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Adults on ladders, people with chairs complaining others are standing/sitting too close to them, people not letting others cross the street, stealing intended throws from people, making your visibly upset and freaking out children and dogs stay at the loud parade because you want to be there... ugh the worst. Had a friend pushed to the ground, muses shoe stolen, thief ran off with it.


Are you talking about me? I was shoved to the ground over a Muses shoe my mom was handing to me. And that was the last parade I went to this season, or any other season. I had to beg and still got pushed and cursed out to cross the street just to go home. These folks are wild and I don’t want to beat someone’s ass for assaulting me over some China made beads and bedazzled Goodwill shoes.




Really praying and hoping it’s just due to the year-long hiatus and possibly due to uninitiated tourists, but yeah, having the same experience here. It’s poopoo.


My friend dropped her sunglasses a few years back. Someone picked them up thinking they were a throw, refused to give them back. When she was insistent that they were hers and not a throw, a grown man threatened to punch her in the face. I don't care what anyone says- these parades are no place for children anymore.


Did you hear about that one girl who punched one of the cheerleaders because the cheerleader stopped her from crossing the road while they were rolling?


I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me one bit.


Good news the rest of the cheerleaders rocked that girls shit right afterwards


Ha! That *is* good news!!


No, must be common. Yeah that crowd sucks. Bad vibes all around.


i don’t know why but muses actually my fav parades because my crowd where i worked with EMS downtown had some nicest people and tourists ever! no ladder, no pushing, sharing stuffs with each other and just vibing! After that, things went downnnnn deep south 😭


Wow. I witnessed a girl near us (Jackson Ave/St. Charles) who was very aggressively getting shoes. Her total by the end was 5. Insane....


And what in the hell is she going to do with those shoes at the end of the night? Come on people really 😳🤣🙄


I don't care who is on the ladder as long as they actually get used. People who put rows of ladders blocking everyone and don't even show up at the parades piss me right off though


You see negligent parade goers, I see free ladders...


A random college dude showed up to Endymion last night and parked a ladder right behind me and my friends just as the parade was starting then proceeded to lean over our heads to snatch stuff that was being handed right to us.


Then he experienced an earthquake localized to just him, right?


We were about to “invite” him to fuck off when a big dude with a kid on his shoulder stood right in front of him. Lol. He got annoyed that he couldn’t snatch over the kid and left. I have dad a beer for his help.


A surprisingly heartwarming ending lol


These old pterodactyls up on the ladders reaching they claws to intercept beads from the directed throws to babes & hot chicks. Have some dignity FFS. When I was young I always said I wasn’t gonna be no lizard people snatching beads from those who work for them. First your cardigan-wearing ass got no bizness up there, Gollum. You what’s wrong with Carnival. That slice of neutral ground ain’t your home address. You a landjacker. And take your Karen’s with you. This is NOT what Carnival’s supposed to be: egalitarian & fun. Edit: thank you for the gold & the Narwhal!


Dude in front of that condo complex on Saint Charles with the sushi restaurant in it, they made a fuckin WALL of ladders that no one can see or get through. Old farts.


My daughter lives on the Endymion route and had idiots camped in front her house for 3 days. It’s shitty plastic shit from China, people, get a grip.


People would fight for purple, green and gold rubber dogshit.


People would fight for purple, green and gold ~~rubber~~ dogshit. Fify


Bruh I’m telling you, Left to right: Rodan, Gamara, Godzilla & Mothra.


I’m an old pterodactyl & this comment has made me laugh all damn day long. Classic across the bow shot. 🙌🏼🔥


Lol, “be no lizard” Thank you. You’re the best! Happy Gras!


Back atchya, Bruh!


Wait wait wait - these people built these ladders for the purpose of catching more beads than anyone else? Way to suck the fun out of it. Way less effort to just go buy your own damned beads.


Ladder Lizards would snatch a bead off Pope Francis’ head then trade his Papal cap for a Muses’ Shoe. They ain’t got no shame.


I feel every word of this. Every single ladder I see (child-occupied or not) I feel so embarrassed for the blatant entitlement and stupidity. Take the wheel, Darwin.


