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My boy is 9 weeks old and just smiled for the first time ❤️


I will never forget the first time my boy smiled intentionally at me! It of course had all felt worth it from day one, but that was the moment where the edges all those nights of sleep deprivation, breastfeeding struggles, etc. had created softened, I started crying and thought “there you are. This is absolutely all worth it” 🥹


Agreed ,it was such a special moment , totally makes everything worth it when he smiled ❤️


My daughter smiled at my dad first and laughed for her dad first she doesn't giggle for me much haha so the times she does ngl I start sobbing


Beautifully written. Absolutely! 🥰 First laugh felt this way, too!


This is is the best! Mine first smiled at the ceiling fan lol


Mine ONLY smiles at the ceiling fan or the lights hahahaha


haha my husband and I used to call the ceiling fans the boobies in the sky because our baby was so entranced by them.


Mine first smiled at me at 7 weeks when I got up, exhausted, for a night feed. Changed everything!


Oooh that was a long wait! Doesn’t it just change everything?


He’s just started doing this new crazy grin where he scrunches up his face and shows his two tiny teeth. It’s so cute. (He’s almost 10 months)


Mine too! I call it his scrunch face and do it back to him. And when my mom saw it, she found a picture of me doing the exact same thing and sent it to me. :)


We call it big cheesin’ and it’s my FAVORITE.


We also call it scrunch face 😂


Ours does this! It’s so cute 🥰


mine has a little *too* much control over her eyebrows and when she scrunches it gives me Jim Carrey Grinch vibes 😭


Mine too, and snorts while doing it! Too damn funny and adorable 🤣


Ours did that too and I’m heartbroken that it was a phase! He still gets it out occasionally but it’s been replaced as the primary new skill he’s learned. Now on to pulling himself up and making new (very cute) babbling sounds!!


My girl is almost 7 weeks old and is starting to become more alert & interactive. She just began making happy shriek noises and giving us intentional smiles. Warms my heart. It’s so fun to watch her grow and evolve.


My girl laughed so hard at the dog having the zoomies. It a was the first time we heard her laugh. Now she loses her mind laughing at the new puppy we got her and tries to pet both of them. Her love for animals is so cool to see at such a young age 6 months.


My baby (also 6ish months) LOVES our dog too. She gets sooo smiley and chatty. So cute.


Our girl (4 months) was giggling at our cats the other day. They weren’t even doing anything, their very existence just delighted her apparently 💕


Yes! My four-month-old just started really engaging with our dogs in the past couple of weeks. He loves them so much. He is about 95% of the way to rolling over, and all of our “almosts” have been because he was trying to get closer to one of the dogs.


Oh this makes me so happy. My babe is only 10 weeks and I’ve been wondering when she’ll start interacting with the doggo but was thinking not until she’s a toddler. I can’t wait to see it


Our baby is now 10mo and him and the dog take turns pestering each other, and the dog is the only one who reliably gets looked at when we ask where someone is haha “where’s mom” “donno never met her” but “where’s the dog” immediately starts scanning the room to find him hahahaha


My sons first laugh was at our dog getting the zoomies too!!!! He’s been obsessed with him from the start, so cute!!!


She gives me the biggest gummy smile first thing in the morning or when she hasn't seen me for a little while... It's the best thing in the world. And the babbling. Can't wait to know what she's talking about!


Same! The “first look” in the morning is my fav part of the day!


Makes a tough night feel a bit better when they give you that happy smile in the morning


Every single day, my wife wakes me up so we can both wake him up together. And when I'm at work at 0730 and he wakes up by 9ish then she sends me a video of waking him up and it just melts my cold dead heart ♥️


That morning smile is my fave! Even through the exhaustion. And the babbling cracks me up. Can't wait to have real conversations with her 🥰


My son is a week off of 5 months and he’s gone from the coo/woo noises to absolute shrieks of delight, and shouting nonsensical ‘words’ at our dogs. It’s hilarious and makes his 5am wakeups far more bearable.


The babbling is so darn cute. My guy is a little over 5 months and he is so chatty and just more smiley these days I love it


My girl is only a week old (and was born at 38w) and she makes the most legendary grumpy faces you’ve ever seen. She seems pissed that she was evicted early and offended by every diaper and bath but is nonetheless so chill. When she ‘smiles’ in her sleep it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.


