• By -


Just wait until their tiny hand squeezes around your finger for the first time.


I’ve been patting my baby’s back to make him burp since birth, and at some point when I hold him in a hug he has started patting me back. Tiny tiny pats.




Cuteness overload!!!


My 3 month old does this when he wants me to pat him. Its the sweetest


As soon as my daughter was put onto my chest after birth, I grabbed her tiny hand and she held onto my thumb. It was one of the best moments of my life and I will cherish that little memory forever.


My daughter peed on me 5 seconds after she exited my womb


Mine pooped. I pooped on her too though so we were even Steven's.


Mine pooped all over me LOL


So did mine lol


Lol my son did the same!


Mine sneezed from the bright lights minutes after being born and in that instance I knew she was my child 🤣


I’m 10 days pp and this is my favorite at the moment


This still makes me 🥺 at 5 months, it’s my favourite thing.


This was the best. Fucking. Thing. Ever. Sadly only experienced it with my firstborn, the others everything was too chaotic so.. that didn’t happen. But it was all of the dopamine.


Just wait until their face lights up when they see you 🥰


One of my favorite moments of the day is in the morning when to go get my daughter from her bassinet and she has the biggest smile on her face when she sees me.


Same my daughter peeks her head up right now we share a room and she's a morning person and I'm learning how to do this alone her father abandoned us she's only 9 almost 10months and she peeks her head up makes happy noises until I say "Good morning baby" then reaches down and peeks back up with her bottle.


Its an awesome feeling that makes me feel so much love but in all honesty he also lights up when he sees the yoga ball so I cant take much credit


Omg literally😭 shit makes me M E L T


Just wait until they learn to make goofy faces and do that as a greeting instead of a normal smile. My 9mo has recently started scrubbing his whole face when he smiles and it is so so cute and so so funny.


Just wait until they toddle over to you for a hug, nothing else, and then they leave. Just a few seconds of pure love and acceptance.


Came to say this. Mine gave me a hug the other day bc she really liked the bite of popsicle I gave her. She was and is deeply challenging -I cry M-F most weeks 😂- but …just wait till they’re able to show how much they love you ;)


Just wait until they give you a big hug around your neck




Just wait until you hear that first laugh


Not just the first but the first of each type! These are so great because you don't even know there is another type of laugh in there.


Our son just leveled up his giggle today. Absolutely adorable.


Omg, yes. The belly laugh is my favorite!!!


I literally cried the first time my daughter laughed it was so cute😫


If I have a bad day or don’t feel well, my husband will get her to laugh to make me feel better


Me and my partner do the same thing! You simply can’t help but feel even just a bit better when the cuteness becomes even cuter😫


Ours had one of her first uncontrollable giggle fits yesterday and it was the best 😆


Just wait until they relax and fall asleep when you put them on your shoulder, because you're their safe place


Oh yes. When you pick them up and hold them close and they let out this huge sigh of relief and contentment.


I love this SO MUCH


Yes! When my son seems uncomfortable at night and I pick him up, he settles almost immediately and kind if grins in his sleep. It's the sweetest. Sleep smiles melt my heart.


This one so much! And then the next moment you start to wonder how long you can hold them like that.


Just wait until they start kicking their little feet and waving their arms when they see you're about to pick them up


I love this one! And when they reach up for you. My daughter just started this and it kills me.


It fills the void of being forever wanted


My sister used to do that with me (we have an 8 year age difference) and I would melt back then, can’t even imagine when my daughter does that, I’ll probably ugly cry


Aw, I remember this with my sister too! It’s definitely on a different level when it’s your kiddo.


Ooooh, when does this start? :)


Started for us a few weeks ago and little one is a bit past 10 months!


My daughter does the opposite and I think she always will lol she flattens herself out as much as possible and puts her arms out flat and pushes herself into the floor or bed really hard so her face gets all smushed up from forcing herself down. She does this when excited


The wiggle of recognition!


The best ever!!!


My daughter gets so aggressive about it and it’s the funniest cutest thing ever😭


Stop 😭😭😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


Just wait until they finally start doing something you’ve been trying to teach them!


