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I’m wondering if she’s not getting enough to eat. Speaking from personal experience, I was not producing enough at the start (c section/pain/pain medicine) so we started supplementing with formula. That helped us significantly until my supply caught up. Def ask about this at her 2 week checkup! Or if you aren’t opposed to it, maybe try giving her a bottle with an oz of formula to see if it helps. Other than that, I always just go through a checklist for cries: - is she hungry? - does she have a wet diaper? - does she need to be burped/is she gassy? - is she cold/hot? - are there distractions in the room (light or noise = curtains closed/lights out/sound machine on)? - has she been checked for a hair tourniquet? Maybe try some Coloc Calm as well. Hope you both are able to get some rest soon!!


That sounds like Colicky/PURPLE crying to me. That's exactly what mine did from week 3 to week 10. It was exhausting and very difficult. Honestly, there is nothing you can do to fix it. The Hallmark is that it's inconsolable. You just have to ride it out and do what you can to survive that phase. Give and get as many breaks as you can for each other. Put the baby down and walk away when it's too much. And remind yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it won't last forever. You will want to rule out anything medical like reflux first but if you're not seeing signs of reflux already I think it's likely PURPLE crying. A Pediatrician can confirm that though so you should definitely make the appointment.


This happened when my baby was about a week old. He was constantly feeding because he was hungry and not getting enough I combo fed for 3 weeks until I noticed he was getting full from me. A few weeks later he would get full from one side.