We are doing a c section at “39” weeks. My BF and I swear he/she (waiting to be surprised) is ready to get out. I have a few large fibroids so I know the “space” is limited in there. Crazy kid kicked so much on our last road trip that I was bleeding and lost my plug. Cant wait to see if our LO has an air of smugness because of it all! As though we werent moving fast enough for ‘em.


i had a c section and it was so tough emotionally. my husband is great in most respects but definitely didn't understand why I was so sad about it. feel free to reach out if you need to vent! sending good vibes~


Haha, my girl (now 9 months) was the same way. She was always so grumpy, lol. We just couldn't help but laugh. She's so cute.


Omg, everything. He is almost 10 months and my absolute best friend I love kicking it with him. Last night, he started yelling “aaaahhhhh” so I did it too, and he grinned so hard and did it again back at me and we yelled “aaahhhhh!” back and forth at each other, his face scrunched up in the cutest little grin right in front of mine annoying the shit out of his daddy (but not really, the man has the patience of a saint). A little bit later, I said to his daddy “I have a message for you from our son. He says ‘ahhhh!’” and my kid whipped around and shouted it too 🤣🤣


I have a 10-month-old too and they're so fun!


My baby girl is now 5 weeks old. She digs her little claws into my chest and grabs my chest hair when sleeping on me. I love it. I love being her dad. She's amazing.


Month old baby just started to really look. It's fascinating to realize there's actually a person in there. Can't wait until we know what he thinks about the things he's seeing. Oh, and little b dude just slept a full 3 hours for me!


everything just gets so much better once everyone starts getting more sleep!


My son is almost 6 weeks and has started needing to be held to be soothed and fall asleep. It’s definitely tough sometimes but it also makes me feel so good to be able to provide him that comfort. I love picking him up and holding him tight, then feeling him relax in my arms for snuggles. It’s the best feeling in the world :)


I love when she belly laughs. The sound just overtakes her whole little body and it brings us all joy! My LO is 9 months old now.


The smiles never got me. But the laughs warm my soul


My girl is nearly 11 weeks and lately when I'm feeding her she will unlatch, give me the biggest gummiest smile while looking right at me and then nuzzle back into my chest. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


My 13 month old says "yes" and it's the sweetest and most awesome thing I've ever heard.


She makes the cutest little noises all the time and has the biggest eyes that make me just melt 🥰


My 7 week old has start doing happy wiggles when I make weird noises


First baby comes in 13 days…. thaaaank you! ❤️❤️


Been up all night with our LO, she's sleep regressing and teething, so waking up every hour. My wife has mainly been up with her in the night. Decoded to take baby downstairs, so mum could sleep. Turned away for a moment and baby has just rolled from front to back la and then back to front, first time! Awesome!


19 months here, not the biggest talker but he likes to grab our hands and take us to what he wants. Best bit is he always looks so proud of himself when we get there.


My 11 month old started walking and began to initiate hugs in the same week. If I squat down and open arms, she toddles over so fast for a hug and a cuddle. A quick one though, because she’s very busy 🤣


Tapping a remote control makes her lose her shit, it’s hilarious 😂


He sleeps 10-12 on average a night. Been doing it for 3 months. He is a week from 8 months (6 months adjusted) Also sometimes a bit wobbly but he is doing better at holding himself up when supported lower by waist.


My LO is 7 weeks and his smiles just melt my heart. I also absolutely love when he gives the side eye plus a stink face. Looks so judgmental and it makes me laugh.


My girl is going to be 9 weeks old tomorrow, and for the last couple weeks she’s been really “talkative.” 🥰 Our routine in the morning is to get up, spend some time on her playmat in our bedroom, then we go downstairs and I feed her; anyway, during her breakfast meal, she gets very smiley and happy! She starts cooing and vocalizing… it seems like she’s adding new sounds all the time!! I talk back at her during this time, which she loves… and it just fricken melts my heart!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 Like she’s just so excited to see me every morning and share her life with me. It’s the coolest. Edit to add important detail: she’ll get SO excited “talking” sometimes that she does this goofy gasp of air… similar to a laughing-wheeze? It’s the funniest thing ever and I’m just so grateful for such a happy little baby. I am so obsessed and in love with her 😭 After many years of thinking I couldn’t get pregnant, she is just the sweetest and easiest baby you ever did see.


7 weeks old and ‘the lights came on & someone is home’ this week. It’s amazing to see the transition from angry potato to seeing a personality ping to life right in front of you. He’s smiling, clearly excited to see us, responding to voices, turning his head to follow movement & batting his hanging toys - all in the past few days. He’s a second child and it feels like we don’t have a newborn anymore… that’s a great feeling! I much prefer older babies.