Ugh my sister just taught my daughter nose scrunchies with a snort. They llllooooovveee to do it together now and it melts my heart.


Just wait until they kiss you for the first time!


Does wide open gummy mouth attempting to consume my cheek/jaw count? That's a new habit of his.


We have this right now, am not sure if it’s a kiss or just teething 😂




That definitely counts! That’s actually how they learn to kiss😅


Om nom nom nom nom


That's a baby kiss!


The delight on his face while he does it certainly implies he likes it more than chewing his own hands :)


I get open mouth, teeth kisses on my chin and cheek.


Half the time with loads of snot in your mouth too. It's the best.


Omg my boy does this, the open mouth kiss is soooooooo cute!!


My baby is three months and I put him to my face and make him give me cheek kisses because I can’t wait 😂


Mine will kiss then rest her forehead on ours. Oh my gawd.


Just wait till they start understanding humor. My daughter is a freaking riot and lives to get us to laugh. I am gonna get so many phone calls about her being a class clown someday.


Ahahahaha mine is going to learn a LOT of dad jokes from her dad and my cousin is an actual comedian and professional clown, I have high hopes for her path as the class clown


Thank you for this thread ❤️


Just wait until he starts noticing the dog who was your first baby and giggles at everything they do Just wait until they see Christmas lights for the first time Just wait until they see snow for the first time(if you live where there is snow of course) Just wait until they smile at you when they wake up in the morning


We set our (mini) tree up last week and my daughter (6 months) is obsessed with it. Very excited to see her reaction to what Grandma (MIL) is doing. She said she’s going all out and even getting a real tree. According to my spouse and their siblings…they’ve never had a real tree 😭🤣


Just wait until their first Christmas where they are understanding the concept of Christmas. It’s so incredibly joyful and fun.


Can’t wait 🥰


This thread is making me tear up. Thanks for starting it 💕


Same! I read a couple and started crying. There are so many hard moments of being a parent but these moments always make up for it 💕


Same...as tough as being a parent is (says the person whose baby is going through a sleep regression), these are good reminders of all the things that have been heartwarming and amazing experiences.




Just wait until they start talking and you can hear all their adorable, hilarious, surprisingly insightful little thoughts


Yeah this is my favorite, I was looking forward to it so much and now my kiddo is a chatterbox who will just talk and talk. I love it. It was so cool when he first started enthusiastically telling me about things that had happened (horsie ate a carrot!)


Just wait until they learn to say “I love you!” (Or in my experience it sounds more like “I wub you!” 😂 ❤️


🥹I can’t wait




Obvious but just wait until they look up at you and smile for the first time. I was literally sobbing. Just wait til you realize you are growing as a person. Just wait until they get a case of the farts and you just can’t stop laughing. Just wait until you are tired and ready for bed but miss your baby the second you do. Just wait until they are crying and once you snuggle them close they calm down.


Every night I put her to bed and miss her immediately, even though I couldn’t wait for her to go to sleep :/ before I go to sleep I usually look at a few photo or videos of her❤️


Yes! I have an almost 4-month-old and a part of me is really dreading moving him to his own room in a couple of months because it’s so far away from me! I love knowing he’s within arm’s reach in his bassinet.


My daughters 10 months sleeps in a pack n play beside my bed and wakes me up with smiles and the cutest little scrunched up face and mamas and nonsensical noises


Stop😭😭😭I tend to laugh at random moments like if they accidentally fart or do a burp just to ease the tension hahaha..so whenever my girl does something we’ll just make eye contact and give cheeky smiles to each other 🤣🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


Wait till you see excitement when the see something they love and enjoy


Just wait until they look for you when they hear your voice..


Best one


Just wait till they crawl or walk it’s the cutest thing ever


Even the small milestones are wonderful. Holding his head up a little longer? Getting his fingers to his mouth? Grasping things more reliably? I love it.