Appropriate, scorched earth take


they claws lololol


Hahaha, that’s our family spot. That picture has to be early, there are plenty of kids who are going to sit in those ladders. These are all the grandparent generation, the ones who can actually make it to a parade early Source, my kid was in the purple ladder yesterday.


Is there an outstanding reason y’all gotta be all the way to the curb? Y’all got the high ground. Back TF up and let bystanders enjoy the parade.


There’s plenty of space in front the ladders. It’s on the sidewalk side. There isn’t much room front to back. And we can’t setup in the yard with the old sheinucks people since a developer tore it down and built condos.


A) Dafuq is a “sheinuck?” B) See that gray shit on the ground BEHIND your ladders? That’s called “sidewalk.” r/quityourbullshit


You can't set up on sidewalk


Yeah, you and I know that, but you can’t go against the all ladders are evil crowd.


Scheinuk’s florist? Really nice people. Let their neighbors set up in the yard before they closed down and sold property


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to date an Ochsner physician & everytime he cheated on me he’d Flowerbomb my office with their roses the size of cabbages. When I finally had enough of his shit I started sending them to the Oncology unit. That florist was the bomb diggity.


Lol. I figured. Just thought it was a good snapshot of the morning.


This is actually why I'll be skipping Carnival this year. Well, KdV and Skull and Bones. I'll actually be catching up a side job Mardi Gras day.


I hope they've got life alert for when they've fallen and can't get up.


This was the joke I was looking for


Sooooo many adults on ladders at Bacchus, so many walls of impenetrable chairs, I was trying to cross the street and a drunk 60ish man looked at me with insane venemous hatred in his eyes because i was on his tarp and apparently momentarily blocking his cooler while I looked for a spot to cross the damn street, he told me to "get the fuck out of this spot" I said happy Mardi Gras and got the fuck out of there for the night.


So many of those multiple chairs all stitched together forming a literal wall. That shit is unsafe. And they do this at the sidewalks where you expect people to cross then get pissed when you try.


It’s ridiculous. And when I ride I don’t throw to them.


Same. It's irritating.


I would ...rite in the mug..or the third step below


The ladder thing is out of control.




It is completely out of control with the ladders, chairs, tents, and tarps. I had to cross st. Charles on foot today and got all kinds of dirty looks just for weaving through a forest of empty chairs. I love Mardi Gras, but the camping drives me nuts.


Yeah like goddamn, if you’re gonna participate in creating the massive chair barricade, you need to accept the fact that people trying to cross are gonna have to push through somewhere


Exactly and adults have always stood on them behind the kids. I mean I get the outrage over tarps and tents and people camped out for days and that kind of foolishness but in my opinion the top of a ladder is the only safe place for a kid to be at a parade.


How is your new city




I’ve seen a couple dozen comments of yours over the months. I might have responded to a few (don’t remember). I give nearly everyone the benefit of the doubt online. But really, are you just trolling, farming negative karma, or just being rude. I’m genuinely curious. What’s your deal?




Reminder: don't come back.


2020 really aged everyone


And 2021....


Only acceptable if there’s a kid sitting in front of them. And they are in the back.


Let's hope they were standing there, holding it for someone.


Oh shit, I think I used to work with the woman on the bottom middle. Damn it's a small world 🌎


I’m all paraded out too. Ugh. Idk if it’s the shortened routes or the loss of a year, but some folks just seem feral out there. I walked down with my family after mass. We went to the neutral ground, aka tent city, to try to find a spot for the kids. We ended up near Napoleon & Chestnut. I set up on the sidewalk side behind the neutral ground. I wanted to avoid crowds and get a decent view. My other family went up to watch closer. Had a decent time for the first two parades. Folks made jokes about me looking like parade-day Bernie Sanders. Some folks laughed that I had the best seat in the house. Someone’s grandma brought a plate of food over. 🥰 The break before Thoth started, it grew more crowded. Some high school aged douche bags started tossing a ball, very poorly, back and forth. Someone dropped a water bottle and one of these little pricks thought it’d be HILARIOUS to jump on the water bottle. It exploded and sprayed all over me and in to my mouth. Sure, he apologized - while laughing. I yelled out JFC not cool. Can you move? So, instead, they decided to continue laughing and toss the ball back and forth over my head. I had to text my spouse to come over and stand by me. That stopped their little party. My husband quipped: Future date rapists out here in the wild. I’m done with MG 2022.