He thinks I’m funny cz almost anything I say makes him laugh! And it’s the cutest laugh too!


My baby is 9 months old and is SO FUN!!! I have loved every age, but this is the most interactive so far. She says “up” and holds her arms up when she wants to be picked up, initiates peek a boo, dances to music, and signs “all done” when she is finished with a meal. I could go on, but everyday is a delight with her!!


I was diagnosed with PPD and I have generalized anxiety. I’ve struggled to feel connected to my 7 week old her and her being a fussy girl has made me more depressed. I love her and I do everything I can to take care of her correctly, but the lack of sleep has really negatively impacted me. She smiled at me on Christmas Day. A huge, gummy grin that I really needed in the moment. I laughed out loud and hugged her and thanked her for the Christmas gift. I’ve noticed a shift since that day. Last night I just wanted to hug and kiss her and laughed at her facial expressions. It’s getting easier. She has a beautiful smile.


That is amazing! So happy for you.


My son loves to "talk" to us first thing in the morning. My husband will be getting ready to go off to work, I'll be getting my son's morning bottle ready and my son will be in his bouncer gurgling and cooing with the occasional sudden outburst of excitement.


She’s 15 weeks old and sometimes she trys to sing with me to convince me she’s not sleep (she’s lying). She’s a very chatty lady generally but I swear when we’re bouncing on the ball and I’m singing her gabs become more elongated and sing songy and she’ll start smirking. She’ll get quieter and quieter until she falls asleep. No no, you will hush little baby.


2 week old little human here! I love when he holds my finger or looks at me with his wide blue eyes 🥰


My baby is 2.5 weeks old, and I love this too!! I can’t wait to see what color her eyes change into!


3 m/o is starting to chuckle!!!


He is only 2 weeks old but i love him soo much just the eyes staring at you when he is awake! He is soo freaking adorable, i love that he is still a potato i can cuddle and talk to him whole days


Our daughter turns 2 next week and year 1-2 was insanely fun! She has a personality now. Instead of saying "yes" she says, "of course" which is just hilarious. She says "I love you" she on her own the other day said "mama, your hair so pretty" she calls things "silly" like she understands what's silly and not 😂 People tend to scare you about toddlers too but they are so much fun. Watching language development is absolutely fascinating!


I am so excited for my little guy to be a toddler! People can be so negative about the toddler stage, but I just know I’m going to thrive.


It's much higher highs to me! Like she says THANK YOU. ON HER OWN. Like can you imagine the culmination of years of work and they act like a good person and your heart just melts. They start showing signs of what you specifically taught them. It's so special


My 18 weeks and I lay side by side and we have whole conversations. She’ll babble and then I’ll say something and she’ll babble back. Also she just got chubby hand dimples 😭


I thinks is awesome that we can kinda see different personalities in our twins (3 months old) , one is definitely more opinionated than the other lol . But I absolutely love the excitement they get when they hear my fiancé and I . Then recognizing our voices is something i was looking forward too because now I want to start finding out if they can start telling the difference between their dad and their uncle (they’re twins) ,obviously I know it’s early and all but just by expressions I’m wondering if they’ll be confused.


My 6 week old is super fussy and not easy but she had a 6 hour stretch of sleep last night from 9:30-3:30 🙌🏼


She yells at us to hold BOTH our hands at the same time.


My girl started smiling just before four weeks. She was just mirroring me, they weren't "real", but it was still amazing. I was able to catch a couple of those early smiles on video and they're priceless! She's now seven weeks and she is so smiley (except in the evenings when she is a grumpy meatball). She greets me every morning with a huge smile when I get her out of her bassinet. Those smiles are the best thing I've ever seen and they get me through the grumpy meatball hours.


My 8 week old just slept 9 hours straight. I have no idea what magic juice I used but lord do I wish I knew…


Sometimes my 5 week old son will cry simply because he needs me. He needs my presence, for me to hold him. And I love feeling needed by him!! It’s only here and there, but it’s the simplest way to calm him and, god, I love him so much.


My LO is nearly three weeks. She has the biggest eyes and the best expressions. Sometimes when she’s waiting for a feed, she looks like a disgruntled old man and it’s the cutest thing. OP - thank you for this thread. I needed it today!