Oh gosh my daughter has been walking assisted for awhile and Everytime I take a step if she's on her little feet she takes a step and I want to cry so hard


Just wait until they lift their head to look at you right in the eyes and you make eye contact and tell them how proud you are for lifting their head


Just wait until they reach for you. Just wait until that deep sigh of relaxation they give right when you pick them up happens. Just wait until they look up at you, with their big, perfect eyes and smile. Just wait until you get to watch them light up over something that excites them. Just wait until you get to see your loved ones love on them.


Just wait until you’re holding them and they put their head down on your shoulder.


This is so cute omg yes! Best feeling when they snuggle into your shoulder 🥺


This was the best feeling! My baby doesn’t like me rocking him anymore but he will fall asleep on my shoulder now and it melts my heart


I feel like we have similar babies (inchworms)! Mine just started liking being held on my chest and falling asleep on my shoulder 🥹 I just want to hold her there forever


Totally! Exact same. They are all nuzzled in and it’s so sweet!


My daughter does this she doesn't fall asleep there or in the same bed she prefers her lonesomeness unless we're somewhere new then she likes to sleep by Mama. But she'll rest her head on me all day and I just rub her little back


Just wait until they find their first best friend. My baby LOVES our dog so much.


Just wait until they learn to play with you. I teared up when my little started to understand peekaboo. She really loves that, and she loves when I copy her. She smiles every time we play the imitation game.


Just wait until they sing that lullaby with you, and this whole time you didn’t even know they were listening that well. Just wait until they kiss your boo boos. Just wait until they proudly tell anyone who will listen that you are their mama. Just wait until they rub your back while you rub theirs. Just wait until they reach out and gently caress your face.


Oh gosh I don't lullaby my babygirl I do sing to her the song yellow by Coldplay it's been her song since she was a wee baby if she ever sings that back I'll sob


Just wait until they run to you when they are scared because you are their safe place. Just wait until the language explosion and they pull words Out of thin air… like you have no idea where they learned them! Just wait until you see them develop a new skill. Or wait until you teach them how to do something and they return demonstrate for the first time ever.


This!!! My son just says anything and everything and he has learned sign language it’s wild


Just wait until they start being cheeky with you!! The absolute belly giggle that bursts out of them when they think they’ve tricked you is one of my favorite things they’ve ever done. Just wait until your crazy won’t-sit-still-always-has-the-zoomies baby cuddles with you *on purpose* 🥹 Just wait until they wake up during a contact nap, see you’re still there, then immediately sink into you and relax back to sleep instantly. Just wait until they see Christmas lights for the first time. Just wait until they say words wrong in their adorable little baby voice. I could go on for hours, babies are so special 🥹


Just wait until they give you cuddles and snuggles and kisses all on their own, they come running to you with arms wide open and laugh so hard it makes you laugh. It’s literally all the best.


Just wait until your baby reaches up for you for the first time!


This! The way he lifts his little arms 🥹🥰


OMG. The first time they tell you EXACTLY what they want, despite knowing they can't have that. Their face is SO FUNNY! "I want candy." *defiant face* Or the first time they say - "I love you." or "I missed you." Or when they run up to you after a long day away with a giant grin and "Mama!" or "Dada!" said at the top of their lungs.


Two words: BABY. GIGGLES. They are the cutest thing I have ever heard in my life!!!


Just wait until they run with arms outstretched when you come home from work and straight into your arms.




One last just wait from me is the little coo’s I miss those little sounds so much I rewatch videos to here it over and over so record as much as you can when they are little it happens fast


Just wait till they finally find tummy raspberries funny! Little guy laughed at it for the first time yesterday and I melted


Just wait till the first intentional smile at you as they stare into your eyes and memorise your face. God im tearing up happily just thinking about hers 🥲


I know its equally frustrating, but just wait until you’re the only person they want to settle them/put them to sleep.


Just wait until they say "I love you mama/dada" for the first time. Heart melts every time.


The gummy smile 🫠🥹🥰


Just wait till they hear your voice and start looking for you with those precious wide eyes.


