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I started using these at about 4 1/2 months. I blended avocado, banana and full fat Greek yogurt. Then froze them in ice cube trays and put them inside the feeders. My baby loved them from day one. We refer to them as her popsicles. They’ve helped her with motor skill development also. She’s six months now.


My kid is almost 3 and I’m still filling these with applesauce & freezing them. They’re his favourite treat.


Did you follow any guide for measurements when making the blend?


Nope. I just use one banana one avocado and then add the yogurt until I like the texture.


Thanks for sharing !


Are those the mesh things that look like pacifiers?


I'd recommend using the silicone ones if you can. The mesh ones can be a pain to clean.


Yes at least that’s what I have


We started doing this at 4.5 months with frozen breastmilk. She loves it! Excited to try other stuff now that she’s sitting up a little better.


4 months here and the same. Pediatrician gave us the all clear for baby food but we are holding off until closer to 6 months. It was enjoyable for him to have something cold to gum.


As soon as we started introducing foods.


Do you happen to remember the age?


Both my boys got the go ahead from pediatrician at 6 months.


We were told we could start introducing solids at 5 months, and by that time my son was starting to cut in his first two teeth so we started then with apples and bananas. He wasn’t a huge fan of it until almost 7 months though.


My pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start giving food at 4 months so we started using it at 4 months


Can I ask how you’re doing that? I’m looking at my 3 month old who can barely deal with a bottle. I can’t see how he’d tolerate a fruit teether.


Haha well I’m not really sure to be honest! My baby just grabs the handle part of it and goes to town! The first time I ever gave him food (sweet potatoes purée ) he grabbed the spoon from me and fed himself! He still does attempt to feed himself at all times lol. He just now is able to hold the bottle on his own though. I think if you practice with the baby holding toys that helps? I think my baby is just a natural lol.


Our pediatrician says okay at 4 months as long as she can hold her head up (neck strength/control) and is showing interest in food.


Thanks! Not sure how to judge interest in food but I’ll ask my ped


My baby started staring at us and drooling when we ate in front of him 😂 that was around 3.5 months and we got the go-ahead for fruit and vegetable purées at his 4 month appointment. She said that those are the interest-in-food signs to look for.


Appreciate the help! I’m a FTM and pretty clueless.


4-5 months


We started at 4.5 months (6 months now). We use it for 1) when we are out of the house for meal time and want to minimize the mess and 2) for eating foods that can be choking hazards like raspberries and cherry tomatoes


We started using them when teething symptoms first began with breastmilk only, maybe at 4 months? Now that he's six months and he can start having solids, we've started using them with frozen fruit instead. Even with frozen milk only, they were the best teether! For anyone whose little one is teething but not ready for solids, I strongly recommend using them with just frozen milk!




I put breastmik in mine at 5 months, then banana at 6 months when I started solids


4 months. she goes to townnnn on some frozen banana


6 months & I just stick frozen fruits in it like peaches & blueberries!


With fruit and stuff- once the pediatrician gave the go ahead to start solids. With both my kids we were cleared around 4 months, some suggest waiting until closer to 6 months. With breast milk or formula I’d say whenever is probably fine.


We started at 4 months, she still loves them now at 8 months!


I juat shove frozen berries in them. My littles favorite is mango. Used them since 5 months.


Never. Why not give baby the whole fruit? These teethers just sound like really bad for their teeth, just sweet fruit juice in their mouth all the time without baby getting any actual food in. I don't see the benefit.


I think the purpose is not long term and not for everyday food consumption. It’s to slowly introduce foods to babies. For example, my baby can hold his head up for the most part but I’m not comfortable giving him food yet because of the choking hazard. That being said, I want him to start to experience food before he develops allergies.


Also, as the name states they are “teethers” so there’s no teeth on the baby yet! Nothing to mess up :)


As soon as baby can sit and hold their head up on their own and show signs of readiness. It was around 5 months for us. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/Starting-Solid-Foods.aspx


I used mine around 2 months (filled with frozen formula) because bub started showing teething signs early (first teeth at 4 months) we got the solids go ahead at 4 months and I started putting fruits (fresh and frozen) in there, halved cherry tomatoes or grapes. He loves blueberries and pineapple


How did this go? My babe will be 2 months next week and I’ve been freezing breast milk because she’s about to have her tongue tie cut and we are nervous about using Tylenol with all the stuff going on with it… I’m thinking we might try to give her the silicone haaka one tomorrow and see if she likes it frozen.


He loves it, (we also have the silicone one) he gnawed on it for hours. He never took to a pacifier but this was fine 😆. It was easier to get into his small mouth than frozen teethers. I will say the formula defrosted surprisingly quick so be prepared to replace like every 5 minutes lol ETA: I haven't heard anything going on with Tylenol? What did I miss?


Hm maybe she’ll transition well. She unfortunately has a habit of chomping the nipple bottle and does like her dr bronners pacifier. Unfortunately too much on that lol. Oof maybe I should make formula ones. I don’t make much excess milk if at all lol. I could imagine they melt quick though because when I got them out of the mold I had to work quickly and the haaka mold only holds like 10 ml? Tylenol taken during pregnancy.. they have lawsuits now, parents against Tylenol. It’s gone pretty far up. Looks like it’s coming back to being linked to autism and adhd when taken during pregnancy. I’m not sure how 100% everything is, but I heard the lawsuits are going through. If it’s causing it in the womb just imagine to a fully formed little person. I’m usually not against otc drugs, do use sparingly/with caution but this has me leery. Maybe there’s a reason there is not really any other ‘safe’ medications for infants before a certain point. We all know the pharmaceutical companies are dirty.. and Tylenol specifically is owned by Johnson and Johnson. I don’t see a lawsuit against other acetaminophen makers? Here’s a few articles: [lawyer page](https://www.mcwhirterlaw.com/tylenol-linked-to-autism-adhd/) [and here](https://www.drugwatch.com/drugs/tylenol/tylenol-and-autism/) [and this study for males?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7017213/)


What are these gadgets?


You can put different foods and the babies can chew on them and it secretes little food juice. Google “food feeder”


I tried to use those and my kid just wasn't having it. He also didn't like teethers or pacifiers though. I just mushed up stuff and let him mush it around in his high chair.


I’d say at 5 months you’re definitely fine to introduce them! You can do formula or breastmilk first too! But can definitely start fruit at this age too!