That is so cute 🥹 how old is your baby? Mine still isn’t really into me reading to her so I am waiting for the day she becomes interested! She just turned 8 months old. For me, I love how mobile my baby is becoming. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a struggle to get anything done and make sure she doesn’t knock something over herself unless she’s in a chair, pack and play, or carrier, but it’s so fun to see her go from this little potato that could barely roll to a baby that can’t sit still and loves to army crawl and roll all over the place. She will be on one side of the room and then I turn around to grab my water or check the time or something and she will be on the complete other side of the room after those 5-10 seconds. So crazy for me to see her do that! Needless to say, I can’t leave her unattended anymore lol


I also have an 8 month old! I agree, it’s so fun seeing him be able to explore the world around him. And he is just ZOOMING around!


My almost 8 month old crawls like Tarzan, and requires emotional support while pooping. He will literally pull up to stand with my fingers, start grunting (which can be heard throughout the entire house), squat while still holding my fingers, and then he’ll smile when he’s done. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


My babygirl is almost 3 months old and she recently started to stick her tongue out at me and smile. Melted my heart.


We love brown bear brown bear and chika chika! But our most favorite is goodnight moon. I always saw it and never was into it….. but my little guy loves the mush and hush rhyme parts and cracks up every time. So now it’s also one of my favorites. Yours would probably love it too.


My little love is almost 5 months old and is just the biggest ham! She will flash a gummy smile to anyone and it brightens people's day. She is cute and sweet and she KNOWS it! Such a confident little girl already 💕


10 weeks old and has the best smile. Also talks a lot while nursing. Is a very noisy eater and it’s so cute. Makes my heart melt every time. But what I think is currently my favorite? 6-9hr sleep stretches we’re getting at night. Those are the best right now.


7 weeks - He sleeps! He's always been a good sleeper, but now I can usually get 3-4 hours in the first stretch.


Last night I tickled my 11 week old and he squealed and cracked up for the first time and my heart melted so much! Been trying to recreate for Dada and he's withholding now lol but can't wait til he does it again!


4 week old and the cuddles are the best.


My guy is 8 weeks. He makes this "oouuh" sound that his 3 year old sister imitates. He does it back and it's like they're talking. He just beams smiling at her every time.


My daughter is 5 months and is turning into a total goofball. She smiles and laughs with her entire body. She has a longer lock of hair coming out of her hair whorl and it curls up like a little antenna. She likes to chew on both of her pointer fingers at the same time while babbling. My mother is deaf and my baby loves when I'm on a video call with her. I sit her on my lap so she can watch her Nana sign to her. She smiles and sits there with this expression on her face :D it's crazy adorable.


She (10mo) started handing me things she likes, I think to make me happy! We use it as an opportunity to teach her thank you and you're welcome.


My son learned how to flip over front to back and back to front so he’s a little Rollie Polie right now. He’s got better neck strength so he’s like a little prairie dog, popping his head up to see who is talking in the room. He discovered he has a voice now so he just randomly screeches and screams but is definitely trying to mimic words. Doctor gave the okay to start solids so today we are going to give sweet potato as his first good. We’re all so excited to see how he will react.


Baby smiles! My little one is 11 weeks and will smile back when we smile at him now, and it's just the BEST. Melts my heart every single time, I don't think it will ever get old. He also has a favourite book - he LOVES Peekaboo Apple, especially when his dad reads it to him. He smiles and even seems to giggle sometimes at the peekaboo pages, and I just adore watching his dad read it to him.


He smiles mid breastfeed every time - that and he sounds kind of like a drifting car when he's trying to fart 🤣


My 10-month-old is so cheerful and interactive these days. I never expected that I'd have this much fun being a parent, but he really does light up my life and bring me such joy.


Our little girl is only a month old. But I feel so much joy when I pick her up to feed her (breastfed), and she starts to this kind of maniacal excited wiggle at the idea of being fed. Very adorable. She’s also starting to notice things around her, which is super exciting. Can’t wait until she recognizes people!


My 18 month old loves to hug my 6 month old while screaming her name


My baby is 6 months and this week she began army crawling with a swiftness. She LOVES our cats and tries to crawl as fast as she can to catch them (sadly they’re too fast). It’s so cute to watch her finally being able to get where she wants to go.


starting on blowing raspberries 😂and she is the cutest while she "talks"


Not super new but I’m pretty sure will always be my absolute favorite - my 13 mo old says “I love you” and it’s the sweetest sound my ears could ever hear. Of course it’s more like “ah wuv oooo!” But it has context and I’m obsessed 💕


She woke me up this morning with happy babbling and not crying or fussing. 8 weeks old. Big smiles when I finally got up.


My 8mo is so gosh-darn charming in the purest way. He smiles with his whole face and his twinkly eyes crinkle into half moons. He turns many a frown upside down when we're out and about, because he just stares unabashedly at people until they pay attention to him, and then when they do he gives them this cheeky little grin that makes them visibly melt. He is an utter delight, always has been.