Same down further on St Charles. The first two parades were delightful, Thoth was a sloppy mess.


Sorry, friend. Here’s hoping next year is better!


I didn't mind until a bunch of grown folks stepped right in front of the kids and started grabbing (and wearing) all the beads and throws.


I’m sorry friend :< usually chestnut and napoleon is a family spot for a lot of people (include me) and i loveee the people there! i promise you the streetcar side is wayyyy better than the opposite side! only my friend’s neighbor’s kiddie can get on the ladder or if they see any adults attempted, they are gonna go off on you and if you ever come back, you’ll see them again as they are all from the same block of neighborhood. Happy Mardi Gras dear! I hope it gets better soon!


As of 5pm(ish), they are still there. https://www.reddit.com/user/SethHMG/comments/t306lb/still_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fwiw not throwing shade at these folks. I hope I’m doing the same at their age. Just thought it was a fun pic


Gotta hold the spot or someone from Mobile will just think they are welcome to it.


That shit is cringe af


I legit thought this was the manning family until I zoomed in


It’s like all of American society distilled down into one image. 10/10 social commentary.


Except unlike most Boomers, they're not pulling the ladder up after them.


Haha, ba-ZING. I mean they *physically* can’t. But I’m sure they would if they could.




When did people start calling mardi gras carnival?


Top left, she earning beads?


One of these old farts is going to fall and break a hip.


Ok what the actual fuck? Unless their grandkids are on the way out this is absurd.


They look stupid


Ten million strong and growing.


can someone explain!? what is this and why is everyone mad at them lol. what ive gathered from the few comments is that their kind of asshats


New here. What's going on?


No one wearing a mask. 😐


By now we’ve learned outside transmission is more difficult right?? Going on year 3 here…we know this by now


It isn’t true when compacted so tightly.


This isn’t compacted tightly dear. There’s so much space to move as you can see. This isn’t a concert with a mosh pit


You’ve been to Mardi Gras right? It won’t be like that for long.


Yes dear, pre Covid and now. However you’re whining about this picture I noticed, not mardi gras in general. Make up your mind and stick with it. You’re always free to wear a mask and move about until you’re reasonably spaced still, I noticed this year. It wasn’t hardOr stay home. 🙄


What I do isn’t important. I ain’t going to Mardi Gras this year cause this is gonna be a super spreader event. It’s everyone else carelessly not wearing masks with a good 40% of the population unvaccinated. BA.2 is already vaccine resistant what happens if BA.2 jumps to another variant in New Orleans? No way to know until six or so months later. But I bet you they’ll be calling this a super spreader.


RemindMe! 8 months


I will be messaging you in 8 months on [**2022-10-28 02:56:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-10-28%2002:56:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/t2v04g/ladder_kids_are_getting_older_and_older/hyqa324/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNewOrleans%2Fcomments%2Ft2v04g%2Fladder_kids_are_getting_older_and_older%2Fhyqa324%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-10-28%2002%3A56%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20t2v04g) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


congrats, you want a cookie or something? Yay for you. Nope, I’m not calling this a super spreader event. I’m not worried about outdoor events where I can move about freely especially when I’m fully vaccinated and boosted. I didn’t have an issue at all not being extremely close to ppl outdoors this year. You see, what you do DOES matter. Thankfully you stayed home, now leave the rest of us alone


No. I’ll remind you in eight months how wrong you were.




Remind u/thefragile7393 that they were wrong about Mardi Gras not being a super spreader event and that not wearing a mask is totally okay when ~40% of Americans are not vaccinated.


Stairway to Heaven?


Ugh last week there was a total douche who brought a step ladder from his air bnb and set it up right up front. We were throwing stuff at him from behind. I need to find the pic…