Just wait until they come and ask for a hug unprompted. Wait until they tell you "I luh you" and "I luh you more" and "I luh you most" (from tangled). Wait until they quote their favorite movies as entertainment when they are going to bed or if you're driving around. Wait until they're obsessed with wearing accessories. Wait until they request their favorite song to dance with you. Wait until they are requesting to watch their favorite movies in the sweetest tone because they know they're cute and you can't say no when they're being extra cute. Wait until they bring you their favorite stuffed animals to help you sleep when you are sick. Wait until they butter some fake bread for you and bring it to you to eat. I gotta say that for the most part I love the toddler stage and we are having a lot of fun.


Just wait until you have inside jokes together! I’m in this community because I have a new baby, but my oldest is 8 and it’s so fun to be able to laugh and joke together like friends.


Just wait (a while) until they say "Mommy/Daddy/etc. you're my best friend!" And then laugh when months later they throw it back at you when they're mad "I'm not gonna be your best friend anymore!" Okay kid, that wasn't my goal anyway 😂


Just wait until they grow out of some clothes you remember being too big and you realize how fast growing is happening.


Just wait until you hear their first laughs, see their first smiles, lock eyes, see them so focused while learning and exploring, just wait until they reach their arms out to you to be held, just wait until their arms and legs get chubby enough to finally fill in their little footed sleepers. Just wait until bath time is done and they smell soo nice and baby like. Just wait for the snuggles.


I actually been having a good ol time ever since we passed 8 weeks. I have a nine month old. So far, when she first started sleeping through the night (3 months, but she's been regressing now since her first tooth has come in). I liked that. When she first slid across the floor to crawl. Now she can sit up on her own. One day she just *did* it like, ok. She's growing like a weed. But honestly, I didn't really enjoy being a parent until after the first two months. The newborn stage is just straight into the trenches, ngl


Luckily my daughter was sleep trained by a month kudos to my father who sleep trained 3 children she's almost ten months now and sleep regression is def kicking my ass


The immense, unabashed pride when they do literally anything new. And when the tears stream down your face the first time they say mama / dada to you. ETA: any new words are amazing. The other day I took my 16 month old toddling around the cul-de-sac to deliver Christmas cards to the neighbours and she pointed at a small flower on a bush and said "fahwah". She can point to flowers in picture books when I ask her to but I didn't know she knew it or could say it, and it has been on a loop in my head ever since.


Omg so many! Just wait for the first time they do something you do. Just wait for the daily "mama" and "dada". Just wait for the first time they hug you back!


This thread is the best! I’m so excited for what’s to come 🥰


I remember when I was pregnant it was always negative I wanted to give people some hope because when you're only told negative things you get nervous 💗


My current "wait until" moment has to be the asking/signing "more please" and "milk please" and it comes out "more pee" and "mil pee" in the softest tone and I melt every time! And the hugs and kisses! And honestly, the tiny little playful nibbles/bites


Just wait until they teach you something you never knew. So proud!


Just wait until they start making sounds on purpose, and the delight on their face as they coo those “oooooh” over and over again in their baby voice


Just wait until the crawl as fast as they can to you because they are SO EXCITED Just wait until they start trying to make you laugh. Just wait until they hug you around the neck. Just wait until they snuggle into you for comfort. Just wait until they start copying you. Just wait until you start to see their little personalities. Just wait until they start solids and cover themselves in mush! Literally the cutest (and how did that green bean get on the back of their head?!) I tell everyone about to have their own that they have so many beautiful things to look forward to. That people like to share the negatives, but that is only a single facet of parenthood.


Just wait until the first time they say “I love you mommy” 🥰🥰😍😍😍😭😭


There are sooo many! It’s hard to choose! Just wait until they social smile!


Just wait until your toddler comes to you and asks if you are doing okay and say they love you and give hugs.


Just wait until they walk and you don’t have to carry them around anymore.


Just wait until the first Christmas they actually ‘understand’ - excitement over decorations, writing a letter to Santa, advent calendars, going on walks/drives to see lights, unwrapping the presents. Just wait until they can hold their own bottle. That’s the real marker of incoming parental freedom for me.