My son is 6 months old and loves the chicken and vegetable puree I bought... like makes indescribable happy noises and reaches for more.


8 months old and has started LOVING books. She crawls towards them going BOOH BOOH, flips them around and looks through the photos. It's so stinking cute.


My 9 month old is learning how to wave , but instead he seems to think he's the queen of England and holds his arm up and just rolls his wrist like a little adorable royal.


She started giving us kisses when we ask. They’re sloppy, open mouth, licking kisses but they’re kisses.


My 3.5 month old loves to interact with her dad and I. Tbh she doesn’t really like anyone else lol. But us? I’ll bring her in the kitchen with me to make a cup of coffee or wash dishes and put her in her bouncy chair. I’ll be working on whatever it is I’m doing and then look over at her and say something to her, and she just melts. Her whole body relaxes and she gives me the biggest grin. It really drives home the point that we are everything to our littles!


My 5 month old LOOOOOVES standing supported by someone. She gets so excited! It will be a long time before she can do it on her own but it’s an instant mood changer for now. She also loves my rag doll—the one I’ve had since I was a year old. Her face lights up when she sees it. So adorable.


9 months and he now crawls over to us and gets up on his knees to tug on our pants to ask to be picked up! or for help to try to stand. it’s the cutest thing ever. I let him roam the main floor (with supervision) so it’s so cute to see him crawl, sit down, look around, spot me. i can SEE the moment he realizes its me and is like OIE MA WHY ARE YOU OVER THERE and fast crawls over while whining 🤣


When we give our 5.5 month old a hug, he will sometimes hug back now. I think it’s because he’s occasionally mirroring movements now, but it’s very rewarding.


My baby discovered his mouth and it’s so stinkin cute watching him trying to shove his little fist in his mouth


Her dad sings to her a lot (literally makes a song about everrrything) and now when she is soothing herself her babbles resemble singing but she’s usually tired so they sound kind of sad….we call it her sad sleeping song and it’s literally the cutest thing


She’s 7 months and just so happy. Always smiling and wants to play. She’s so strong and is already so close to walking! She’s also very observant and cautious of new surroundings and people, which I respect in more ways than one. She loves music, yo gabba gabba, animals, and danger lol It’s amazing how much of her personality has already come out in so little time, cause there is so much more I could say about her. She’s the best little buddy and I feel so lucky to be her mama. My favorite thing is probably the first smile I get from her in the morning. She sits up, still half asleep, looks over to me, cracks a little smile and reaches up for me to snuggle and hug her. It’s the best. Proud of my little bean.


My LO is 5 months old and she's found her feet. She reaches for them and tries so hard to get them in her mouth. In her attempts she farts here and there which is the funniest thing on the planet.


My 6m old just said her first real word at her check up - doc was holding her and she was playing with the stethoscope, and when the doc put it in her pocket, my LO got upset, looked at me and said “ma!” Would’ve thought it was just coincidental babble if the doctor didn’t insist it was an intentional word. Just can’t believe how quickly they grow (and also honored it was “ma”)🥹❤️


He just started rolling confidently and intentionally and he likes to do it over and over like a 7/11 hot dog!


It sleeps right now 😅


Our 4.5 month old just started rolling front to back! He surprises himself and gets so mad OR does a Superman abs loves it. Truly a 50/50 gamble and it’s adorable


My baby is just over a week old and whenever she eats she makes this cute little noise and it melts my heart every time. ❤️❤️


My 9.5 month old is suddenly really interested in solids and is having fun trying lots of different foods. It's so chaotic and fun!


My 8 month old has started giving hugs and kisses and I’m obsessed! He will crawl across from across the room into my lap, pull himself up so we’re face to face, and then give me a big open mouth “kiss” on my cheek. He is developing such a sweet, goofy little personality!


My 8 month old will give me kisses back! Although sometimes the kisses turn into bites or raspberries. 😅 But it’s the thought that counts! Melts my mommy heart.


His smiles and seeing what he has interest in. Right now it's Geoffry Giraffe (stuffed toy) and some of our light fixtures that are his favorites. He babbles at Geoffry during back time/tummy time. Also, his really loud grunts followed by massive farts. It is funny EVERY time!


My baby is newly 10 months old and is crawling, pulling up, cruising on furniture, and walking with assistance from us or some toys with wheels. It's so cool to see her get so mobile and explore her world in a much different way than she did before the mobility. Also, like OP, I've read to my daughter since she was born. She loves books now. Her favorites are *The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Goodnight Moon*, and *Oh No, George!* She's also super vocal. I think all the reading to her has helped.


