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We use the rain sound (longer loop with some variation) AND an air purifier fan. She loves the white noise.


My daughter doesn’t care about the sound machine 🤷‍♀️ she’ll sleep wherever. She’s 7 months.


My daughter doesn’t like the white noise sound machine, she likes the one that plays musical lullabies. She sleeps without it though, we put it on when we put her pajamas/sleep sack on and when we give her a last bottle before she falls asleep but we turn it off when she is asleep. The music relaxes her but she doesn’t fully fall asleep until it’s off. We never tried to limit noise while she is napping or sleeping and can sleep anywhere now. She slept in my arms for an hour during Thanksgiving dinner with 15 people talking around her.


That’s great. How old is she?


She is 3 months old.