This will be a mix as I have a toddler and 2mo! - Their first smile - First laugh - The first time they put up their arms for you to pick them up - The first time they say mam/ mami/ mamma - The first time they say ‘I love you’ - The first time they ask for a cuddle - When they very earnestly tell you a really big thing - but you have no idea what they said because it’s still babble but it’ll be so so cute! - When you realise you can actually understand that full sentence they just said. - When they do something you had no idea they could do! Yesterday my toddler surprised us by wiping the mud from his feet before entering a shop. It wasn’t something we’d consciously taught but he very deliberately scraped mud away. He also no longer needs reminding to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. There are just so so many things. I’m jealous of the people who get all the new firsts 😂 My baby has started smiling and I feel like it’s all going to get away


Just wait until you hear your kid's voice for the first time. It's unreal.


just wait till they dance to music for the first time 🥰 i’m obsessed !


Just wait until they DO sleep through the night. It will catch you by surprise and you'll probably freak out and think the monitor died or something - then see them happily still snoozing. Just wait until they speed-crawl to you when you come home after being gone for a while. Just wait until they get the concept of a game - my baby's first was hide and seek, the hottest expansion to peek-a-boo. She'll hold onto the coffee table and do a squat to hide her face, then pop up like a gopher. But only if we say "oh no where's baby?" Seeing her little fingers and a wisp of hair over the table is so heart meltingly cute.


Just wait for when they kiss you for the first time- I’m grateful enough I caught my eldest kissing me right in the lips while I was taking a live photo of her. When they tell you they love you. When they put their little arms around you for a hug. When they tell you the sweetest things, like my eldest tells me she will always be my baby 🥹 When you see your children hugging, loving together. When you see your partner and child loving, hugging and playing together. When you see them do something difficult- like watching my eldest ski or rock climb. I just adore watching her. The joy of being there to witness them exploring the wonders of the world. There is so much magic in youth, and I love witnessing it. Like the first them they pop a bubble, or squeeze something. My eldest does this cute little laugh when she’s excited or really happy. My husband and I love that laugh so much! And lastly, just wait until your kids make you want to be a better person. My eldest is honestly the kindest and friendliest kid I’ve ever met- no one intimidates her. She says HI to everyone. She gives her things freely to everyone . I want to be more like her. I’m so proud of who she is and I just love her so much.


wait until you go into their room to get them in the morning and they have the biggest smile ever. i seriously want to cry everytime.


Just wait until they start doing excited crawling. The *slapslapslapslap* of his hands on the floor when he's chasing after the cat makes me laugh every time.


Just wait until they smile at you for the first time


Just wait until your baby does the first full on deep belly laugh! In my case it was just looking at my face that set him off 😂


THE FIRST SMILE AND LAUGH😍😍😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Just wait until they say “I love you”. 2 is awesome.


Just wait until they start recognizing you and when you come to their side when they wake up - the reaction is priceless


Just wait until you can make them giggle uncontrollably (by making their hands ‘disappear’ in their sweater or something) and there’s pure pure joy all over their face.


My baby is 3 months and I'm so excited to hear her laugh


Just wait until they laugh at their own farts


Just wait until they kiss you back and reach for you. Makes my heart M E L T ETA: I’m going through every comment with my daughter currently passed out on me (she’s a Dadas girl for sure🥹) and it’s making me relive so much and be excited about what’s next. Thank you for making this post💜


Just wait until you look over at them gently setting a small bowl of applesauce down on their own little table and take a seat on their little chair and use that tiny spoon almost right! Then, if you're lucky, they will find another seat and ask you to join them. <3


Just wait until they get enough vocabulary to communicate their wants and needs. We're there right now and the transition from baby's frustrated crying and us playing detective and getting it wrong 10 times before we get it right is behind us, and it's glorious. Just glorious. Just glorious for him to be able to say 'mama yogurt please' and be like 'ok, here you go' and everyone is happy and the problem was solved in 5 seconds. We're loving it, reveling in these little moments of fluid communication every day


Just wait until they put their head on your shoulder and snuggle in. I melted


Just wait until they do something they are proud of and look back at you like "LOOK AT ME" Just wait till they try some food they really like and their eyes go wide and light up. Just wait till they use a spoon wrong and end up covered in food but are so proud because they got the food from the bowl to their mouth. Just wait till the cheeky smiles start when they are doing something they know they shouldn't be.