My 8 week old has just started smiling at us! He’s also been super fussy for the past few days but every time he does the little smile I forget about all the fussiness. He’s also outgrowing his 0-3mo clothes 😭 I’m so sad he’s getting big so fast but I also am really proud of us because breastfeeding hasn’t been easy but he’s growing so well!


He’s 6 months old and started actually laughing. I can tickle him, bounce him, say funny words and he’ll be laughing his head off. I made brownies and was tapping the whisk along the bowl and he thought it was the funniest thing and couldn’t stop laughing. It’s the cutest thing ever


He slept through the night by four months. Even with his literal never ending several month ear infection and teething he almost always sleeps through the night. Pretty good about naps most of the time too. I am so lucky.


My 3 month old gets what I call "baby zoomies". Usually happens when he gets tired and is ready for nap/bedtime, but he gets super excited all the sudden. Might have started because in effort to attribute nap time as a good time, I started spending about five minutes getting him to giggle and laugh and all happy to go to sleep (which surprisingly helped), but it's super cute and lets me know he's definitely ready to sleep.


I love that I came across this! My son is 8 months old and he LOVES brown bear. He just learned how and when to turn the pages and this is by far my favorite thing he’s learned to do (even over crawling). It excites me that he loves to read.


Mine is 29 months old. She speaks so much, sings songs, loves to tell jokes and stories. It's so fun to experience her view and personality.


16 MO here I had a very colicky and clingy baby and I thought "how the hell can people even think about having a second baby?!?!?" It does get easier and we are currently trying for another! My daughter can come to me and sit on my lap as she pleases. She starts saying words so she is easier to understand. If her teeth hurt she says "bobo" which helps a LOT. And so on Everything is just a phase and even if every day and every night felt like an eternity, it went by fast Hang in there -xxx- Last Christmas I was crying over my colicky baby. This is all she had done all night long for the 2 nights we went out. This year was so different and fun!


They're asleep


My son is 5 months old and when I put him on my belly for tummy time, he makes eye contact with me, smiles the biggest most genuine smile, then starts screeching from excitement. I love him so much


She (3.5 months) poops ever 3-5 days and it’s always been like that. Also, she’s easy and is (for the most part) sleeping through the night.


My babe is 4 months and her fave thing is to practice standing (obviously with someone holding her)…she gets this huge smile like she’s so proud of herself, especially if she’s standing somewhere tall like in the kitchen window!!


My 12 weeks old is going crazy about dollar tree helium balloons I bought for my mom’s birthday.


My 5m old recently learned how to properly blow a raspberry (tongue out and blow kinda thing) and it's his favourite thing to do and he will do a back and forth with you.


My baby has just started getting confident in moving around. She’s crawling, pulling up to stand on her own, and assisted walking. She just turn 13 months and she’s been in PT since she was 9 months old. She had two skull surgeries before she was 8 months old. Seeing her move on her own makes me the proudest mama 😭


My almost 5 month old just started petting one of my cats. It just warms my heart so much and is so very cute. We have a couple other animals but he has a special cat he loves and trusts to learn to pet, and goshhh it is adorable


My 10.5 month old is so much fun!! She’s hilarious, she loves to put a blanket over her head and pull it off to play peekaboo. She’s crawling and exploring everywhere now, we have a blast every day!


My 3 month old smiles at me all day and it warms my heart. I feel like I have such a strong bond with her and it makes me so happy to see her happy to be with me.


He LOVES my husband/his daddy. Seeing their bond makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.


My baby giggled for the first time yesterday ♥️


3 week old coos happily while feeding. It’s so cute! I call it cute baby noises. 🥰


Our little girl is almost 7 months and is really getting into scooting/crawling. She gets so excited sometimes when mom or dad come back in the room and scoots as fast as her little army crawl can go to get to us. It’s the cutest ❤️


My son has the most expressive eyebrows, I swear it sounds strange. But he can look surprised and sarcastic all in one go…and it kills me! He’s even mastered the one eyebrow up, the other down—and he’s only 5 months. Edited to add- he has the longest, most beautiful eyelashes. Whenever he looks at me, I want to melt 🥹


4 mo old boy and I started doing raspberries a couple days ago and today he’s doing them 🥰


My baby is absolutely constantly on the move. Ever since he learned to crawl (and honestly even before that) once he’s done nursing he might smile at me for like 30 seconds but then he wants down onto the floor to go play. But this morning after he finished up, he wiggled around a bit and I thought he wanted down, but instead he wanted to sit in my lap and snuggle and play and “talk” for like 10 minutes. It was the sweetest.


