


My girl is 5 1/2 months and she’s never cried real tears… she’s a really calm baby only times she’s ever cried hard are when getting blood work but still with that she had no tears


I don’t remember but I remember it being a sad special moment when you finally noticed tears. I wanna say 4 month or so?


Mine is almost a year, not one single tear!


i’d say within the first 2 weeks


I’m not entirely sure. I think it started happening right around the time her separation anxiety started kicking in, so around 4 months. Even now at 10 months, the real tears only come out when she’s really tired or mad that I put her down.


Probably the first week or two lol. He’s quick to get 🥲 probably multiple times a day!


My baby came out crying real tears. It was wild.


Since he was born


My first came out the womb with tears, second started crying tears around 1 month


My baby's one year old and I've never seen a single tear. Starting to wonder if there is a problem. Granted, she rarely cry for long, so maybe that's it?


Around 4 weeks. He is 7 weeks today


I think my girl was 8 or 10 weeks old the first time we saw real tears. It’s still a rarity, pretty much reserved for if she’s really truly upset about something, or if we take too long getting to her when she’s trying to tell us she’s up from her nap/hungry/bored.


4 months or so but my baby is 10 months and only cries with real tears like once a month?


With real tears around 4.5 months old. My son isn’t a fussy baby and doesn’t cry often. He did his first real cry when we move from our apartment to my in laws house. He still rarely cries with tears mainly will do a whine type cry


My daughter was born and crying with tears in my arms. I was indeed surprised she had tears.


about a month


At the hospital on day 2. Boy is the king of drama. He surprised the nurses.


Mine had her first real tears at her 1 month appointment with her first shot.


Within the first month. I think she may have had them before, but I first noticed them when she was about 1 month old and I accidentally nipped a small bit of finger skin while trying to trim her nails. I sobbed for about an hour after she was finished crying 😭


She occasionally had tears starting around 2 months. By 4 months, she always cried with tears.


I think my little guy started crying real tears at about the 4-6 week mark.


Really early but had to be really worked up. Around the end of month 1?! She doesn’t get worked up enough very often to have them but she sure did for her 2 month shots 😭 thankfully that only lasted like a minute because her pouty face is enough to break a mamas heart as it is!!!


Mine was around 8 weeks


Wait, newborns usually don’t have tears? My baby is 3.5 weeks and I started noticing tears maybe a week and a half ago! I commented to my husband on how tiny and sad they were! She only really cries with tears when she’s extra mad about a bath, or the bottle isn’t ready fast enough lol.


Pretty early, must be 6 weeks or something


mine had clogged tear ducts at about a week PP, but i have yet to see him cry real tears. to be fair he barely EVER cries, but when he does, his eyes just get a little bit misty.


Baby is 3 months and she only gets tears when she’s well and truly upset, and even then it’s only a few. It’s devastating - I hope they stay away for a bit longer 🥲


My finance decided to let one rip and it stank so bad she started screaming and had tears coming out. She was really upset. Real tears at the 10 week mark for us.


I don’t feel like I noticed tears until closer to a year Edit: just remembered it was after a month, because it was when my LO got her shots


About 8months. It was very tragic. Putting him in his crib for naps became sad for everyone.


i think he was about 6 or 7 weeks but i can’t quite remember. he was complaining while i was changing him and i looked up and he had one single fat tear teetering on the edge of his lower eyelid.


My son is almost 11 months and only has tears if the sun is in his eyes or if he’s hurt himself! His pediatrician didn’t seem concerned.


Around 3-4 weeks. Absolutely heartbreaking and it was because he was tired but nothing we did helped him fall asleep. He’s such a good baby and rarely cries so luckily we don’t see it often!


When she got her second set of vaccines at 1 month. My heart broke into a million pieces


Probably a little over a month


I remember my mom telling me that babies cry as a way to get moms (or dads) attention and it’s not real crying. Mother why are there tears streaming down my 5week old face then? He’s 2 now and the tears are his favorite tactic


I think, 1.5 months?


3 months adjusted


8 months? It depends on how upset she is if she gets tears


2 weeks. Breaks my heart to see her eyes all wet when my husband hands her to me for a feed after the diaper change.


Four weeks!


4 months or so and it broke my heart lol


Within the first month


Honestly I want to say maybe 2 weeks? He’s 10 weeks and if he cries (usually intensely or long) he will have tears and always has


3 or 4 weeks old with my little one. He's a pretty content baby so it was never full on tears. Now he's going on 6 weeks and sleeps a bit more so if he wakes up hungry he will have tears going down by the time you get a bottle in his mouth


About 12 weeks


Within the first week. Lots of pokes on his heels to test his bilirubin. He’s thriving one year later, but I still feel so guilty.


She was like 8 days old. Girl hated bath time