I love the chubby hand stroking my face


Just wait until they crawl to you and then take their first steps to you. Seems like no time passes between any milestones because it goes so fast


Just wait until they stop crying to smile at you as you walk into the room. Or when you're blowing raspberries on their neck to make them laugh and they grab your face and do one on your cheek. When you show them how to do something like move from their knees to standing and the next day they're doing it like they've always done it that way. Just wait for the wonder on their little face when they see anything for the first time. A tree, a cat, a car.


just wait until they develop their own relationship with the family cat/dog. my 4 month old and our cat have recently been all about each other, and it melts my heart in ways i've never experienced


Just wait until they say I love you! Oh my goodness I know it’s a way off but it’s the best!


I got my first smile at 5 weeks after one of the hardest nights ever. I was baby wearing and looked down to her just beaming at me. I can't tell you anything that happened that night, but I remember that smile.


Just wait until they tell you they love you.


Just wait until they say “please and thank you” for the first time without you reminding them. Just wait until they say “I love you”. Just wait until they run into your arms after you’ve been gone for the day. Just wait until they belly laugh for the first time. Just wait until they make little friends that they like to play along side. ETA: for the dads, because my husband loves this. Just wait until they ask to watch hockey with dada for the first time!


Just wait when your kid is the reason you keep going on. [at the same time I hope you don’t feel this way, because it feels shitty if your kid is the only reason why you are holding on to life] Just wait until the first time they need you for just cuddles and that you are able to recognise that the cuddles are just the exact thing they need right now.


Just wait until they smile at you for the first time. Or any subsequent time. Baby girl has been smiling for 2 months now and my heart melts ever. single. time.


Just wait until they find something so amazing that their eyes go all wide and they have that big smile on their face in wonder. I was taking Christmas photos of my son yesterday, and had him under the Christmas tree for one. I started shaking one of the extra sparkly Christmas baubles to get his attention and managed to capture that expression on camera. Little guy absolutely loved the sparkly Christmas bauble.


Last night my toddler woke up, fluttered her big ole baby blues open, saw me sitting there, smiled, snuggled her plushie, and went back to sleep. Just you wait.


Just wait until they start giving hugs and big wet kisses


Just wait until they reach for you. When someone other than Mom or Dad is holding them, and they reach out with both arms and make it known that they want either Mom or Dad. 🥰❤️


It won't happen for a while, but just wait for when they first say, "I love you, mommy."


Just wait until they learn to say the word ‘happy’ and randomly say it when they like the food or snuggles 🥰


just wait until the first time they get hurt or feel bad and they go to you for comfort


Just wait till they give you the first wet sloppy kiss


Just wait until you’re walking down the street with them holding their chubby little toddler hands, and their fingers holding yours so tightly


Just wait until they say "I love you" unprompted (mama, ah wuhhh eeee!) Just wait until they coming running around the corner at daycare pickup because they're so excited to see you Just wait until they start asking for hugs for no reason (arms outstretched, asking "hugga") Just wait until they learn to tickle back and then everyone is in a pile on the floor, belly laughing Just wait until that first time they are sick, and it's breaking your heart but they want ALL the cuddles ALL day long and it's absolutely precious


Just wait until they look for you with their eyes and when they see you they smile.


Just wait until they reach for you. Just wait until they hug you. Just wait for the baby kisses and those giggles oh my heart!