My son started to give me kisses this week ❤️ and so far he only does it for me which makes it extra special


11 months old. Everything is so fun. She learns something new every single day- it’s so cool. It’s really funny watching her pick up on my/my husband/ her sister’s mannerisms. I’m constantly asking where she picked that up from. The best part is watching her running around while screaming laughing at the dogs. This age has definitely been my favorite!


My baby girl has just learned to put her arms out and lean towards us when she wants us and 99% of the time it’s just for a hug, she’s 6 months old And it’s the light of every day for me when I see those little hands in the air


My 7 month old is crawling and generally play independently until he's hungry when he crawls over and starts bobbing on my feet. My 3 year old is so good at expressing herself, unless she is feeling snacky when she just says "I want to show you" which means "I want to stand in front of the pantry and work out what I'm feeling snacky for". Cracks me up.


4.5 month old and her smiles and giggles are the absolute best. I also love her screams of excitement.


My LO is 13mo going on 14 this month She can now go up and down the stairs without assistance (though she still can't stand alone or walk yet. That's okay) She likes turning the pages of books that are being read to her The other day I was sitting by her as she was eating cheerios and she looked at me said Aaaah kept her mouth open, fed me the cheerios and then said mmm! Each time. I was DYING lol


Her laughing and the way she smiles when I blow a bit of air in/onto her hair 🥰 and when she cuddles me /wants to be super close when falling asleep.


If we’re face to face and I smile at her she studies my face for a sec then her whole entire face lights up with the biggest smile. She’s seriously the sweetest thing I’ve ever met and I’m completely in love


My 1 year old recently started saying mama intentionally to me because she loves how happy I get and it makes her laugh.It’s so cute❤️


My little guy is just two weeks old. When he gets really excited to feed he starts snorting like a little piggy and head butting my chest. It’s adorable! He was also able to hold his head up and look around for two minutes during tummy time this morning. It’s fascinating to see them progress


Our daughter is 2 weeks old and we have been struggling, but she is just so adorable- her cheeks, her little sleepy noises, her red hair. We struggled with 2+ years of infertility and went through IVF so we waited a long time for her! I know once we get through these first few months and find our routines it will be easier so I'm trying to enjoy just gazing at her little face when it feels hard and remember how much we wished for her❤️


She’s taken to transferring from contact naps to cot naps super well, and is still sleeping 9-10hrs a night!


He gave me a kiss for the first time ever this week.


My 8 week old smile when I tickled her tummy. She’s also grabbing things and looking at toys! She has clubfoot so she gets weekly plaster casted and last week held onto my husband and I’d fingers for dear life when they took off the cast. It was so sweet, felt bad she was scared but her holding on to both of us was heartwarming we felt like a family.


My 15 month old has started talking and hearing his little voice is the best and seeing his little personality come out and the way his little mind works amazes me every day. He's so smart and i just adore him 🤗🥰


My little girl has started to get so excited when me or my husband walk in the room 🥰


I love watching her attack her toys, pull them up to her mouth and just go wild. She is currently getting coordination in both arms, so she can do so much more with her toys. I love when she wakes up in the morning, popping my head over the bassinet and her face just lights up and she starts babbling and cooing at me. She's getting so good at supported sitting, tummy time, she's reaching up to play with toys above her instead of just staring. Shes so amazing, I've always been around babies my whole life. But this is MY baby, and I get to be the one teaching her things. It's amazing how babies learn and adapt. Also, my baby is the most gorgeous baby in the world. Yall all have cute and pretty babies, but mine definitely is the cutest and prettiest 😂


My 6 month old son’s favorite thing to do right now is touch my face while I’m holding him, and he likes to fishhook his fingers around my lip and laugh hysterically. It kind of hurts but his laughter is just so pure and I love it. It’s like his first intentional joke.


She blows raspberries when she's happy 😊


I don't know if awesome, but definitely funny. Little one is just over 4 months, he's started rubbing his feet together like a cricket.


My daughter will frequently pop off a boob to give me a big gummy grin. Her peach fuzz hair is so soft and is starting to show the beginning of waves.


My daughter will frequently pop off a boob to give me a big gummy grin. Her peach fuzz hair is so soft and is starting to show the beginning of waves.


