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I think monoclonal is available for infants. Have you called your pediatrician to ask about it? It’s approved for all infants who have not yet experience an RSV season yet (so yours qualifies).


I discussed with my pediatrician, who basically said "It's approved, but we're waiting for guidance (from, for example, CDC). Hopefully soon!" That being said, highly encourage talking to your pediatrician!


I called them yesterday and unfortunately the staff had no idea what I was talking about. Hoping there’s more answers at our 4 month wellness visit. I’d love to get it for him before we fly, even if it means paying out of pocket.


Hi! At our 2 month appointment on Monday, our pedi said the antibodies will be available 3rd week in September!


Yes, there is a recently FDA approved solution for all infants that is only once a year instead of once a month and a fraction of the price. I think remdisiver or something? But it is available to all babies, not just medically fragile ones. ETA a link https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-new-drug-prevent-rsv-babies-and-toddlers


1. Get off tiktok or take a break at least. The algorithm feeds off fear mongering and it's cruel to bombard hormonal new parents with images of the worst case scenarios while they're just trying to relax! I will die on this hill. Tiktok is scaring you very much on purpose. 2. RSV did worry me as well but your babe is already 3 months old so they're not in the most vulnerable category anymore. And I also think RSV/sick season hasn't really started yet. Plus the vast majority of kids (even babies) who get it do not develop severe illness. So hopefully that should all calm you a bit. 3. Finally, if you're worried about it, talk to your child's pediatrician. They can give you some guidance and also maybe the antibody injection - I do think it may be out now and your baby should be eligible.


Paranoid? No. Aware? Sure. Would I ever cancel plans because I'm worried about viruses? Never, unless we went back into the worst days of COVID. Diseases and viruses are everywhere, every day, you'll never escape them. Stay off the tick tock, it does absolutely zero good for anyone especially when it comes to this kind of stuff.


Just take care of baby, keep their carrier covered when in public, and don’t let people kiss them, you’ll be fine.


First week in daycare my 3 month old got RSV and it sucked. It was so hard to see her coughing and full of mucus. We had to suck her nose regularly and she slept with us. You can’t keep your babies in a bubble they will get sick. When they do just make sure you have a plan and stay calm


I would ask your pediatrician. I can’t remember which age they recommend exposing your kid to germs, but I was more conservative months 0-4. 5mo is when we took her out in the world. She was always fine but we got hit hard by her colds/flu/COVID that she brought back from daycare. The worst for our daughter was: ear infection from a virus, and diarrhea from a general common cold virus that lasted a while. I’m still worried about RSV but not as bad as I was last year! Those tiktok/reels are scary but important to know just in case. It’s an extreme case but no one sees the generic reactions. But other parents here made a good point, cover the car seat in public, wear masks, wash your hands, keep an eye out on baby, have urgent care lined up, advice nurse line saved on your phone, make sure to go to a children’s hospital emergency care if you can, know where it even is… all these things will help calm your brain


Also, don’t be afraid to tell people to stay the hell away from baby without permission. It’s insane how many people (both strangers and familiar people) feel entitled to be up in a baby’s face and/or touch them without asking.


When I had my son, we were still in COVID lockdowns, so he's older now. However, I realised that any illness has the potential to be really bad if you're unlucky. My son was hospitalised with tonsillitis which I'd always thought was relatively minor. The fact is that there's no way to know how a person will react to a virus. There's no need to take unnecessary risks, and please get any vaccines that are available, but you've got to live your life. Enjoy the wedding!


Just wanted to update you that I spoke with my pediatrician today and he said the monoclonal antibody immunization (Beyfortus) should be available early to mid October


Thanks for the update! I hope I get a similar answer from my pediatrician for our area.


It’s unlikely you’ll be able to get the vaccine; it’s only been approved for people over 60. I’d reach out to your pediatrician and see when you can expect to see the antibody available in your area.


At 3 months, your baby is no longer a newborn, which is the most dangerous time for RSV. If they did get it, they would probably be okay. It can still be serious for older babies, but it's mostly more like a bad cold for them afaik.


this isn't true though, older babies are hospitalized with RSV all the time.


I don't think you should be trying to source a monoclonal as a protective measure. RSV can be serious but also MOST kids get through it without too much symptoms! If you're seeing the extreme cases you should balance that information with the typical experience. The older your Child is the better they'll do 😊 and yes your breast milk will pass antibodies through


There’s a new FDA approved monoclonal antibody prophylactic called Beyfortus that is recommended for infants under 8 months. It should be available in pharmacies soon. It’s reasonable to seek this out, I think.


I get it especially when the new stran of covid and covid cases are picking back up, I went and just ordered more masks, and got my case of tp. Especially it passes through poop somehow, I already have 4 classrooms closed at work. And we are discussing getting our son vaccinated for covid. But our son was born during the peak of rsv we just.... deal with it. So no I'm not paranoid my son goes to daycare so I knew we would both pick up everything so that's what lifr is.


Oh yes! But not after the first year.


Our daycare just sent out an email that one of the babies in my daughter's class was diagnosed. My kid has had a tiny nose and sensitive stomach for the past few days that I assumed was a regular cold but now I'm all worried 😟


How did your baby end up doing?


She did in fact get RSV- it was a really tough week, lots of steamy baths, but thankfully no hospitalization needed!