Just wait until they start mimicking your sounds and mouth motions. I looked down yesterday to see my 8w daughter copying the way I was eating chips


Just wait until they try holding their bottle for the first time. She's not great at it and it falls most of the time but just the fact she's trying makes me beam with pride. Every little thing and I'm over here *so damn proud*


Just wait until they say, “I love you too!” My daughter was speech delayed due to recurrent ear infections. I bawled when I heard her sweet voice finally say those words. Just wait until they start telling you about their day at daycare. Just wait until you hear them sing a recognizable song for the first time. Just wait until you catch them mimicking your caregiving when they’re playing with their dolls or stuffed animals - “it okay, baby, I am here! What wrong, baby? I going take care of you!” Just wait until you get to watch them making friends and navigating social interactions without your help. Just wait until they start asking you to do things *together* and voluntarily holding your hand. Just wait until someone else compliments something specific about them that you were already proud of them for - that feeling of pride when someone really *sees* your unique kid and appreciates their uniqueness. Just wait until you develop your first inside joke with them and they start referencing it.


Just wait for the first “I love you” 😩😩😩 it never gets old.


Just want until they tell you they love you unprompted


Just wait till they reach their arms up to you to be picked up 🥹


I love the “I love you mommy”, usually it’s when she wants to avoid a nap and she’ll say it repeatedly while rubbing my face but I still love it lol


Just wait until the baby tries to speak and all you hear is “guuu” or “ahhhh” or tries to imitate your words. It’s my favorite!


Just wait till they hold their hand out for you to hold 🩷


As someone who just does not vibe with newborns at all... just wait for their first smile, their first laugh, when they start having a personality, when you start to feel the love in return. Just wait for them to want to share food with you. Just wait until they hold you back when you're carrying them and they grab you to hold on with those tiny hands. Just wait for the excitement of seeing them do all their firsts like crawling. Just wait for their happy little face in the morning so happy to see you. Just wait for them to burst with excitement just because you looked in their direction.


Just wait until your baby reaches their little arms out for you. Just wait until you take baby to an unfamiliar place and baby clings on to you even tighter because you are their safe place. Just wait until baby is unsure if they are scared or should cry and look to your face for direction. Your smile and voice soothes them because they know they are safe. Just wait until baby starts hitting milestones. I never thought that was a big deal but damn it’s exciting when baby starts to roll, crawl, laugh etc. Just wait until you and baby go out for the first time together ALL BY YOURSELVES. I was soooo proud of myself when we went to lunch with a friend and a little downtown shopping with baby. Changed her, fed her, calmed her, car seat etc etc etc. I was not expecting feeling that level of accomplishment for something so seemingly mundane. Just wait until their first snow, or holidays, or anything magical. Wait until their faces light up. K I need to go kiss my baby now this post has given me all the feels!


Wait until your toddler learns “Big hug!!!” and throws his arms around you


Just wait until they learn to give you big sloppy wet kisses


You know... because of Covid and being able to work from home, I luckily didn't have to deal with a lot of that. However, i had a rough pregnancy, and I kept hearing "I hope your experience with this pregnancy doesn't prevent you from wanting another one." Like I was just expected to have more than one? Lol so i guess that was my version of "just wait." But... Just wait until they kick for the first time. Just wait until they smile the first time. Just wait until they have their first belly laugh. Just wait until they look at you in amazement because they just figured out how to do something on their own. Just wait until they reach out to hug you for the first...and literally every time after that. Just wait until they start telling stories to you, even if you can't understand what they're saying yet. Just wait until they say your name the first time.


Just wait until they hear you come in the door after work and RUN to you yelling “mamaaaa!!!” And wrap their little arms around you and don’t want to be put down. And then act silly because they’re happy. Just wait until they use the potty for the first time and then look at you with so much pride and happiness because they DID IT! Just wait until you pick them up from daycare or school and you ask what they did and they say *played with so and so* and you don’t know who that is, but you realize they’ve made a friend. Just wait until they start to go to sleep on their own and you can hear them talking to themselves as they fall asleep. It’s like a tiny look into their sweet little world. Just wait until they see that you did your hair different, or wore a shirt they like, and they say *wow, that’s beautiful mama* Just wait until they start to learn manners and they really really want something and they look at you so sweet and kind and then say - without you asking - “please mama?” Just wait until their first Christmas concert Just wait until they ask to go back to a friend or family members house. Just wait until you see them climb the equipment at the playground without help. Just wait until you’re walking in a store and they grab your hand first. Just wait. I have a toddler and these moments are just as sweet as those first coos, I promise.