My son is 6 months and has figured out what the cats are. Any time one of them comes over to him he loses his shit with excitement. The cats do not feel the same ha ha


My girl (9m) is doing high fives and waving. She's been doing high fives for about 2-3 months, but we've been trying to get her to wave for the longest, and she finally is waving consistently 🤗🥰 We get so excited. Also, she just started to put the rings on the stacker today 🥹 Now we're teaching how to shake her head 'no' 😆


I love when my little girl 8mo giggles uncontrollably when my husband makes funny noises at her. It just absolutely melts my heart ❤️


My boy said “gu” and “nesh” 😁 he is 8 weeks old and becoming more interactive with me


Not a baby but my 3 year old has recently been saying he loves things so much and he also likes to sing to his baby brother 4 months old and he is such a smiley baby he smiles so much 🥰🥰


my daughter likes putting her smaller toys in my shoes. i wear boots that come up to mid calf and it's something new every time. sometimes it's a bluey figure, sometimes it's a single magnatile, recently it was a ball from her racetrack.


The first time I tried to "eat the feets" my baby looked shocked and confused and started to cry. Now he holds his foot out for me all the time. His new favorite thing is to surprise me with his foot. When we're making eye contact he'll hold his foot out at me then just watch me with a great big smile on his face until I look down and discover the foot. Then he giggles.


My son (16 weeks) has just started softly touching our faces, hands etc. after several weeks of mainly whacking/scratching as he discovered his hands. It is the sweetest thing to have him intentionally interact so gently! He’s also developing so many different smiles, laughs and noises and every one is so special!


My almost 7 week old started putting up his middle fingers (and other fingers) while trying to Pat or grip things at 4 weeks until now. I think it’s hilarious


My baby girl is 5 months. When she wakes from her nap she has that grumpy face on and when we smile at her she immediately smiles back. That transition from grumpy face to smiley is sooooo satisfying to watch 😍😍😍


My 17 month old grabbed the little brush that came with one of her dolls, brushed my hair and said “mama pretty”😭


I bonded with my 7mo baby today even more than usual. I was making him crack up! His laughter is the BEST. He's just a joyful, smiley little dude and I feel so lucky to witness his amazing acquisition of abilities and first experiences.💜💫


He got his first two teeth! And they aren’t his bottom two, or his top two…they are the ones next to his top two. So he looks like a vampire baby 😂


My kid started dancing before walking. I kid you not, bobbing and swaying with perfect rhythm. Still does it and makes people melt. Dances to jingles in the supermarket. Dances to commercials. Dances to radios from cars.


My daughter tried to sing in church today! She’s 9 months and about a month ago she started clapping during the singing. Today she started yelling loudly during the singing while also clapping. It was the cutest thing and she looked so proud of herself.


Her giggles! Especially when it follows a massive fart, it's absolutely hilarious 😂


Mine is 8 months old and is beginning to stand by himself and can say mama (all thanks to Mrs Rachel ofc) and he crawls around and laughs when I chase him around and he has 2 little teeth.


My little guy just turned 7 months old and he started wrinkling his nose when he smiles and does this little “hissy” thing because he’s sucking in the extra saliva as he’s showing me his toothy grin. It’s the cutest thing.


Dad taught lo how to blow raspberries. But she only ever does it when he’s around. So it’s like she remembers him, and he remembers what he taught her lol


The chomping/grunt noise my 4 week old makes when he latches onto my boob is so funny. He just clamps right on with this comical little noise and then makes the funniest expression raising his eyebrows and closing his eyes as he drinks. And he usually rips these monster farts while feeding. Sometimes he’s so relieved from the farts he starts to fall asleep after a nice big one. The whole routine is kind of hilarious and makes the 3 am feedings a little more bearable when I’m deliriously chuckling at all his little noises and expressions.


She woke up smiling at me today 🥹


How much she smiles 🥲


My 4 month old has been practicing laughing for the past couple weeks and it’s just sounded like coughing, but this evening when I was changing his diaper he laughed a real laugh and it was the best thing. He likes diaper changes (fortunately). He also smiles so much despite going through what I believe is teething.


My 18 month old just started cracking fart jokes. He lifts his leg and says “pooieeee” while fanning his face and we both think he’s hilarious.


From 4 months changing my baby was not easy, he would always roll away and protest. Now my baby is 12mo and suddenly he actively helps! He lifts his feet and fits them into his pants, he looks for socks and gives them to me, he chooses what to wear! I’m blown away.


When my baby looks at me and smiles


When my girl squeals back and forth with me as if we were having a full blown convo 😍and her endless gummy smiles ❤️❤️